# [Android Components](../../../README.md) > Service > Pocket A library for easily getting Pocket recommendations that transparently handles downloading, caching and periodically refreshing Pocket data. Currently this supports: - Pocket recommended stories. - Pocket sponsored stories. ## Usage 1. For Pocket recommended stories: - Use `PocketStoriesService#startPeriodicStoriesRefresh` and `PocketStoriesService#stopPeriodicStoriesRefresh` as high up in the client app as possible (preferably in the Application object or in a single Activity) to ensure the background story refresh functionality works for the entirety of the app lifetime. - Use `PocketStoriesService.getStories` to get the current list of Pocket recommended stories. 2. For Pocket sponsored stories: - Use `PocketStoriesService#startPeriodicSponsoredStoriesRefresh` and `PocketStoriesService#stopPeriodicSponsoredStoriesRefresh` as high up in the client app as possible (preferably in the Application object or in a single Activity) to ensure the background story refresh functionality works for the entirety of the app lifetime. - Use `PocketStoriesService.getSponsoredStories` to get the current list of Pocket recommended stories. - Use `PocketStoriesService,recordStoriesImpressions` to try and persist that a list of sponsored stories were shown to the user. (Safe to call even if those stories are not persisted). - Use `PocketStoriesService.deleteProfile` to delete all server stored information about the device to which sponsored stories were previously downloaded. This may include data like network ip and application tokens. ##### Pacing and rotating: A new `PocketSponsoredStoryCaps` is available in the response from `PocketStoriesService.getSponsoredStories` which allows checking `currentImpressions`, `lifetimeCount`, `flightCount`, `flightPeriod` based on which the client can decide which stories to show. All this is based on clients calling `PocketStoriesService,recordStoriesImpressions` to record new impressions in between application restarts. ### Setting up the dependency Use Gradle to download the library from [maven.mozilla.org](https://maven.mozilla.org/) ([Setup repository](../../../README.md#maven-repository)): ```Groovy implementation "org.mozilla.components:service-pocket:{latest-version}" ``` ## License This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/