# [Android Components](../../../README.md) > Browser > Menu 2 A generic menu with customizable items primarily for browser toolbars. This replaces the [browser-menu](../menu) component with a new API using immutable objects, designed to work well with [lib-state](../../lib/state). ## Usage ### Setting up the dependency Use Gradle to download the library from [maven.mozilla.org](https://maven.mozilla.org/) ([Setup repository](../../../README.md#maven-repository)): ```Groovy implementation "org.mozilla.components:browser-menu2:{latest-version}" ``` ### MenuController The menu controller is used to control the items in the menu as well as displaying the menu popup. Sample code can be found in [Sample Toolbar app](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/tree/main/samples/toolbar). There are multiple properties that you customize of the browser menu by just adding them into your dimens.xml file. ```xml 4dp 4dp 250dp 8dp ``` Options displayed in the menu are configured by using a list of `MenuCandidate` objects. The list of options can be sent to the menu by calling `MenuController#submitList()`. To change the displayed options, simply call `submitList` again with a new list. ## License This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/