75 lines
3.2 KiB
75 lines
3.2 KiB
include ':app'
include ':mozilla-detekt-rules'
include ':mozilla-lint-rules'
def log(message) {
logger.lifecycle("[settings] ${message}")
def runCmd(cmd, workingDir, successMessage, captureStdout=true) {
def proc = cmd.execute(null, new File(workingDir))
def standardOutput = captureStdout ? new ByteArrayOutputStream() : System.out
proc.consumeProcessOutput(standardOutput, System.err)
if (proc.exitValue() != 0) {
throw new GradleException("Process '${cmd}' finished with non-zero exit value ${proc.exitValue()}");
} else {
return captureStdout ? standardOutput : null
// Local Development overrides
Properties localProperties = null
String settingAppServicesPath = "autoPublish.application-services.dir"
String settingAndroidComponentsPath = "autoPublish.android-components.dir"
if (file('local.properties').canRead()) {
localProperties = new Properties()
log('Loaded local.properties')
} else {
log('Missing local.properties; see https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/blob/main/README.md#local-properties-helpers for instructions.')
if (localProperties != null) {
localProperties.each { prop ->
gradle.ext.set("localProperties.${prop.key}", prop.value)
String appServicesLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingAppServicesPath)
if (appServicesLocalPath != null) {
log("Enabling automatic publication of application-services from: $appServicesLocalPath")
// Windows can't execute .py files directly, so we assume a "manually installed" python,
// which comes with a "py" launcher and respects the shebang line to specify the version.
def publishAppServicesCmd = [];
if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
publishAppServicesCmd << "py";
publishAppServicesCmd << "./automation/publish_to_maven_local_if_modified.py";
runCmd(publishAppServicesCmd, appServicesLocalPath, "Published application-services for local development.", false)
} else {
log("Disabled auto-publication of application-services. Enable it by settings '$settingAppServicesPath' in local.properties")
String androidComponentsLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingAndroidComponentsPath)
if (androidComponentsLocalPath != null) {
log("Enabling automatic publication of android-components from: $androidComponentsLocalPath")
// As above, hacks to execute .py files on Windows.
def publishAcCmd = [];
if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
publishAcCmd << "py";
publishAcCmd << "./automation/publish_to_maven_local_if_modified.py";
runCmd(publishAcCmd, androidComponentsLocalPath, "Published android-components for local development.", false)
} else {
log("Disabled auto-publication of android-components. Enable it by settings '$settingAndroidComponentsPath' in local.properties")