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  • Commits

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-menu

    • Added endOfMenuAlwaysVisible property/parameter to BrowserMenuBuilder constructor and to BrowserMenu.show function. When is set to true makes sure the bottom of the menu is always visible, this allows use cases like #3211.


  • Commits

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • service-firefox-accounts

    • FxaAccountManager will is now able to complete re-authentication flow after encountering an auth problem (e.g. password change)
    • FxaAccountManager will now attempt to automatically recover from a certain class of temporary auth problems.
    • FirefoxAccount grew a new method: checkAuthorizationStatusAsync, used to facilitate above flows.
    • It is no longer necessary to pass in the "profile" scope to FxaAccountManager, as it will always obtain it regardless. Specifying that scope has no effect.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change: FirefoxAccount methods that used to take Array<String> of scopes now take Set<String> of scopes.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • samples-firefox-accounts

    • Switch FxA sample to production servers, fix pairing.
  • service-firefox-accounts

    • FxaAccountManager will is now able to complete re-authentication flow after encountering an auth problem (e.g. password change)
    • FxaAccountManager will now attempt to automatically recover from a certain class of temporary auth problems.
    • FirefoxAccount grew a new method: checkAuthorizationStatusAsync, used to facilitate above flows.
    • It is no longer necessary to pass in the "profile" scope to FxaAccountManager, as it will always obtain it regardless. Specifying that scope has no effect.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change: FirefoxAccount methods that used to take Array<String> of scopes now take Set<String> of scopes.
  • browser-domains

    • New domain autocomplete providers ShippedDomainsProvider and CustomDomainsProvider that should be used instead of deprecated DomainAutoCompleteProvider.
  • service-glean

    • The length limit on labels in labeled metrics has been increased from 30 to 61 characters. See 1556684.
    • Timespan metrics have a new API for setting the timespan directly: sumRawNanos and setRawNanos.
  • support-base

    • Fixed multiple potential leaks in ObserverRegistry (used internally by many classes in other components like SessionManager, EngineSession and others).
  • browser-icons

    • Fixed possible NullPointerException when disk cache is written to concurrently.
  • lib-crash

    • Crash reports sent to Sentry now contain optional environment information, if a parameter is passed.
  • browser-session

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change: Added url parameter to Session.Observer.onLoadRequest().
  • support-ktx

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change: Removed Drawable.toBitmap() in favour of the Android Core KTX version.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change: Removed Context.systemService() in favour of the Android Core KTX version.
  • browser-session

    • Added Session.hasParentSession to indicate whether a Session was opened from a parent Session such as opening a new tab from a link context menu ("Open in new tab").
  • feature-app-links

    • Add a flag to allow the app to not detect an external app if the user has told android to use the browser as default.
    • Turn off interception of web links.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-search

    • SearchEngineManager.load() is deprecated. Use SearchEngineManager.loadAsync() instead.
  • browser-menu

    • Fixed a bug where overscroll effects would appear on the overflow menu.
    • Added enter and exit animations.
  • browser-session

    • Added handler for onWebAppManifestLoaded to update session.webAppManifest.
    • Moved WebAppManifest to concept-engine.
  • concept-engine

    • Added onWebAppManifestLoaded to EngineSession, called when the engine finds a web app manifest.
    • Added WebAppManifest from browser-session.
  • concept-sync, service-accounts

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking behavior change: API changes to facilitate error handling; new method on AccountObserver interface.
    • Added onAuthenticationProblems observer method, used for indicating that account needs to re-authenticate (e.g. after a password change).
    • FxaAccountManager gained a new method, accountNeedsReauth, that could be used for the same purpose.
    • DeviceConstellation methods that returned Deferred<Unit> now return Deferred<Boolean>, with a success flag.
    • OAuthAccount methods that returned Deferred values now have an Async suffix in their names.
    • OAuthAccount and DeviceConstellation methods that returned Deferred<T> (for some T) now return Deferred<T?>, where null means failure.
    • FirefoxAccount, FirefoxDeviceConstellation and FirefoxDeviceManager now handle all expected FxAException.
    • Fixes device name not changing in FxaDeviceConstellation after setDeviceNameAsync is called.
  • engine-gecko-nightly, engine-gecko-beta, engine-system, concept-engine

    • Added EngineView.canScrollVerticallyUp() for pull to refresh.
    • Added engine API to clear browsing data.
  • browser-storage-sync

    • recordVisit and recordObservation will no longer throw when processing invalid URLs.
    // Clear all browsing data
    // Clear all caches
    // Clear cookies only for the provided host
    engine.clearData(BrowsingData.select(BrowsingData.COOKIES), host = "mozilla.org")
  • engine-system:

    • Added EngineView.canScrollVerticallyUp() for pull to refresh.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • This component now has a hard dependency on the new universal GeckoView build that is no longer architecture specific (ARM, x86, ..). With that apps no longer need to specify the GeckoView build themselves and synchronize the used version with Android Components. Additionally apps can now make use of APK splits or Android App Bundles (AAB).
  • service-glean

    • Disabling telemetry through setUploadEnabled now clears all metrics (except first_run_date) immediately.
    • The string length limit for StringMetricType was raised from 50 to 100 characters.
  • feature-session

    • Added SwipeRefreshFeature which adds pull to refresh to browsers.
  • feature-tab-collections

    • Added option to remove all collections and their tabs: TabCollectionStorage.removeAllCollections().
  • feature-media

    • Added RecordingDevicesNotificationFeature to show an ongoing notification while recording devices (camera, microphone) are used by web content.
  • concept-push

    • 🆕 Added a new component for supporting push notifications.
  • lib-push-firebase

    • 🆕 Added a new component for Firebase Cloud Messaging push support.
    class FirebasePush : AbstractFirebasePushService()
    • In your Manifest you need to make the service visible:
    <service android:name=".FirebasePush">
          <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
  • feature-sync

    • Fixed a bug that caused the Sync Manager to crash on initial startup cases.
  • feature-push

    • 🆕 Added a new component for Autopush messaging support.
    class Application {
      override fun onCreate() {
    class Services {
      val push by lazy {
        val config = PushConfig(
          senderId = "my-app",
          serverHost = "push.services.mozilla.com",
          serviceType = ServiceType.FCM,
          protocol = Protocol.HTTPS
        // You need to use a supported push service (Firebase is one of them).
        val pushService = FirebasePush()
        AutoPushFeature(context, pushService, config).also { it.initialize() }
    class MyActivity {
      override fun onCreate() {
        services.push.registerForSubscriptions(object : PushSubscriptionObserver {
          override fun onSubscriptionAvailable(subscription: AutoPushSubscription) { }
        services.push.registerForPushMessages(PushType.Services, object: Bus.Observer<PushType, String> {
          override fun onEvent(type: PushType, message: String) { }
    • Checkout the component documentation for more details.
  • support-ktx

    • Added Context.hasCamera() to check if the device has a camera.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta, browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Merge day!
      • browser-engine-gecko-release: GeckoView 67.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-beta: GeckoView 68.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-nightly: GeckoView 69.0
  • ⚠️ Deprecated components: feature-session-bundling, ui-doorhanger, ui-progress (See blog posting).

  • service-pocket

    • Added PocketEndpointRaw and PocketJSONParser for low-level access.
  • browser-menu

    • Added BrowserMenuHighlightableItem. Its highlight property allows you to set the background and an image that appears on the right.
  • feature-findinpage

    • Find in Page Bar now displays 0/0 for no matches found with new attr findInPageNoMatchesTextColor
  • feature-customtabs

    • Fixed a bug where menu actions would not work for all Custom Tab sessions.
  • support-test

    • Added testContext property for retrieving application context from tests.
  • browser-session

    • Added AllSessionsObserver helper that automatically subscribes and unsubscribes to all Session instances that get added/removed.
  • support-base

    • Added Build object that contains information about the current Android Components build (like version number and git hash).
  • lib-crash

    • Crash reports sent to Sentry now contain additional tags about the used Android Components version and setup (prefixed with "ac.").
  • browser-awesomebar, feature-awesomebar

    • Fixed an issue where SuggestionProvider.onInputChanged() was called before SuggestionProvider.onInputStarted().
    • Added ability for SuggestionProvider to return an initial list of suggestions from onInputStarted().
    • Modified ClipboardSuggestionProvider to already return a suggestions from onInputStarted() if the clipboard contains a URL.
  • feature-app-links

    • 🆕 New component: to detect and open links in other non-browser apps.
    • Use cases to parse intent:// URLs, query the package manager for activities and generate Play store URLs.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly, concept-engine:

    • Added EngineSession.Observer.onRecordingStateChanged() to get list of recording devices currently used by web content.
  • support-base

    • Added helper for providing unique stable Int notification ids based on a String tag to avoid id conflicts between components and app code.
    // Get a unique id for the provided tag
    val id = NotificationIds.getIdForTag(context, "mozac.my.feature")
    // Extension methods for showing and cancelling notifications
        .notify(context, "mozac.my.feature", notification)
        .cancel(context, "mozac.my.feature")


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • concept-engine, browser-engine-gecko-nightly and browser-engine-gecko-beta:

    • Added new policies for Safe Browsing: TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_MALWARE, TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_UNWANTED, TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_PHISHING, TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_HARMFUL and TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_ALL.
    • Added a new policy category : trackingProtectionPolicy.recommended() contains all the recommended policies categories. It blocks ads, analytics, social, test trackers, plus all the safe browsing policies.
  • browser-engine-system

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking behavior change: built-in WebView's on-screen zoom controls are hidden by default.
  • browser-icons

    • Added disk cache for icons.
  • feature-session:

    • Added EngineViewBottomBehavior: A CoordinatorLayout.Behavior implementation to be used with [EngineView] when placing a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This implementation will update the vertical clipping of the EngineView so that bottom-aligned web content will be drawn above the browser toolbar.
    • New use case SettingsUseCases.UpdateTrackingProtectionUseCase: Updates Tracking Protection for the engine and all open sessions.
  • feature-prompts and browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Now input type file are working.
  • browser-session

    • Fixed a bug where the title and icon of a Session was cleared too early.
  • browser-contextmenu

    • Added ability to provide a custom SnackbarDelegate to show a customized Snackbar.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • Migrated all components to AndroidX.

  • Upgraded Gradle to 5.3.1

    • ⚠️ This requires using the 1.3.30 Kotlin gradle plugin or higher.
  • feature-tab-collections

    • 🆕 New component: Feature implementation for saving, restoring and organizing collections of tabs.
  • feature-readerview

    • 🆕 New component/feature that provides reader mode functionality. To see a complete and working example of how to integrate this new component, check out the ReaderViewIntegration class in our Sample Browser.
        val readerViewFeature = ReaderViewFeature(context, engine, sessionManager, controlsView) { available ->
            // This lambda is invoked to indicate whether or not reader view is available
            // for the page loaded by the selected session (for the current tab)
        // To activate reader view
        // To deactivate reader view
        // To show the appearance (font, color scheme) controls
        // To hide the appearance (font, color scheme) controls
  • feature-readerview

    • Fix disappearing title in Custom Tab toolbar.
  • feature-sitepermissions

    • Added ability to configure default (checked/unchecked) state for "Remember decision" checkbox. Provide dialogConfig into SitePermissionsFeature for this. Checkbox is checked by default.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: anchorView property has been removed if you want to change the position of the prompts use the promptsStyling property.
    • Added new property context. It must be provided in the constructor.
    • Do not save new site permissions in private sessions.
    • Added sessionId property for adding site permissions on custom tabs.
    • Allow prompts styling via PromptsStyling
      data class PromptsStyling(
          val gravity: Int,
          val shouldWidthMatchParent: Boolean = false,
          val positiveButtonBackgroundColor: Int? = null,
          val positiveButtonTextColor: Int? = null
  • feature-customtabs

    • Fix session not being removed when the close button was clicked.
  • service-glean

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: Custom pings must be explicitly registered with Glean at startup time. See components/service/glean/docs/pings/custom.md for more information.
  • ui-autocomplete

    • Added an optional shouldAutoComplete boolean to setText which is currently used by updateUrl in EditToolbar.
  • browser-toolbar

    • Modified EditToolbar's updateUrl function to take a shouldAutoComplete boolean. By default a call to this function does not autocomplete. Generally you want to disable autocomplete when calling updateUrl if the text is a search term. See editMode in BrowserToolbar and setText in InlineAutocompleteEditText for more information.
  • browser-engine-system

    • Added support for Authentication dialogs on SystemEngineView.
  • concept-engine, browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Added suspendMediaWhenInactive setting to control whether media should be suspended when the session is inactive. The default is false.
    // To provide a default when creating the engine:
    GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(suspendMediaWhenInactive = true))
    // To change the value for a specific session:
    engineSession.settings.suspendMediaWhenInactive = true
  • service-firefox-accounts

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change:
    • OAuthAccount now has a new deviceConstellation method.
    • FxaAccountManager's constructor now takes a DeviceTuple parameter.
    • Added integration with FxA devices and device events.
    • First supported event type is Send Tab.
    • It's now possible to receive and send tabs from/to devices in the DeviceConstellation.
    • samples-sync application provides a detailed integration example of these new APIs.
    • Brief example:
    val deviceConstellationObserver = object : DeviceConstellationObserver {
      override fun onDevicesUpdate(constellation: ConstellationState) {
          // Process the following:
          // constellation.currentDevice
          // constellation.otherDevices
    val deviceEventsObserver = object : DeviceEventsObserver {
      override fun onEvents(events: List<DeviceEvent>) {
          events.filter { it is DeviceEvent.TabReceived }.forEach {
              val tabReceivedEvent = it as DeviceEvent.TabReceived
              // process received tab(s).
    val accountObserver = object : AccountObserver {
      // ... other methods ...
      override fun onAuthenticated(account: OAuthAccount) {
              observer = deviceConstellationObserver,
              owner = this@MainActivity,
              autoPause = true
    val accountManager = FxaAccountManager(
      Config.release(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL),
      arrayOf("profile", "https://identity.mozilla.com/apps/oldsync"),
          name = "Doc Example App",
          type = DeviceType.MOBILE,
          capabilities = listOf(DeviceCapability.SEND_TAB)
    accountManager.register(accountObserver, owner = this, autoPause = true)
    accountManager.registerForDeviceEvents(deviceEventsObserver, owner = this, autoPause = true)
  • feature-prompts

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change:
    • PromptFeature constructor adds an optional sessionId. This should use the custom tab session id if available.
  • browser-session

    • Added SessionManager.runWithSessionIdOrSelected(sessionId: String?) run function block on a session ID. If the session does not exist, then uses the selected session.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-awesomebar

    • Fixed an issue where new suggestions would leave you scrolled to the middle of the list
  • browser-errorpages

    • Added %backButton% replacement for buttons that need the text "Go Back" instead of "Try Again"
  • browser-session, browser-engine-gecko-nightly, browser-engine-system

    • Fixed an issue causing Session.searchTerms getting cleared to early. Now the search terms will stay assigned to the Session until a new request, triggered by a user interaction like clicking a link, started loading (ignoring redirects).
    • Added setting of desktop view port when requesting desktop site
  • feature-customtabs

    • Added fact emitting.
    • Bugfix to call with app-contributed pending intents from menu items and action buttons.
    • Added ability to decide where menu items requested by the launching app should be inserted into the combined menu by setting menuItemIndex
  • service-glean

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: Timespan and timing distribution metrics now have a thread-safe API. See adding-new-metrics.md for more information.
    • A method for sending metrics on custom pings has been added. See docs/pings/custom.md for more information.
  • concept-engine

    • Add boolean allowAutoplayMedia setting.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change:
    • Added new method to HistoryTrackingDelegate interface: shouldStoreUri(uri: String): Boolean.
    • VisitType is now part of HistoryTrackingDelegate's onVisited method signature
  • feature-session

    • HistoryDelegate now implements a blocklist of URI schemas.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Implement allowAutoplayMedia in terms of autoplayDefault.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change
    • Added API for bidirectional messaging between Android and installed web extensions:
         engine.installWebExtension(EXTENSION_ID, EXTENSION_URL,
              onSuccess = { installedExt -> it }
        val messageHandler = object : MessageHandler {
            override fun onPortConnected(port: Port) {
              // Called when a port was connected as a result of a
              // browser.runtime.connectNative call in JavaScript.
              // The port can be used to send messages to the web extension:
            override fun onPortDisconnected(port: Port) {
              // Called when the port was disconnected or the corresponding session closed.
            override fun onPortMessage(message: Any, port: Port) {
              // Called when a message was received on the provided port as a
              // result of a call to port.postMessage in JavaScript.
            override fun onMessage(message: Any, source: EngineSession?): Any {
              // Called when a message was received as a result of a
              // browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage call in JavaScript.
        // To listen to message events from content scripts call:
        installedExt.registerContentMessageHandler(session, EXTENSION_ID, messageHandler)
        // To listen to message events from background scripts call:
        installedExt.registerBackgroundMessageHandler(EXTENSION_ID, messageHandler)
  • browser-icons

    • Added an in-memory caching mechanism reducing disk/network loads.
  • browser-tabstray

    • Add TabThumbnailView to Tabs Tray show the top of the thumbnail and fill up the width of the tile.
    • Added swipe gesture support with a TabTouchCallback for the TabsTray.
  • concept-storage, browser-storage-memory, browser-storage-sync

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change
    • Added new method getVisitsPaginated; use it to paginate history.
    • Added excludeTypes param to getDetailedVisits; use it to query only subsets of history.
    • Added new getBookmarksWithUrl method for checking if a site is already bookmarked
    • Added new getBookmark method for obtaining the details of a single bookmark by GUID
  • browser-storage-sync

    • PlacesBookmarksStorage now supports synchronization!
  • support-utils

    • Add URLStringUtils to unify parsing of strings that may be URLs.
  • support-ktx

    • Add URLStringUtils isURLLike() and toNormalizedURL().
    • Update the implementation for String.isUrl() and String.toNormalizedUrl() to the new one above.
  • concept-sync

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change
    • OAuthAccount now has a new method registerPersistenceCallback.
  • service-fxa

    • FxaAccountManager is now using a state persistence callback to keep FxA account state up-to-date as it changes.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-toolbar

    • Added titleView to DisplayToolbar which displays the title of the page. Various options are able to modified such as titleTextSize, titleColor, and displayTitle. In custom tabs, the URL will now only display the hostname.
    • Changed UrlRenderConfiguration to include a RenderStyle parameter where you can specify how the URL renders
  • support-ktx

    • Added extension property Uri.isHttpOrHttps.
  • browser-icons

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: Creating a BrowserIcons instance requires a Client object (from concept-fetch) now.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly:

    • Added new content blocking category for fingerprinting: TrackingProtectionPolicy.FINGERPRINTING.
  • feature-findinpage

    • Find in Page now emits facts
  • feature-awesomebar

    • Added BookmarksStorageSuggestionProvider
  • browser-toolbar

    • Adds browserToolbarProgressBarGravity attr with options top and bottom (default).
    • Adds the ability to long click the urlView
  • service-glean

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: The technically public, but not intended for public use, part of the glean API has been renamed from mozilla.components.service.glean.metrics to mozilla.components.service.glean.private.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: Labeled metrics are now their own distinct metric types in the metrics.yaml file. For example, for a labeled counter, rather than using type: counter and labeled: true, use type: labeled_counter. See bugzilla 1540725.
  • concept-engine

    • Adds automaticLanguageAdjustment setting, which should hint to implementations to send language specific headers to websites. Implementation in browser-engine-gecko-nightly.
  • service-firefox-accounts

    • The service no longer accepts a successPath option. Instead the service uses the OAuth redirectUri.
  • support-base

    • Added optional callback to Consumable to get invoked once value gets consumed:
    val consumable = Consumable.from(42) {
      // Value got consumed.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • feature-contextmenu

    • Clicking on a context menu item now emits a fact
  • browser-awesomebar

    • DefaultSuggestionViewHolder now centers titles if no description is provided by the suggestion.
  • browser-engine-gecko-*

    • Added automaticFontSizeAdjustment engine setting for automatic font size adjustment, in line with system accessibility settings. The default is true.
    GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(automaticFontSizeAdjustment = true))
  • feature-awesomebar

    • Added optional icon parameter to SearchSuggestionProvider
  • feature-qr

    • 🆕 New component/feature that provides functionality for scanning QR codes.

        val qrFeature = QrFeature(
            fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
            onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
                requestPermissions(this, permissions, REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_PERMISSIONS)
            onScanResult = { qrScanResult ->
                // qrScanResult is a String (e.g. a URL) returned by the QR scanner
        // When ready to scan simply call
  • concept-storage

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change! for non-component implementations of HistoryStorage.
    • HistoryStorage got new API: deleteVisit.
  • browser-search

    • Imported list.json and search plugins from Fennec from 2019-03-29.
    • Added support for searchDefault and searchOrder.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: SearchEngineProvider.loadSearchEngines returns a new data class SearchEngineList (was List<SearchEngine>).
  • browser-storage-sync, browser-storage-memory

    • Implementations of concept-storage/HistoryStorage expose newly added deleteVisit.
  • browser-toolbar

    • Add TalkBack support for page load status.
    • Added option to add "edit actions" that will show up next to the URL in edit mode.
    • Added option to set a listener for clicks on the site security indicator (globe / lock icon).
    • The toolbar now emits a fact COMMIT when the user has edited the URL. More information.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Added new TrackingProtectionPolicy category for blocking cryptocurrency miners (TrackingProtectionPolicy.CRYPTOMINING).
  • support-ktx

    • Added Intent.toSafeIntent().
    • Added MotionEvent.use {} (like AutoCloseable.use {}).
    • Added Bitmap.arePixelsAllTheSame().
    • Added Context.appName returns the name (label) of the application or the package name as a fallback.
  • concept-fetch

    • Added support for interceptors. Interceptors are a powerful mechanism to monitor, modify, retry, redirect or record requests as well as responses going through a Client. See the concept-fetch README for example implementations of interceptors.
  • 💥 Better crash handling (#2568, #2569, #2570, #2571)

    • browser-engine-gecko-nightly: EngineSession.Observer.onCrashStateChange() gets invoked if the content process of a session crashed. Internally a new GeckoSession will be created. By default this new session will just render a white page (about:blank) and not recover the last state. This prevents crash loops and let's the app decide (and show UI) when to restore. Calling EngineSession.recoverFromCrash() will try to restore the last known state from before the crash.
    • browser-session: Session.crashed now exposes if a Session has crashed.
    • feature-session: New use case: SessionUseCases.CrashRecoveryUseCase.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta, browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Merge day!
      • browser-engine-gecko-release: GeckoView 66.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-beta: GeckoView 67.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-nightly: GeckoView 68.0
  • browser-session

    • Session now exposes a list of Media instances representing playable media on the currently displayed page (see concept-engine).
  • concept-engine, browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Added Media class representing a playable media element on the the currently displayed page. Consumers can subscribe to Media instances in order to receive updates whenever the state of a Media object changes. Currently only the "playback state" is exposed. Consumers can control playback through the attached Media.Controller instance.
  • concept-fetch

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: Headers.Common was renamed to Headers.Names.
    • Added Headers.Values.
  • service-pocket

    • Access an article's text-to-speech listen metadata via PocketListenEndpoint.getListenArticleMetadata.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: PocketGlobalVideoRecommendation.id is now a Long instead of an Int
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • GeckoEngine will throw a RuntimeException if the GeckoRuntime shuts down unsolicited.
  • feature-awesomebar

    • SearchSuggestionProvider and AwesomeBarFeature now allow setting a search suggestion limit.
  • feature-findinpage

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: FindInPageFeature constructor now takes an EngineView instance.
    • Blur controlled EngineView for better screen reader accessibility.
    • Announce result count for screen reader users.
  • support-android-test

    • Added ViewMatchers that take Boolean arguments instead of requiring inversion via the not Matcher: e.g. hasFocus(false) instead of not(hasFocus())
    • Added ViewInteraction extension functions like assertHasFocus(Boolean) for short-hand.
    • Added Matchers.maybeInvertMatcher to optionally apply not based on the Boolean argument
    • Added ViewInteraction.click() extension function for short-hand.
  • service-glean

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: Configuration now accepts a Lazy to make sure the HTTP client (lib) is initialized lazily.
        val config = Configuration(httpClient = lazy { GeckoViewFetchClient(context, GeckoRuntime()) })
        Glean.initialize(context, config)
  • feature-accounts, service-firefox-account

    • Added API to start an FxA pairing flow. See FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature.beginPairingAuthentication and FxaAccountsManager.beingAuthentication respectively.
  • concept-storage

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change! for non-component implementations of HistoryStorage.
    • HistoryStorage got new APIs: deleteEverything, deleteVisitsSince, deleteVisitsBetween, deleteVisitsFor, prune and runMaintenance.
    • Added BookmarksStorage for handling the saving, searching, and management of browser bookmarks.
  • browser-storage-sync, browser-storage-memory

    • Implementations of concept-storage/HistoryStorage expose the newly added APIs.
  • browser-storage-sync

    • Implementations of concept-storage/BookmarksStorage expose the newly added APIs.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-session

  • browser-menu

    • Added TwoStateButton in BrowserMenuItemToolbar that will change resources based on the isInPrimaryState lambda and added ability to disable the button with optional disableInSecondaryState argument.
  • browser-toolbar

    • Adds onCancelEditing to onEditListener in BrowserToolbar which is fired when a back button press occurs while the keyboard is displayed. This is especially useful if you want to call activity.onBackPressed() to navigate away rather than just dismiss the keyboard. Its return value is used to determine if displayMode will switch from edit to view.
  • concept-sync

    • 🆕 New component which describes sync-related interfaces, such as SyncManager, SyncableStore, SyncStatusObserver and others.
  • concept-storage

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: Removed sync-related interfaces. See concept-sync.
    • HistoryStorage interface has a new method: getDetailedVisits(start, end) -> List<VisitInfo>. It provides detailed information about page visits (title, visit type, timestamp, etc).
  • browser-storage-memory, browser-storage-sync:

    • Added implementations for the new getDetailedVisits API from concept-storage.
  • feature-sync

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change! Complete overhaul of this component.
    • Added BackgroundSyncManager, a WorkManager-based implementation of the SyncManager defined in concept-sync.
    • An instance of a SyncManager is an entry point for interacting with background data synchronization.
    • See component's README for usage details.
  • browser-engine-system and browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: The captureThumbnail function has been moved to EngineView. From now on for taking screenshots automatically you will have to opt-in by using ThumbnailsFeature. The decision was made to reduce overhead memory consumption for apps that are not using screenshots. Find more info in feature-session and a practical example can be found in the sample-browser project.
  • feature-session-bundling

    • Saving, restoring and removing SessionBundle instances need to happen on a worker thread now (off the main thread).
    • The actual session state is now saved on the file system outside of the internally used SQLite database.
  • support-ktx

    • Added File.truncateDirectory() to remove all files (and sub directories) in a directory.
    • Added Activity.applyOrientation(manifest: WebAppManifest) extension method for applying orientation modes #2291.
    • Added Context.isMainProcess and Context.runOnlyInMainProcess(block: () -> Unit) to detect when you're running on the main process.
      // true if we are running in the main process otherwise false .
      val isMainProcess = context.isMainProcess()

      context.runOnlyInMainProcess {
            /* This function is only going to run if we are
                in the main process, otherwise it won't be executed.  */
  • feature-pwa

    • 🆕 New component that provides functionality for supporting Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
  • feature-session

    • Adds support for the picture-in-picture mode in PictureInPictureFeature.
  • browser-storage-sync

  • service-pocket

    • Access the list of global video recommendations via PocketEndpoint.getGlobalVideoRecommendations.
  • concept-fetch

    • Added common HTTP header constants in Headers.Common. This collection is incomplete: add your own!


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-awesomebar

    • Adds ability to remove SuggestionProviders with removeProviders and removeAllProviders
  • browser-menu

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!: Removed redundant BrowserMenuImageText contentDescription
    • Adds textSize parameter to SimpleBrowserMenuItem
  • concept-fetch

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: the Response properties .success and .clientError were renamed to .isSuccess and isClientError respectively to match Java conventions.
  • feature-downloads

    • Fixing bug #2265. In some occasions, when trying to download a file, the download failed and the download notification shows "Unsuccessful download".
  • feature-search

    • Adds default search engine var to SearchEngineManager
    • Adds optional SearchEngine to invoke() in SearchUseCases
  • service-experiments

    • A new client-side experiments SDK for running segmenting user populations to run multi-branch experiments on them. This component is going to replace service-fretboard. The SDK is currently in development and the component is not ready to be used yet.
    • browser-icons
    • Adding a decoder for decoding ICO files see #2040.
  • service-pocket

    • 🆕 New component to interact with the Pocket APIs.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • Mozilla App Services dependency upgraded: 0.18.0 🔺

  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Added API to install web extensions:
    val borderify = WebExtension("borderify", "resource://android/assets/extensions/borderify/")
    engine.installWebExtension(borderify) {
        ext, throwable -> Log.log(Log.Priority.ERROR, "MyApp", throwable, "Failed to install ${ext.id}")
  • feature-search

    • Added newPrivateTabSearch NewTabSearchUseCase
  • feature-toolbar

    • Added ability to color parts of the domain (e.g. registrable domain) by providing a UrlRenderConfiguration:
      // ...
          publicSuffixList, // Use a shared global instance
          registrableDomainColor = 0xFFFF0000.toInt(),
          urlColor = 0xFF00FF00.toInt()
  • browser-toolbar

    • BrowserToolbar cancelView is now clearView with new text clearing behavior and color attribute updated from browserToolbarCancelColor to browserToolbarClearColor
  • concept-awesomebar

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: AwesomeBar.Suggestion instances must now declare the provider that created them.
  • browser-awesomebar

    • BrowserAwesomeBar is now replacing suggestions "in-place" if their ids match. Additionally BrowserAwesomeBar now automatically scrolls to the top whenever the entered text changes.
  • feature-customtabs

    • Now returns false in onBackPressed() if feature is not initialized
  • support-android-test

    • 🆕 New component to be used for helpers used in instrumented (on device) tests (src/androidTest). This component complements support-test which is focused on helpers used in local unit tests (src/test).
    • Added helper LiveData.awaitValue() which subscribes to the LiveData object and blocks until a value was observed. Returns the value or throws an InterruptedException if no value was observed (customizable timeout).
  • feature-session-bundling

    • Added optional since parameter to SessionBundleStorage.bundles() and SessionBundleStorage.bundlesPaged().


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-menu

    • Added option to set background color by overriding mozac_browser_menu_background color resource.

      <color name="mozac_browser_menu_background">DESIRED_COLOR</color>


      <style name="Mozac.Browser.Menu" parent="" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">
        <item name="cardBackgroundColor">YOUR_COLOR</item>
    • Added option to style SimpleBrowserMenuItem and BrowserMenuImageText with textColorResource.

  • browser-toolbar

    • Added option to configure fading edge length by using browserToolbarFadingEdgeSize XML attribute.
    • Added BrowserToolbar attribute browserToolbarCancelColor to color the cancel icon.
  • feature-toolbar

    • ToolbarPresenter now handles situations where no Session is selected.
  • intent-processor

    • Intent processor now lets you set isPrivate which will open process intents as private tabs
  • service-fretboard (Kinto)

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • Now makes use of our concept-fetch module when communicating with the server. This allows applications to specify which HTTP client library to use e.g. apps already using GeckoView can now specify that the GeckoViewFetchClient should be used. As a consequence, the fetch client instance now needs to be provided when creating a KintoExperimentSource.
      val fretboard = Fretboard(
          // Specify that the GV-based fetch client should be used.
  • feature-session-bundling

    • Added SessionBundleStorage.autoClose(): When "auto close" is enabled the currently active SessionBundle will automatically be closed and a new SessionBundle will be started if the bundle lifetime expires while the app is in the background.
  • browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta, browser-engine-gecko-nightly:

    • Fixed an issue that caused autofill to not work with those components.
  • feature-sitepermissions

    • 🆕 A feature for showing site permission request prompts. For more info take a look at the docs.
  • browser-session

    • Added SelectionAwareSessionObserver.observeIdOrSelected(sessionId: String?) to observe the session based on a session ID. If the session does not exist, then observe the selected session.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • browser-engine-system

  • browser-icons

    • 🆕 New component for loading and storing website icons (like Favicons).
    • Supports generating a "fallback" icon if no icon could be loaded.
  • concept-fetch

    • Added API to specify whether or not cookies should be sent with a request. This can be controlled using the cookiePolicy parameter when creating a Request.
    // Do not send cookies with this request
    client.fetch(Request(url, cookiePolicy = CookiePolicy.OMIT)).use { response ->
      val body = response.body.string()
    • Added flag to specify whether or not caches should be used. This can be controlled with the useCaches parameter when creating a Request.
    // Force a network request (do not use cached responses)
    client.fetch(Request(url, useCaches = false)).use { response ->
      val body = response.body.string()
  • feature-awesomebar

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • Now makes use of our concept-fetch module when fetching search suggestions. This allows applications to specify which HTTP client library to use e.g. apps already using GeckoView can now specify that the GeckoViewFetchClient should be used. As a consequence, the fetch client instance now needs to be provided when adding a search provider.
    AwesomeBarFeature(layout.awesomeBar, layout.toolbar, layout.engineView)
      .addHistoryProvider(components.historyStorage, components.sessionUseCases.loadUrl)
      .addSessionProvider(components.sessionManager, components.tabsUseCases.selectTab)
        // Specify that the GV-based fetch client should be used.
  • ui-doorhanger

    • Added DoorhangerPrompt - a builder for creating a prompt Doorhanger providing a way to present decisions to users.
  • feature-downloads

    • Ignoring schemes that are not https or http #issue 554
  • support-ktx

    • Added Uri.hostWithoutCommonPrefixes to return the host with common prefixes removed:
        .hostWithoutCommonPrefixes // mozilla.org
        .hostWithoutCommonPrefixes  // twitter.com

    Note that this method only strips common prefixes like "www", "m" or "mobile". If you are interested in extracting something like the eTLD from a host then use PublicSuffixList of the lib-publicsuffixlist component.

    • Added String.toUri() as a shorthand for Uri.parse() and in addition to other to*() methods already available in the Kotlin Standard Library.
  • support-utils

    • Added Browsers utility class for collecting and analyzing information about installed browser applications.
  • browser-session, feature-session-bundling

    • SessionStorage and SessionBundleStorage now save and restore the title of Session objects.
    • SessionManager.restore() now allows passing in empty snapshots.
  • feature-session-bundling

    • Empty snapshots are no longer saved in the database:
      • If no restored bundle exists then no new bundle is saved for an empty snapshot.
      • If there is an active bundle then the bundle will be removed instead of updated with the empty snapshot.
  • browser-toolbar, concept-toolbar

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change: The interface of the "URL commit listener" changed from (String) -> Unit to (String) -> Boolean. If the function returns true then the toolbar will automatically switch to "display mode". If no function is set or if the function returns false the toolbar remains in "edit mode".
    • Added private field (Boolean): Enables/Disables private mode. In private mode the IME should not update any personalized data such as typing history and personalized language model based on what the user typed.
    • The background and foreground color of the autocomplete suggestion can now be styled:


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • API reference

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • engine-gecko-nightly

    • Now also serves as an implementation of concept-fetch by providing the new GeckoViewFetchClient. This allows applications to rely on Gecko's networking capabilities when issuing HTTP requests, even outside the browser view (GeckoView).
  • feature-prompts, browser-engine-gecko*

  • feature-session

    • Fixed an issue causing EngineViewPresenter to render a selected Session even though it was configured to show a fixed Session. This issue caused a crash (IllegalStateException: Display already acquired) in the Reference Browser when a "Custom Tab" and the "Browser" tried to render the same Session.
    • Fixed an issue where back and forward button handling would not take place on the session whose ID was provided.
  • feature-search

    • Added SearchUseCases.NewTabSearchUseCase and interface SearchUseCase (implemented by DefaultSearchUseCase and NewTabSearchUseCase).
  • browser-engine-system

  • feature-customtabs

    • Fixed an issue causing the closeListener to be invoked even when the current session isn't a Custom Tab.
    • Fixed an issue with the image resources in the toolbar were not tinted when an app provided a light colour for the background.
  • support-base

    • Added ViewBoundFeatureWrapper for wrapping LifecycleAwareFeature references that will automatically be cleared if the provided View gets detached. This is helpful for fragments that want to keep a reference to a LifecycleAwareFeature (e.g. to be able call onBackPressed()) that itself has strong references to View objects. In cases where the fragment gets detached (e.g. to be added to the backstack) and the View gets detached (and destroyed) the wrapper will automatically stop the LifecycleAwareFeature and clear all references..
    • Added generic BackHandler interface for fragments, features and other components that want to handle 'back' button presses.
  • ui-doorhanger

    • 🆕 New component: A Doorhanger is a floating heads-up popup that can be anchored to a view. They are presented to notify the user of something that is important (e.g. a content permission request).
  • feature-sitepermissions

    • 🆕 New component: A feature that will subscribe to the selected session, and will provide an UI for all the incoming appPermission and contentPermission request.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • API reference

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • Mozilla App Services dependency upgraded: 0.15.0 🔺

  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Tweaked NestedGeckoView to "stick" to AppBar in nested scroll, like other Android apps. This is possible after a fix in APZ gesture detection.
  • feature-browser

    • Added BrowserToolbar attributes to color the menu.
        app:browserToolbarSecureColor="@color/photonGreen50" />
  • feature-contextmenu

    • Fixed Context Menus feature to work with Custom Tabs by passing in the session ID when applicable.
  • feature-customtabs

    • Added a temporary workaround for Custom Tab intents not being recognized when using the Jetifier tool.
  • feature-downloads

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • The required permissions are now passed to the onNeedToRequestPermissions callback.
    downloadsFeature = DownloadsFeature(
        sessionManager = components.sessionManager,
        fragmentManager = childFragmentManager,
        onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
            requestPermissions(permissions, REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS)
    • Removed the onPermissionsGranted method in favour of onPermissionsResult which handles both granted and denied permissions. This method should be invoked from onRequestPermissionsResult:
     override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
        when (requestCode) {
            REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS -> downloadsFeature.onPermissionsResult(permissions, grantResults)
    • Fixed Downloads feature to work with Custom Tabs by passing in the session ID when applicable.
  • feature-prompts

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • These change are similar to the ones for feature-downloads above and aim to provide a consistent way of handling permission requests.
    • The required permissions are now passed to the onNeedToRequestPermissions callback.
    promptFeature = PromptFeature(
       fragment = this,
       sessionManager = components.sessionManager,
       fragmentManager = requireFragmentManager(),
       onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
           requestPermissions(permissions, REQUEST_CODE_PROMPT_PERMISSIONS)
    • Renamed onRequestsPermissionsResult to onPermissionResult and allow applications to specify the permission request code. This method should be invoked from onRequestPermissionsResult:
 override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
    when (requestCode) {
        REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS -> downloadsFeature.onPermissionsResult(permissions, grantResults)
  • feature-contextmenu

    • The component is now performing haptic feedback when showing a context menu.
  • browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta, browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • After "Merge Day" and the release of Firefox 65 we updated our gecko-based components to follow the new upstream versions:
      • browser-engine-gecko: 65.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-beta: 66.0
      • browser-engine-gecko-nightly: 67.0
  • browser-toolbar

    • Toolbar URL autocompletion is now performed off the UI thread.
  • concept-storage

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • HistoryAutocompleteResult now includes an input field.
  • browser-domains

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change!
    • DomainAutocompleteResult now includes an input field.


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • API reference

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • support-ktx

    • Added Lifecycle.addObservers to observe the lifecycle for multiple classes.
      override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  • feature-awesomebar

    • Added ability to show one item per search suggestion (#1779)
    • Added ability to define custom hooks to be invoked when editing starts or is completed.
  • browser-awesomebar

    • Added ability to let consumers define the layouting of suggestions by implementing SuggestionLayout in order to control layout inflation and view binding.
    // Create a ViewHolder for your custom layout.
    class CustomViewHolder(view: View) : SuggestionViewHolder(view) {
        private val textView = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.text)
        override fun bind(
            suggestion: AwesomeBar.Suggestion,
            selectionListener: () -> Unit
        ) {
            textView.text = suggestion.title
            textView.setOnClickListener {
    // Create a custom SuggestionLayout for controlling view inflation
    class CustomSuggestionLayout : SuggestionLayout {
        override fun getLayoutResource(suggestion: AwesomeBar.Suggestion): Int {
            return android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1
        override fun createViewHolder(awesomeBar: BrowserAwesomeBar, view: View, layoutId: Int): SuggestionViewHolder {
            return CustomViewHolder(view)
    • Added ability to transform suggestions returned by provider (adding data, removing data, filtering suggestions, ...)
    awesomeBar.transformer = object : SuggestionTransformer {
        override fun transform(
            provider: AwesomeBar.SuggestionProvider,
            suggestions: List<AwesomeBar.Suggestion>
        ): List<AwesomeBar.Suggestion> {
            return suggestions.map { suggestion ->
                suggestion.copy(title = "Awesome!")
    // Use the custom layout with a BrowserAwesomeBar instance
    awesomeBar.layout = CustomSuggestionLayout()
  • lib-publicsuffixlist

    • The public suffix list shipping with this component is now updated automatically in the repository every day (if there are changes).
    • Fixed an issue when comparing domain labels against the public suffix list (#1777)
  • feature-prompts, browser-engine-gecko*

  • browser-engine-system

    • Preventing JavaScript confirm() and prompt() until providing proper implementation #1816.
  • feature-search, feature-session

    • SessionUseCases and SearchUseCases now take an optional onNoSession: String -> Session lambda parameter. This function will be invoked when executing a use case that requires a (selected) Session and no such session is available. This makes using the use cases and feature components usable in browsers that may not always have sessions. The default implementation creates a new Session and adds it to the SessionManager.
  • support-rustlog

    • 🆕 New component: This component allows consumers of megazorded Rust libraries produced by application-services to redirect their log output to the base component's log system as follows:
    import mozilla.components.support.rustlog.RustLog
    import mozilla.components.support.base.log.Log
    // In onCreate, any time after MyMegazordClass.init()
    // Note: By default this is enabled at level DEBUG, which can be adjusted.
    // (It is recommended you do this for performance if you adjust
    // `Log.logLevel`).
    // You can also enable "trace logs", which may include PII
    // (but can assist debugging) as follows. It is recommended
    // you not do this in builds you distribute to users.
    RustLog.setMaxLevel(Log.Priority.DEBUG, true)
    • This is pointless to do when not using a megazord.
      • Megazording is required due to each dynamically loaded Rust library having its own internal/private version of the Rust logging framework. When megazording, this is still true, but there's only a single dynamically loaded library, and so it's redirected properly. (This could probably be worked around, but it would take a great effort, and given that we expect most production use of these libraries will be using megazords, we accepted this limitation)
      • This would be very annoying during initial development (and debugging the sample apps), so by default, we'll log (directly, e.g. not through the base component logger) to logcat when not megazorded.
    • Note that you must call MyMegazordClass.init() before any uses of this class.
  • Mozilla App Services library updated to 0.14.0. See release notes for details.

    • Important: Users consuming megazords must also update the application-services gradle plugin to version 0.3.0.
  • feature-findinpage

  • service-firefox-accounts

    • Added FxaAccountManager, which encapsulates a lower level accounts API and provides an observable interface for consumers that wish to be notified of account and profile changes.
    • Background-worker friendly.
    // Long-lived instance, pinned on an application.
    val accountManager = FxaAccountManager(context, Config.release(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL), arrayOf("profile"))
    launch { accountManager.init() }
    // Somewhere in a fragment that cares about account state...
    accountManager.register(object : AccountObserver {
        override fun onLoggedOut() {
        override fun onAuthenticated(account: FirefoxAccountShaped) {
        override fun onProfileUpdated(profile: Profile) {
        override fun onError(error: FxaException) {
    // Reacting to a "sign-in" user action:
    launch {
      val authUrl = try {
      } catch (error: FxaException) {
          // ... display error ui...
  • feature-accounts 🆕

    • Added a new FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature, which ties together the FxaAccountManager with a session manager via feature-tabs.
  • browser-toolbar

    • Fixing bug that allowed text behind the security icon being selectable. Issue #448


  • Commits

  • Milestone

  • API reference

  • Dependencies

  • Gecko

  • Configuration

  • feature-awesomebar

    • Added ClipboardSuggestionProvider - An AwesomeBar.SuggestionProvider implementation that returns a suggestions for an URL in the clipboard (if there's any).
  • feature-prompts, browser-engine-gecko

    • Added support for Window.prompt.
    • Fixing Issue #1771. Supporting single choice items with sub-menus group.
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • The GeckoView Nightly dependency is now updated to the latest version automatically in cases where no code changes are required.
  • browser-menu

  • concept-engine, browser-engine-gecko-*

    • Added support for enabling tracking protection for specific session type:
    val engine = GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
      trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all().forPrivateSessionsOnly())
  • browser-toolbar

    • Added BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior - a CoordinatorLayout.Behavior implementation to be used when placing BrowserToolbar at the bottom of the screen. This behavior will:
      • Show/Hide the BrowserToolbar automatically when scrolling vertically.
      • On showing a [Snackbar] position it above the BrowserToolbar.
      • Snap the BrowserToolbar to be hidden or visible when the user stops scrolling.
  • lib-publicsuffixlist

    • 🆕 A new component/library for reading and using the public suffix list. Details can be found in our docs.



  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • feature-customtabs

    • Added a new feature CustomTabsToolbarFeature which will handle setting up the BrowserToolbar with the configurations available in that session:
    ).also { lifecycle.addObserver(it) }

    Note: this constructor API is still a work-in-progress and will change as more Custom Tabs support is added to it next release.

    • Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().
  • feature-session-bundling

    • 🆕 New component that saves the state of sessions (SessionManager.Snapshot) in grouped bundles (e.g. by time).
  • service-telemetry

    • Added new "pocket event" ping builder (#1606)
    • Added ability to get ping builder by type from Telemetry instance.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change!
      HttpURLConnectionTelemetryClient was removed. service-telemetry is now using concept-fetch which allows consumers to use a unified http client. There are two options available currently: lib-fetch-httpurlconnection (Based on HttpURLConnection) and lib-fetch-okhttp (Based on OkHttp).
    // Using HttpURLConnection:
    val client = new TelemetryClient(HttpURLConnectionClient())
    // Using OkHttp:
    val client = TelemetryClient(OkHttpClient())
    val telemetry = Telemetry(configuration, storage, client, scheduler)
  • browser-search

    • Updated search plugins (#1563)
  • ui-autocomplete

    • Fixed a bug where pressing backspace could skip a character (#1489).
  • feature-customtabs

    • Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().
  • browser-session

    • Added ability to notify observers when desktop mode changes (onDesktopModeChange)
  • browser-menu

    • Added new BrowserMenuSwitch for using switch widgets inside the menu.
  • support-ktx

    • Added extension method Bitmap.withRoundedCorners(cornerRadiusPx: Float)
  • support-base

    • Introduced LifecycleAwareFeature for writing features that depend on a lifecycle.


  • Commits

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • feature-customtabs

    • Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • browser-session

    • Added a use case for exiting fullscreen mode.
    val sessionUseCases = SessionUseCases(sessionManager)
    if (isFullScreenMode) {
    • We also added a FullScreenFeature that manages fullscreen support.
    val fullScreenFeature = FullScreenFeature(sessionManaager, sessionUseCases) { enabled ->
      if (enabled) {
        // Make custom views hide.
      } else {
        // Make custom views unhide.
    override fun onBackPressed() : Boolean {
      // Handling back presses when in fullscreen mode
      return fullScreenFeature.onBackPressed()
  • feature-customtabs

    • Added support for opening speculative connections for a likely future navigation to a URL (mayLaunchUrl)
  • feature-prompts, engine-gecko-*, engine-system

    • Added support for file picker requests.

      There some requests that are not handled with dialogs, instead they are delegated to other apps to perform the request, an example is a file picker request. As a result, now you have to override onActivityResult on your Activity or Fragment and forward its calls to promptFeature.onActivityResult.

      Additionally, there are requests that need some permission to be granted before they can be performed, like file pickers that need access to read the selected files. Like onActivityResult you need to override onRequestPermissionsResult and forward its calls to promptFeature.onRequestPermissionsResult.

  • browser-toolbar

    • The "urlBoxView" is now drawn behind the site security icon (in addition to the URL and the page actions)


  • Commits

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.12.1 🔺, Places: 0.12.1 🔺)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • Re-release of 0.34.1 with updated App Services dependencies (0.12.1).


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726 🔺, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337 🔺, Release: 64.0.20181214004633 🔺)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.5, Sync Logins: 0.11.5, Places: 0.11.5)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • browser-errorpages

    • Localized strings for de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, zh-rCN, zh-rTW.
  • feature-customtabs

    • Added support for warming up the browser process asynchronously.
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change
    • CustomTabsService has been renamed to AbstractCustomTabsService and is now an abstract class in order to allow apps to inject the Engine they are using. An app that wants to support custom tabs will need to create its own class and reference it in the manifest:
    class CustomTabsService : AbstractCustomTabsService() {
      override val engine: Engine by lazy { components.engine }
  • feature-prompts

    • Added support for alerts dialogs.
    • Added support for date picker dialogs.
  • feature-tabs

    • Added support to remove all or specific types of tabs to the TabsUseCases.
    // Remove all tabs
    // Remove all regular tabs
    tabsUseCases.removeAllTabsOfType.invoke(private = false)
    // Remove all private tabs
    tabsUseCases.removeAllTabsOfType.invoke(private = true)
  • support-ktx New extension function toDate that converts a string to a Date object from a formatter input.

         val date = "2019-11-28".toDate("yyyy-MM-dd")
  • concept-engine, engine-gecko-beta, engine-gecko-nightly:

    • Add setting to enable testing mode which is used in engine-gecko to set FULL_ACCESSIBILITY_TREE to true. This allows access to the full DOM tree for testing purposes.
    // Turn testing mode on by default when the engine is created
    val engine = GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(testingModeEnabled=true))
    // Or turn testing mode on at a later point
    engine.settings.testingModeEnabled = true
    • The existing userAgentString setting is now supported by engine-gecko-beta and engine-gecko-nightly.
  • feature-session

    • Added a HistoryTrackingDelegate implementation, which previously lived in feature-storage.
  • feature-storage

    • Removed! See feature-session instead.
  • sample-browser

    • Added in-memory browsing history as one of the AwesomeBar data providers.
  • feature-sync

    • Simplified error handling. Errors are wrapped in a SyncResult, exceptions are no longer thrown.
    • FirefoxSyncFeature's constructor now takes a map of Syncable instances. That is, the internal list of Syncables is no longer mutable.
    • sync is now a suspend function. Callers are expected to manage scoping themselves.
    • Ability to observe "sync is running" and "sync is idle" events vs SyncStatusObserver interface.
    • Ability to query for current sync state (running or idle).
    • See included sample-sync-history application for example usage of these observers.


  • Commits

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181129095546, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.5 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.11.5 🔺, Places: 0.11.5 🔺)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • Re-release of 0.34.1 with updated App Services dependencies (0.11.5).


  • Commits

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181129095546 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.2, Sync Logins: 0.11.2, Places: 0.11.2)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Updated GeckoView dependency.


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181123100059, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.2 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.11.2 🔺, Places: 0.11.2 🔺)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly

    • Added support for observing history events and providing visited URLs (HistoryTrackingDelegate).
  • browser-engine-system

    • Fixed a crash when calling SystemEngineSession.saveState() from a non-UI thread.
  • browser-awesomebar

    • Added ability for search suggestions to span multiple rows.
  • browser-toolbar

    • Fixed rendering issue when displaying site security icons.
  • feature-prompts

    • 🆕 New component: A component that will subscribe to the selected session and will handle all the common prompt dialogs from web content.
    val promptFeature = PromptFeature(sessionManager,fragmentManager)
    //It will start listing for new prompt requests for web content.
    //It will stop listing for future prompt requests for web content.
  • feature-session, browser-session, concept-engine, browser-engine-system:

    • Added functionality to observe window requests from the browser engine. These requests can be observed on the session directly using onOpenWindowRequest and onCloseWindowRequest, but we also provide a feature class, which will automatically open and close the corresponding window:
    windowFeature = WindowFeature(engine, sessionManager)
    override fun onStart() {
    override fun onStop() {

    In addition, to observe window requests the new engine setting supportMultipleWindows has to be set to true:

    val engine = SystemEngine(context,
        supportMultipleWindows = true
  • concept-storage, browser-storage-sync, services-logins-sync:

    • Added a new interface, SyncableStore<AuthType>, which allows a storage layer to be used with feature-sync.
    • Added a SyncableStore<SyncAuthInfo> implementation for browser-storage-sync
    • Added a SyncableStore<SyncUnlockInfo> implementation for services-logins-sync.
  • feature-sync:

    • 🆕 New component: A component which orchestrates synchronization of groups of similar SyncableStore objects using a FirefoxAccount.
    • Here is an example of configuring and synchronizing a places-backed HistoryStorage (provided by browser-storage-sync component):
    val historyStorage = PlacesHistoryStorage(context)
    val featureSync = FirefoxSyncFeature(Dispatchers.IO + job) { authInfo ->
            fxaAccessToken = authInfo.fxaAccessToken,
            kid = authInfo.kid,
            syncKey = authInfo.syncKey,
            tokenserverURL = authInfo.tokenServerUrl
    }.also {
        it.addSyncable("placesHistory", historyStorage)
    val syncResult = featureSync.sync().await()
    assert(syncResults["placesHistory"]!!.status is SyncOk)
  • service-firefox-accounts:

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change
    • We've simplified the API to provide the FxA configuration:
    // Before
    Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).await().use {
      config -> FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
    // Now
    val config = Config(CONFIG_URL, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)

    A full working example can be found here.


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10 🔺, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181123100059 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.10.0, Sync Logins: 0.10.0, Places: 0.10.0)
    • Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
  • feature-contextmenu

    • 🆕 New component: A component for displaying context menus when long-pressing web content.
  • concept-toolbar: 🆕 Added autocomplete support

    • Toolbar concept got a new setAutocompleteListener method.
    • Added AutocompleteDelegate concept which allows tying together autocomplete results with a UI presenter.
  • concept-storage and all of its implementations

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change
    • Renamed getDomainSuggestion to getAutocompleteSuggestion, which now returns a HistoryAutocompleteResult.
  • feature-toolbar

    • 🆕 Added new ToolbarAutocompleteFeature:
    toolbarAutocompleteFeature = ToolbarAutocompleteFeature(toolbar).apply {
  • samples-browser, samples-toolbar

    • Converted these samples to use the new ToolbarAutocompleteFeature.
  • feature-session

    • Introducing CoordinateScrollingFeature a new feature to coordinate scrolling behavior between an EngineView and the view that you specify. For a full example take a look at its usages in Sample Browser.
  • feature-tabs

    • Added a filter to TabsFeature to allow you to choose which sessions to show in the TabsTray. This is particularly useful if you want to filter out private tabs based on some UI interaction:
    val tabsFeature = TabsFeature(
      closeTabsTray = closeTabs()
    tabsFeature.filterTabs {
  • engine-gecko,engine-gecko-beta and engine-gecko-nightly

    • Fixing bug #1333. This issue didn't allow to use a GeckoEngineSession after sending a crash report.


  • Commits, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28 🔺, Support Libraries: 28.0.0 🔺)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181116100120 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.10.0 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.10.0 🔺, Places: 0.10.0 🔺)
  • ui-autocomplete

    • Fixed problem handling backspaces as described in Issue 1489
  • browser-search

    • Updated search codes (see Issue 1563 for details)


  • Commits, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28 🔺, Support Libraries: 28.0.0 🔺)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181116100120 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.10.0 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.10.0 🔺, Places: 0.10.0 🔺)
  • browser-session

    • Fixed concurrency problem and related crash described in Issue 1624


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 28 🔺, Support Libraries: 28.0.0 🔺)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181116100120 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
    • Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.10.0 🔺, Sync Logins: 0.10.0 🔺, Places: 0.10.0 🔺)
  • ⚠️ This is the first release compiled against Android SDK 28.

  • browser-domains

    • Deprecated DomainAutoCompleteProvider in favour of CustomDomainsProvider and ShippedDomainsProvider.
  • lib-crash

    • The state of the "Send crash report" checkbox is now getting saved and restored once the dialog is shown again.
    • The crash reporter can now sends reports if the prompt is closed by pressing the back button.
  • lib-fetch-httpurlconnection

  • lib-fetch-okhttp

    • 🆕 New component: concept-fetch implementation using OkHttp.
  • browser-session:

    • Replace DefaultSessionStorage with a new configurable implementation called SessionStorage:
      .periodicallyInForeground(interval = 30, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0 🔺, Coroutines: 1.0.1 🔺)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181107100135 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
  • concept-storage, browser-storage-memory, browser-storage-sync

    • Added a getDomainSuggestion method to HistoryStorage which is intended to power awesomebar-like functionality.
    • Added basic implementations of getDomainSuggestion to existing storage components.
  • browser-session, concept-engine, browser-engine-system, browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly):

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change
    • Added functionality to observe permission requests from the browser engine. We have now removed the workaround that automatically granted permission to play protected (DRM) media. Permission requests can be observed via the browser session:
    // Grant permission to all DRM content
    permissionObserver = object : SelectionAwareSessionObserver(sessionManager) {
        override fun onContentPermissionRequested(session: Session, permissionRequest: PermissionRequest): Boolean =
            permissionRequest.grantIf { it is Permission.ContentProtectedMediaId }
    override fun onStart() {
      // Observe permission requests on selected sessions
    override fun onStop() {
  • concept-engine, engine-system:

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change
    • Web font blocking is now controlled by an engine setting only. TrackingProtectionPolicy.WEBFONTS was removed:
    // Disable web fonts by default
    SystemEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(webFontsEnabled = false))
  • feature-customtabs

    • 🆕 New component for providing custom tabs functionality. CustomTabsService was moved from browser-session to this new component.
  • browser-awesomebar

    • Various colors of the Awesome Bar can now be styled:
        mozac:awesomeBarChipBackgroundColor="#444444" />
  • browser-toolbar, feature-toolbar

    • Added support for displaying the site security indicator (lock/globe icon).
  • concept-fetch

    • 🆕 New component defining an abstract definition of an HTTP client for fetching resources. Later releases will come with components implementing this concept using HttpURLConnection, OkHttp and Necko/GeckoView. Eventually all HTTP client code in the components will be replaced with concept-fetch and consumers can decide what HTTP client implementation components should use.
  • Reference Browser

    • Integrated crash reporting with lib-crash.
    • Added awesome bar with browser-awesomebar.
    • Toolbar is hiding automatically now when scrolling web content.
    • Added "Sync Now" button to preferences (without functionality in this release)
    • Updated theme colors.


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.71, Coroutines: 0.30.2)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181023100123, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
  • concept-storage

    • ⚠️ These are a breaking API changes
    • Added a getSuggestions method to HistoryStorage, which is intended to power search, autocompletion, etc.
    • Added a cleanup method to HistoryStorage, which is intended to allow signaling to implementations to cleanup any allocated resources.
    • HistoryStorage methods recordVisit and recordObservation are now suspend.
    • HistoryStorage methods getVisited() and getVisited(uris) now return Deferred.
  • 🆕 Added browser-storage-memory

    • Added an in-memory implementation of concept-storage.
  • 🆕 Added browser-storage-sync

    • Added an implementation of concept-storage which is backed by the Rust Places library provided by application-services.
  • service-firefox-accounts:

    • ⚠️ This is a breaking API change
    • The FxaResult type served as a custom promise-like type to support older versions of Java. We have now removed this type and switched to Kotlin's Deferred instead. We've also made sure all required types are Closeable:
    // Before
    Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).then { config: Config ->
      account = FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
    // Now
    val account = async {
      Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).await().use { config ->
        FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)

    In case error handling is needed, the new API will also become easier to work with:

    // Before
    account.beginOAuthFlow(scopes, wantsKeys).then({ url ->
    }, { exception ->
    // Now
    async {
        try {
          account.beginOAuthFlow(scopes, wantsKeys).await()
        } catch (e: FxaException) {
  • browser-engine-system, browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta and browser-engine-gecko-nightly: Adding support for using SystemEngineView and GeckoEngineView in a CoordinatorLayout. This allows to create nice transitions like hiding the toolbar when scrolls.

  • browser-session

    • Fixed an issue where a custom tab Session? could get selected after removing the currently selected Session.
  • browser-toolbar:

    • Added TwoStateButton that will change drawables based on the isEnabled listener. This is particularly useful for having a reload/cancel button.
    var isLoading: Boolean // updated by some state change.
        "reload button",
        "cancel button",
        { isLoading }
    ) { /* On-click listener */ }
    • ⚠️ These are a breaking API changes: BrowserToolbar APIs for Button and ToggleButton have also been updated to accept Drawable instead of resource IDs.
    // Before
    BrowserToolbar.Button(R.drawable.image, "image description") {
      // perform an action on click.
    // Now
    val imageDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
    BrowserToolbar.Button(imageDrawable, "image description") {
      // perform an action on click.
    // Before
      "image description",
      "image selected description") {
      // perform an action on click.
    // Now
    val imageDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
    val imageSelectedDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
      "image description",
      "image selected description") {
      // perform an action on click.
  • concept-awesomebar

    • 🆕 New component: An abstract definition of an awesome bar component.
  • browser-awesomebar

    • 🆕 New component: A customizable Awesome Bar implementation for browsers.A
  • feature-awesomebar

    • 🆕 New component: A component that connects a concept-awesomebar implementation to a concept-toolbar implementation and provides implementations of various suggestion providers.


  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.71 🔺, Coroutines: 0.30.2 🔺)
    • GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181023100123 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107 🔺, Release: 63.0.20181018182531 🔺)
  • browser-toolbar:

    • Added new listener to get notified when the user is editing the URL:
    toolbar.setOnEditListener(object : Toolbar.OnEditListener {
        override fun onTextChanged(text: String) {
            // Fired whenever the user changes the text in the address bar.
        override fun onStartEditing() {
            // Fired when the toolbar switches to edit mode.
        override fun onStopEditing() {
            // Fired when the toolbar switches back to display mode.
    • Added new toolbar APIs:
    val toolbar = BrowserToolbar(context)
    toolbar.textColor: Int = getColor(R.color.photonRed50)
    toolbar.hintColor: Int = getColor(R.color.photonGreen50)
    toolbar.textSize: Float = 12f
    toolbar.typeface: Typeface = Typeface.createFromFile("fonts/foo.tff")

    These attributes are also available in XML (except for typeface):

    • API improvement for more flexibility to create a BrowserToolbar.Button, and BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton, now you can provide a custom padding:
    val padding = Padding(start = 16, top = 16, end = 16, bottom = 16)
    val button = BrowserToolbar.Button(mozac_ic_back, "Forward", padding = padding) {}
    var toggle = BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton(mozac_ic_pin, mozac_ic_pin_filled, "Pin", "Unpin", padding = padding) {}
  • concept-toolbar:

    • API improvement for more flexibility to create a Toolbar.ActionToggleButton, Toolbar.ActionButton, Toolbar.ActionSpace and Toolbar.ActionImage, now you can provide a custom padding:
    val padding = Padding(start = 16, top = 16, end = 16, bottom = 16)
    var toggle = Toolbar.ActionToggleButton(0, mozac_ic_pin_filled, "Pin", "Unpin", padding = padding) {}
    val button = Toolbar.ActionButton(mozac_ic_back, "Forward", padding = padding) {}
    val space = Toolbar.ActionSpace(pxToDp(128), padding = padding)
    val image = Toolbar.ActionImage(brand, padding = padding)
  • support-base:

    • A new class add for representing an Android Padding.
      val padding = Padding(16, 24, 32, 40)
      val (start, top, end, bottom) = padding
  • support-ktx:

    • A new extension function that allows you to set Padding object to a View.
      val padding = Padding(16, 24, 32, 40)
      val view = View(context)
  • concept-engine, browser-engine-system, browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)

    • RequestInterceptor was enhanced to support loading an alternative URL. ⚠️ This is a breaking change for the RequestInterceptor method signature!
    // To provide alternative content the new InterceptionResponse.Content type needs to be used
    requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
        override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): InterceptionResponse? {
            return when (uri) {
                "sample:about" -> InterceptionResponse.Content("<h1>I am the sample browser</h1>")
                else -> null
    // To provide an alternative URL the new InterceptionResponse.Url type needs to be used
    requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
        override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): InterceptionResponse? {
            return when (uri) {
                "sample:about" -> InterceptionResponse.Url("sample:aboutNew")
                else -> null
  • concept-storage:

    • Added a new concept for describing an interface for storing browser data. First iteration includes a description of HistoryStorage.
  • feature-storage:

    • Added a first iteration of feature-storage, which includes HistoryTrackingFeature that ties together concept-storage and concept-engine and allows engines to track history visits and page meta information. It does so by implementing HistoryTrackingDelegate defined by concept-engine. Before adding a first session to the engine, initialize the history tracking feature:
    val historyTrackingFeature = HistoryTrackingFeature(

    Once the feature has been initialized, history will be tracked for all subsequently added sessions.

  • sample-browser:

    • Updated the sample browser to track browsing history using an in-memory history storage implementation (how much is actually tracked in practice depends on which engine is being used. As of this release, only SystemEngine provides a full set of necessary APIs).
  • lib-crash

    • Added option to display additional message in prompt and define the theme to be used:
        promptConfiguration = CrashReporter.PromptConfiguration(
          // ..
          // An additional message that will be shown in the prompt
          message = "We are very sorry!"
          // Use a custom theme for the prompt (Extend Theme.Mozac.CrashReporter)
          theme = android.R.style.Theme_Holo_Dialog
        // ..
    • Showing the crash prompt won't play the default activity animation anymore.
    • Added a new sample app samples-crash to show and test crash reporter integration.
  • feature-tabs:

    • TabsToolbarFeature is now adding a TabCounter from the ui-tabcounter component to the toolbar.
  • lib-jexl

    • New component for evaluating Javascript Expression Language (JEXL) expressions. This implementation is based on Mozjexl used at Mozilla, specifically as a part of SHIELD and Normandy. In a future version of Fretboard JEXL will allow more complex rules for experiments. For more see documentation.
  • service-telemetry

    • Added option to send list of experiments in event pings: Telemetry.recordExperiments(Map<String, Boolean> experiments)
    • Fixed an issue where DebugLogClient didn't use the provided log tag.
  • service-fretboard

    • Fixed an issue where for some locales a MissingResourceException would occur.
  • browser-engine-system

    • Playback of protected media (DRM) is now granted automatically.
  • browser-engine-gecko

    • Updated components to follow merge day: (Nightly: 65.0, Beta: 64.0, Release: 63.0)


Release date: 2018-10-23

⚠️ Note: This and upcoming releases are only available from maven.mozilla.org.

  • Compiled against:
    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20181004100221
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • concept-engine
    • Added HistoryTrackingDelegate interface for integrating engine implementations with history storage backends. Intended to be used via engine settings.
  • browser-engine
    • Download.fileName cannot be null anymore. All engine implementations are guaranteed to return a proposed file name for Downloads now.
  • browser-engine-gecko-*, browser-engine-system
    • Added support for HistoryTrackingDelegate, if it's specified in engine settings.
  • browser-engine-servo
  • browser-session - basic session hierarchy:
    • Sessions can have a parent Session now. A Session with a parent will be added after the parent Session. On removal of a selected Session the parent Session can be selected automatically if desired:
    val parent = Session("https://www.mozilla.org")
    val session = Session("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/")
    sessionManager.add(session, parent = parent)
    sessionManager.remove(session, selectParentIfExists = true)
  • browser-session - obtaining an restoring a SessionsSnapshot:
    • It's now possible to request a SessionsSnapshot from the SessionManager, which encapsulates currently active sessions, their order and state, and which session is the selected one. Private and Custom Tab sessions are omitted from the snapshot. A new public restore method allows restoring a SessionsSnapshot.
    val snapshot = sessionManager.createSnapshot()
    // ... persist snapshot somewhere, perhaps using the DefaultSessionStorage
    • restore follows a different observer notification pattern from regular add flow. See method documentation for details. A new onSessionsRestored notification is now available.
  • browser-session - new SessionStorage API, new DefaultSessionStorage data format:
    • Coupled with the SessionManager changes, the SessionStorage API has been changed to operate over SessionsSnapshot. New API no longer operates over a SessionManager, and instead reads/writes snapshots which may used together with the SessionManager (see above). An explicit clear method is provided for wiping SessionStorage.
    • DefaultSessionStorage now uses a new storage format internally, which allows maintaining session ordering and preserves session parent information.
  • browser-errorpages
    • Added translation annotations to our error page strings. Translated strings will follow in a future release.
  • service-glean
    • A new client-side telemetry SDK for collecting metrics and sending them to Mozilla's telemetry service. This component is going to eventually replace service-telemetry. The SDK is currently in development and the component is not ready to be used yet.
  • lib-dataprotect
    • The Keystore class and its encryptBytes() and decryptBytes() methods are now open to simplify mocking in unit tests.
  • ui-tabcounter
    • The TabCounter class is now open and can get extended.
  • feature-downloads
    • Now you're able to provide a dialog before a download starts and customize it to your wish. Take a look at the updated docs.


Release date: 2018-10-16

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20181004100221 🔺
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • browser-engine-system

    • Fixed a bug where SystemEngineSession#exitFullScreenMode didn't invoke the internal callback to exit the fullscreen mode.
    • A new field defaultUserAgent was added to SystemEngine for testing purposes. This is to circumvent calls to WebSettings.getDefaultUserAgent which fails with a NullPointerException in Robolectric. If the SystemEngine is used in Robolectric tests the following code will be needed:
      fun setup() {
          SystemEngine.defaultUserAgent = "test-ua-string"
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly:

    android {
      compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  • browser-search

    • Fixed an issue where a locale change at runtime would not update the search engines.
  • browser-session:

    • Added reusable functionality for observing sessions, which also support observering the currently selected session, even if it changes.
    class MyFeaturePresenter(
        private val sessionManager: SessionManager
    ) : SelectionAwareSessionObserver(sessionManager) {
        fun start() {
            // Always observe changes to the selected session even if the selection changes
            // To observe changes to a specific session the following method can be used:
            // super.observeFixed(session)
        override fun onUrlChanged(session: Session, url: String) {
            // URL of selected session changed
        override fun onProgress(session: Session, progress: Int) {
           // Progress of selected session changed
        // More observer functions...
  • browser-errorpages

    • Added more detailed documentation in the README.
  • feature-downloads

    • A new components for apps that want to process downloads, for more examples take a look at here.
  • lib-crash

    • A new generic crash reporter component that can report crashes to multiple services (documentation).
  • support-ktx

    • Added new helper method to run a block of code with a different StrictMode policy:
    StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads().resetAfter {
      // In this block disk reads are not triggering a strict mode violation
    • Added a new helper for checking if you have permission to do something or not:
      var isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
      if (isGranted) {
          //You can proceed
      } else {
          //Request permission
  • support-test

    • Added a new helper for granting permissions in Robolectric tests:
       val context = RuntimeEnvironment.application
       var isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
       assertFalse(isGranted) //False permission is not granted yet.
       grantPermission(INTERNET) // Now you have permission.
       isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
       assertTrue(isGranted) // True :D


Release date: 2018-10-05

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
    • Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • ⚠️ Releases are now getting published on maven.mozilla.org.

    • Additionally all artifacts published now use an artifact name that matches the gradle module name (e.g. browser-toolbar instead of just toolbar).
    • All artifacts are published with the group id org.mozilla.components (org.mozilla.photon is not being used anymore).
    • For a smooth transition all artifacts still get published on JCenter with the old group ids and artifact ids. In the near future releases will only be published on maven.mozilla.org. Old releases will remain on JCenter and not get removed.
  • browser-domains

    • Removed microsoftonline.com from the global and localized domain lists. No content is being served from that domain. Only subdomains like login.microsoftonline.com are used.
  • browser-errorpages

    • Added error page support for multiple error types.
      override fun onErrorRequest(
          session: EngineSession,
          errorType: ErrorType, // This used to be an Int
          uri: String?
      ): RequestInterceptor.ErrorResponse? {
          // Create an error page.
          val errorPage = ErrorPages.createErrorPage(context, errorType)
          // Return it to the request interceptor to take care of default error cases.
          return RequestInterceptor.ErrorResponse(errorPage)
    • ⚠️ This is a breaking change for the RequestInterceptor#onErrorRequest method signature!
  • browser-engine-

    • Added a setting for enabling remote debugging.
    • Creating an Engine requires a Context now.
       val geckoEngine = GeckoEngine(context)
       val systemEngine = SystemEngine(context)
  • browser-engine-system

    • The user agent string now defaults to WebView's default, if not provided, and to the user's default, if provided. It can also be read and changed:
      // Using WebView's default
      val engine = SystemEngine(context)
      // Using customized WebView default
      val engine = SystemEngine(context)
      engine.settings.userAgentString = buildUserAgentString(engine.settings.userAgentString)
      // Using custom default
      val engine = SystemEngine(context, DefaultSettings(userAgentString = "foo"))
    • The tracking protection policy can now be set, both as a default and at any time later.
      // Set the default tracking protection policy
      val engine = SystemEngine(context, DefaultSettings(
        trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all())
      // Change the tracking protection policy
      engine.settings.trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.select(
  • browser-engine-gecko(-*)

    • Creating a GeckoEngine requires a Context now. Providing a GeckoRuntime is now optional.
  • browser-session

    • Fixed an issue that caused a Custom Tab Session to get selected if it is the first session getting added.
    • Observer instances that get attached to a LifecycleOwner can now automatically pause and resume observing whenever the lifecycle pauses and resumes. This behavior is off by default and can be enabled by using the autoPause parameter when registering the Observer.
          observer = object : SessionManager.Observer {
              // ...
          owner = lifecycleOwner,
          autoPause = true
    • Added an optional callback to provide a default Session whenever SessionManager is empty:
      val sessionManager = SessionManager(
          defaultSession = { Session("https://www.mozilla.org") }
  • service-telemetry

    • Added Telemetry.getClientId() to let consumers read the client ID.
    • Telemetry.recordSessionEnd() now takes an optional callback to be executed upon failure - instead of throwing IllegalStateException.
  • service-fretboard

    • Added ValuesProvider.getClientId() to let consumers specify the client ID to be used for bucketing the client. By default fretboard will generate and save an internal UUID used for bucketing. By specifying the client ID consumers can use the same ID for telemetry and bucketing.
    • Update jobs scheduled with WorkManagerSyncScheduler will now automatically retry if the configuration couldn't get updated.
    • The update interval of WorkManagerSyncScheduler can now be configured.
    • Fixed an issue when reading a corrupt experiments file from disk.
    • Added a workaround for HttpURLConnection throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
  • ui-autocomplete

    • Fixed an issue causing desyncs between the soft keyboard and InlineAutocompleteEditText.
  • samples-firefox-accounts

    • Showcasing new pairing flow which allows connecting new devices to existing accounts using a QR code.

0.25.1 (2018-09-27)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • browser-engine-system: Fixed a NullPointerException in SystemEngineSession.captureThumbnail().

0.25 (2018-09-26)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • ⚠️ This is the last release compiled against Android SDK 27. Upcoming releases of the components will require Android SDK 28.

  • service-fretboard:

    • Fixed a bug in FlatFileExperimentStorage that caused updated experiment configurations not being saved to disk.
    • Added WorkManager implementation for updating experiment configurations in the background (See WorkManagerSyncScheduler).
    • Experiment.id is not accessible by component consumers anymore.
  • browser-engine-system:

    • URL changes are now reported earlier; when the URL of the main frame changes.
    • Fixed an issue where fullscreen mode would only take up part of the screen.
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when loading invalid URLs.
    • RequestInterceptor.onErrorRequest() can return custom error page content to be displayed now (the original URL that caused the error will be preserved).
  • feature-intent: New component providing intent processing functionality (Code moved from feature-session).

  • support-utils: DownloadUtils.guessFileName() will replace extension in the URL with the MIME type file extension if needed (http://example.com/file.aspx + image/jpeg -> file.jpg).

0.24 (2018-09-21)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • dataprotect:

    • Added a component using AndroidKeyStore to protect user data.
    // Create a Keystore and generate a key
    val keystore: Keystore = Keystore("samples-dataprotect")
    // Encrypt data
    val plainText = "plain text data".toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    val encrypted = keystore.encryptBytes(plain)
    // Decrypt data
    val samePlainText = keystore.decryptBytes(encrypted)
  • concept-engine: Enhanced settings to cover most common WebView settings.

  • browser-engine-system:

    • SystemEngineSession now provides a way to capture a screenshot of the actual content of the web page just by calling captureThumbnail
  • browser-session:

    • Session exposes a new property called thumbnail and its internal observer also exposes a new listener onThumbnailChanged.
    session.register(object : Session.Observer {
        fun onThumbnailChanged(session: Session, bitmap: Bitmap?) {
                // Do Something
    • SessionManager lets you notify it when the OS is under low memory condition by calling to its new function onLowMemory.
  • browser-tabstray:

    • Now on BrowserTabsTray every tab gets is own thumbnail :)
  • support-ktx:

    • Now you can easily query if the OS is under low memory conditions, just by using isOSOnLowMemory() extension function on Context.
    val shouldReduceMemoryUsage = context.isOSOnLowMemory()
    if (shouldReduceMemoryUsage) {
        //Deallocate some heavy objects
    • View.dp is nowResource.pxtoDp.
    // Before
    // Now
  • samples-browser:

    • Updated to show the new features related to tab thumbnails. Be aware that this feature is only available for systemEngine and you have to switch to the build variant systemEngine*.

0.23 (2018-09-13)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • Added initial documentation for the browser-session component: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/blob/main/components/browser/session/README.md

  • sync-logins: New component for integrating with Firefox Sync (for Logins). A sample app showcasing this new functionality can be found at: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/tree/main/samples/sync-logins

  • browser-engine-:

    • Added support for fullscreen mode and the ability to exit it programmatically if needed.
    session.register(object : Session.Observer {
        fun onFullScreenChange(enabled: Boolean) {
            if (enabled) {
                // ..
  • concept-engine, browser-engine-system, browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly):

    • We've extended support for intercepting requests to also include intercepting of errors
    val interceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
      override fun onErrorRequest(
        session: EngineSession,
        errorCode: Int,
        uri: String?
      ) {
        engineSession.loadData("<html><body>Couldn't load $uri!</body></html>")
    // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
    GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(requestInterceptor = interceptor))
  • browser-engine-system:

    • Added functionality to clear all browsing data
    • onNavigationStateChange is now called earlier (when the title of a web page is available) to allow for faster toolbar updates.
  • feature-session: Added support for processing ACTION_SEND intents (ACTION_VIEW was already supported)

    // Triggering a search if the provided EXTRA_TEXT is not a URL
    val searchHandler: TextSearchHandler = { searchTerm, session ->
         searchUseCases.defaultSearch.invoke(searchTerm, session)
    // Handles both ACTION_VIEW and ACTION_SEND intents
    val intentProcessor = SessionIntentProcessor(
        sessionUseCases, sessionManager, textSearchHandler = searchHandler
  • Replaced some miscellaneous uses of Java 8 forEach with Kotlin's for consistency and backward-compatibility.

  • Various bug fixes (see Commits for details).

0.22 (2018-09-07)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117 🔺
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620) 🔺
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f) 🔺
  • We now provide aggregated API docs. The docs for this release are hosted at: https://mozilla-mobile.github.io/android-components/api/0.22

  • browser-engine-:

    • EngineView now exposes lifecycle methods with default implementations. A LifecycleObserver implementation is provided which forwards events to EngineView instances.
    • Added engine setting for blocking web fonts:
    GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(webFontsEnabled = false))
    • setDesktopMode() was renamed to toggleDesktopMode().
  • browser-engine-system: The X-Requested-With header is now cleared (set to an empty String).

  • browser-session: Desktop mode can be observed now:

    session.register(object : Session.Observer {
        fun onDesktopModeChange(enabled: Boolean) {
            // ..
  • service-fretboard:

    • Fretboard now has synchronous methods for adding and clearing overrides: setOverrideNow(), clearOverrideNow, clearAllOverridesNow.
    • Access to Experiment.id is now deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in a future release (target: 0.24). The id is an implementation detail of the underlying storage service and was not meant to be exposed to apps.
  • ui-tabcounter: Due to a packaging error previous releases of this component didn't contain any compiled code. This is the first usable release of the component.

0.21 (2018-08-31)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.61 🔺
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180830111743 🔺
      • Beta: 62.0b21 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • concept-engine, engine-system, engine-gecko: Added API to set default session configuration e.g. to enable tracking protection for all sessions by default.

    // DefaultSettings can be set on GeckoEngine and SystemEngine.
    GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
        trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all(),
        javascriptEnabled = false))
  • concept-engine, engine-system, engine-gecko-beta/nightly:

    • Added support for intercepting request and injecting custom content. This can be used for internal pages (e.g. focus:about, firefox:home) and error pages.
      // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
      GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
          requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
              override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse? {
                  return when (uri) {
                      "sample:about" -> RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse("<h1>I am the sample browser</h1>")
                      else -> null
    • Added APIs to support "find in page".
          // Finds and highlights all occurrences of "hello"
          // Finds and highlights the next or previous match
          engineSession.findNext(forward = true)
          // Clears the highlighted results
          // The current state of "Find in page" can be observed on a Session object:
          session.register(object : Session.Observer {
              fun onFindResult(session: Session, result: FindResult) {
                  // ...
  • browser-engine-gecko-nightly: Added option to enable/disable desktop mode ("Request desktop site").

        engineSession.setDesktopMode(true, reload = true)
  • browser-engine-gecko(-nightly/beta): Added API for observing long presses on web content (links, audio, videos, images, phone numbers, geo locations, email addresses).

        session.register(object : Session.Observer {
            fun onLongPress(session: Session, hitResult: HitResult): Boolean {
                // HitResult is a sealed class representing the different types of content that can be long pressed.
                // ...
                // Returning true will "consume" the event. If no observer consumes the event then it will be
                // set on the Session object to be consumed at a later time.
                return true
  • lib-dataprotect: New component to protect local user data using the Android keystore system. This component doesn't contain any code in this release. In the next sprints the Lockbox team will move code from the prototype implementation to the component.

  • support-testing: New helper test function to assert that a code block throws an exception:

    expectException(IllegalStateException::class) {
        // Do something that should throw IllegalStateException..

0.20 (2018-08-24)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180820100132 🔺
      • Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • GeckoView Nightly dependencies are now pulled in from maven.mozilla.org.

  • engine-system: Added tracking protection functionality.

  • concept-engine, browser-session, feature-session: Added support for private browsing mode.

  • concept-engine, engine-gecko, engine-system: Added support for modifying engine and engine session settings.

0.19.1 (2018-08-20)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
      • Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • browser-toolbar: Replaced ui-progress component with default Android Progress Bar to fix CPU usage problems.

  • ui-progress: Reduced high CPU usage when idling and not animating.

0.19 (2018-08-17)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
      • Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • concept-engine, engine-system, engine-gecko: Added new API to load data and HTML directly (without loading a URL). Added the ability to stop loading a page.

  • ui-autocomplete: Fixed a bug that caused soft keyboards and the InlineAutocompleteEditText component to desync.

  • service-firefox-accounts: Added JNA-specific proguard rules so consumers of this library don't have to add them to their app (see https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/main/www/FrequentlyAskedQuestions.md#jna-on-android for details). Underlying libfxa_client.so no longer depends on versioned .so names. All required dependencies are now statically linked which simplified our dependency setup as well.

0.18 (2018-08-10)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e) 🔺
      • Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • engine-gecko-beta: Since the Load Progress Tracking API was uplifted to GeckoView Beta engine-gecko-beta now reports progress via EngineSession.Observer.onProgress().

  • service-fretboard: KintoExperimentSource can now validate the signature of the downloaded experiments configuration (validateSignature flag). This ensures that the configuration was signed by Mozilla and was not modified by a bad actor. For now the validateSignature flag is off by default until this has been tested in production. Various bugfixes and refactorings.

  • service-firefox-accounts: JNA native libraries are no longer part of the AAR and instead referenced as a dependency. This avoids duplication when multiple libraries depend on JNA.

  • ui-tabcounter: New UI component - A button that shows the current tab count and can animate state changes. Extracted from Firefox Rocket.

  • API references for every release are now generated and hosted online: https://mozilla-mobile.github.io/android-components/reference/

  • Documentation and more is now hosted at: https://mozilla-mobile.github.io/android-components/. More content coming soon.

  • tooling-lint: New (internal-only) component containing custom lint rules.

0.17 (2018-08-03)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60 🔺
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180801100114 (2018.08.01, af6a7edf0069549543f2fba6a8ee3ea251b20829) 🔺
      • Beta: 62.0b13 (dd92dec96711e60a8c6a49ebe584fa23a453a292) 🔺
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • support-base: New base component containing small building blocks for other components. Added a simple logging API that allows components to log messages/exceptions but lets the consuming app decide what gets logged and how.

  • support-utils: Some classes have been moved to the new support-base component.

  • service-fretboard: ⚠️ Breaking change: ExperimentDescriptor instances now operate on the experiment name instead of the ID.

  • ui-icons: Added new icons (used in Firefox Focus UI refresh): mozac_ic_arrowhead_down, mozac_ic_arrowhead_up, mozac_ic_check, mozac_ic_device_desktop, mozac_ic_mozilla, mozac_ic_open_in, mozac_ic_reorder.

  • service-firefox-accounts: Added documentation.

  • service-fretboard: Updated documentation.

  • browser-toolbar: Fixed an issue where the toolbar content disappeared if a padding value was set on the toolbar.

  • Commits, Milestone

0.16.1 (2018-07-26)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
      • Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • service-telemetry: Allow up to 200 extras in event pings.

  • Commits, Milestone

0.16 (2018-07-25)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
      • Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • service-fretboard: Experiments can now be filtered by release channel. Added helper method to get list of active experiments.

  • service-telemetry: Added option to report active experiments in the core ping.

  • service-firefox-accounts, sample-firefox-accounts: libjnidispatch.so is no longer in the tree but automatically fetched from tagged GitHub releases at build-time. Upgraded to fxa-rust-client library 0.2.1. Renmaed armeabi directory to armeabi-v7a.

  • browser-session, concept-engine: Exposed website title and tracking protection in session and made observable.

  • browser-toolbar: Fixed bug that prevented the toolbar from being displayed at the bottom of the screen. Fixed animation problem when multiple buttons animated at the same time.

  • Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits, Milestone

0.15 (2018-07-20)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
      • Beta: 62.0b5 (801112336847960bbb9a018695cf09ea437dc137)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • service-firefox-accounts, sample-firefox-accounts: Added authentication flow using WebView. Introduced functionality to persist and restore FxA state in shared preferences to keep users signed in between applications restarts. Increased test coverage for library.

  • service-fretboard: New component for segmenting users in order to run A/B tests and rollout features gradually.

  • browser-session: Refactored session observer to provide session object and changed values to simplify observer implementations. Add source (origin) information to Session.

  • browser-search: Introduced new functionality to retrieve search suggestions.

  • engine-system, engine-gecko, browser-session: Exposed downloads in engine components and made them consumable from browser session.

  • engine-gecko: Added optimization to ignore initial loads of about:blank.

  • Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits, Milestone

0.14 (2018-07-13)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
      • Beta: 62.0b5 (801112336847960bbb9a018695cf09ea437dc137)
      • Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
  • support-test: A new component with helpers for testing components.

  • browser-session: New method SessionManager.removeSessions() for removing all sessions except custom tab sessions. SessionManager.selectedSession is now nullable. SessionManager.selectedSessionOrThrow can be used in apps that will always have at least one selected session and that do not want to deal with a nullable type.

  • feature-sessions: SessionIntentProcessor can now be configured to open new tabs for incoming Intents.

  • ui-icons: Mirrored mozac_ic_pin and mozac_ic_pin_filled icons.

  • service-firefox-accounts: Renamed the component from service-fxa for clarity. Introduced FxaResult.whenComplete() to be called when the FxaResult and the whole chain of then calls is completed with a value. Synchronized blocks invoking Rust calls.

  • Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits, Milestone

0.13 (2018-07-06)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
      • Beta: 62.0b5
      • Release: 61.0
  • service-fxa, samples-fxa: Various improvements to FxA component API (made calls asynchronous and introduced error handling)

  • browser-toolbar: Added functionality to observer focus changes (setOnEditFocusChangeListener)

  • concept-tabstray, browser-tabstray, features-tabs: New components to provide browser tabs functionality

  • sample-browser: Updated to support multiple tabs

  • API changes:

    • InlineAutocompleteEditText: onAutocomplete was renamed to applyAutocompleteResult
    • Toolbar: setOnUrlChangeListener was renamed to setOnUrlCommitListener
  • Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits

0.12 (2018-06-29)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.50
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.23.3
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.06.27
      • version: 63.0.20180627100018
      • revision: 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8
  • service-fxa, samples-fxa: Added new library/component for integrating with Firefox Accounts, and a sample app to demo its usage

  • samples-browser: Moved all browser behaviour into standalone fragment

  • Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits

0.11 (2018-06-22)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.06.21
      • version: 62.0.20180621100051
      • revision: e834d23a292972ab4250a8be00e6740c43e41db2
  • feature-session, browser-session: Added functionality to process CustomTabsIntent.

  • engine-gecko: Created separate engine-gecko variants/modules for nightly/beta/release channels.

  • browser-toolbar: Added support for setting autocomplete filter.

  • Various refactorings (see commits below for details)

  • Commits

0.10 (2018-06-14)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.05.16
      • version: 62.0.20180516100458
      • revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
  • browser-session: Added Custom Tabs configuration to session. Added new functionality that allows attaching a lifecycle owner to session observers so that observer can automatically be unregistered when the associated lifecycle ends.

  • service-telemetry: Updated createdTimestamp and createdDate fields for mobile-metrics ping

  • Commits

0.9 (2018-06-06)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.05.16
      • version: 62.0.20180516100458
      • revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
  • feature-session, engine-gecko, engine-system: Added functionality and API to save/restore engine session state and made sure it's persisted by default (using DefaultSessionStorage)

  • concept-toolbar: Use "AppCompat" versions of ImageButton and ImageView. Add notifyListener parameter to setSelected and toggle to specify whether or not listeners should be invoked.

  • Commits

0.8 (2018-05-30)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.05.16
      • version: 62.0.20180516100458
      • revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
  • browser-session, engine-gecko, engine-system: Added SSL information and secure state to session, and made it observable.

  • browser-toolbar: Introduced page, browser and navigation actions and allow for them to be dynamically shown, hidden and updated. Added ability to specify custom behaviour for clicks on URL in display mode. Added support for custom background actions. Enabled layout transitions by default.

  • service-telemetry: Added new mobile-metrics ping type.

  • Commits

0.7 (2018-05-24)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.05.16
      • version: 62.0.20180516100458
      • revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
  • browser-toolbar: Added support for dynamic actions. Made site security indicator optional. Added support for overriding default height and padding.

  • feature-session: Added new use case implementation to support reloading URLs. Fixed bugs when restoring sessions from storage. Use AtomicFile for DefaultSessionStorage.

  • feature-search: New component - Connects an (concept) engine implementation with the browser search module and provides search related use case implementations e.g. searching using the default provider.

  • support-ktx: Added extension method to check if a String represents a URL.

  • samples-browser: Added default search integration using the new feature-search component.

  • samples-toolbar: New sample app - Shows how to customize the browser-toolbar component.

  • Commits

0.6 (2018-05-16)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.05.16
      • version: 62.0.20180516100458
      • revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
  • browser-menu: New component - A generic menu with customizable items for browser toolbars.

  • concept-session-storage: New component - Abstraction layer for hiding the actual session storage implementation.

  • feature-session: Added DefaultSessionStorage which is used if no other implementation of SessionStorage (from the new concept module) is provided. Introduced a new SessionProvider type which simplifies the API for use cases and components and removed the SessionMapping type as it's no longer needed.

  • support-ktx: Added extension methods to View for checking visibility (View.isVisible, View.isInvisible and View.isGone).

  • samples-browser: Use new browser menu component and switch to Gecko as default engine.

  • Commits

0.5.1 (2018-05-03)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
    • GeckoView Nightly
      • date: 2018.04.10
      • version: 61.0.20180410100334
      • revision: a8061a09cd7064a8783ca9e67979d77fb52e001e
  • browser-domains: Simplified API of DomainAutoCompleteProvider which now uses a dedicated result type instead of a callback and typealias.

  • browser-toolbar: Added various enhancements to support edit and display mode and to navigate back/forward.

  • feature-session: Added SessionIntentProcessor which provides reuseable functionality to handle incoming intents.

  • sample-browser: Sample application now handles the device back button and reacts to incoming (ACTION_VIEW) intents.

  • support-ktx: Added extension methods to View for converting dp to pixels (View.dp), showing and hiding the keyboard (View.showKeyboard and View.hideKeyboard).

  • service-telemetry: New component - A generic library for generating and sending telemetry pings from Android applications to Mozilla's telemetry service.

  • ui-icons: New component - A collection of often used browser icons.

  • ui-progress: New component - An animated progress bar following the Photon Design System.

  • Commits

0.5 (2018-05-02)

Due to a packaging bug this release is not usable. Please use 0.5.1 instead.

0.4 (2018-04-19)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.31
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
  • browser-search: New module - Search plugins and companion code to load, parse and use them.

  • browser-domains: Auto-completion of full URLs (instead of just domains) is now supported.

  • ui-colors module (org.mozilla.photon:colors) now includes all photon colors.

  • ui-fonts: New module - Convenience accessor for fonts used by Mozilla.

  • Multiple (Java/Kotlin) package names have been changed to match the naming of the module. Module names usually follow the template "$group-$name" and package names now follow the same scheme: "mozilla.components.$group.$name". For example the code of the "browser-toolbar" module now lives in the "mozilla.components.browser.toolbar" package. The group and artifacts Ids in Maven/Gradle have not been changed at this time.

  • Commits

0.3 (2018-04-05)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.1
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.30
    • Kotlin coroutines 0.19.3
  • New component: ui-autocomplete - A set of components to provide autocomplete functionality. InlineAutocompleteEditText is a Kotlin version of the inline autocomplete widget we have been using in Firefox for Android and Focus/Klar for Android.

  • New component: browser-domains - Localized and customizable domain lists for auto-completion in browsers.

  • New components (Planning phase; Not for consumption yet): engine, engine-gecko, session, toolbar

  • Commits

0.2.2 (2018-03-27)

  • Compiled against:

    • Android support libraries 27.1.0
    • Kotlin Standard library 1.2.30
  • First release with synchronized version numbers.