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layout title date categories author
post 🐼 Release: Android Components 0.25 2018-09-26 20:33:00 +0200 releases arturo

0.25.1 (2018-09-27)

  • browser-engine-system: Fixed a NullPointerException in SystemEngineSession.captureThumbnail().

0.25 (2018-09-26)

  • Commits, Milestone, API reference

  • Compiled against:

    • Android
      • SDK: 27
      • Support Libraries: 27.1.1
    • Kotlin
      • Standard library: 1.2.61
      • Coroutines: 0.23.4
    • GeckoView
      • Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
      • Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
      • Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
  • ⚠️ This is the last release compiled against Android SDK 27. Upcoming releases of the components will require Android SDK 28.

  • service-fretboard:

    • Fixed a bug in FlatFileExperimentStorage that caused updated experiment configurations not being saved to disk.
    • Added WorkManager implementation for updating experiment configurations in the background (See WorkManagerSyncScheduler).
    • Experiment.id is not accessible by component consumers anymore.
  • browser-engine-system:

    • URL changes are now reported earlier; when the URL of the main frame changes.
    • Fixed an issue where fullscreen mode would only take up part of the screen.
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when loading invalid URLs.
    • RequestInterceptor.onErrorRequest() can return custom error page content to be displayed now (the original URL that caused the error will be preserved).
  • feature-intent: New component providing intent processing functionality (Code moved from feature-session).

  • support-utils: DownloadUtils.guessFileName() will replace extension in the URL with the MIME type file extension if needed (http://example.com/file.aspx + image/jpeg -> file.jpg).