/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ pluginManagement { if (!gradle.hasProperty("mozconfig")){ apply from: file('../gradle/mozconfig.gradle') } repositories { gradle.mozconfig.substs.GRADLE_MAVEN_REPOSITORIES.each { repository -> maven { url repository if (gradle.mozconfig.substs.ALLOW_INSECURE_GRADLE_REPOSITORIES) { allowInsecureProtocol = true } } } } includeBuild("plugins/dependencies") includeBuild("plugins/publicsuffixlist") } plugins { id 'mozac.DependenciesPlugin' } ext.topsrcdir = rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath.minus("mobile/android/android-components") apply from: file('../shared-settings.gradle') apply from: file('../autopublish-settings.gradle') buildCache { local { directory = new File(rootDir, '.build-cache') removeUnusedEntriesAfterDays = 30 } } def projectLocalProperties = file("local.properties").with { localPropertiesFile -> def localProperties = new Properties() if (localPropertiesFile.canRead()) { localPropertiesFile.withInputStream { localProperties.load(it) } } localProperties } projectLocalProperties.each { prop -> gradle.ext."localProperties.${prop.key}" = prop.value }