--- layout: post title: "🚩 Engine version dependent feature flags" date: 2020-05-28 14:00:00 +0200 author: sebastian --- When integrating a completely new feature, for example into [Firefox Preview](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix), this feature may only work with the latest version of an engine, e.g. the latest version of `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`. Manually maintaining a feature flag that gradually gets enabled in build variants as the required functionality becomes available in more stable engine versions (`browser-engine-gecko-beta`, `browser-engine-gecko`) is cumbersome, error-prone and potentially a multi-week long process. To help build feature flags, that need to incorporate the engine version, every `Engine` exposes a `version` property. This property is an instance of [`EngineVersion`](https://mozac.org/api/mozilla.components.concept.engine.utils/-engine-version/), which makes it easy to match against specific engine versions. ## Example Let's say you are adding a new feature to [Firefox Preview](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix). This new feature requires brand new functionality that was just introduced in GeckoView Nightly 77.0. Using [`isAtLeast()`](https://mozac.org/api/mozilla.components.concept.engine.utils/-engine-version/is-at-least.html) you can create a feature flag that will enable this feature in all build variants that are using GeckoView 77.0 or higher. ```Kotlin // Enable feature with GeckoView 77+ val useNewFeature = components.engine.version.isAtLeast(77) ``` This also works for minor and patch versions as well as additional metadata that is appended to the version number. ```Kotlin // Feature requires GeckoView 77.2 or higher. val useNewFeature = components.engine.version.isAtLeast(77, 2) ``` If needed you can access the individual parts of the version number manually: ```Kotlin // For GeckoView (Nightly) 77.0a1 engine.version.major // 77 engine.version.minor // 0 engine.version.patch // 0 engine.version.metadata // a1 ``` ### GeckoView vs. WebView Note that for GeckoView versions we are using the `MOZILLA_VERSION` that GeckoView exposes (e.g. `78.0a1`) which can be different from version of the maven dependency (e.g. `78.0.20200528032513`). In `browser-engine-system`, which is using `WebView`, we are parsing the Chrome version from the [User-Agent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent). ```Kotlin // Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10) Build/RPP2.200227.014.A1; wv) // AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version 4.0 // Chrome/82.0.4062.3 Mobile Safari/537.36 // On a device with a WebView with the User-Agent above: engine.version.major // 82 engine.version.minor // 0 engine.version.patch // 4062 engine.version.metadata // .3 ```