#!/bin/bash # bash is required because we need bash's printf to guarantee a cross-platform # timestamp format. set -e set -x # make sure we're on a signed tag that matches the version name describe=`git describe --tags --always` versionName=`echo $describe | sed 's,-[0-9][0-9]*-g.*,,'` if [ "$versionName" != "$describe" ]; then echo "WARNING: building $describe, which is not the latest release ($versionName)" else # make a clearer warning above by putting this here set +x echo "" echo "" echo "Checking git tag signature for release build:" gpg --list-key 9F0FE587374BBE81 || gpg --recv-key 9F0FE587374BBE81 gpg --list-key E9E28DEA00AA5556 || gpg --recv-key E9E28DEA00AA5556 gpg --list-key A801183E69B37AA9 || gpg --recv-key A801183E69B37AA9 git tag -v $versionName echo "" echo "" set -x fi if [ -z $ANDROID_HOME ]; then if [ -e ~/.android/bashrc-ant-build ]; then . ~/.android/bashrc-ant-build else echo "ANDROID_HOME must be set!" exit 1 fi fi if [ -z $ANDROID_NDK_HOME ]; then if which ndk-build 2>&1 /dev/null; then ANDROID_NDK_HOME=`which ndk-build | sed 's,/ndk-build,,'` else echo "ANDROID_NDK_HOME not set and 'ndk-build' not in PATH" exit 1 fi fi projectroot=`pwd` projectname=`sed -n 's,.*name="app_name">\(.*\)<.*,\1,p' app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml` # standardize timezone to reduce build differences export TZ=UTC git reset --hard git clean -fdx git submodule foreach git reset --hard git submodule foreach git clean -fdx git submodule sync git submodule foreach git submodule sync git submodule update --init --recursive if [ -e ~/.android/ant.properties ]; then cp ~/.android/ant.properties $projectroot/ else echo "skipping release ant.properties" fi cd $projectroot/orbotservice/src/main $ANDROID_NDK_HOME/ndk-build cd $projectroot #clean, build, clean and build! make -C external clean APP_ABI=armeabi make -C external #make -C external clean #APP_ABI=x86 make -C external ./gradlew assembleRelease ls -l $projectroot/app/build/outputs/apk/ apk=`ls -1 $projectroot/app/build/outputs/apk/*-release-unsigned.apk |head -1` # echo the checksum to build logs sha256sum $apk if which gpg > /dev/null; then if [ -z "`gpg --list-secret-keys`" ]; then echo "No GPG secret keys found, not signing APK" else gpg --armor --detach-sign $apk fi else echo "gpg not found, not signing APK" fi