diff --git a/.idea/gradle.xml b/.idea/gradle.xml
index 35ef56d3..6aca760b 100644
--- a/.idea/gradle.xml
+++ b/.idea/gradle.xml
@@ -28,6 +28,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index a9f14819..fd009f04 100755
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:0.30.1'
implementation 'com.android.volley:volley:1.1.1'
implementation 'com.github.gabrielemariotti.recyclerview:recyclerview-animators:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT@aar'
+ implementation 'com.github.instacart.truetime-android:library-extension-rx:3.3'
/*Image Cache Libraries*/
diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 11a4879e..96d756d7 100755
--- a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" />
= 28) {
+ final DisplayCutout cutout = extendedGeckoView.this.mSurfaceWrapper.getView().getRootWindowInsets().getDisplayCutout();
+ if (cutout != null) {
+ mDisplay.safeAreaInsetsChanged(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), cutout.getSafeInsetLeft());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean shouldPinOnScreen() {
+ return mDisplay != null ? mDisplay.shouldPinOnScreen() : false;
+ }
+ public void setVerticalClipping(final int clippingHeight) {
+ mClippingHeight = clippingHeight;
+ if (mDisplay != null) {
+ mDisplay.setVerticalClipping(clippingHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(final int height) {
+ mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight = height;
+ // Reset the vertical clipping value to zero whenever we change
+ // the dynamic toolbar __max__ height so that it can be properly
+ // propagated to both the main thread and the compositor thread,
+ // thus we will be able to reset the __current__ toolbar height
+ // on the both threads whatever the __current__ toolbar height is.
+ setVerticalClipping(0);
+ if (mDisplay != null) {
+ mDisplay.setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(height);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Request a {@link Bitmap} of the visible portion of the web page currently being
+ * rendered.
+ *
+ * @return A {@link GeckoResult} that completes with a {@link Bitmap} containing
+ * the pixels and size information of the currently visible rendered web page.
+ */
+ @UiThread
+ @NonNull
+ GeckoResult capturePixels() {
+ if (mDisplay == null) {
+ return GeckoResult.fromException(new IllegalStateException("Display must be created before pixels can be captured"));
+ }
+ return mDisplay.capturePixels();
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:javadocmethod")
+ public extendedGeckoView(final Context context) {
+ super(context);
+ init();
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:javadocmethod")
+ public extendedGeckoView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
+ super(context, attrs);
+ init();
+ }
+ private void init() {
+ setFocusable(true);
+ setFocusableInTouchMode(true);
+ setImportantForAccessibility(View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES);
+ // We are adding descendants to this LayerView, but we don't want the
+ // descendants to affect the way LayerView retains its focus.
+ setDescendantFocusability(FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS);
+ // This will stop PropertyAnimator from creating a drawing cache (i.e. a
+ // bitmap) from a SurfaceView, which is just not possible (the bitmap will be
+ // transparent).
+ setWillNotCacheDrawing(false);
+ mSurfaceWrapper = new SurfaceViewWrapper(getContext());
+ mSurfaceWrapper.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE);
+ addView(mSurfaceWrapper.getView(),
+ new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
+ ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
+ mSurfaceWrapper.setListener(mDisplay);
+ final Activity activity = ActivityUtils.getActivityFromContext(getContext());
+ if (activity != null) {
+ mSelectionActionDelegate = new BasicSelectionActionDelegate(activity);
+ }
+ mAutofillDelegate = new AndroidAutofillDelegate();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set a color to cover the display surface while a document is being shown. The color
+ * is automatically cleared once the new document starts painting.
+ *
+ * @param color Cover color.
+ */
+ public void coverUntilFirstPaint(final int color) {
+ mLastCoverColor = color;
+ if (mSession != null) {
+ mSession.getCompositorController().setClearColor(color);
+ }
+ coverUntilFirstPaintInternal(color);
+ }
+ private void uncover() {
+ coverUntilFirstPaintInternal(Color.TRANSPARENT);
+ }
+ private void coverUntilFirstPaintInternal(final int color) {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ if (mSurfaceWrapper != null) {
+ mSurfaceWrapper.setBackgroundColor(color);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This extendedGeckoView instance will be backed by a {@link SurfaceView}.
+ *
+ * This option offers the best performance at the price of not being
+ * able to animate extendedGeckoView.
+ */
+ public static final int BACKEND_SURFACE_VIEW = 1;
+ /**
+ * This extendedGeckoView instance will be backed by a {@link TextureView}.
+ *
+ * This option offers worse performance compared to {@link #BACKEND_SURFACE_VIEW}
+ * but allows you to animate extendedGeckoView or to paint a extendedGeckoView on top of another extendedGeckoView.
+ */
+ public static final int BACKEND_TEXTURE_VIEW = 2;
+ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+ /* protected */ @interface ViewBackend {}
+ /**
+ * Set which view should be used by this extendedGeckoView instance to display content.
+ *
+ * By default, extendedGeckoView will use a {@link SurfaceView}.
+ *
+ * @param backend Any of {@link #BACKEND_SURFACE_VIEW BACKEND_*}.
+ */
+ public void setViewBackend(final @ViewBackend int backend) {
+ removeView(mSurfaceWrapper.getView());
+ if (backend == BACKEND_SURFACE_VIEW) {
+ mSurfaceWrapper.useSurfaceView(getContext());
+ } else if (backend == BACKEND_TEXTURE_VIEW) {
+ mSurfaceWrapper.useTextureView(getContext());
+ }
+ addView(mSurfaceWrapper.getView());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return whether the view should be pinned on the screen. When pinned, the view
+ * should not be moved on the screen due to animation, scrolling, etc. A common reason
+ * for the view being pinned is when the user is dragging a selection caret inside
+ * the view; normal user interaction would be disrupted in that case if the view
+ * was moved on screen.
+ *
+ * @return True if view should be pinned on the screen.
+ */
+ public boolean shouldPinOnScreen() {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ return mDisplay.shouldPinOnScreen();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the amount of vertical space that is clipped or visibly obscured in the bottom portion
+ * of the view. Tells gecko where to put bottom fixed elements so they are fully visible.
+ *
+ * Optional call. The display's visible vertical space has changed. Must be
+ * called on the application main thread.
+ *
+ * @param clippingHeight The height of the bottom clipped space in screen pixels.
+ */
+ public void setVerticalClipping(final int clippingHeight) {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ mDisplay.setVerticalClipping(clippingHeight);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the maximum height of the dynamic toolbar(s).
+ *
+ * If there are two or more dynamic toolbars, the height value should be the total amount of
+ * the height of each dynamic toolbar.
+ *
+ * @param height The the maximum height of the dynamic toolbar(s).
+ */
+ public void setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(final int height) {
+ mDisplay.setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(height);
+ }
+ /* package */ void setActive(final boolean active) {
+ if (mSession != null) {
+ mSession.setActive(active);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Bug 1670805 this should really be configurable
+ // Default dark color for about:blank, keep it in sync with PresShell.cpp
+ final static int DEFAULT_DARK_COLOR = 0xFF2A2A2E;
+ /**
+ * Unsets the current session from this instance and returns it, if any. You must call
+ * this before {@link #setSession(GeckoSession)} if there is already an open session
+ * set for this instance.
+ *
+ * Note: this method does not close the session and the session remains active. The
+ * caller is responsible for calling {@link GeckoSession#close()} when appropriate.
+ *
+ * @return The {@link GeckoSession} that was set for this instance. May be null.
+ */
+ @UiThread
+ public @Nullable GeckoSession releaseSession() {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ GeckoSession session = mSession;
+ mSession.releaseDisplay(mDisplay.release());
+ mSession.getOverscrollEdgeEffect().setInvalidationCallback(null);
+ mSession.getCompositorController().setFirstPaintCallback(null);
+ if (mSession.getAccessibility().getView() == this) {
+ mSession.getAccessibility().setView(null);
+ }
+ if (mSession.getTextInput().getView() == this) {
+ mSession.getTextInput().setView(null);
+ }
+ if (mSession.getSelectionActionDelegate() == mSelectionActionDelegate) {
+ mSession.setSelectionActionDelegate(null);
+ }
+ if (mSession.getAutofillDelegate() == mAutofillDelegate) {
+ mSession.setAutofillDelegate(null);
+ }
+ if (isFocused()) {
+ mSession.setFocused(false);
+ }
+ mSession = null;
+ return session;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attach a session to this view. If this instance already has an open session, you must use
+ * {@link #releaseSession()} first, otherwise {@link IllegalStateException}
+ * will be thrown. This is to avoid potentially leaking the currently opened session.
+ *
+ * @param session The session to be attached.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an existing open session is already set.
+ */
+ @UiThread
+ public void setSession(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ if (mSession != null && mSession.isOpen()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Current session is open");
+ }
+ releaseSession();
+ mSession = session;
+ // Make sure the clear color is set to the default
+ if (ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(this)) {
+ mDisplay.acquire(session.acquireDisplay());
+ }
+ final Context context = getContext();
+ session.getOverscrollEdgeEffect().setTheme(context);
+ session.getOverscrollEdgeEffect().setInvalidationCallback(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
+ extendedGeckoView.this.postInvalidateOnAnimation();
+ } else {
+ extendedGeckoView.this.postInvalidateDelayed(10);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ final DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
+ final TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
+ if (context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight,
+ outValue, true)) {
+ session.getPanZoomController().setScrollFactor(outValue.getDimension(metrics));
+ } else {
+ session.getPanZoomController().setScrollFactor(0.075f * metrics.densityDpi);
+ }
+ session.getCompositorController().setFirstPaintCallback(this::uncover);
+ if (session.getTextInput().getView() == null) {
+ session.getTextInput().setView(this);
+ }
+ if (session.getAccessibility().getView() == null) {
+ session.getAccessibility().setView(this);
+ }
+ if (session.getSelectionActionDelegate() == null && mSelectionActionDelegate != null) {
+ session.setSelectionActionDelegate(mSelectionActionDelegate);
+ }
+ if (mAutofillEnabled) {
+ session.setAutofillDelegate(mAutofillDelegate);
+ }
+ if (isFocused()) {
+ session.setFocused(true);
+ }
+ }
+ @AnyThread
+ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:javadocmethod")
+ public @Nullable GeckoSession getSession() {
+ return mSession;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
+ super.onDetachedFromWindow();
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Release the display before we detach from the window.
+ mSession.releaseDisplay(mDisplay.release());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean gatherTransparentRegion(final Region region) {
+ // For detecting changes in SurfaceView layout, we take a shortcut here and
+ // override gatherTransparentRegion, instead of registering a layout listener,
+ // which is more expensive.
+ if (mSurfaceWrapper != null) {
+ mDisplay.onGlobalLayout();
+ }
+ return super.gatherTransparentRegion(region);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onWindowFocusChanged(final boolean hasWindowFocus) {
+ super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus);
+ // Only call setFocus(true) when the window gains focus. Any focus loss could be temporary
+ // (e.g. due to auto-fill popups) and we don't want to call setFocus(false) in those cases.
+ // Instead, we call setFocus(false) in onWindowVisibilityChanged.
+ if (mSession != null && hasWindowFocus && isFocused()) {
+ mSession.setFocused(true);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(final int visibility) {
+ super.onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility);
+ // We can be reasonably sure that the focus loss is not temporary, so call setFocus(false).
+ if (mSession != null && visibility != View.VISIBLE && !hasWindowFocus()) {
+ mSession.setFocused(false);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onFocusChanged(final boolean gainFocus, final int direction,
+ final Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
+ super.onFocusChanged(gainFocus, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
+ if (mIsResettingFocus) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mSession != null) {
+ mSession.setFocused(gainFocus);
+ }
+ if (!gainFocus) {
+ return;
+ }
+ post(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ if (!isFocused()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethods.getInputMethodManager(getContext());
+ // Bug 1404111: Through View#onFocusChanged, the InputMethodManager queues
+ // up a checkFocus call for the next spin of the message loop, so by
+ // posting this Runnable after super#onFocusChanged, the IMM should have
+ // completed its focus change handling at this point and we should be the
+ // active view for input handling.
+ // If however onViewDetachedFromWindow for the previously active view gets
+ // called *after* onFocusChanged, but *before* the focus change has been
+ // fully processed by the IMM with the help of checkFocus, the IMM will
+ // lose track of the currently active view, which means that we can't
+ // interact with the IME.
+ if (!imm.isActive(extendedGeckoView.this)) {
+ // If that happens, we bring the IMM's internal state back into sync
+ // by clearing and resetting our focus.
+ mIsResettingFocus = true;
+ clearFocus();
+ // After calling clearFocus we might regain focus automatically, but
+ // we explicitly request it again in case this doesn't happen. If
+ // we've already got the focus back, this will then be a no-op anyway.
+ requestFocus();
+ mIsResettingFocus = false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Handler getHandler() {
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24 || mSession == null) {
+ return super.getHandler();
+ }
+ return mSession.getTextInput().getHandler(super.getHandler());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(final EditorInfo outAttrs) {
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return mSession.getTextInput().onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyPreIme(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
+ if (super.onKeyPreIme(keyCode, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mSession != null &&
+ mSession.getTextInput().onKeyPreIme(keyCode, event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyUp(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
+ if (super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mSession != null &&
+ mSession.getTextInput().onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
+ if (super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mSession != null &&
+ mSession.getTextInput().onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyLongPress(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
+ if (super.onKeyLongPress(keyCode, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mSession != null &&
+ mSession.getTextInput().onKeyLongPress(keyCode, event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyMultiple(final int keyCode, final int repeatCount, final KeyEvent event) {
+ if (super.onKeyMultiple(keyCode, repeatCount, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mSession != null &&
+ mSession.getTextInput().onKeyMultiple(keyCode, repeatCount, event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dispatchDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
+ super.dispatchDraw(canvas);
+ if (mSession != null) {
+ mSession.getOverscrollEdgeEffect().draw(canvas);
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility")
+ @Override
+ public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
+ if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
+ requestFocus();
+ }
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mSession.getPanZoomController().onTouchEvent(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dispatches a {@link MotionEvent} to the {@link PanZoomController}. This is the same as
+ * indicating how the event was handled.
+ *
+ * NOTE: It is highly recommended to only call this with ACTION_DOWN or in otherwise
+ * limited capacity. Returning a GeckoResult for every touch event will generate
+ * a lot of allocations and unnecessary GC pressure.
+ *
+ * @param event A {@link MotionEvent}
+ * @return One of the {@link PanZoomController#INPUT_RESULT_UNHANDLED INPUT_RESULT_*}) indicating how the event was handled.
+ */
+ public @NonNull GeckoResult onTouchEventForResult(final @NonNull MotionEvent event) {
+ if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
+ requestFocus();
+ }
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(PanZoomController.INPUT_RESULT_UNHANDLED);
+ }
+ // NOTE: Treat mouse events as "touch" rather than as "mouse", so mouse can be
+ // used to pan/zoom. Call onMouseEvent() instead for behavior similar to desktop.
+ return mSession.getPanZoomController().onTouchEventForResult(event);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
+ if (AndroidGamepadManager.handleMotionEvent(event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mSession.getAccessibility().onMotionEvent(event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ mSession.getPanZoomController().onMotionEvent(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(final ViewStructure structure,
+ final int flags) {
+ super.onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(structure, flags);
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final Autofill.Session autofillSession = mSession.getAutofillSession();
+ autofillSession.fillViewStructure(this, structure, flags);
+ }
+ @Override
+ @TargetApi(26)
+ public void autofill(@NonNull final SparseArray values) {
+ super.autofill(values);
+ if (mSession == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final SparseArray strValues = new SparseArray<>(values.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
+ final AutofillValue value = values.valueAt(i);
+ if (value.isText()) {
+ // Only text is currently supported.
+ strValues.put(values.keyAt(i), value.getTextValue());
+ }
+ }
+ mSession.autofill(strValues);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Request a {@link Bitmap} of the visible portion of the web page currently being
+ * rendered.
+ *
+ * See {@link GeckoDisplay#capturePixels} for more details.
+ *
+ * @return A {@link GeckoResult} that completes with a {@link Bitmap} containing
+ * the pixels and size information of the currently visible rendered web page.
+ */
+ @UiThread
+ public @NonNull GeckoResult capturePixels() {
+ return mDisplay.capturePixels();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets whether or not this View participates in Android autofill.
+ *
+ * When enabled, this will set an {@link Autofill.Delegate} on the
+ * {@link GeckoSession} for this instance.
+ *
+ * @param enabled Whether or not Android autofill is enabled for this view.
+ */
+ @TargetApi(26)
+ public void setAutofillEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
+ mAutofillEnabled = enabled;
+ if (mSession != null) {
+ if (!enabled && mSession.getAutofillDelegate() == mAutofillDelegate) {
+ mSession.setAutofillDelegate(null);
+ } else if (enabled) {
+ mSession.setAutofillDelegate(mAutofillDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Whether or not Android autofill is enabled for this view.
+ */
+ @TargetApi(26)
+ public boolean getAutofillEnabled() {
+ return mAutofillEnabled;
+ }
+ private class AndroidAutofillDelegate implements Autofill.Delegate {
+ private Rect displayRectForId(@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
+ @NonNull final Autofill.Node node) {
+ if (node == null) {
+ return new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
+ final RectF rectF = new RectF(node.getDimensions());
+ session.getPageToScreenMatrix(matrix);
+ matrix.mapRect(rectF);
+ final Rect screenRect = new Rect();
+ rectF.roundOut(screenRect);
+ return screenRect;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onAutofill(@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
+ final int notification,
+ final Autofill.Node node) {
+ ThreadUtils.assertOnUiThread();
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final AutofillManager manager =
+ extendedGeckoView.this.getContext().getSystemService(AutofillManager.class);
+ if (manager == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (notification) {
+ case Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED:
+ // This line seems necessary for auto-fill to work on the initial page.
+ case Autofill.Notify.SESSION_CANCELED:
+ manager.cancel();
+ break;
+ case Autofill.Notify.SESSION_COMMITTED:
+ manager.commit();
+ break;
+ case Autofill.Notify.NODE_FOCUSED:
+ manager.notifyViewEntered(
+ extendedGeckoView.this, node.getId(),
+ displayRectForId(session, node));
+ break;
+ case Autofill.Notify.NODE_BLURRED:
+ manager.notifyViewExited(extendedGeckoView.this, node.getId());
+ break;
+ case Autofill.Notify.NODE_UPDATED:
+ manager.notifyValueChanged(
+ extendedGeckoView.this,
+ node.getId(),
+ AutofillValue.forText(node.getValue()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoClients.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoClients.java
index 05575979..4efbcfa4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoClients.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoClients.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.homeManager.geckoManager;
+import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.widget.ImageView;
@@ -88,6 +89,10 @@ public class geckoClients
return mTempSession;
+ public GeckoRuntime getmRuntime(){
+ return mRuntime;
+ }
public void onSessionReinit(){
@@ -100,6 +105,7 @@ public class geckoClients
return mSession.getUserAgentMode();
+ @SuppressLint("WrongConstant")
public void initRuntimeSettings(AppCompatActivity context){
mRuntime = GeckoRuntime.getDefault(context);
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ public class geckoClients
public void loadURL(String url) {
- if(url.endsWith("boogle.store") || url.endsWith(constants.CONST_GENESIS_DOMAIN_URL_SLASHED)){
+ if(url.startsWith("https://boogle.store?pG") || url.endsWith("boogle.store") || url.endsWith(constants.CONST_GENESIS_DOMAIN_URL_SLASHED)){
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoSession.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoSession.java
index af6957d4..72f2e81a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoSession.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/geckoManager/geckoSession.java
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.JavaScriptInterface;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.downloadFileService;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.errorHandler;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.eventObserver;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.helperMethod;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.trueTime;
import com.example.myapplication.R;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.ThreadUtils;
@@ -51,10 +53,13 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
+import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import static com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager.pluginEnums.eMessageManager.M_LONG_PRESS_URL;
import static com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager.pluginEnums.eMessageManager.M_LONG_PRESS_WITH_LINK;
import static com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager.pluginEnums.eMessageManagerCallbacks.M_RATE_APPLICATION;
@@ -312,8 +317,27 @@ public class geckoSession extends GeckoSession implements GeckoSession.MediaDele
+ private String setGenesisVerificationToken(String pString){
+ try{
+ Uri built = Uri.parse(pString).buildUpon()
+ .appendQueryParameter(constants.CONST_GENESIS_GMT_TIME_GET_KEY, URLEncoder.encode(helperMethod.caesarCipherEncrypt(trueTime.getInstance().getGMT(),new SecretKeySpec(constants.CONST_ENCRYPTION_KEY.getBytes(), "AES")), "utf-8"))
+ .appendQueryParameter(constants.CONST_GENESIS_LOCAL_TIME_GET_KEY, URLEncoder.encode(helperMethod.caesarCipherEncrypt(trueTime.getInstance().getLTZ(),new SecretKeySpec(constants.CONST_ENCRYPTION_KEY.getBytes(), "AES")), "utf-8"))
+ .build();
+ return built.toString();
+ }catch (Exception ex){
+ return pString;
+ }
+ }
public GeckoResult onLoadRequest(@NonNull GeckoSession var2, @NonNull GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest var1) {
- if(var1.uri.contains("boogle.store/advert__")){
+ if(!var1.uri.equals(constants.CONST_GENESIS_URL_CACHED) && var1.uri.startsWith("https://boogle.store") && !var1.uri.contains(constants.CONST_GENESIS_LOCAL_TIME_GET_KEY) && !var1.uri.contains(constants.CONST_GENESIS_LOCAL_TIME_GET_KEY)){
+ String mVerificationURL = setGenesisVerificationToken(var1.uri);
+ initURL(mVerificationURL);
+ loadUri(mVerificationURL);
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(AllowOrDeny.DENY);
+ }
+ else if(var1.uri.contains("boogle.store/advert__")){
event.invokeObserver(Arrays.asList(var1.uri,mSessionID), enums.etype.on_playstore_load);
return GeckoResult.fromValue(AllowOrDeny.DENY);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeController.java
index ef538dfd..2041bcd0 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeController.java
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.database.Cursor;
+import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
+import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
@@ -63,11 +65,13 @@ import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.OnClearFromRecentService;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.SimpleGestureFilter;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.eventObserver;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.helperMethod;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.trueTime;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager.pluginController;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager.pluginEnums;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.widget.progressBar.AnimatedProgressBar;
import com.example.myapplication.R;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView;
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoResult;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession;
import org.torproject.android.service.OrbotService;
import org.torproject.android.service.util.Prefs;
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
/*View Webviews*/
private NestedGeckoView mGeckoView = null;
- private FrameLayout mTopLayout;
+ private androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout mTopLayout;
private ConstraintLayout mWebViewContainer;
/*View Objects*/
@@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
private TextView mFindCount;
private ImageButton mVoiceInput;
private ImageButton mMenu;
- private FrameLayout mNestedScroll;
+ private NestedScrollView mNestedScroll;
private ImageView mBlockerFullSceen;
private TextView mCopyright;
private RecyclerView mHintListView;
@@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
private com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout mAppBar;
/*Redirection Objects*/
+ private GeckoResult mRenderedBitmap = null;
private boolean mPageClosed = false;
private boolean isKeyboardOpened = false;
private boolean isSuggestionChanged = false;
@@ -157,6 +162,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ trueTime.getInstance().initTime();
@@ -432,9 +438,14 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
/*-------------------------------------------------------Helper Methods-------------------------------------------------------*/
public void onGetFavIcon(ImageView pImageView, String pURL){
- mGeckoClient.onGetFavIcon(pImageView, pURL);
+ public void onGetThumbnail(ImageView pImageView){
+ mRenderedBitmap = mGeckoView.capturePixels();
+ dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(mGeckoClient.getSession().getSessionID(), mRenderedBitmap, pImageView, mGeckoView));
+ }
public void onLoadFont(){
@@ -466,6 +477,8 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
public void onLoadTab(geckoSession mTempSession, boolean isSessionClosed){
+ dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(mGeckoClient.getSession().getSessionID(), mRenderedBitmap, null, mGeckoView));
dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.MOVE_TAB_TO_TOP, Collections.singletonList(mTempSession));
@@ -481,17 +494,14 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
}else {
- if(mGeckoClient.getSession().onGetInitializeFromStartup()){
- mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
- }
- mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
mHomeViewController.onUpdateStatusBarTheme(mTempSession.getTheme(), false);
mHomeViewController.onUpdateSearchBar(mGeckoClient.getSession().getCurrentURL(), false, false);
+ mRenderedBitmap = mGeckoView.capturePixels();
/*-------------------------------------------------------USER EVENTS-------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -513,6 +523,42 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
+ @SuppressLint("NewApi")
+ @Override
+ public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
+ super.onTrimMemory(level);
+ switch (level) {
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: app in the background");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: cleanup all memory");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: clean up some memory");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: memory on device is very low and critical");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: memory on device is running low");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: memory on device is moderate");
+ break;
+ Log.i("wow : ", "trim memory requested: app is not showing UI anymore");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
protected void onDestroy() {
@@ -635,7 +681,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
mSearchBarLoading = true;
mEdittextChanged.postDelayed(postToServerRunnable, 0);
- mEdittextChanged.postDelayed(postToServerRunnable, 100);
+ mEdittextChanged.postDelayed(postToServerRunnable, 300);
@@ -718,13 +764,17 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
public void onSuggestionInvoked(View view){
- String val = ((TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.pURL)).getText().toString();
- if(val.equals(strings.GENERIC_EMPTY_STR)){
- val = ((TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.pHeaderSingle)).getText().toString();
+ String mVal = ((TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.pURL)).getText().toString();
+ if(mVal.equals(strings.GENERIC_EMPTY_STR)){
+ mVal = ((TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.pHeaderSingle)).getText().toString();
- Log.i("FUCLSSS","FUCLSSS3");
- onLoadURL(val);
- mHomeViewController.onUpdateSearchBar(val,false,true);
+ String pURL = mHomeModel.urlComplete(mVal, status.sSettingSearchStatus);
+ if(pURL==null){
+ pURL = mVal;
+ }
+ onLoadURL(pURL);
+ mHomeViewController.onUpdateSearchBar(pURL,false,true);
public void onSuggestionMove(View view){
@@ -763,21 +813,34 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
public void postNewLinkTabAnimation(String url){
+ dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(mGeckoClient.getSession().getSessionID(), mRenderedBitmap, null, mGeckoView));
initializeGeckoView(true, true);
public void onNewTab(boolean isKeyboardOpenedTemp, boolean isKeyboardOpened){
- mHomeViewController.onNewTabAnimation(Arrays.asList(isKeyboardOpenedTemp, isKeyboardOpened),M_INITIALIZE_TAB_SINGLE);
+ try {
+ onGetThumbnail(null);
+ }catch (Exception ignored){}
+ final Handler handler = new Handler();
+ handler.postDelayed(() -> {
+ mHomeViewController.onNewTabAnimation(Arrays.asList(isKeyboardOpenedTemp, isKeyboardOpened), M_INITIALIZE_TAB_SINGLE);
+ }, 100);
public void onOpenLinkNewTab(String url){
- mHomeViewController.onNewTabAnimation(Collections.singletonList(url),M_INITIALIZE_TAB_LINK);
+ onGetThumbnail(null);
+ final Handler handler = new Handler();
+ handler.postDelayed(() -> mHomeViewController.onNewTabAnimation(Collections.singletonList(url),M_INITIALIZE_TAB_LINK), 100);
public void onOpenTabViewBoundary(View view){
+ onGetThumbnail(null);
helperMethod.openActivity(tabController.class, constants.CONST_LIST_HISTORY, homeController.this,true);
@@ -849,13 +912,11 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
public void onClearCookies(){
public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
pluginController.getInstance().onMessageManagerInvoke(null, M_RESET);
@@ -877,6 +938,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
@@ -933,9 +995,14 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
tabRowModel model = (tabRowModel)dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.GET_CURRENT_TAB, null);
- mGeckoView.releaseSession();
- mGeckoView.requestFocus();
- mGeckoView.setSession(model.getSession());
+ if(!mGeckoView.getSession().isOpen()){
+ onReDrawGeckoview();
+ onLoadURL(model.getSession().getCurrentURL());
+ }else {
+ mGeckoView.releaseSession();
+ mGeckoView.requestFocus();
+ mGeckoView.setSession(model.getSession());
+ }
@@ -1250,6 +1317,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
else if(e_type.equals(enums.etype.on_url_load)){
+ mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
status.sSettingIsAppRedirected = false;
@@ -1276,6 +1344,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
else if(status.sSettingIsAppStarted){
+ mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
@@ -1387,14 +1456,12 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
pluginController.getInstance().onOrbotInvoke(data, pluginEnums.eOrbotManager.M_SET_PROXY);
else if(e_type.equals(enums.etype.on_update_history)){
- if(activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController()!=null && !activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController().isDestroyed() && !activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController().isFinishing()){
- //dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(data.get(1), mGeckoView.capturePixels()));
- }
return dataController.getInstance().invokeHistory(dataEnums.eHistoryCommands.M_ADD_HISTORY ,data);
else if(e_type.equals(enums.etype.on_page_loaded)){
dataController.getInstance().invokePrefs(dataEnums.ePreferencesCommands.M_SET_BOOL, Arrays.asList(keys.SETTING_IS_BOOTSTRAPPED,true));
+ mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
final Handler handler = new Handler();
Runnable runnable = () -> pluginController.getInstance().onAdsInvoke(null, pluginEnums.eAdManager.M_INITIALIZE_BANNER_ADS);
@@ -1411,6 +1478,7 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(homeController.this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_SET_LANGUAGE);
+ mGeckoClient.onRedrawPixel();
else if(e_type.equals(enums.etype.search_update)){
@@ -1451,18 +1519,6 @@ public class homeController extends AppCompatActivity implements ComponentCallba
if(activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController()!=null && !activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController().isDestroyed())
activityContextManager.getInstance().getTabController().onTabRowChanged((String) data.get(1));
- else if(e_type.equals(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL)){
- try{
- dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(data.get(1), mGeckoView.capturePixels()));
- final Handler handler = new Handler();
- handler.postDelayed(() ->
- {
- dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL, Arrays.asList(data.get(1), mGeckoView.capturePixels()));
- }, 500);
- }catch (Exception EX){
- EX.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
else if(e_type.equals(enums.etype.FINDER_RESULT_CALLBACK)){
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeViewController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeViewController.java
index 344ae339..dd8cd80a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeViewController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/homeManager/homeController/homeViewController.java
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.homeManager.homeController;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
+import android.animation.LayoutTransition;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
+import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.historyManager.historyRowModel;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.*;
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ class homeViewController
private View mSearchEngineBar;
private EditText mFindText;
private TextView mFindCount;
- private FrameLayout mTopLayout;
+ private androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout mTopLayout;
private ImageButton mVoiceInput;
private ImageButton mMenu;
private ImageView mBlocker;
@@ -89,12 +91,13 @@ class homeViewController
private ImageButton mOrbotLogManager;
private ConstraintLayout mInfoPortrait;
private ConstraintLayout mInfoLandscape;
+ private NestedScrollView mNestedScroll;
/*Local Variables*/
private Callable mLogs = null;
private boolean isLandscape = false;
- void initialization(eventObserver.eventListener event, AppCompatActivity context, Button mNewTab, ConstraintLayout webviewContainer, TextView loadingText, AnimatedProgressBar progressBar, editTextManager searchbar, ConstraintLayout splashScreen, ImageView loading, AdView banner_ads, ImageButton gateway_splash, LinearLayout top_bar, GeckoView gecko_view, ImageView backsplash, Button connect_button, View pFindBar, EditText pFindText, TextView pFindCount, FrameLayout pTopLayout, ImageButton pVoiceInput, ImageButton pMenu, FrameLayout pNestedScroll, ImageView pBlocker, ImageView pBlockerFullSceen, View mSearchEngineBar, TextView pCopyright, RecyclerView pHistListView, com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout pAppBar, ImageButton pOrbotLogManager, ConstraintLayout pInfoLandscape, ConstraintLayout pInfoPortrait){
+ void initialization(eventObserver.eventListener event, AppCompatActivity context, Button mNewTab, ConstraintLayout webviewContainer, TextView loadingText, AnimatedProgressBar progressBar, editTextManager searchbar, ConstraintLayout splashScreen, ImageView loading, AdView banner_ads, ImageButton gateway_splash, LinearLayout top_bar, GeckoView gecko_view, ImageView backsplash, Button connect_button, View pFindBar, EditText pFindText, TextView pFindCount, androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout pTopLayout, ImageButton pVoiceInput, ImageButton pMenu, androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView pNestedScroll, ImageView pBlocker, ImageView pBlockerFullSceen, View mSearchEngineBar, TextView pCopyright, RecyclerView pHistListView, com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout pAppBar, ImageButton pOrbotLogManager, ConstraintLayout pInfoLandscape, ConstraintLayout pInfoPortrait){
this.mContext = context;
this.mProgressBar = progressBar;
this.mSearchbar = searchbar;
@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ class homeViewController
this.mOrbotLogManager = pOrbotLogManager;
this.mInfoPortrait = pInfoPortrait;
this.mInfoLandscape = pInfoLandscape;
+ this.mNestedScroll = pNestedScroll;
@@ -133,7 +137,9 @@ class homeViewController
public void initializeViews(){
+ mNestedScroll.setNestedScrollingEnabled(true);
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(() ->
@@ -174,7 +180,16 @@ class homeViewController
- mSearchbar.setPadding(mSearchbar.getPaddingLeft(),0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(15),0);
+ if(status.sSettingLanguageRegion.equals("Ur")){
+ mSearchbar.setPadding(helperMethod.pxFromDp(17),0,mSearchbar.getPaddingRight(),0);
+ ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) mSearchbar.getLayoutParams();
+ params.leftMargin = helperMethod.pxFromDp(5);
+ }else {
+ mSearchbar.setPadding(mSearchbar.getPaddingLeft(),0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(45),0);
+ ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) mSearchbar.getLayoutParams();
+ params.rightMargin = helperMethod.pxFromDp(10);
+ }
}else {
Drawable drawable;
@@ -198,9 +213,17 @@ class homeViewController
- //mSearchbar.setPadding(mSearchbar.getPaddingLeft(),0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(40),0);
- mSearchbar.requestFocus();
+ if(status.sSettingLanguageRegion.equals("Ur")){
+ mSearchbar.setPadding(helperMethod.pxFromDp(45),0,mSearchbar.getPaddingRight(),0);
+ ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) mSearchbar.getLayoutParams();
+ params.leftMargin = helperMethod.pxFromDp(17);
+ }else {
+ mSearchbar.setPadding(mSearchbar.getPaddingLeft(),0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(45),0);
+ ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) mSearchbar.getLayoutParams();
+ params.rightMargin = helperMethod.pxFromDp(17);
+ }
+ mSearchbar.requestFocus();
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.showSoftInput(mSearchbar, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);
@@ -445,7 +468,11 @@ class homeViewController
- popupWindow.showAtLocation(parent, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.END,0,0);
+ if(status.sSettingLanguageRegion.equals("Ur")){
+ popupWindow.showAtLocation(parent, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.START,0,0);
+ }else {
+ popupWindow.showAtLocation(parent, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.END,0,0);
+ }
ImageButton back = popupView.findViewById(R.id.menu22);
ImageButton close = popupView.findViewById(R.id.menu20);
@@ -520,7 +547,6 @@ class homeViewController
if(status && !isLandscape){
- mBannerAds.setAlpha(1f);
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(() ->
@@ -841,13 +867,13 @@ class homeViewController
- ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
- params.setMargins(0, helperMethod.pxFromDp(0), 0, 0);
- mWebviewContainer.setLayoutParams(params);
+ //ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
+ //params.setMargins(0, helperMethod.pxFromDp(0), 0, 0);
+ //mWebviewContainer.setLayoutParams(params);
- ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params1 = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
- params1.setMargins(0, 0, 0,0);
- mGeckoView.setLayoutParams(params1);
+ //ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params1 = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
+ //params1.setMargins(0, 0, 0,0);
+ //mGeckoView.setLayoutParams(params1);
com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status.sFullScreenBrowsing = false;
@@ -868,13 +894,13 @@ class homeViewController
mEvent.invokeObserver(Collections.singletonList(!isLandscape), enums.etype.on_init_ads);
- ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
- params.setMargins(0, 0, 0,0);
- mWebviewContainer.setLayoutParams(params);
+ //ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
+ //params.setMargins(0, 0, 0,0);
+ //mWebviewContainer.setLayoutParams(params);
- ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params1 = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
- params1.setMargins(0, 0, 0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(0));
- mGeckoView.setLayoutParams(params1);
+ //ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams params1 = (ConstraintLayout.MarginLayoutParams) mWebviewContainer.getLayoutParams();
+ //params1.setMargins(0, 0, 0,helperMethod.pxFromDp(0));
+ //mGeckoView.setLayoutParams(params1);
com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status.sFullScreenBrowsing = (boolean) dataController.getInstance().invokePrefs(dataEnums.ePreferencesCommands.M_GET_BOOL, Arrays.asList(keys.SETTING_FULL_SCREEN_BROWSIING,true));
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/languageManager/languageController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/languageManager/languageController.java
index a098ab58..75dda5ff 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/languageManager/languageController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/languageManager/languageController.java
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.languageManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
+import androidx.recyclerview.widget.SimpleItemAnimator;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.tabManager.tabController;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.constants;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.keys;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status;
@@ -56,6 +62,12 @@ public class languageController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void initializeAppModel()
mLanguageViewController = new languageViewController();
@@ -73,6 +85,15 @@ public class languageController extends AppCompatActivity {
private void initializeAdapter(){
mLanguageAdapter = new languageAdapter((ArrayList)mLanguageModel.onTrigger(languageEnums.eLanguageModel.M_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE,null), this, status.sSettingLanguage, new languageAdapterCallback());
+ ((SimpleItemAnimator) Objects.requireNonNull(mRecycleView.getItemAnimator())).setSupportsChangeAnimations(false);
+ mRecycleView.setAdapter(mLanguageAdapter);
+ mRecycleView.setItemViewCacheSize(100);
+ mRecycleView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false);
+ mRecycleView.setHasFixedSize(true);
+ mRecycleView.setItemViewCacheSize(100);
+ mRecycleView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);
+ mRecycleView.setDrawingCacheQuality(View.DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH);
mRecycleView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
@@ -137,6 +158,10 @@ public class languageController extends AppCompatActivity {
pluginController.getInstance().onMessageManagerInvoke(Arrays.asList(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().locale.getDisplayName(), this),M_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_FAILURE);
+ status.mThemeApplying = true;
+ activityContextManager.getInstance().getHomeController().recreate();
return true;
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotLogManager/orbotLogController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotLogManager/orbotLogController.java
index fa96d8ec..88469807 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotLogManager/orbotLogController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotLogManager/orbotLogController.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.orbotLogManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
@@ -7,6 +8,8 @@ import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import android.widget.TextView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
@@ -60,6 +63,12 @@ public class orbotLogController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
public void viewsInitializations() {
mRecycleView = findViewById(R.id.pLogRecycleView);
mLogs = findViewById(R.id.pLogs);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotManager/orbotController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotManager/orbotController.java
index fe385883..2f7320a9 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotManager/orbotController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/orbotManager/orbotController.java
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.orbotManager;
import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Debug;
import android.util.Log;
@@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.bridgeManager.bridgeController;
@@ -53,6 +56,12 @@ public class orbotController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
public void viewsInitializations() {
mBridgeSwitch = findViewById(R.id.pBridgeSwitch);
mVpnSwitch = findViewById(R.id.pVpnSwitch);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/proxyStatusManager/proxyStatusController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/proxyStatusManager/proxyStatusController.java
index d87daaa7..8ebda47a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/proxyStatusManager/proxyStatusController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/proxyStatusManager/proxyStatusController.java
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.proxyStatusManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
@@ -43,6 +45,12 @@ public class proxyStatusController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
public void viewsInitializations() {
mOrbotStatus = findViewById(R.id.pOrbotStatus);
mVpnStatus = findViewById(R.id.pVpnStatus);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/accessibilityManager/settingAccessibilityController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/accessibilityManager/settingAccessibilityController.java
index ea1d97b0..d3390abc 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/accessibilityManager/settingAccessibilityController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/accessibilityManager/settingAccessibilityController.java
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.accessibilityManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.SeekBar;
import android.widget.TextView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -52,6 +55,12 @@ public class settingAccessibilityController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
mZoom = findViewById(R.id.pZoom);
mVoiceInput = findViewById(R.id.pVoiceInput);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/advanceManager/settingAdvanceController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/advanceManager/settingAdvanceController.java
index 35f9833f..2cf63de6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/advanceManager/settingAdvanceController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/advanceManager/settingAdvanceController.java
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.advanceManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -46,6 +49,12 @@ public class settingAdvanceController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
public void viewsInitializations() {
mRestoreTabs = findViewById(R.id.pRestoreTabs);
mShowWebFonts = findViewById(R.id.pShowWebFonts);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/clearManager/settingClearController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/clearManager/settingClearController.java
index 32aef885..690a9e23 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/clearManager/settingClearController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/clearManager/settingClearController.java
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.clearManager;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
@@ -47,6 +50,12 @@ public class settingClearController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
public void viewsInitializations() {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/generalManager/settingGeneralController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/generalManager/settingGeneralController.java
index 7aa1ae2e..d6cb9b92 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/generalManager/settingGeneralController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/generalManager/settingGeneralController.java
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
import android.widget.TextView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
@@ -53,6 +55,12 @@ public class settingGeneralController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
mFullScreenMode = findViewById(R.id.pJSStatus);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/logManager/settingLogController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/logManager/settingLogController.java
index 6716f6e7..4699620c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/logManager/settingLogController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/logManager/settingLogController.java
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.logManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.View;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -38,6 +41,12 @@ public class settingLogController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
mListView = findViewById(R.id.pListView);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/notificationManager/settingNotificationController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/notificationManager/settingNotificationController.java
index 8f4651f9..f001e024 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/notificationManager/settingNotificationController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/notificationManager/settingNotificationController.java
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.notificationManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -38,6 +41,12 @@ public class settingNotificationController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
mNotificationManual = findViewById(R.id.pNotificationManual);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/privacyManager/settingPrivacyController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/privacyManager/settingPrivacyController.java
index 3aa39dff..d75c3859 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/privacyManager/settingPrivacyController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/privacyManager/settingPrivacyController.java
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.privacyManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -44,6 +47,12 @@ public class settingPrivacyController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
mJavaScript = findViewById(R.id.pJavascript);
mDoNotTrack = findViewById(R.id.pDoNotTrack);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/searchEngineManager/settingSearchController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/searchEngineManager/settingSearchController.java
index e86a60ad..cc2cd7b5 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/searchEngineManager/settingSearchController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/searchEngineManager/settingSearchController.java
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.searchEngineManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -40,6 +43,12 @@ public class settingSearchController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/settingHomePage/settingHomeController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/settingHomePage/settingHomeController.java
index 70c4a472..51ca9dd6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/settingHomePage/settingHomeController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/settingHomePage/settingHomeController.java
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.settingHomePage;
import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -55,6 +58,12 @@ public class settingHomeController extends AppCompatActivity
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations()
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/trackingManager/settingTrackingController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/trackingManager/settingTrackingController.java
index ad0675f2..e7da531a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/trackingManager/settingTrackingController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/settingManager/trackingManager/settingTrackingController.java
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.settingManager.trackingManager;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.helpManager.helpController;
@@ -40,6 +43,12 @@ public class settingTrackingController extends AppCompatActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ pluginController.getInstance().onLanguageInvoke(Collections.singletonList(this), pluginEnums.eLangManager.M_ACTIVITY_CREATED);
+ }
private void viewsInitializations() {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabAdapter.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabAdapter.java
index e87a743d..22724934 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabAdapter.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabAdapter.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.enums;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.TopCropImageView;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.eventObserver;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.helperMethod;
@@ -231,12 +232,11 @@ public class tabAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter
+ mWebThumbnail.setImageBitmap(model.getBitmap());
- final Handler handler = new Handler();
- handler.postDelayed(() ->
- {
- mWebThumbnail.setImageBitmap(model.getBitmap());
- }, 500);
+ if(getLayoutPosition()==0){
+ mEvent.invokeObserver(Arrays.asList(mWebThumbnail, model.getSession().getCurrentURL()), enums.etype.fetch_thumbnail);
+ }
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabController.java
index 90935b76..01ad0a0d 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabController.java
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
public void initializeActivity(){
mListModel = new tabModel();
- mListModel.setList((ArrayList)dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.GET_TAB, null));
+ mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_SET_LIST, Collections.singletonList(dataController.getInstance().invokeTab(dataEnums.eTabCommands.GET_TAB, null)));
mContextManager = activityContextManager.getInstance();
mHomeController = activityContextManager.getInstance().getHomeController();
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
public void onSwiped(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int direction) {
int position = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();
- mListModel.onClearBackupWithoutClose();
+ mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_CLEAR_BACKUP_WITHOUT_CLOSE,null);
boolean mStatus = onInitRemoveView(position, true);
mTabAdapter.onTrigger(tabEnums.eTabAdapterCommands.NOTIFY_SWIPE, Collections.singletonList(position));
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
/*View Handlers*/
public void onRemoveTab(int pIndex){
- mListModel.onRemoveTab(pIndex);
+ mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_REMOVE_TAB,Collections.singletonList(pIndex));
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
public boolean onInitRemoveView(int pIndex, boolean pCreateBackup){
- mListModel.onRemoveTab(pIndex);
+ mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_REMOVE_TAB,Collections.singletonList(pIndex));
@@ -185,9 +185,6 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
public void onClose(){
- if(mListModel.getList().size()<=0){
- mHomeController.onNewTab(false, false);
- }
@@ -209,9 +206,9 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
- ArrayList mBackup = mListModel.onLoadBackup();
+ ArrayList mBackup = (ArrayList)mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_LOAD_BACKUP,null);
mTabAdapter.onTrigger(tabEnums.eTabAdapterCommands.REINIT_DATA, Collections.singletonList(mBackup));
- mListModel.onClearBackupWithoutClose();
+ mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_CLEAR_BACKUP_WITHOUT_CLOSE,null);
@@ -220,7 +217,7 @@ public class tabController extends AppCompatActivity
public void onClearTabBackup(){
- ArrayList mBackupIndex = mListModel.onGetBackup();
+ ArrayList mBackupIndex = (ArrayList)mListModel.onTrigger(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_GET_BACKUP,null);
for(int mCounter=0;mCounter model)
+ private void setList(ArrayList model)
mModelList = model;
- public void onRemoveTab(int pIndex){
+ private void onRemoveTab(int pIndex){
- public ArrayList onGetBackup(){
+ private ArrayList onGetBackup(){
return mBackupIndex;
- public void onClearBackupWithoutClose(){
+ private void onClearBackupWithoutClose(){
- public ArrayList onLoadBackup(){
+ private ArrayList onLoadBackup(){
for(int mCounter=0;mCounter pData){
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_SET_LIST)){
+ setList((ArrayList)pData.get(0));
+ }
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_GET_LIST)){
+ return getList();
+ }
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_REMOVE_TAB)){
+ onRemoveTab((int) pData.get(0));
+ }
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_GET_BACKUP)){
+ return onGetBackup();
+ }
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_CLEAR_BACKUP_WITHOUT_CLOSE)){
+ onClearBackupWithoutClose();
+ }
+ if(pCommands.equals(tabEnums.eModelCallback.M_LOAD_BACKUP)){
+ return onLoadBackup();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabViewController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabViewController.java
index cf800d44..cda22199 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabViewController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/appManager/tabManager/tabViewController.java
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
+import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.Window;
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.ItemTouchHelper;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.strings;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.dataManager.dataController;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.dataManager.dataEnums;
@@ -109,7 +112,11 @@ class tabViewController
mTabOptionMenu.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));
- mTabOptionMenu.showAsDropDown(view,helperMethod.pxFromDp(-125), helperMethod.pxFromDp(-45));
+ if(status.sSettingLanguageRegion.equals("Ur")){
+ mTabOptionMenu.showAsDropDown(view,helperMethod.pxFromDp(-45), helperMethod.pxFromDp(-45));
+ }else {
+ mTabOptionMenu.showAsDropDown(view,helperMethod.pxFromDp(-125), helperMethod.pxFromDp(-45));
+ }
private void onCloseTabMenu() {
@@ -143,7 +150,7 @@ class tabViewController
- mTabs.animate().setStartDelay(250).setDuration(200).alpha(1);
+ mTabs.animate().setStartDelay(350).setDuration(200).alpha(1);
private void onShowUndoDialog(int pTabCount) {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/constants.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/constants.java
index 70bae5e8..6c0cfbc0 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/constants.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/constants.java
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ public class constants
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_ERROR_CACHED = "resource://android/assets/error/error.html";
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_DOMAIN_URL_SLASHED = "https://boogle.store/";
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_DOMAIN_URL = "https://boogle.store";
+ public static final String CONST_GENESIS_LOCAL_TIME_GET_KEY = "pLocalTimeVerificationToken";
+ public static final String CONST_GENESIS_GMT_TIME_GET_KEY = "pGlobalTimeVerificationToken";
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_HELP_URL_CACHE = "resource://android/assets/help/help.html";
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_HELP_URL = "https://boogle.store/help";
public static final String CONST_GENESIS_HELP_URL_SUB = "boogle.store/help";
@@ -85,5 +87,8 @@ public class constants
public static final String CONST_HELP_MODEL_DESCRIPTION = "mDescription";
public static final String CONST_HELP_MODEL_ICON = "mIcon";
+ public static final String CONST_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "Zr4u7x!A%D*F-JaNdRgUkXp2s5v8y/B?";
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/enums.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/enums.java
index c20e1087..3cca1d0d 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/enums.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/constants/enums.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public class enums
welcome, reload,download_folder,
- url_triggered, url_triggered_new_tab,url_clear,fetch_favicon,url_clear_at,remove_from_database,is_empty,M_HOME_PAGE,M_PRELOAD_URL,ON_KEYBOARD_CLOSE,
+ url_triggered, url_triggered_new_tab,url_clear,fetch_favicon, fetch_thumbnail,url_clear_at,remove_from_database,is_empty,M_HOME_PAGE,M_PRELOAD_URL,ON_KEYBOARD_CLOSE,
on_close_sesson,on_long_press, on_full_screen,on_handle_external_intent,on_update_suggestion_url,progress_update, ON_EXPAND_TOP_BAR,recheck_orbot,on_url_load,on_playstore_load,back_list_empty,start_proxy, ON_UPDATE_THEME, M_INITIALIZE_TAB_SINGLE, M_INITIALIZE_TAB_LINK,on_request_completed, on_update_history,on_update_suggestion,M_WELCOME_MESSAGE,ON_UPDATE_TITLE_BAR,ON_FIRST_PAINT, ON_LOAD_TAB_ON_RESUME, ON_SESSION_REINIT,on_page_loaded,on_load_error,download_file_popup,on_init_ads,search_update, open_new_tab
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/dataController.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/dataController.java
index 01bdeef4..bb4b92c2 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/dataController.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/dataController.java
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.dataManager;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.databaseManager.databaseController;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.historyManager.historyRowModel;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.constants;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/suggestionDataModel.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/suggestionDataModel.java
index b62db15e..8dc419a1 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/suggestionDataModel.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/suggestionDataModel.java
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ public class suggestionDataModel implements SpellCheckerSession.SpellCheckerSess
private SpellCheckerSession mSpellCheckerSession;
private TextServicesManager mTextServicesManager;
+ private ArrayList mHintListLocalCache;
public suggestionDataModel(Context mContext){
mTextServicesManager = (TextServicesManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE);
mSpellCheckerSession = mTextServicesManager.newSpellCheckerSession(null, null, this, true);
+ mHintListLocalCache = initSuggestions();
/*Helper Methods*/
@@ -70,15 +72,14 @@ public class suggestionDataModel implements SpellCheckerSession.SpellCheckerSess
- ArrayList mDefaultSuggestions = initSuggestions();
- for(int count = 0; count<= mDefaultSuggestions.size()-1 && mDefaultSuggestions.size()<500; count++){
- if(mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getHeader().toLowerCase().contains(pQuery)){
- mList.add(new historyRowModel(mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getHeader(),mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
- }else if(mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getDescription().toLowerCase().contains(pQuery)){
+ for(int count = 0; count<= mHintListLocalCache.size()-1 && mHintListLocalCache.size()<500; count++){
+ if(mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getHeader().toLowerCase().contains(pQuery)){
+ mList.add(new historyRowModel(mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getHeader(),mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
+ }else if(mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getDescription().toLowerCase().contains(pQuery)){
- mList.add(new historyRowModel(mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getHeader(),mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
+ mList.add(new historyRowModel(mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getHeader(),mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
}else {
- mList.add(new historyRowModel(mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getHeader(),mDefaultSuggestions.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
+ mList.add(new historyRowModel(mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getHeader(),mHintListLocalCache.get(count).getDescription(),-1));
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/tabDataModel.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/tabDataModel.java
index 44cb8f92..01e14597 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/tabDataModel.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/dataManager/tabDataModel.java
@@ -2,16 +2,32 @@ package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.dataManager;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.ContentValues;
+import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.Message;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.widget.ImageView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.activityContextManager;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.databaseManager.databaseController;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.homeManager.geckoManager.NestedGeckoView;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.homeManager.geckoManager.geckoSession;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.appManager.tabManager.tabRowModel;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.enums;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.messages;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.status;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.strings;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.helperMethod;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoResult;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
@@ -141,35 +157,120 @@ class tabDataModel
- public void updatePixels(String pSessionID, GeckoResult pBitmapManager){
+ @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak")
+ static Handler handler = new Handler()
+ {
+ @Override
+ public void dispatchMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
+ super.dispatchMessage(msg);
+ }
+ @NonNull
+ @Override
+ public String getMessageName(@NonNull Message message) {
+ return super.getMessageName(message);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean sendMessageAtTime(@NonNull Message msg, long uptimeMillis) {
+ return super.sendMessageAtTime(msg, uptimeMillis);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void handleMessage(Message msg)
+ {
+ Log.i("FUCK","FUCK");
+ }
+ };
+ // int isLoading = 0;
+ public void updatePixels(String pSessionID, GeckoResult pBitmapManager, ImageView pImageView, NestedGeckoView pGeckoView){
+ new Thread(){
+ public void run(){
+ try {
+ for(int counter = 0; counter< mTabs.size(); counter++) {
+ int finalCounter = counter;
+ if (mTabs.get(counter).getSession().getSessionID().equals(pSessionID)) {
+ GeckoResult mResult = pBitmapManager.withHandler(handler);
+ Bitmap mBitmap = pBitmapManager.poll(4000);
+ mTabs.get(finalCounter).setmBitmap(mBitmap);
+ if(pImageView!=null){
+ activityContextManager.getInstance().getHomeController().runOnUiThread(() -> pImageView.setImageBitmap(mBitmap));
+ }
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ byte[] mThumbnail = bos.toByteArray();
+ ContentValues mContentValues = new ContentValues();
+ mContentValues.put("mThumbnail", mThumbnail);
+ databaseController.getInstance().execTab("tab",mContentValues, mTabs.get(finalCounter).getmId());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+ throwable.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }.start();
+ /*int e=0;
+ e=1;
for(int counter = 0; counter< mTabs.size(); counter++){
final Handler handler = new Handler();
int finalCounter = counter;
int finalCounter1 = counter;
- handler.postDelayed(() ->
- {
- try {
- Bitmap mBitmap = pBitmapManager.poll(500);
- mTabs.get(finalCounter).setmBitmap(mBitmap);
+ new Thread(){
+ public void run(){
+ try {
+ int mCounter=0;
+ while (mCounter<=20){
- ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, bos);
- byte[] mThumbnail = bos.toByteArray();
+ activityContextManager.getInstance().getHomeController().runOnUiThread(() -> {
+ Bitmap mBitmap = null;
+ try {
+ mBitmap = pBitmapManager.poll(0);
+ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+ throwable.printStackTrace();
+ isLoading = 2;
+ return;
+ }
+ mTabs.get(finalCounter).setmBitmap(mBitmap);
+ if(pImageView!=null){
+ pImageView.setImageBitmap(mBitmap);
+ }
- ContentValues mContentValues = new ContentValues();
- mContentValues.put("mThumbnail", mThumbnail);
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, bos);
+ byte[] mThumbnail = bos.toByteArray();
- databaseController.getInstance().execTab("tab",mContentValues, mTabs.get(finalCounter1).getmId());
+ ContentValues mContentValues = new ContentValues();
+ mContentValues.put("mThumbnail", mThumbnail);
- } catch (Throwable throwable) {
- throwable.printStackTrace();
+ databaseController.getInstance().execTab("tab",mContentValues, mTabs.get(finalCounter1).getmId());
+ isLoading = 3;
+ });
+ mCounter++;
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+ throwable.printStackTrace();
+ }
- }, 500);
+ }.start();
- }
+ }*/
public ArrayList> getSuggestions(String pQuery){
@@ -222,7 +323,7 @@ class tabDataModel
return getSuggestions((String) pData.get(0));
else if(pCommands == dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_UPDATE_PIXEL){
- updatePixels((String)pData.get(0), (GeckoResult)pData.get(1));
+ updatePixels((String)pData.get(0), (GeckoResult)pData.get(1), (ImageView) pData.get(2), (NestedGeckoView) pData.get(3));
else if(pCommands == dataEnums.eTabCommands.M_HOME_PAGE){
return getHomePage();
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/AdBlocker.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/adBlocker.java
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 96%
rename from app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/AdBlocker.java
rename to app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/adBlocker.java
index ce70c2b7..99091051
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/AdBlocker.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/adBlocker.java
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import com.example.myapplication.R;
* Created by BrainWang on 05/01/2016.
-public class AdBlocker {
+public class adBlocker {
static String[] adUrls = null;
public static boolean isAd(Context context, String url) {
Resources res = context.getResources();
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/helperMethod.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/helperMethod.java
index b68d1079..c44dc929 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/helperMethod.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/helperMethod.java
@@ -46,13 +46,16 @@ import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
+import java.security.Key;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
+import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
import static android.content.Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE;
import static android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;
@@ -74,6 +77,17 @@ public class helperMethod
+ public static String caesarCipherEncrypt(String pMessage, Key pSecretKey) {
+ try{
+ Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
+ cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pSecretKey);
+ byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal((pMessage + "__" + createRandomID()).getBytes());
+ return new String(cipherText);
+ }catch (Exception ex){
+ return pMessage;
+ }
+ }
public static void onOpenHelpExternal(AppCompatActivity context, String pURL){
Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(pURL));
@@ -560,7 +574,13 @@ public class helperMethod
popupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));
- popupWindow.showAtLocation(p_view, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.END,0,0);
+ if(status.sSettingLanguageRegion.equals("Ur")){
+ popupWindow.showAtLocation(p_view, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.START,0,0);
+ }else {
+ popupWindow.showAtLocation(p_view, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.END,0,0);
+ }
return popupWindow;
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/trueTime.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/trueTime.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c745c677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/helperManager/trueTime.java
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager;
+import android.widget.Toast;
+import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.constants.strings;
+import com.instacart.library.truetime.TrueTime;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+public class trueTime {
+ private static trueTime ourInstance = new trueTime();
+ public static trueTime getInstance()
+ {
+ return ourInstance;
+ }
+ public void initTime(){
+ try{
+ TrueTime.build().initialize();
+ }catch (Exception ignored){ }
+ }
+ public String getGMT(){
+ if (TrueTime.isInitialized()) {
+ Date trueTime = TrueTime.now();
+ return trueTime.getTime()+strings.GENERIC_EMPTY_STR;
+ }else {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ }
+ public String getLTZ(){
+ Date deviceTime = new Date();
+ return System.currentTimeMillis()+strings.GENERIC_EMPTY_STR;
+ }
+ private String _formatDate(Date date, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
+ DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.ENGLISH);
+ format.setTimeZone(timeZone);
+ return format.format(date);
+ }
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/pluginManager/adManager.java b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/pluginManager/adManager.java
index e4ce6c6d..307842cf 100755
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/pluginManager/adManager.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/darkweb/genesissearchengine/pluginManager/adManager.java
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.pluginManager;
+import android.view.View;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.helperManager.eventObserver;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.*;
@@ -62,7 +64,10 @@ class adManager
public void onAdLoaded() {
bannerAdsLoaded = true;
- mEvent.invokeObserver(null,M_SHOW_LOADED_ADS);
+ mBannerAds.animate().cancel();
+ mBannerAds.animate().alpha(0);
+ mBannerAds.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
+ mBannerAds.animate().setStartDelay(100).setDuration(500).alpha(1).withEndAction(() -> mEvent.invokeObserver(null,M_SHOW_LOADED_ADS));
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/generic/xml/gx_ripple_gray_round_left.xml b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/generic/xml/gx_ripple_gray_round_left.xml
index fe969432..2770a0bd 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/generic/xml/gx_ripple_gray_round_left.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/generic/xml/gx_ripple_gray_round_left.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/home/xml/hox_splash_gradient.xml b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/home/xml/hox_splash_gradient.xml
index f207f728..d2fb1963 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/home/xml/hox_splash_gradient.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/home/xml/hox_splash_gradient.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
+ android:src="@drawable/splashlogoclip"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_arrow_back.xml b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_arrow_back.xml
index beafea39..2ec2011c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_arrow_back.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_arrow_back.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ android:autoMirrored="true"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_info.xml b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_info.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74cdf11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/custom-xml/images/xml/ic_info.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis.png
index 92b7ea20..4164c781 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis.png and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo.png
index f3af780c..edafe1c7 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo.png and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered.png
index 1666f069..6aa6bcb9 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered.png and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered_temp.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered_temp.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1666f069
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_bordered_temp.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_temp.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_temp.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3af780c
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/genesis_logo_temp.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/glide.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/glide.png
index f4699ab9..4738e8e5 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/glide.png and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/glide.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdfb0d3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-ldpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-ldpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fab8e7c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-ldpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82c5cc88
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ea09c64
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05ba9cbb
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13269895
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_download_full.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_download_full.xml
index c9a622c1..0d20131a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_download_full.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_download_full.xml
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_file_longpress.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_file_longpress.xml
index f66be77d..0726d95f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_file_longpress.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_file_longpress.xml
@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:layout_marginRight="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="20dp"
tools:ignore="SmallSp" />
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_find.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_find.xml
index ccce2ccb..3290e13c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_find.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_find.xml
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- android:layout_marginRight="5dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="5dp"
app:layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf="@+id/pNavigationContainer" />
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index 16e261bb..86b7f2a5 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_language_support.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_language_support.xml
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
android:text="Deuche (de)"
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/pHeader" />
@@ -48,12 +50,13 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
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index 05e28e72..d4316a4d 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_url_longpress.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/popup_url_longpress.xml
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
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--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/secure_connection_popup.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/alert/layout/secure_connection_popup.xml
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
- android:layout_marginTop="17dp"
+ android:layout_marginTop="16dp"
- app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@+id/pLock"
+ app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@+id/pHeaderSubpart"
tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" />
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="2dp"
- android:layout_marginTop="17dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="6dp"
+ android:layout_marginTop="16dp"
- app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@+id/pHeader"
+ app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@+id/pLock"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -121,9 +121,8 @@
- android:layout_weight="40"
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -145,21 +144,16 @@
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content">
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content">
@@ -370,10 +364,10 @@
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
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index 045e125f..55344e51 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/history/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/history/values/strings.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/hint_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/hint_view.xml
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
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- android:paddingLeft="0dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="0dp"
+ android:paddingStart="0dp"
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- android:src="@xml/ic_arrow_right"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_arrow_right_tilted"
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index 1518d91e..625ffcb2 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/home_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/home_view.xml
@@ -23,17 +23,16 @@
- android:background="@color/c_background_keyboard"
+ android:background="@color/c_background"
@@ -184,6 +194,8 @@
+ android:isScrollContainer="true"
+ android:measureAllChildren="true"
@@ -198,19 +210,18 @@
+ app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"
+ app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"
+ app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"
+ app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent">
@@ -309,6 +304,7 @@
+ android:rotationY="@integer/angle_rtl_180"
@@ -326,7 +322,7 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
android:text="Secured by Tor Network"
@@ -349,7 +345,7 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
android:text="Builtin Onion Search Engine"
@@ -372,7 +368,7 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
android:text="No Record and Digital Fingerprinting"
@@ -390,11 +386,13 @@
+ android:rotationY="@integer/angle_rtl_180"
- app:srcCompat="@drawable/sheild_logo_bordered" />
+ app:srcCompat="@drawable/sheild_logo_bordered"
+ android:contentDescription="@string/GENERAL_TODO" />
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index 99b3c8a8..5b1dd0cd 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/popup_side_menu.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/home/layout/popup_side_menu.xml
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
@@ -389,7 +392,7 @@
- android:gravity="left|center_vertical"
+ android:gravity="start|center_vertical"
@@ -402,14 +405,14 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="0dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="0dp"
- android:gravity="left|center_vertical"
- android:paddingLeft="0dp"
+ android:gravity="start|center_vertical"
+ android:paddingStart="0dp"
tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded,RtlSymmetry" />
@@ -419,9 +422,9 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="1dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="1dp"
@@ -443,7 +446,7 @@
- android:gravity="left|center_vertical"
+ android:gravity="start|center_vertical"
@@ -456,9 +459,9 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="1dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="1dp"
@@ -480,7 +483,7 @@
- android:gravity="left|center_vertical"
+ android:gravity="start|center_vertical"
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index 0893a73e..4e865e72 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/language/layout/lang_row_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/language/layout/lang_row_view.xml
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
android:text="@string/GENERAL_TODO" />
@@ -49,6 +51,8 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
android:text="@string/GENERAL_TODO" />
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index 987de7e6..f371814f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/language/layout/language_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/language/layout/language_view.xml
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
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index 8d9ff988..7dbb18be 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/orbot/layout/orbot_settings_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/orbot/layout/orbot_settings_view.xml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -151,7 +150,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
@@ -190,7 +188,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
@@ -291,7 +288,6 @@
- android:paddingStart="7dp"
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index cb6ffe2a..16780fd6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/orbotLog/layout/orbot_log_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/orbotLog/layout/orbot_log_view.xml
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
@@ -99,7 +97,8 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="15dp"
@@ -117,7 +116,8 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="15dp"
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="10dp"
@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@
@@ -229,8 +227,8 @@
- android:paddingEnd="20dp"
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -260,9 +258,9 @@
- android:paddingEnd="20dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
- android:layout_marginStart="20dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -280,7 +278,8 @@
- android:padding="10dp"
+ android:paddingTop="10dp"
+ android:paddingBottom="10dp"
@@ -292,6 +291,8 @@
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
android:textStyle="bold" />
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting.xml
index 4cc1fa3d..81bc5c9a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting.xml
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
@@ -84,28 +84,29 @@
- android:orientation="horizontal"
- android:weightSum="8">
+ android:weightSum="8"
+ android:orientation="horizontal">
+ android:src="@xml/ic_arrow_right"/>
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index c138f23d..82a3f566 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_accessibility_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_accessibility_view.xml
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
@@ -223,7 +223,6 @@
- android:paddingStart="15dp"
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index bed2b685..98ed316b 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_advance_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_advance_view.xml
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -261,7 +260,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
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index 3b6ebb80..d5a5bb90 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_clear_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_clear_view.xml
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
- android:paddingLeft="10dp"
- android:paddingRight="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- android:src="@drawable/info"
+ android:src="@xml/ic_info"
app:tint="@color/c_icon_tint_light" />
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_general_view.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_general_view.xml
index 2a0559bb..b03f7acc 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_general_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_general_view.xml
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -105,17 +104,17 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
- android:textSize="13.5sp"
- tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" />
+ android:textSize="13.5sp" />
@@ -249,7 +247,6 @@
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
- android:textSize="13.5sp"
- tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" />
+ android:textSize="13.5sp"/>
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index 9b53434e..213fe7a7 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_notification_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_notification_view.xml
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
@@ -150,12 +149,13 @@
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
@@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -384,12 +383,12 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
@@ -411,11 +410,11 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
@@ -439,11 +438,11 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
@@ -466,11 +465,11 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="15dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:paddingStart="15dp"
tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_search_view.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_search_view.xml
index e6ec44bf..92749b42 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_search_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_search_view.xml
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
@@ -314,7 +314,8 @@
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
@@ -393,7 +394,8 @@
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
@@ -472,7 +474,8 @@
- android:textAlignment="textStart"
+ android:textDirection="locale"
+ android:textAlignment="viewStart"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_tracking_view.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_tracking_view.xml
index 215ed9c6..7167db5f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_tracking_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/setting/layout/setting_tracking_view.xml
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
@@ -149,28 +148,30 @@
+ android:layout_marginRight="5dp"
+ android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"
@@ -195,13 +198,13 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="10dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
@@ -209,7 +212,8 @@
@@ -234,13 +240,12 @@
- android:paddingRight="15dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="10dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
- android:paddingLeft="15dp"
+ android:paddingStart="10dp"
@@ -248,7 +253,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_menu.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_menu.xml
index 42e428b0..bace1973 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_menu.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_menu.xml
@@ -4,13 +4,25 @@
- android:stateListAnimator="@null"
- android:outlineProvider="bounds"
- android:background="@xml/hx_menu_popup_container"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_row_view.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_row_view.xml
index 736e1ed5..98d43166 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_row_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/shared/listviews/layout/history_bookmark_row_view.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ android:text="A"
+ android:translationZ="3dp"
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@
+ android:translationZ="3dp"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_menu.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_menu.xml
index 99f75772..54d53ef1 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_menu.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_menu.xml
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="1dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="1dp"
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="1dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="1dp"
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
- android:layout_marginLeft="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginStart="1dp"
- android:layout_marginRight="1dp"
+ android:layout_marginEnd="1dp"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_view.xml b/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_view.xml
index cdae6e21..99a00110 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_view.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layouts/tab/layout/tab_view.xml
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
- android:paddingLeft="8dp"
+ android:paddingStart="8dp"
- android:paddingRight="8dp"
+ android:paddingEnd="8dp"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/localization.xml b/app/src/main/res/localization.xml
index 00aec8a6..3a005ae4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/localization.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/localization.xml
@@ -2,51 +2,51 @@
- search or type a weblink
+ search something or type a weblink
find in page
search engine
- \u0020\u0020\u0020 opps! Something Went Wrong
+ opps! something has went wrong
1111 search engine
digital freedom
- these might be the problems you are facing. webpage or website might not be working. your internet connection might be poor. you might be using a proxy. website might be blocked by firewall
+ you are facing the one of the following problem. webpage or website might not be working. your internet connection might be poor. you might be using a proxy. website might be blocked by firewall
BBC | Israel Strikes Again
- basic customizing
+ System Setting
make 1111 your default browser
- customize
+ System Setting
search Engine
remove browsed web links
font customize
- customized font
+ System Font Constomization
change font automatically
- cookie customize
+ Cookie Setting
- customize | notification
+ System Setting . Notification
- manage notification
+ change notification preferences
condition of network and notifications
local notifications
- customize device notification
+ customize Software notification
system notifications
- customize logs
- show logs in complex list view
- toogle between classic and complex customizing view
+ change the way how system Log appear
+ show Log using modern list view
+ toogle between classic and modern list view
manage search engine
add, set default. show suggestions
manage notifications
new features, condition of network
- customize | search
+ Customize Software . Search Engine
supported search engines
- choose default search engine
- search customize
- manage how web searches appear
+ choose Default search engine
+ Customize Software . Search Engine
+ change how Web Searches appear
@@ -54,70 +54,70 @@
show browsed web links
- show search suggestions
+ show suggestions during searching
suggestions from browsed web links appear when you type in the search bar
focused suggestions appear when you type in the search bar
- text size, zoom, voice input
+ text size, zoom, input using voice
customize | accessibility
clear private data
tabs, browsed web links, bookmark, cookies, cache
- customize | clear Data
+ Change System Setting. Clear System Data
clear Data
- cancel tabs
- cancel browsed web links
- cancel bookmarks
- cancel cache
- cancel suggestions
- cancel data
- cancel session
- cancel cookies
- cancel customize
+ delete all tabs
+ delete browsed web links
+ delete bookmarks
+ delete cache
+ delete suggestions
+ delete data
+ delete session
+ delete cookies
+ delete customize
font scaling
scale web content according to system font size
- enable zoom
- enable and force zoom for all webpages
- voice input
+ turn on zoom
+ turn on and force zoom for all webpages
+ input using voice
allow voice dictation in the url bar
select custom font scaling
drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
- change how you interact with the content
- privacy
- user tracking, logins, data choices
- user tracking protection
+ change the way of interacting with website content
+ User Sur
+ user survelance, logins, data choices
+ User Surveillance Protection
adblock, trackers, fingerprinting
- customize | privacy
- customize | tracking protection
+ System Setting . privacy
+ System Setting . user survelance protection
protect your online identity
- keep your identity private. we can protect you from several trackers which follow you online. tracking protection can also be used to block advertisement
- save yourself from user tracking
- 1111 will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked as user
- tell website not to track user
- tracking protection
- enable user tracking protection provided by 1111
- cookies
- select cookies preferences according to your security needs
+ keep your identity private. we can protect you from several trackers which follow you online. this System Setting can also be used to block advertisement
+ save yourself from user Survelance Protection
+ 1111 will tell sites not to track me
+ tell website not to track me
+ User Surveillance Protection
+ enable user Survelance Protection provided by 1111
+ website cookies
+ select website cookies preferences according to your security needs
clear private data on exit
clear data automatically once the software is closed
private Browsing
keep your identity safe and use the options below
- enabled, excluding tracking cookies
+ enabled, excluding website tracking cookies
enabled, excluding 3rd party
disable protection
- allow identity tracking. this might cause your online identity to be stolen
+ allow identity Survelance Protection. this might cause your online identity to be stolen
default (recommended)
- block online advertisement and social user tracking. pages will load as default
+ block online advertisement and social web user Survelance. pages will load as default
strict policy
stop all known trackers, pages will load faster but some functionality might not work
disable java scripting for various script attacks
- customize | complex customizing
+ System Setting . complex System Setting
restore tabs
don\'t restore after exiting browser
toolbar theme
@@ -127,17 +127,17 @@
show web fonts
download remote fonts when loading a page
allow autoplay
- allow media to auto start
+ allow media to start automatically
data saver
- change how the tab behaves after restarting the software
+ change the way how the tab behaves after restarting the software
change default data saver customize
change default media customize
always show images
only show images when using wifi
block all images
- complex customizing
+ Advance System Setting
restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
9999 condition of proxy
check 9999 condition of network
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
rate and comment on playstore
share this app
share this software with your friends
- customize | general customize
- general customization
+ System Setting . general customize
+ Default System Setting
homepage, language
full-screen browsing
hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
@@ -158,20 +158,20 @@
choose bright and dark theme
theme bright
theme Dark
- change full-screen browsing and language customize
+ change full-screen browsing and language
system Default
new tab
open homepage in new tab
- cancel all tabs
+ remove all tabs
remove browsed web links
remove bookmarks
remove browsing cache
remove suggestions
remove site data
remove session data
- remove browsing cookies
+ remove web browsing cookies
remove browser customization
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
bookmark website
add this page to your bookmarks
- cancel browsed web links and Data
+ delete browsed web links and Data
clear bookmark and Data
clearing data will remove browsed web links, cookies, and other browsing data
deleting data will deleting bookmarked websites
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
connection is secure
your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- privacy customize
+ System and User Surveillance Setting
report website
if you think this URL is illegal or disturbing, report it to us, so we can take legal action
@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@
rate us
tell others what you think about this app
- sorry to hear that!
+ we are sorry to hear that!
if you are having difficulty while using this software please reach out to us via email. we will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
request new 2222
- select mail below to request a 3333 address. once you get it, copy and paste it into the above box and start the software.
+ select mail to request a 3333 address. once you recieve it, copy and paste it into the above box and start the software.
language not supported
system language is not supported by this software. we are working to include it soon
initializing 11111
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@
2222 customize
create automatically
automatically configure 3333 customize
- provide a 3333 you know
- paste custom 3333
+ provide a 3333 that you know
+ paste custom 3333
proxy customize | 2222
4444 are unlisted 6666 relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the 6666 network. because of how some countries try to block 6666, certain 5555 work in some countries but not others
select default 3333
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
proxy logs
- logs info
+ System Log info
if you are facing connectivity issue while starting 1111 please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us, so we can try to help you out
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
browsed web links
- customize
+ System Setting
desktop site
save this page
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
new tabs
close all tabs
- customize
+ System Setting
select tabs
@@ -301,12 +301,12 @@
browsed web links
- clear
+ remove this
search ...
- clear
+ remove this
search ...
@@ -328,9 +328,9 @@
⚠️ warning
- customize 4444
- enable 4444
- enable 7777 serivces
+ customize Gateway
+ enable Gateway
+ enable Gateway serivces
enable 2222 11113
enable 11113
@@ -338,18 +338,18 @@
condition of proxy
current condition of 11112 proxy
11111 condition of proxy
- 9999 & 4444 status
- 7777 condition of connectivity
+ 9999 & Gateway status
+ Gateway condition of connectivity
2222 condition of proxy
- info | change customize
- you can change proxy by restarting the software and going to proxy manager. it can be opened by pressing on gear icon at bottom
+ info | change System Setting
+ you can change proxy by restarting the software and going to proxy manager. it can be opened by clicking on a gear icon at bottom
proxy customize
we connect you to the 6666 network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
internet is censored here (bypass firewall)
bypass firewall
- 4444 causes internet to run very slow. use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ Gateway causes internet to run very slow. use them only if internet is censored in your country or 6666 network is blocked
@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@
- 1111 is paused at the moment
- ~ 1111 on standby at the moment
+ 1111 is paused at the moment
+ ~ 1111 on standby at the moment
open tabs will show here
@@ -371,11 +371,11 @@
"welcome to 6666 on mobile."
"browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "no tracking. no censorship."
+ "no User Surveillance Protection. no censorship."
this site is not reachable
- an error occurred during a connection
+ an error occurred while connecting with website
the page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
the page is currently not working due to some reason
please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
@@ -402,12 +402,6 @@
- 145 Percent
- - Hidden Web
- - Google
- - Duck Duck Go
- Enabled
- Disabled
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip.xml b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ced57743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip_round.xml b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip_round.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ced57743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/splashlogoclip_round.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
index 01dbb70e..b9fafb9d 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
index e42b172c..a45d9d9d 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_round.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_round.png
index dd832e14..40ae7e01 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_round.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_round.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4164c781
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.webp b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.webp
deleted file mode 100755
index 2db5fdf0..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogo.webp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png
deleted file mode 100755
index eec67e71..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/splashlogoclip.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
index bdac08e7..73906613 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
index ac94923f..7d9ba156 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_round.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_round.png
index 1d8ec732..44394999 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_round.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_round.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4164c781
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.webp b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.webp
deleted file mode 100755
index aad60632..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogo.webp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cb9de20..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/splashlogoclip.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index d833cf13..9ab757ca 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
index 5d9a5aa5..99fb2a2d 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png
index 4f38ef16..d3062998 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4164c781
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.webp b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.webp
deleted file mode 100755
index 6eed0a8b..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogo.webp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
deleted file mode 100755
index f47ffc99..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/splashlogoclip.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index ea7df620..2ac39ad4 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
index 686e3247..1e19c454 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png
index 3fff36af..3b069f9c 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4164c781
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.webp b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.webp
deleted file mode 100755
index 231ccf56..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogo.webp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
deleted file mode 100755
index be276010..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index f1baf961..585e0322 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
index 437348dd..556e096d 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png
index c6ade69f..932186b1 100644
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4164c781
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.webp b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.webp
deleted file mode 100755
index b8e26339..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogo.webp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png b/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png
deleted file mode 100755
index baf19b18..00000000
Binary files a/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/splashlogoclip.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ch/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ch/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..ce787d73 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ch/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ch/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ prohledat něco nebo napsat webový odkaz
+ najít na stránce
+ vyhledávač
+ https://genesis.onion
+ operace! něco se pokazilo
+ všechno
+ Genesis search engine
+ digitální svoboda
+ Znovu načíst
+ čelíte jednomu z následujících problémů. webová stránka nebo web nemusí fungovat. vaše připojení k internetu může být špatné. možná používáte proxy. web může být blokován bránou firewall
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Izrael znovu udeří
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Systémové nastavení
+ nastav si Genesis jako výchozí prohlížeč
+ Systémové nastavení
+ vyhledávač
+ javascript
+ odstranit procházené webové odkazy
+ přizpůsobit písmo
+ Konstomizace systémového písma
+ automaticky změnit písmo
+ Nastavení cookies
+ cookies
+ Systémové nastavení . Oznámení
+ oznámení
+ změnit předvolby oznámení
+ stav sítě a oznámení
+ místní oznámení
+ přizpůsobit oznámení softwaru
+ systémová oznámení
+ změnit způsob, jakým se objeví systémový protokol
+ zobrazit protokol pomocí moderního zobrazení seznamu
+ toogle mezi klasickým a moderním zobrazením seznamu
+ spravovat vyhledávač
+ přidat, nastavit výchozí. ukázat návrhy
+ spravovat oznámení
+ nové funkce, stav sítě
+ Přizpůsobte software. Vyhledávač
+ podporované vyhledávače
+ zvolte Výchozí vyhledávač
+ Přizpůsobte software. Vyhledávač
+ změnit vzhled vyhledávání na webu
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ zobrazit procházené webové odkazy
+ zobrazit návrhy během vyhledávání
+ Při zadávání do vyhledávacího pole se zobrazí návrhy z procházených webových odkazů
+ při psaní do vyhledávacího pole se zobrazí soustředěné návrhy
+ přístupnost
+ velikost textu, přiblížení, zadávání pomocí hlasu
+ přizpůsobit | přístupnost
+ vymazat soukromá data
+ karty, procházené webové odkazy, záložka, soubory cookie, mezipaměť
+ Změňte nastavení systému. Vymažte systémová data
+ vyčistit data
+ smazat všechny karty
+ smazat procházené webové odkazy
+ mazat záložky
+ vymazat mezipaměť
+ smazat návrhy
+ smazat data
+ smazat relaci
+ mazat cookies
+ odstranit přizpůsobit
+ změna velikosti písma
+ měřítko webového obsahu podle velikosti písma systému
+ zapnout zoom
+ zapnout a vynutit přiblížení pro všechny webové stránky
+ vstup pomocí hlasu
+ povolit hlasový diktát v panelu adres URL
+ vyberte vlastní změnu velikosti písma
+ táhněte jezdec, dokud to nebudete moci pohodlně přečíst. po dvojitém klepnutí na odstavec by text měl vypadat alespoň takto velký
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interakce
+ změnit způsob interakce s obsahem webových stránek
+ Uživatel zapnut
+ uživatelský průzkum, přihlášení, výběr dat
+ Ochrana sledování uživatele
+ adblock, trackery, otisky prstů
+ Systémové nastavení . Soukromí
+ Systémové nastavení . ochrana dohledu nad uživatelem
+ chránit vaši online identitu
+ udržujte svoji identitu v soukromí. můžeme vás chránit před několika sledovači, kteří vás sledují online. toto nastavení systému lze také použít k blokování reklamy
+ zachraňte se před ochranou Survelance uživatele
+ Genesis řekne webům, aby mě nesledovaly
+ řekni webu, aby mě nesledoval
+ Ochrana sledování uživatele
+ povolit uživateli Survelance Protection poskytovanou Genesis
+ soubory cookie webových stránek
+ vyberte předvolby cookies webových stránek podle svých bezpečnostních potřeb
+ vymazat soukromá data na výstupu
+ vymazat data automaticky po zavření softwaru
+ soukromé procházení
+ udržujte svoji identitu v bezpečí a použijte níže uvedené možnosti
+ povoleno
+ povoleno, s výjimkou souborů cookie pro sledování webových stránek
+ povoleno, s výjimkou třetích stran
+ zakázán
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ deaktivovat ochranu
+ povolit ochranu Survelance identity. to může způsobit odcizení vaší online identity
+ výchozí (doporučeno)
+ blokovat online reklamu a uživatele sociálních sítí Survelance. stránky se načtou jako výchozí
+ přísná politika
+ zastavit všechny známé sledovače, stránky se načtou rychleji, ale některé funkce nemusí fungovat
+ javascript
+ zakázat skriptování Java pro různé útoky skriptů
+ Systémové nastavení . komplexní nastavení systému
+ obnovit karty
+ po ukončení prohlížeče se neobnovujte
+ téma panelu nástrojů
+ nastavit téma panelu nástrojů, jak je definováno na webu
+ zobrazit obrázky
+ vždy načíst obrázky webových stránek
+ zobrazit webová písma
+ stáhnout vzdálená písma při načítání stránky
+ povolit automatické přehrávání
+ povolit automatické spouštění médií
+ spořič dat
+ záložka
+ změnit způsob chování karty po restartování softwaru
+ média
+ změnit výchozí spořič dat přizpůsobit
+ změnit výchozí nastavení médií
+ vždy zobrazit obrázky
+ zobrazit obrázky pouze při použití wifi
+ blokovat všechny obrázky
+ Pokročilé nastavení systému
+ obnovit karty, spořič dat, vývojářské nástroje
+ onion podmínka proxy
+ zkontrolujte stav sítě onion
+ nahlásit web
+ nahlásit nevhodný web
+ Ohodnoťte tuto aplikaci
+ hodnotit a komentovat obchod Playstore
+ sdílej tuto aplikaci
+ sdílejte tento software se svými přáteli
+ Systémové nastavení . obecně přizpůsobit
+ Výchozí nastavení systému
+ domovská stránka, jazyk
+ procházení na celou obrazovku
+ při procházení stránky skryjte panel nástrojů prohlížeče
+ Jazyk
+ změňte jazyk svého prohlížeče
+ softwarové téma
+ vyberte světlé a tmavé téma
+ téma jasné
+ téma Dark
+ změnit procházení a jazyk na celou obrazovku
+ výchozí systém
+ domovská stránka
+ about:blank
+ nová karta
+ otevřít domovskou stránku na nové kartě
+ odebrat všechny karty
+ odstranit procházené webové odkazy
+ odebrat záložky
+ odstranit mezipaměť procházení
+ odebrat návrhy
+ odstranit data webu
+ odebrat data relace
+ odebrat cookies procházení webu
+ odebrat přizpůsobení prohlížeče
+ uveďte Bridge, které znáte
+ zadejte bridge informací z důvěryhodného zdroje
+ Bridge ...
+ žádost
+ OK
+ web záložek
+ přidejte tuto stránku do svých záložek
+ odstranit procházené webové odkazy a data
+ vymazat záložku a Data
+ vymazáním údajů odstraníte procházené webové odkazy, soubory cookie a další údaje o procházení
+ smazání dat vymaže záložky webových stránek
+ zavrhnout
+ zrušení
+ OK
+ nová záložka
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ připojení je zabezpečené
+ vaše informace (například heslo nebo čísla kreditních karet) jsou při odeslání na tento web soukromé
+ Nastavení sledování systému a uživatelů
+ zpráva
+ nahlásit web
+ pokud si myslíte, že je tato adresa URL nezákonná nebo znepokojující, nahlaste nám ji, abychom mohli podniknout právní kroky
+ byl úspěšně nahlášen
+ adresa URL byla úspěšně nahlášena. pokud bude něco nalezeno, budou podniknuty právní kroky
+ Ohodnoťte nás
+ řekněte ostatním, co si o této aplikaci myslíte
+ hodnotit
+ je nám to líto!
+ pokud máte s používáním tohoto softwaru potíže, kontaktujte nás e-mailem. pokusíme se váš problém vyřešit co nejdříve
+ pošta
+ požádat o nový Bridge
+ vyberte e-mail a vyžádejte si adresu bridge. jakmile ji obdržíte, zkopírujte ji a vložte do výše uvedeného pole a spusťte software.
+ jazyk není podporován
+ jazyk systému není tímto softwarem podporován. pracujeme na tom, aby to bylo brzy zahrnuto
+ inicializace Orbot
+ akce není podporována
+ nebyl nalezen žádný software pro zpracování následujícího příkazu
+ vítejte | skrytý web Gateway
+ tento software vám poskytuje platformu pro vyhledávání a otevírání skrytých webových adres URL. zde je několik návrhů \n
+ skrytý webový online trh
+ unikly dokumenty a knihy
+ temné webové zprávy a články
+ tajný software a hackerské nástroje
+ už se nezobrazovat
+ finance a peníze
+ sociální společnosti
+ manuál
+ obchod
+ upozornění na webový odkaz
+ otevřít na nové kartě
+ otevřít na aktuální kartě
+ zkopírovat do schránky
+ oznámení souboru
+ oznámení o stažení
+ otevřít adresu URL na nové kartě
+ otevřít adresu URL na aktuální kartě
+ zkopírujte adresu URL do schránky
+ otevřít obrázek na nové kartě
+ otevřít obrázek na aktuální kartě
+ zkopírovat obrázek do schránky
+ stáhnout obrazový soubor
+ oznámení o stažení
+ upozornění na webový odkaz
+ nebyl nalezen žádný software pro zpracování e-mailů
+ stáhnout soubor |
+ data vymazána | je nutný restart
+ soukromá data byla úspěšně vymazána. některá výchozí nastavení systému budou vyžadovat restart tohoto softwaru. nyní můžete bezpečně pokračovat v procházení
+ karta zavřená
+ vrátit
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ zabezpečení přizpůsobit
+ Bridge přizpůsobit
+ vytvořit automaticky
+ automaticky nakonfigurovat bridge přizpůsobit
+ uveďte bridge, které znáte
+ vložte vlastní bridge
+ přizpůsobit proxy | Bridge
+ Bridges je neveřejných relé Tor, což ztěžuje blokování připojení do sítě Tor. kvůli tomu, jak se některé země snaží zablokovat Tor, v některých zemích funguje bridges, v jiných ne
+ vyberte výchozí bridge
+ žádost
+ obfs4 (doporučeno)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ protokoly proxy
+ Informace o systémovém protokolu
+ pokud se při spuštění Genesis potýkáte s problémem s připojením, zkopírujte prosím následující kód a vyhledejte problém online nebo nám jej pošlete, abychom se vám mohli pokusit pomoci
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot protokolů
+ nové karty
+ zavřít kartu
+ otevřít poslední karty
+ Jazyk
+ stahování
+ procházené webové odkazy
+ Systémové nastavení
+ web pro počítače
+ uložit tuto stránku
+ záložky
+ nahlásit web
+ Ohodnoťte tuto aplikaci
+ najít na stránce
+ výstup
+ podíl
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ nové karty
+ zavřete všechny karty
+ Systémové nastavení
+ vyberte karty
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ otevřené karty
+ kopírovat
+ podíl
+ jasný výběr
+ otevřít na aktuální kartě
+ otevřít na nové kartě
+ vymazat
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ procházené webové odkazy
+ odstranit toto
+ Vyhledávání ...
+ záložka do knihy
+ odstranit toto
+ Vyhledávání ...
+ opakovat
+ operace! chyba připojení k síti. síť není připojena
+ pomoc a podpora
+ Jazyk
+ změnit jazyk
+ běžíme pouze v následujících jazycích. brzy přidáme další
+ anglicky Spojené státy)
+ německy (německo)
+ italština (Itálie)
+ portugalština (Brazílie)
+ ruština (Rusko)
+ ukrajinský (ukrajina)
+ čínština zjednodušená (pevninská Čína)
+ Warning️ varování
+ přizpůsobit Bridges
+ povolit Bridges
+ povolit VPN serivces
+ povolit Bridge Gateway
+ povolit Gateway
+ podmínka plné moci
+ aktuální stav 11122 proxy
+ Orbot podmínka proxy
+ onion
+ VPN podmínka připojení
+ Bridge podmínka proxy
+ informace | změnit nastavení systému
+ proxy můžete změnit restartováním softwaru a přechodem na správce proxy. lze jej otevřít kliknutím na ikonu ozubeného kola dole
+ přizpůsobit proxy
+ připojujeme vás k síti Tor provozované tisíci dobrovolníků z celého světa! Mohou vám tyto možnosti pomoci
+ internet je zde cenzurován (obejít firewall)
+ obejít firewall
+ Bridges způsobí, že internet běží velmi pomalu. používejte je, pouze pokud je ve vaší zemi cenzurován internet nebo je blokována síť Tor
- Open
+ otevřete to
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ zde se zobrazí otevřené karty
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ „někdy potřebujete Bridge, abyste se dostali na Tor“
+ "Řekni mi více"
+ "můžete povolit libovolnému softwaru procházet Tor pomocí Onion"
+ "tím se nestanete anonymním, ale pomůže vám to obejít brány firewall"
+ "vybrat aplikace"
+ "Ahoj"
+ „vítejte na Tor v mobilu.“
+ „procházejte internet podle očekávání.“
+ „Žádná ochrana dohledu uživatele. Žádná cenzura.“
+ tento web není dostupný
+ při připojování k webu došlo k chybě
+ stránku, kterou se pokoušíte zobrazit, nelze zobrazit, protože nebylo možné ověřit pravost přijatých dat
+ stránka z nějakého důvodu momentálně nefunguje
+ obraťte se na vlastníky webových stránek a informujte je o tomto problému.
+ Znovu načíst
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Neplatný podpis balíčku
+ kliknutím se přihlaste.
+ kliknutím ručně vyberete data.
+ Výjimka zabezpečení webové domény.
+ Selhání ověření DAL.
+ - 55 procent
+ - 70 procent
+ - 85 procent
+ - 100 procent
+ - 115 procent
+ - 130 procent
+ - 145 procent
+ - Povoleno
+ - Zakázáno
+ - Povolit vše
+ - Vypnout všechno
+ - Žádná šířka pásma
+ - Povolit vše
+ - Povolit důvěryhodné
+ - Povolit Žádné
+ - Povolit navštívené
+ - Povolit Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index d15d4e88..260c130a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -4,371 +4,391 @@
- Suchen oder geben Sie eine Webadresse ein
- Auf Seite finden
+ Suche etwas oder tippe einen Weblink
+ auf Seite finden
- \u0020 \u0020 \u0020Opps! Etwas ist schief gelaufen
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online-Freiheit
- Neu laden
- Dies können die Probleme sein, mit denen Sie konfrontiert sind \n\n• Die Webseite oder Website ist möglicherweise ausgefallen \n• Ihre Internetverbindung ist möglicherweise schlecht \n• Sie verwenden möglicherweise einen Proxy \n• Die Website ist möglicherweise durch eine Firewall blockiert
+ opps! etwas ist schief gelaufen
+ alles
+ Genesis search engine
+ digitale Freiheit
+ neu laden
+ Sie stehen vor einem der folgenden Probleme. Webseite oder Website funktioniert möglicherweise nicht. Ihre Internetverbindung ist möglicherweise schlecht. Möglicherweise verwenden Sie einen Proxy. Die Website wird möglicherweise von der Firewall blockiert
BBC | Israel schlägt erneut zu
- Grundeinstellungen
- Machen Sie 1111 zu Ihrem Standardbrowser
- die Einstellungen
+ Systemeinstellung
+ Machen Sie Genesis zu Ihrem Standardbrowser
+ Systemeinstellung
- Javascript
- Verlauf automatisch löschen
- Schriftarteneinstellungen
- Kundenspezifische Schriftart
- Schriftart automatisch anpassen
- Cookie-Einstellungen
+ javascript
+ Entfernen Sie die durchsuchten Weblinks
+ Schriftart anpassen
+ System Font Constomization
+ Schriftart automatisch ändern
+ Cookie-Einstellung
- Einstellungen | Benachrichtigung
+ Systemeinstellung . Benachrichtigung
- Benachrichtigung verwalten
- Netzwerkstatus und Benachrichtigungen
- Lokale Benachrichtigungen
- Gerätebenachrichtigungseinstellungen
+ Benachrichtigungseinstellungen ändern
+ Zustand des Netzwerks und Benachrichtigungen
+ lokale Benachrichtigungen
+ Software-Benachrichtigung anpassen
- Protokolleinstellungen
- Protokolle in der erweiterten Listenansicht anzeigen
- Suche verwalten
+ Ändern Sie die Darstellung des Systemprotokolls
+ Protokoll mit moderner Listenansicht anzeigen
+ Google zwischen klassischer und moderner Listenansicht
+ Suchmaschine verwalten
Hinzufügen, Standard festlegen. zeige Vorschläge
Benachrichtigungen verwalten
- Neue Funktionen, Netzwerkstatus
- Einstellungen | Suche
- Unterstützte Suchmaschinen
- Wählen Sie die Standardsuchmaschine
- Sucheinstellung
- Verwalten Sie, wie Suchanfragen angezeigt werden
- Standard
+ neue Funktionen, Zustand des Netzwerks
+ Software anpassen. Suchmaschine
+ unterstützte Suchmaschinen
+ Wählen Sie Standardsuchmaschine
+ Software anpassen. Suchmaschine
+ Ändern Sie die Darstellung der Websuche
+ default
- Suchverlauf anzeigen
- Suchvorschläge anzeigen
- Vorschläge aus dem Suchverlauf werden angezeigt, wenn Sie in die Suchleiste eingeben
+ Geplante Weblinks anzeigen
+ Vorschläge während der Suche anzeigen
+ Vorschläge von durchsuchten Weblinks werden angezeigt, wenn Sie in die Suchleiste eingeben
Fokussierte Vorschläge werden angezeigt, wenn Sie in die Suchleiste eingeben
- Textgröße, Zoom, Spracheingabe
- Einstellungen | Barrierefreiheit
- Private Daten löschen
- Registerkarten, Verlauf, Lesezeichen, Cookies, Cache
- Einstellungen | Daten löschen
+ Textgröße, Zoom, Eingabe mit Sprache
+ anpassen | Barrierefreiheit
+ private Daten löschen
+ Registerkarten, durchsuchte Weblinks, Lesezeichen, Cookies, Cache
+ Systemeinstellung ändern. Systemdaten löschen
Daten löschen
- Tabs löschen
- Verlauf löschen
+ Löschen Sie alle Registerkarten
+ durchsuchte Weblinks löschen
Lesezeichen löschen
- Cache leeren
- Klare Vorschläge
- Site-Daten
+ Cache löschen
+ Vorschläge löschen
+ Daten löschen
Sitzung löschen
- Klare Kekse
- Einstellungen löschen
+ Cookies löschen
+ löschen anpassen
Skalierung von Schriftarten
Skalieren Sie Webinhalte entsprechend der Systemschriftgröße
- Zoom aktivieren
- Aktivieren Sie den Zoom für alle Webseiten
- Spracheingabe
+ Zoom einschalten
+ Aktivieren und erzwingen Sie den Zoom für alle Webseiten
+ Eingabe mit Sprache
Sprachdiktat in der URL-Leiste zulassen
- Wählen Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Schriftartenskalierung
+ Wählen Sie die benutzerdefinierte Schriftartenskalierung
Ziehen Sie den Schieberegler, bis Sie dies bequem lesen können. Der Text sollte nach zweimaligem Tippen auf einen Absatz mindestens so groß aussehen
- Interaktionen
- Ändern Sie, wie Sie mit dem Inhalt interagieren
- Privatsphäre
- Tracking, Anmeldungen, Datenauswahl
- Einstellungen | Privatsphäre
- Nicht verfolgen
- 1111 teilt Websites mit, dass Sie nicht verfolgt werden möchten
- Verfolgen Sie keine Markierung für die Website
- Tracking-Schutz
- Aktivieren Sie den von 1111 bereitgestellten Tracking-Schutz
- Kekse
- Wählen Sie die Cookie-Einstellungen entsprechend Ihren Sicherheitsanforderungen aus
- Löschen Sie private Daten beim Beenden
- Löschen Sie Daten automatisch, sobald die Anwendung geschlossen wird
- Privates Surfen
- Bewahren Sie Ihre Identität sicher auf und verwenden Sie die folgenden Optionen
+ Wechselwirkungen
+ Ändern Sie die Art und Weise der Interaktion mit Website-Inhalten
+ Benutzer ein
+ Benutzerüberschreitung, Anmeldungen, Datenauswahl
+ Benutzerüberwachungsschutz
+ Adblock, Tracker, Fingerabdruck
+ Systemeinstellung . Privatsphäre
+ Systemeinstellung . Benutzerüberwachungsschutz
+ Schützen Sie Ihre Online-Identität
+ Halte deine Identität privat. Wir können Sie vor mehreren Trackern schützen, die Ihnen online folgen. Diese Systemeinstellung kann auch zum Blockieren von Werbung verwendet werden
+ Schützen Sie sich vor dem Survelance Protection des Benutzers
+ Genesis weist Websites an, mich nicht zu verfolgen
+ Sagen Sie der Website, dass sie mich nicht verfolgen soll
+ Benutzerüberwachungsschutz
+ Aktivieren Sie den von Genesis bereitgestellten Benutzer-Survelance-Schutz
+ website cookies
+ Wählen Sie die Einstellungen für Website-Cookies entsprechend Ihren Sicherheitsanforderungen aus
+ Private Daten beim Beenden löschen
+ Daten automatisch löschen, sobald die Software geschlossen wird
+ privates Surfen
+ Bewahren Sie Ihre Identität auf und nutzen Sie die folgenden Optionen
- Aktiviert, ausgenommen Tracking-Cookies
- Aktiviert, ausgenommen Drittanbieter
- Behindert
- Javascript
+ aktiviert, ausgenommen Website-Tracking-Cookies
+ aktiviert, ausgenommen Drittanbieter
+ behindert
+ Schutz deaktivieren
+ Identitätsschutz zulassen. Dies kann dazu führen, dass Ihre Online-Identität gestohlen wird
+ Standard (empfohlen)
+ Online-Werbung und Social-Web-Nutzer Survelance blockieren. Seiten werden standardmäßig geladen
+ strenge Politik
+ Wenn Sie alle bekannten Tracker stoppen, werden die Seiten schneller geladen, aber einige Funktionen funktionieren möglicherweise nicht
+ javascript
Deaktivieren Sie Java Scripting für verschiedene Skriptangriffe
- Einstellungen | Voraus
+ Systemeinstellung . komplexe Systemeinstellung
Registerkarten wiederherstellen
Nach dem Beenden des Browsers nicht wiederherstellen
- Legen Sie das Symbolleisten-Design wie auf der Website definiert fest
+ Legen Sie das Thema der Symbolleiste wie auf der Website definiert fest
Bilder anzeigen
Laden Sie immer Website-Bilder
Web-Schriftarten anzeigen
Laden Sie beim Laden einer Seite Remote-Schriftarten herunter
Autoplay zulassen
Medien automatisch starten lassen
- Datenschoner
+ Datensparer
- Ändern Sie das Verhalten der Registerkarte nach dem Neustart der Anwendung
+ Ändern Sie das Verhalten der Registerkarte nach dem Neustart der Software
- Ändern Sie die Standardeinstellungen für den Datenspeicher
- Ändern Sie die Standardmedieneinstellungen
- Zeigen Sie immer Bilder
- Nur Bilder über WI-FI anzeigen
+ Ändern Sie den Standard-Datenspeicher
+ Standardmedien anpassen
+ zeige immer Bilder
+ Nur Bilder anzeigen, wenn WLAN verwendet wird
Blockiere alle Bilder
- Fortgeschrittene
- Stellen Sie Registerkarten, Datenschoner und Entwicklertools wieder her
- 8888 Proxy-Status
- Überprüfen Sie das 9999-Netzwerk oder den Status
- Website melden
- Missbräuchliche Website melden
+ Erweiterte Systemeinstellung
+ Tabs wiederherstellen, Daten sparen, Entwicklertools
+ onion Proxy-Bedingung
+ Überprüfen Sie den onion-Zustand des Netzwerks
+ report website
+ missbräuchliche Website melden
Bewerte diese App
Bewerten und kommentieren Sie den Playstore
Teile diese App
- Teile diese App mit deinen Freunden
- Einstellungen | Allgemeines
- Allgemeines
- Heimatsprache
+ Teile diese Software mit deinen Freunden
+ Systemeinstellung . allgemein anpassen
+ Standardsystemeinstellung
+ homepage, language
Blenden Sie die Browser-Symbolleiste aus, wenn Sie eine Seite nach unten scrollen
Ändern Sie die Sprache Ihres Browsers
- Thema
- Wählen Sie ein helles und ein dunkles Thema
- Thema Licht
+ Software-Thema
+ Wählen Sie ein helles und dunkles Thema
+ Thema hell
Thema Dunkel
- Ändern Sie die Einstellungen für das Surfen im Vollbildmodus und die Sprache
+ Ändern Sie das Surfen im Vollbildmodus und die Sprache
- Zuhause
- ungefähr: leer
- Neue Registerkarte
+ homepage
+ about:blank
+ neue Registerkarte
Öffnen Sie die Homepage in einem neuen Tab
- Löschen Sie alle Registerkarten
- Suchverlauf löschen
- Markierte Lesezeichen löschen
- Browser-Cache löschen
- Klare Vorschläge
- Standortdaten löschen
- Sitzungsdaten löschen
- Löschen Sie die Browsing-Cookies
- Löschen Sie die Browsereinstellungen
+ Entfernen Sie alle Laschen
+ Entfernen Sie die durchsuchten Weblinks
+ Lesezeichen entfernen
+ Browser-Cache entfernen
+ Vorschläge entfernen
+ Site-Daten entfernen
+ Sitzungsdaten entfernen
+ Entfernen Sie Cookies zum Surfen im Internet
+ Entfernen Sie die Browseranpassung
- Lesezeichen-Website
+ Geben Sie einen Bridge an, den Sie kennen
+ Geben Sie bridge Informationen aus einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle ein
+ Bridge ...
+ Anfrage
+ OK
+ bookmark website
Fügen Sie diese Seite Ihren Lesezeichen hinzu
- Verlauf und Daten löschen
+ gelöschte Weblinks und Daten löschen
Lesezeichen und Daten löschen
- Durch das Löschen von Daten werden Verlauf, Cookies und andere Browserdaten entfernt
- Durch das Löschen von Daten werden mit Lesezeichen versehene Websites entfernt
- Entlassen
- klar
- Getan
- Neues Lesezeichen
+ Durch das Löschen von Daten werden durchsuchte Weblinks, Cookies und andere Browserdaten entfernt
+ Durch das Löschen von Daten werden Websites mit Lesezeichen gelöscht
+ entlassen
+ stornieren
+ OK
+ neues Lesezeichen
- Die Verbindung ist sicher
+ Verbindung ist sicher
Ihre Informationen (z. B. Passwort oder Kreditkartennummern) sind privat, wenn sie an diese Site gesendet werden
- Datenschutzeinstellungen
+ System- und Benutzerüberwachungseinstellung
- Website melden
+ report website
Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass diese URL illegal oder störend ist, melden Sie sie uns, damit wir rechtliche Schritte einleiten können
- Erfolgreich gemeldet
+ wurde erfolgreich gemeldet
URL wurde erfolgreich gemeldet. Wenn etwas gefunden wird, werden rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet
- Bewerten Sie uns
+ bewerten Sie uns
Sagen Sie anderen, was Sie über diese App denken
- Tut mir leid das zu hören!
- Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwendung dieser Anwendung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an uns. Wir werden versuchen, Ihr Problem so schnell wie möglich zu lösen
- Mail
- Neue 2222 anfordern
- Wählen Sie unten E-Mail aus, um eine 3333-Adresse anzufordern. \N \nWenn Sie eine Adresse haben, kopieren Sie diese
+ Es tut uns leid, das zu hören!
+ Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwendung dieser Software haben, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an uns. Wir werden versuchen, Ihr Problem so schnell wie möglich zu lösen
+ mail
+ neue Bridge anfordern
+ Wählen Sie Mail aus, um eine bridge-Adresse anzufordern. Sobald Sie es erhalten haben, kopieren Sie es, fügen Sie es in das obige Feld ein und starten Sie die Software.
Sprache wird nicht unterstützt
- Die Systemsprache wird von dieser Anwendung nicht unterstützt. Wir arbeiten daran, es bald aufzunehmen
- Initialisierung von 11111
+ Die Systemsprache wird von dieser Software nicht unterstützt. Wir arbeiten daran, es bald aufzunehmen
+ Initialisierung von Orbot
Aktion nicht unterstützt
- Es wurde keine Anwendung gefunden, die den folgenden Befehl verarbeitet
- Willkommen | Verstecktes Web 11113
- Diese Anwendung bietet Ihnen eine Plattform zum Suchen und Öffnen versteckter Web-URLs. Hier sind einige Vorschläge \n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Durchgesickerte Dokumente und Bücher
- Dark Web News und Artikel
- Geheime Software und Hacking Tools
- Nicht mehr anzeigen
+ Es wurde keine Software gefunden, die den folgenden Befehl verarbeitet
+ willkommen | verstecktes Web Gateway
+ Diese Software bietet Ihnen eine Plattform zum Suchen und Öffnen versteckter Web-URLs. Hier sind einige Vorschläge \n
+ hidden web online market
+ durchgesickerte Dokumente und Bücher
+ dunkle Webnachrichten und Artikel
+ geheime Software und Hacking-Tools
+ nicht wieder zeigen
Finanzen und Geld
- Soziale Gemeinschaften
+ soziale Gesellschaften
- URL-Benachrichtigung
- In neuem Tab öffnen
- In der Registerkarte "Aktuell" öffnen
- In die Zwischenablage kopieren
+ Weblink-Benachrichtigung
+ in neuem Tab öffnen
+ in der aktuellen Registerkarte öffnen
+ in die Zwischenablage kopieren
Benachrichtigung herunterladen
- Öffnen Sie die URL in einem neuen Tab
- Öffnen Sie die URL im aktuellen Tab
+ URL in neuem Tab öffnen
+ URL im aktuellen Tab öffnen
URL in Zwischenablage kopieren
Öffne das Bild in einem neuen Tab
- Öffnen Sie die Registerkarte "Bildstrom"
+ Bild in der aktuellen Registerkarte öffnen
Bild in Zwischenablage kopieren
Bilddatei herunterladen
Benachrichtigung herunterladen
- URL-Benachrichtigung
+ Weblink-Benachrichtigung
- Keine Anwendung gefunden, um E-Mails zu verarbeiten
+ Es wurde keine Software gefunden, die E-Mails verarbeiten kann
Datei herunterladen |
- Datenbenachrichtigung
- Private Daten gelöscht. Jetzt können Sie sicher weiter surfen
+ Daten gelöscht | Neustart erforderlich
+ private Daten erfolgreich gelöscht. Für einige Standardsystemeinstellungen muss diese Software neu gestartet werden. Jetzt können Sie sicher weiter surfen
Tab geschlossen
- Rückgängig machen
+ rückgängig machen
- Sicherheitseinstellungen
- 2222 Einstellungen
- Automatisch erstellen
- Konfigurieren Sie die 3333-Einstellungen automatisch
- Geben Sie einen 3333 an, den ich kenne
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy-Einstellungen | 2222
- 4444 sind nicht aufgeführte 6666-Relais, die das Blockieren von Verbindungen in das 6666-Netzwerk erschweren. Aufgrund der Art und Weise, wie einige Länder versuchen, 6666 zu blockieren, funktionieren bestimmte 5555 in einigen Ländern, andere jedoch nicht
- Wählen Sie Standard 3333
+ Sicherheit anpassen
+ Bridge anpassen
+ automatisch erstellen
+ bridge automatisch anpassen anpassen
+ Geben Sie einen bridge an, den Sie kennen
+ Benutzerdefinierte bridge einfügen
+ Proxy anpassen | Bridge
+ Bridges sind nicht aufgeführte Tor-Relais, die das Blockieren von Verbindungen in das Tor-Netzwerk erschweren. Aufgrund der Art und Weise, wie einige Länder versuchen, Tor zu blockieren, funktionieren bestimmte bridges in einigen Ländern, andere jedoch nicht
+ Wählen Sie Standard bridge
obfs4 (empfohlen)
- Sanftmütig-azurblau (China)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Protokollinformationen
- Wenn beim Starten von 1111 Konnektivitätsprobleme auftreten, kopieren Sie den folgenden Code und suchen Sie das Problem online oder senden Sie es an uns, damit wir versuchen können, Ihnen zu helfen
+ Systemprotokollinformationen
+ Wenn beim Starten von Genesis Konnektivitätsprobleme auftreten, kopieren Sie bitte den folgenden Code und suchen Sie das Problem online oder senden Sie es an uns, damit wir versuchen können, Ihnen zu helfen
- 11111 Protokolle
- Neue Registerkarten
+ Orbot Protokolle
+ neue Registerkarten
Tab schließen
Öffnen Sie die letzten Registerkarten
- Downloads
- Geschichte
- die Einstellungen
+ downloads
+ durchsuchte Weblinks
+ Systemeinstellung
- Ein Lesezeichen auf diese Seite setzen
+ Speichern Sie diese Seite
- Website melden
+ report website
Bewerte diese App
- Auf Seite finden
- Verlassen
+ auf Seite finden
+ Ausfahrt
- Neue Registerkarten
- Alle Fenster schließen
- die Einstellungen
- Wählen Sie Registerkarten
+ neue Registerkarten
+ alle Fenster schließen
+ Systemeinstellung
+ Registerkarten auswählen
- Öffnen Sie die Registerkarten
+ Tabs öffnen
- Auswahl löschen
- In der aktuellen Registerkarte öffnen
- In neuem Tab öffnen
- Löschen
+ klare Auswahl
+ in der aktuellen Registerkarte öffnen
+ in neuem Tab öffnen
+ löschen
- Geschichte
- klar
+ durchsuchte Weblinks
+ entferne das
Suche ...
- klar
+ entferne das
Suche ...
- Wiederholen
- Opps! Netzwerkverbindungsfehler \n1111 nicht verbunden
- Unterstützung
+ wiederholen
+ opps! Netzwerkverbindungsfehler. Netzwerk nicht verbunden
+ Hilfe und Unterstützung
Sprache ändern
- Wir unterstützen derzeit die folgenden Sprachen. Wir würden bald mehr hinzufügen \n
+ Wir laufen nur in den folgenden Sprachen. wir würden bald mehr hinzufügen
Englisch (USA)
- Deutsches Deutschland)
- Italienisch (Italien)
+ deutsches Deutschland)
+ italienisch (italienisch)
Portugiesisch (Brasilien)
- Russisch (Russland)
- Ukrainisch (Ukraine)
+ russisch (russland)
+ ukrainisch (ukrainisch)
Chinesisch vereinfacht (Festlandchina)
⚠️ Warnung
- Passen Sie 4444 an
- Aktivieren Sie 4444
- Aktivieren Sie 8888 Serivce
- Aktivieren Sie 3333 11113
- Aktivieren Sie 11113
+ Bridges anpassen
+ Bridges aktivieren
+ enable VPN serivces
+ Bridge Gateway aktivieren
+ Gateway aktivieren
- Proxy-Status
- Aktueller Status des 11112-Proxys
- 11111 Proxy-Status
- 8888
- 8888 Verbindungsstatus
- 3333 Konnektivitätsstatus
- INFO | Einstellungen ändern
- Um die Proxy-Einstellungen zu ändern, starten Sie diese Anwendung neu und navigieren Sie zum Proxy-Manager. Sie kann durch Drücken des GEAR-Symbols unten geöffnet werden
+ Proxy-Bedingung
+ aktueller Zustand von orbot Proxy
+ Orbot Proxy-Bedingung
+ onion
+ VPN Konnektivitätsbedingung
+ Bridge Proxy-Bedingung
+ info | Systemeinstellung ändern
+ Sie können den Proxy ändern, indem Sie die Software neu starten und zum Proxy-Manager wechseln. Sie kann durch Klicken auf ein Zahnradsymbol unten geöffnet werden
- Proxy-Einstellungen
- Wir verbinden Sie mit dem 6666-Netzwerk, das von Tausenden von Freiwilligen auf der ganzen Welt betrieben wird! Können Ihnen diese Optionen helfen?
- Das Internet wird hier zensiert (Bypass Firewall)
+ Proxy anpassen
+ Wir verbinden Sie mit dem Tor-Netzwerk, das von Tausenden von Freiwilligen auf der ganzen Welt betrieben wird! Können Ihnen diese Optionen helfen?
+ Internet wird hier zensiert (Bypass-Firewall)
Firewall umgehen
- 4444 führt dazu, dass das Internet sehr langsam läuft. Verwenden Sie sie nur, wenn das Internet in Ihrem Land zensiert oder das 6666-Netzwerk blockiert ist
+ Bridges führt dazu, dass das Internet sehr langsam läuft. Verwenden Sie sie nur, wenn das Internet in Ihrem Land zensiert oder das Tor-Netzwerk blockiert ist
- Öffnen
+ öffne das
- Connect
- Leerlauf | 1111 im Moment in Bereitschaft
- ~ 1111 im Moment im Standby
- Geöffnete Registerkarten werden hier angezeigt
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ Hier werden geöffnete Registerkarten angezeigt
- "Manchmal braucht man eine 2222, um auf 6666 zu kommen."
- "Mit unserem integrierten 8888 können Sie jeder App ermöglichen, 6666 zu durchlaufen."
- "Das macht dich nicht anonym, aber es hilft dir, durch Firewalls zu kommen."
+ "Manchmal braucht man eine Bridge, um auf Tor zu kommen."
+ "Erzähl mir mehr"
+ "Mit Onion können Sie jeder Software ermöglichen, Tor zu durchlaufen."
+ "Das macht dich nicht anonym, aber es hilft dir, Firewalls zu umgehen."
"Apps auswählen"
- "Willkommen bei 6666 auf dem Handy."
+ "Willkommen bei Tor auf dem Handy."
"Surfen Sie im Internet, wie Sie es erwarten."
- "Keine Verfolgung. Keine Zensur."
+ "Kein Benutzerüberwachungsschutz. Keine Zensur."
- Diese Seite kann nicht erreicht werden
- Während einer Verbindung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
+ Diese Seite ist nicht erreichbar
+ Beim Verbinden mit der Website ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
Die Seite, die Sie anzeigen möchten, kann nicht angezeigt werden, da die Authentizität der empfangenen Daten nicht überprüft werden konnte
- Die Seite ist derzeit aus irgendeinem Grund nicht aktiv oder nicht verfügbar
+ Die Seite funktioniert derzeit aus irgendeinem Grund nicht
Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Eigentümer der Website, um sie über dieses Problem zu informieren.
- Neu laden
+ neu laden
Ungültige Paketsignatur
- Tippen Sie auf, um sich anzumelden.
- Tippen Sie hier, um Daten manuell auszuwählen.
- Webdomänen-Sicherheitsausnahme.
+ Klicken Sie hier, um sich anzumelden.
+ Klicken Sie hier, um Daten manuell auszuwählen.
+ Sicherheitsausnahme für Webdomänen.
Fehler bei der DAL-Überprüfung.
@@ -384,12 +404,6 @@
- 145 Prozent
- - Verstecktes Web
- - Google
- - Duck Duck Go
- aktiviert
- Behindert
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..01b1e4a6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ αναζήτηση κάτι ή πληκτρολογήστε έναν σύνδεσμο ιστού
+ βρείτε στη σελίδα
+ μηχανή αναζήτησης
+ https://genesis.onion
+ αντίθετα! κάτι πήγε στραβά
+ τα παντα
+ Genesis search engine
+ ψηφιακή ελευθερία
+ φορτώνω πάλι
+ αντιμετωπίζετε ένα από τα ακόλουθα προβλήματα. η ιστοσελίδα ή ο ιστότοπος ενδέχεται να μην λειτουργούν. η σύνδεσή σας στο Διαδίκτυο μπορεί να είναι κακή. μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείτε διακομιστή μεσολάβησης. Ο ιστότοπος ενδέχεται να αποκλειστεί από το τείχος προστασίας
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Το Ισραήλ χτυπά ξανά
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος
+ ορίστε το Genesis το προεπιλεγμένο πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος
+ μηχανή αναζήτησης
+ javascript
+ καταργήστε τους περιηγημένους συνδέσμους ιστού
+ προσαρμογή γραμματοσειράς
+ Σύσταση γραμματοσειράς συστήματος
+ αλλάξτε αυτόματα τη γραμματοσειρά
+ Ρύθμιση cookie
+ μπισκότα
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος . Γνωστοποίηση
+ ειδοποιήσεις
+ αλλαγή προτιμήσεων ειδοποιήσεων
+ κατάσταση δικτύου και ειδοποιήσεις
+ τοπικές ειδοποιήσεις
+ προσαρμογή ειδοποίησης λογισμικού
+ ειδοποιήσεις συστήματος
+ αλλάξτε τον τρόπο εμφάνισης του αρχείου καταγραφής συστήματος
+ εμφάνιση Log χρησιμοποιώντας σύγχρονη προβολή λίστας
+ toogle μεταξύ κλασικής και σύγχρονης προβολής λίστας
+ διαχείριση μηχανής αναζήτησης
+ προσθήκη, ορισμός προεπιλογής. εμφάνιση προτάσεων
+ διαχείριση ειδοποιήσεων
+ νέα χαρακτηριστικά, κατάσταση δικτύου
+ Προσαρμογή λογισμικού. Μηχανή αναζήτησης
+ υποστηριζόμενες μηχανές αναζήτησης
+ επιλέξτε Προεπιλεγμένη μηχανή αναζήτησης
+ Προσαρμογή λογισμικού. Μηχανή αναζήτησης
+ αλλάξτε τον τρόπο εμφάνισης των Αναζητήσεων Ιστού
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ εμφάνιση συνδέσμων ιστού που έχετε περιηγηθεί
+ εμφάνιση προτάσεων κατά την αναζήτηση
+ Οι προτάσεις από περιηγημένους συνδέσμους ιστού εμφανίζονται όταν πληκτρολογείτε στη γραμμή αναζήτησης
+ εστιασμένες προτάσεις εμφανίζονται όταν πληκτρολογείτε στη γραμμή αναζήτησης
+ προσιτότητα
+ μέγεθος κειμένου, ζουμ, είσοδος χρησιμοποιώντας φωνή
+ προσαρμογή | προσιτότητα
+ διαγραφή ιδιωτικών δεδομένων
+ καρτέλες, περιηγημένοι σύνδεσμοι ιστού, σελιδοδείκτης, cookie, προσωρινή μνήμη
+ Αλλαγή ρύθμισης συστήματος. Εκκαθάριση δεδομένων συστήματος
+ καθαρισμός δεδομένων
+ διαγράψτε όλες τις καρτέλες
+ διαγράψτε τους περιηγημένους συνδέσμους ιστού
+ διαγραφή σελιδοδεικτών
+ διαγραφή κρυφής μνήμης
+ διαγράψτε προτάσεις
+ διαγραφή δεδομένων
+ διαγραφή περιόδου σύνδεσης
+ διαγράψτε τα cookies
+ διαγραφή προσαρμογή
+ κλιμάκωση γραμματοσειρών
+ κλίμακα περιεχομένου Ιστού σύμφωνα με το μέγεθος της γραμματοσειράς του συστήματος
+ ενεργοποιήστε το ζουμ
+ ενεργοποιήστε και ενεργοποιήστε το ζουμ για όλες τις ιστοσελίδες
+ είσοδος χρησιμοποιώντας φωνή
+ επιτρέψτε υπαγόρευση φωνής στη γραμμή url
+ επιλέξτε προσαρμοσμένη κλίμακα γραμματοσειρών
+ σύρετε το ρυθμιστικό μέχρι να μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε άνετα. Το κείμενο θα πρέπει να φαίνεται τουλάχιστον τόσο μεγάλο αφού πατήσετε δύο φορές σε μια παράγραφο
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ αλληλεπιδράσεις
+ αλλάξτε τον τρόπο αλληλεπίδρασης με το περιεχόμενο του ιστότοπου
+ Ο χρήστης είναι ενεργός
+ επίβλεψη χρήστη, συνδέσεις, επιλογές δεδομένων
+ Προστασία επιτήρησης χρήστη
+ adblock, trackers, δακτυλικά αποτυπώματα
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος . μυστικότητα
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος . προστασία επιτήρησης χρήστη
+ προστατεύστε την ηλεκτρονική σας ταυτότητα
+ κρατήστε την ταυτότητά σας απόρρητη. μπορούμε να σας προστατέψουμε από διάφορους ιχνηλάτες που σας ακολουθούν στο διαδίκτυο. Αυτή η ρύθμιση συστήματος μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τον αποκλεισμό διαφημίσεων
+ σώστε τον εαυτό σας από την προστασία Survelance χρήστη
+ Το Genesis θα πει στους ιστότοπους να μην με παρακολουθούν
+ πείτε στον ιστότοπο να μην με παρακολουθεί
+ Προστασία επιτήρησης χρήστη
+ ενεργοποιήστε την προστασία Survelance χρήστη που παρέχεται από το Genesis
+ cookie ιστότοπου
+ επιλέξτε προτιμήσεις cookie ιστότοπου σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες ασφαλείας σας
+ διαγραφή ιδιωτικών δεδομένων κατά την έξοδο
+ εκκαθάριση δεδομένων αυτόματα μετά το κλείσιμο του λογισμικού
+ ιδιωτική περιήγηση
+ διατηρήστε την ταυτότητά σας ασφαλή και χρησιμοποιήστε τις παρακάτω επιλογές
+ ενεργοποιήθηκε
+ ενεργοποιημένη, εξαιρουμένων των cookie παρακολούθησης ιστότοπου
+ ενεργοποιημένο, εξαιρουμένου του τρίτου μέρους
+ άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ απενεργοποιήστε την προστασία
+ επιτρέψτε την ταυτότητα Survelance Protection. Αυτό μπορεί να προκαλέσει την κλοπή της διαδικτυακής σας ταυτότητας
+ προεπιλογή (συνιστάται)
+ αποκλεισμός διαδικτυακής διαφήμισης και Survelance χρήστη κοινωνικού ιστού. Οι σελίδες θα φορτωθούν ως προεπιλογή
+ αυστηρή πολιτική
+ σταματήστε όλα τα γνωστά προγράμματα παρακολούθησης, οι σελίδες θα φορτώνονται γρηγορότερα, αλλά ορισμένες λειτουργίες ενδέχεται να μην λειτουργούν
+ javascript
+ απενεργοποιήστε τη δέσμη ενεργειών java για διάφορες επιθέσεις σεναρίου
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος . σύνθετη ρύθμιση συστήματος
+ επαναφορά καρτελών
+ Μην επαναφέρετε μετά την έξοδο από το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης
+ θέμα γραμμής εργαλείων
+ ορίστε το θέμα της γραμμής εργαλείων όπως ορίζεται στον ιστότοπο
+ εμφάνιση εικόνων
+ να φορτώνετε πάντα εικόνες ιστότοπου
+ εμφάνιση γραμματοσειρών ιστού
+ λήψη απομακρυσμένων γραμματοσειρών κατά τη φόρτωση μιας σελίδας
+ επιτρέψτε την αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή
+ Αφήστε τα μέσα να ξεκινήσουν αυτόματα
+ εξοικονόμηση δεδομένων
+ αυτί
+ αλλάξτε τον τρόπο συμπεριφοράς της καρτέλας μετά την επανεκκίνηση του λογισμικού
+ αλλαγή προεπιλεγμένης εξοικονόμησης δεδομένων
+ αλλαγή προεπιλεγμένης προσαρμογής πολυμέσων
+ να εμφανίζονται πάντα εικόνες
+ εμφάνιση εικόνων μόνο όταν χρησιμοποιείτε wifi
+ αποκλεισμός όλων των εικόνων
+ Ρύθμιση συστήματος εκ των προτέρων
+ επαναφορά καρτελών, εξοικονόμηση δεδομένων, εργαλεία προγραμματιστή
+ onion συνθήκη διακομιστή μεσολάβησης
+ ελέγξτε την κατάσταση του δικτύου onion
+ αναφέρετε τον ιστότοπο
+ αναφέρετε καταχρηστικό ιστότοπο
+ βαθμολόγησε αυτήν την εφαρμογή
+ βαθμολογήστε και σχολιάστε στο playstore
+ μοιραστείτε αυτήν την εφαρμογή
+ μοιραστείτε αυτό το λογισμικό με τους φίλους σας
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος . γενική προσαρμογή
+ Προεπιλεγμένη ρύθμιση συστήματος
+ αρχική σελίδα, γλώσσα
+ περιήγηση σε πλήρη οθόνη
+ απόκρυψη της γραμμής εργαλείων του προγράμματος περιήγησης κατά την κύλιση μιας σελίδας προς τα κάτω
+ Γλώσσα
+ αλλάξτε τη γλώσσα του προγράμματος περιήγησής σας
+ θέμα λογισμικού
+ επιλέξτε φωτεινό και σκοτεινό θέμα
+ θέμα φωτεινό
+ θέμα Σκούρο
+ αλλαγή περιήγησης και γλώσσας πλήρους οθόνης
+ Προεπιλογή συστήματος
+ αρχική σελίδα
+ about:blank
+ νέα καρτέλα
+ ανοίξτε την αρχική σελίδα σε νέα καρτέλα
+ αφαιρέστε όλες τις καρτέλες
+ καταργήστε τους περιηγημένους συνδέσμους ιστού
+ αφαιρέστε τους σελιδοδείκτες
+ αφαιρέστε την προσωρινή μνήμη περιήγησης
+ αφαιρέστε προτάσεις
+ κατάργηση δεδομένων ιστότοπου
+ αφαιρέστε τα δεδομένα περιόδου σύνδεσης
+ αφαιρέστε τα cookie περιήγησης στον ιστό
+ αφαιρέστε την προσαρμογή του προγράμματος περιήγησης
+ δώστε ένα Bridge που γνωρίζετε
+ εισαγάγετε bridge πληροφορίες από μια αξιόπιστη πηγή
+ Bridge ...
+ αίτηση
+ Εντάξει
+ ιστότοπος σελιδοδεικτών
+ προσθέστε αυτήν τη σελίδα στους σελιδοδείκτες σας
+ διαγράψτε συνδέσμους ιστού και δεδομένα
+ διαγραφή σελιδοδείκτη και Δεδομένων
+ Η εκκαθάριση δεδομένων θα καταργήσει τους περιηγημένους συνδέσμους ιστού, τα cookie και άλλα δεδομένα περιήγησης
+ Η διαγραφή δεδομένων θα διαγράψει τους ιστότοπους με σελιδοδείκτη
+ απολύω
+ Ματαίωση
+ Εντάξει
+ νέος σελιδοδείκτης
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ η σύνδεση είναι ασφαλής
+ τα στοιχεία σας (για παράδειγμα, κωδικοί πρόσβασης ή αριθμοί πιστωτικών καρτών) είναι προσωπικά όταν αποστέλλονται σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο
+ Ρύθμιση παρακολούθησης συστήματος και χρήστη
+ κανω ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ
+ αναφέρετε τον ιστότοπο
+ εάν πιστεύετε ότι αυτή η διεύθυνση URL είναι παράνομη ή ενοχλητική, αναφέρετέ την σε εμάς, ώστε να μπορέσουμε να λάβουμε νομικά μέτρα
+ αναφέρθηκε με επιτυχία
+ Η διεύθυνση url αναφέρθηκε με επιτυχία. Αν βρεθεί κάτι, θα ληφθούν νομικά μέτρα
+ Βαθμολογήστε μας
+ πείτε στους άλλους τη γνώμη σας για αυτήν την εφαρμογή
+ τιμή
+ Λυπόμαστε που το ακούμε αυτό!
+ εάν αντιμετωπίζετε δυσκολίες κατά τη χρήση αυτού του λογισμικού επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας μέσω email. θα προσπαθήσουμε να λύσουμε το πρόβλημά σας το συντομότερο δυνατό
+ ταχυδρομείο
+ ζητήστε νέο Bridge
+ επιλέξτε αλληλογραφία για να ζητήσετε μια διεύθυνση bridge. Μόλις το λάβετε, αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε το στο παραπάνω πλαίσιο και ξεκινήστε το λογισμικό.
+ η γλώσσα δεν υποστηρίζεται
+ Η γλώσσα συστήματος δεν υποστηρίζεται από αυτό το λογισμικό. εργαζόμαστε για να το συμπεριλάβουμε σύντομα
+ αρχικοποίηση Orbot
+ η ενέργεια δεν υποστηρίζεται
+ δεν βρέθηκε λογισμικό που να χειρίζεται την ακόλουθη εντολή
+ Καλώς ήλθατε | κρυμμένος ιστός Gateway
+ Αυτό το λογισμικό σας παρέχει μια πλατφόρμα για αναζήτηση και άνοιγμα κρυφών διευθύνσεων URL ιστού. εδώ είναι μερικές προτάσεις \n
+ κρυφή διαδικτυακή αγορά διαδικτύου
+ διαρρεύσει έγγραφα και βιβλία
+ ειδήσεις και άρθρα σκοτεινού Ιστού
+ μυστικά λογισμικά και εργαλεία χάραξης
+ μην εμφανιστεί ξανά
+ χρηματοδότηση και χρήματα
+ κοινωνικές κοινωνίες
+ εγχειρίδιο
+ παιδότοπο
+ ειδοποίηση συνδέσμου ιστού
+ ανοίξτε σε νέα καρτέλα
+ ανοίξτε στην τρέχουσα καρτέλα
+ Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο
+ κοινοποίηση αρχείου
+ λήψη ειδοποίησης
+ άνοιγμα url σε νέα καρτέλα
+ άνοιγμα url στην τρέχουσα καρτέλα
+ αντιγράψτε τη διεύθυνση url στο πρόχειρο
+ ανοίξτε την εικόνα σε νέα καρτέλα
+ ανοίξτε την εικόνα στην τρέχουσα καρτέλα
+ αντιγράψτε την εικόνα στο πρόχειρο
+ λήψη αρχείου εικόνας
+ λήψη ειδοποίησης
+ ειδοποίηση συνδέσμου ιστού
+ δεν βρέθηκε λογισμικό για τη διαχείριση email
+ λήψη αρχείου |
+ διαγράφηκαν δεδομένα | απαιτείται επανεκκίνηση
+ τα ιδιωτικά δεδομένα διαγράφηκαν με επιτυχία. Ορισμένες προεπιλεγμένες ρυθμίσεις συστήματος θα απαιτήσουν την επανεκκίνηση αυτού του λογισμικού. τώρα μπορείτε να συνεχίσετε με ασφάλεια την περιήγηση
+ κλειστή καρτέλα
+ ξεκάνω
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ προσαρμογή ασφαλείας
+ Bridge προσαρμογή
+ δημιουργείτε αυτόματα
+ αυτόματη ρύθμιση παραμέτρων bridge customize
+ δώστε ένα bridge που γνωρίζετε
+ επικόλληση προσαρμοσμένο bridge
+ προσαρμογή διακομιστή μεσολάβησης | Bridge
+ Τα Bridges είναι μη καταχωρημένα Tor ρελέ που καθιστούν δυσκολότερη την αποτροπή συνδέσεων στο δίκτυο Tor λόγω του τρόπου με τον οποίο ορισμένες χώρες προσπαθούν να μπλοκάρουν το Tor, ορισμένα bridges λειτουργούν σε ορισμένες χώρες αλλά όχι σε άλλες
+ επιλέξτε προεπιλογή bridge
+ αίτηση
+ obfs4 (συνιστάται)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ αρχεία καταγραφής διακομιστή μεσολάβησης
+ Πληροφορίες καταγραφής συστήματος
+ εάν αντιμετωπίζετε πρόβλημα συνδεσιμότητας κατά την έναρξη του Genesis, αντιγράψτε τον ακόλουθο κώδικα και βρείτε το πρόβλημα στο διαδίκτυο ή στείλτε τον σε εμάς, ώστε να μπορούμε να σας βοηθήσουμε
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot αρχεία καταγραφής
+ νέες καρτέλες
+ κλείστε την καρτέλα
+ άνοιγμα πρόσφατων καρτελών
+ Γλώσσα
+ λήψεις
+ περιηγημένοι σύνδεσμοι ιστού
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος
+ επιτραπέζιος ιστότοπος
+ αποθηκεύστε αυτήν τη σελίδα
+ σελιδοδείκτες
+ αναφέρετε τον ιστότοπο
+ βαθμολόγησε αυτήν την εφαρμογή
+ βρείτε στη σελίδα
+ έξοδος
+ μερίδιο
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ νέες καρτέλες
+ κλείστε όλες τις καρτέλες
+ Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος
+ επιλέξτε καρτέλες
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ ανοίξτε καρτέλες
+ αντίγραφο
+ μερίδιο
+ καθαρή επιλογή
+ ανοίξτε στην τρέχουσα καρτέλα
+ ανοίξτε σε νέα καρτέλα
+ διαγράφω
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ περιηγημένοι σύνδεσμοι ιστού
+ αφαιρέστε το
+ Αναζήτηση ...
+ σελιδοδείκτης
+ αφαιρέστε το
+ Αναζήτηση ...
+ ξαναδοκιμάσετε
+ αντίθετα! σφάλμα σύνδεσης δικτύου. το δίκτυο δεν είναι συνδεδεμένο
+ βοήθεια και υποστήριξη
+ Γλώσσα
+ άλλαξε γλώσσα
+ τρέχουμε μόνο στις ακόλουθες γλώσσες. θα προσθέσαμε περισσότερα σύντομα
+ αγγλικά Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες)
+ γερμανικά (Γερμανία)
+ ιταλικά (Ιταλία)
+ πορτογαλικά (Βραζιλία)
+ Ρωσικά (Ρωσία)
+ Ουκρανία (Ουκρανία)
+ απλοποιημένα κινέζικα (ηπειρωτική Κίνα)
+ Warning️ προειδοποίηση
+ προσαρμογή Bridges
+ ενεργοποίηση Bridges
+ ενεργοποιήστε VPN serivces
+ ενεργοποιήστε το Bridge Gateway
+ ενεργοποιήστε το Gateway
+ κατάσταση του πληρεξούσιου
+ τρέχουσα κατάσταση orbot διακομιστή μεσολάβησης
+ Orbot συνθήκη διακομιστή μεσολάβησης
+ onion
+ VPN κατάσταση σύνδεσης
+ Bridge κατάσταση μεσολάβησης
+ πληροφορίες | αλλαγή ρύθμισης συστήματος
+ μπορείτε να αλλάξετε διακομιστή μεσολάβησης επανεκκίνηση του λογισμικού και μεταβαίνοντας στη διαχείριση διακομιστή μεσολάβησης. μπορεί να ανοίξει κάνοντας κλικ σε ένα εικονίδιο με το γρανάζι στο κάτω μέρος
+ προσαρμογή διακομιστή μεσολάβησης
+ σας συνδέουμε με το δίκτυο Tor που διαχειρίζονται χιλιάδες εθελοντές σε όλο τον κόσμο! Μπορούν αυτές οι επιλογές να σας βοηθήσουν
+ Το Διαδίκτυο λογοκρίνεται εδώ (τείχος προστασίας παράκαμψης)
+ παράκαμψη τείχους προστασίας
+ Το Bridges κάνει το Διαδίκτυο να λειτουργεί πολύ αργά. Χρησιμοποιήστε τα μόνο εάν το Διαδίκτυο λογοκρίνεται στη χώρα σας ή έχει αποκλειστεί το δίκτυο Tor
+ προεπιλογή. jpg
+ άνοιξε αυτό
- default.jpg
- Open
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ θα ανοίξουν οι καρτέλες εδώ
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "μερικές φορές χρειάζεστε Bridge για να φτάσετε στο Tor"
+ "πες μου κι άλλα"
+ "μπορείτε να επιτρέψετε σε οποιοδήποτε λογισμικό να περάσει το Tor χρησιμοποιώντας το Onion"
+ "αυτό δεν θα σας κάνει ανώνυμο, αλλά θα σας βοηθήσει να παρακάμψετε τα τείχη προστασίας"
+ "επιλέξτε εφαρμογές"
+ "γεια σας"
+ "Καλώς ήλθατε στο Tor σε κινητό."
+ "Περιηγηθείτε στο Διαδίκτυο με τον τρόπο που περιμένετε."
+ "Δεν υπάρχει προστασία επιτήρησης χρήστη. καμία λογοκρισία."
- pref_language
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ αυτός ο ιστότοπος δεν είναι προσβάσιμος
+ Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη σύνδεση με τον ιστότοπο
+ Δεν είναι δυνατή η εμφάνιση της σελίδας που προσπαθείτε να δείτε, επειδή δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαλήθευση της αυθεντικότητας των ληφθέντων δεδομένων
+ η σελίδα αυτή τη στιγμή δεν λειτουργεί για κάποιο λόγο
+ επικοινωνήστε με τους ιδιοκτήτες του ιστότοπου για να τους ενημερώσετε για αυτό το πρόβλημα.
+ φορτώνω πάλι
+ προ_γλωσσική γλώσσα
+ Μη έγκυρη υπογραφή πακέτου
+ κάντε κλικ για να συνδεθείτε.
+ κάντε κλικ για να επιλέξετε μη αυτόματα δεδομένα.
+ Εξαίρεση ασφάλειας τομέα διαδικτύου.
+ Αποτυχία επαλήθευσης DAL.
+ - 55 τοις εκατό
+ - 70 τοις εκατό
+ - 85 τοις εκατό
+ - 100 τοις εκατό
+ - 115 τοις εκατό
+ - 130 τοις εκατό
+ - 145 τοις εκατό
+ - Ενεργοποιήθηκε
+ - άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες
+ - Ενεργοποίηση όλων
+ - Απενεργοποίηση όλων
+ - Χωρίς εύρος ζώνης
+ - Επιτρέπονται όλα
+ - Να επιτρέπεται η αξιοπιστία
+ - Να μην επιτρέπεται κανένα
+ - Να επιτρέπεται η επίσκεψη
+ - Να επιτρέπεται η μη παρακολούθηση
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..cbd26b1f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ buscar algo o escribir un enlace web
+ encontrar en la página
+ buscador
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! algo salió mal
+ todo
+ Genesis search engine
+ libertad digital
+ recargar
+ se enfrenta a uno de los siguientes problemas. Es posible que la página web o el sitio web no funcionen. su conexión a Internet puede ser deficiente. es posible que esté utilizando un proxy. el sitio web puede estar bloqueado por el firewall
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Israel ataca de nuevo
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Configuración del sistema
+ hacer Genesis su navegador predeterminado
+ Configuración del sistema
+ buscador
+ javascript
+ eliminar enlaces web navegados
+ fuente personalizar
+ Constomización de fuentes del sistema
+ cambiar la fuente automáticamente
+ Configuración de cookies
+ galletas
+ Configuración del sistema . Notificación
+ notificaciones
+ cambiar las preferencias de notificación
+ estado de la red y notificaciones
+ notificaciones locales
+ personalizar notificación de software
+ notificaciones del sistema
+ cambiar la forma en que aparece el registro del sistema
+ muestre el registro usando la vista de lista moderna
+ toogle entre vista de lista clásica y moderna
+ gestionar motor de búsqueda
+ agregar, establecer predeterminado. mostrar sugerencias
+ administrar notificaciones
+ nuevas características, estado de la red
+ Personalice el software. Buscador
+ motores de búsqueda compatibles
+ elija motor de búsqueda predeterminado
+ Personalice el software. Buscador
+ cambiar cómo aparecen las búsquedas web
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ mostrar enlaces web navegados
+ mostrar sugerencias durante la búsqueda
+ Las sugerencias de los enlaces web navegados aparecen cuando escribe en la barra de búsqueda.
+ las sugerencias enfocadas aparecen cuando escribe en la barra de búsqueda
+ accesibilidad
+ tamaño de texto, zoom, entrada mediante voz
+ personalizar | accesibilidad
+ borrar datos privados
+ pestañas, enlaces web navegados, marcadores, cookies, caché
+ Cambiar la configuración del sistema. Borrar datos del sistema
+ borrar datos
+ eliminar todas las pestañas
+ eliminar enlaces web navegados
+ eliminar marcadores
+ eliminar caché
+ eliminar sugerencias
+ borrar datos
+ eliminar sesión
+ eliminar las cookies
+ eliminar personalizar
+ escala de fuente
+ escalar el contenido web de acuerdo con el tamaño de fuente del sistema
+ activar el zoom
+ activar y forzar el zoom para todas las páginas web
+ entrada usando voz
+ permitir el dictado de voz en la barra de URL
+ seleccionar escala de fuente personalizada
+ arrastre el control deslizante hasta que pueda leer esto cómodamente. el texto debe verse al menos así de grande después de tocar dos veces un párrafo
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interacciones
+ cambiar la forma de interactuar con el contenido del sitio web
+ Usuario activado
+ vigilancia del usuario, inicios de sesión, opciones de datos
+ Protección de vigilancia del usuario
+ adblock, rastreadores, huellas digitales
+ Configuración del sistema . intimidad
+ Configuración del sistema . protección de vigilancia del usuario
+ proteger su identidad en línea
+ mantenga su identidad privada. podemos protegerlo de varios rastreadores que lo siguen en línea. esta configuración del sistema también se puede utilizar para bloquear anuncios
+ sálvese de la protección de vigilancia del usuario
+ Genesis le dirá a los sitios que no me rastreen
+ dile al sitio web que no me rastree
+ Protección de vigilancia del usuario
+ habilitar la protección de vigilancia del usuario proporcionada por Genesis
+ cookies del sitio web
+ seleccione las preferencias de cookies del sitio web de acuerdo con sus necesidades de seguridad
+ borrar datos privados al salir
+ borrar datos automáticamente una vez que se cierra el software
+ navegación privada
+ mantenga su identidad segura y use las opciones a continuación
+ activado
+ habilitado, excluidas las cookies de seguimiento del sitio web
+ habilitado, excluyendo a terceros
+ discapacitado
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ deshabilitar la protección
+ Permitir protección de vigilancia de identidad. esto podría provocar el robo de su identidad en línea
+ predeterminado (recomendado)
+ bloquear la publicidad en línea y el usuario de la web social Survelance. las páginas se cargarán por defecto
+ política estricta
+ detener todos los rastreadores conocidos, las páginas se cargarán más rápido, pero es posible que algunas funciones no funcionen
+ javascript
+ deshabilitar las secuencias de comandos de Java para varios ataques de secuencias de comandos
+ Configuración del sistema . Configuración compleja del sistema
+ restaurar pestañas
+ no restaurar después de salir del navegador
+ tema de la barra de herramientas
+ establecer el tema de la barra de herramientas como se define en el sitio web
+ mostrar imagenes
+ cargar siempre imágenes del sitio web
+ mostrar fuentes web
+ descargar fuentes remotas al cargar una página
+ permitir reproducción automática
+ permitir que los medios se inicien automáticamente
+ ahorrador de datos
+ pestaña
+ cambiar la forma en que se comporta la pestaña después de reiniciar el software
+ media
+ cambiar el ahorro de datos predeterminado personalizar
+ cambiar medios predeterminados personalizar
+ mostrar siempre imágenes
+ solo mostrar imágenes cuando se usa wifi
+ bloquear todas las imágenes
+ Configuración avanzada del sistema
+ restaurar pestañas, ahorro de datos, herramientas de desarrollo
+ onion condición de apoderado
+ comprobar el estado de la red onion
+ informe del sitio web
+ denunciar sitio web abusivo
+ califica esta aplicación
+ calificar y comentar en la tienda de juegos
+ Comparte esta aplicación
+ comparte este software con tus amigos
+ Configuración del sistema . personalización general
+ Configuración predeterminada del sistema
+ página de inicio, idioma
+ navegación a pantalla completa
+ ocultar la barra de herramientas del navegador al desplazarse hacia abajo en una página
+ idioma
+ cambia el idioma de tu navegador
+ tema de software
+ elige tema brillante y oscuro
+ tema brillante
+ tema oscuro
+ cambiar la navegación y el idioma en pantalla completa
+ sistema por defecto
+ página principal
+ about:blank
+ nueva pestaña
+ abrir la página de inicio en una nueva pestaña
+ eliminar todas las pestañas
+ eliminar enlaces web navegados
+ eliminar marcadores
+ eliminar caché de navegación
+ eliminar sugerencias
+ eliminar datos del sitio
+ eliminar datos de la sesión
+ eliminar las cookies de navegación web
+ eliminar la personalización del navegador
+ proporcionar un Bridge que conoces
+ ingrese bridge información de una fuente confiable
+ Bridge ...
+ petición
+ OK
+ marcador de sitio web
+ agregue esta página a sus marcadores
+ eliminar enlaces web y datos navegados
+ marcador claro y datos
+ borrar datos eliminará los enlaces web navegados, las cookies y otros datos de navegación
+ eliminar datos eliminará sitios web marcados como favoritos
+ despedir
+ cancelar
+ OK
+ nuevo marcador
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ la conexión es segura
+ su información (por ejemplo, contraseña o números de tarjeta de crédito) es privada cuando se envía a este sitio
+ Configuración de vigilancia del sistema y del usuario
+ reporte
+ informe del sitio web
+ Si cree que esta URL es ilegal o perturbadora, infórmenos para que podamos emprender acciones legales.
+ fue informado con éxito
+ URL se informó correctamente. si se encuentra algo, se emprenderán acciones legales
+ Nos califica
+ cuénteles a los demás lo que piensa sobre esta aplicación
+ Velocidad
+ ¡Lamentamos oir eso!
+ Si tiene dificultades al utilizar este software, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico. Intentaremos resolver su problema lo antes posible.
+ correo
+ solicitar nuevo Bridge
+ seleccione correo para solicitar una dirección bridge. una vez que lo reciba, cópielo y péguelo en el cuadro anterior e inicie el software.
+ idioma no admitido
+ El idioma del sistema no es compatible con este software. estamos trabajando para incluirlo pronto
+ inicializando Orbot
+ acción no admitida
+ no se encontró software para manejar el siguiente comando
+ bienvenido | web oculta Gateway
+ este software le proporciona una plataforma para buscar y abrir URL web ocultas. aquí hay algunas sugerencias \n
+ mercado online oculto web
+ documentos y libros filtrados
+ noticias y artículos de la web oscura
+ software secreto y herramientas de piratería
+ no volver a mostrar
+ finanzas y dinero
+ sociedades sociales
+ manual
+ tienda de juegos
+ notificación de enlace web
+ abrir en una pestaña nueva
+ abrir en la pestaña actual
+ copiar al portapapeles
+ notificación de archivo
+ descargar notificación
+ abrir URL en una nueva pestaña
+ abrir URL en la pestaña actual
+ copiar URL al portapapeles
+ abierta la imagen en una nueva pestaña
+ abrir imagen en la pestaña actual
+ copiar imagen al portapapeles
+ descargar archivo de imagen
+ descargar notificación
+ notificación de enlace web
+ no se encontró ningún software para manejar el correo electrónico
+ descargar archivo |
+ datos borrados | Reinicio requerido
+ datos privados borrados con éxito. Algunas configuraciones predeterminadas del sistema requerirán que este software se reinicie. ahora puedes seguir navegando de forma segura
+ pestaña cerrada
+ deshacer
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ seguridad personalizar
+ Bridge personalizar
+ crear automáticamente
+ configurar automáticamente bridge personalizar
+ proporcione un bridge que sepa
+ pegar personalizado bridge
+ proxy personalizar | Bridge
+ Bridges son relés Tor no listados que dificultan el bloqueo de conexiones en la red Tor. debido a cómo algunos países intentan bloquear Tor, ciertos bridges funcionan en algunos países pero no en otros
+ seleccionar por defecto bridge
+ petición
+ obfs4 (recomendado)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ registros de proxy
+ Información de registro del sistema
+ Si tiene problemas de conectividad al iniciar Genesis, copie el siguiente código y encuentre el problema en línea o envíenoslo para que podamos intentar ayudarlo
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot registros
+ nuevas pestañas
+ cerrar pestaña
+ abrir pestañas recientes
+ idioma
+ descargas
+ enlaces web navegados
+ Configuración del sistema
+ sitio de escritorio
+ guardar esta página
+ marcadores
+ informe del sitio web
+ califica esta aplicación
+ encontrar en la página
+ Salida
+ Cuota
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ nuevas pestañas
+ cierra todas las pestañas
+ Configuración del sistema
+ seleccionar pestañas
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ pestañas abiertas
+ Copiar
+ Cuota
+ selección clara
+ abrir en la pestaña actual
+ abrir en una pestaña nueva
+ Eliminar
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ enlaces web navegados
+ quita esto
+ buscar ...
+ marcador
+ quita esto
+ buscar ...
+ rever
+ opps! error de conexión a la red. red no conectada
+ ayuda y apoyo
+ idioma
+ cambiar idioma
+ solo corremos en los siguientes idiomas. pronto estaríamos agregando más
+ Inglés Estados Unidos)
+ alemán Alemania)
+ italiano (italia)
+ portugués (brasil)
+ ruso (rusia)
+ ucraniano (ucrania)
+ chino simplificado (China continental)
+ ⚠️ advertencia
+ personalizar Bridges
+ habilitar Bridges
+ habilitar VPN servicios
+ habilitar Bridge Gateway
+ habilitar Gateway
+ condición de apoderado
+ condición actual del proxy orbot
+ Orbot condición de poder
+ onion
+ VPN condición de conectividad
+ Bridge condición de poder
+ info | cambiar la configuración del sistema
+ puede cambiar el proxy reiniciando el software y yendo al administrador de proxy. se puede abrir haciendo clic en un icono de engranaje en la parte inferior
+ proxy personalizar
+ ¡Lo conectamos a la red Tor dirigida por miles de voluntarios en todo el mundo! ¿Pueden estas opciones ayudarlo?
+ Internet está censurado aquí (eludir el firewall)
+ evitar el firewall
+ Bridges hace que Internet funcione muy lento. Úselos solo si Internet está censurado en su país o si la red Tor está bloqueada
- Open
+ Abre esto
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ las pestañas abiertas se mostrarán aquí
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "a veces necesitas un Bridge para llegar a Tor"
+ "Dime más"
+ "puede habilitar cualquier software para pasar por Tor usando Onion"
+ "esto no te hará anónimo, pero te ayudará a evitar los firewalls"
+ "elegir aplicaciones"
+ "Hola"
+ "bienvenido a Tor en el móvil".
+ "navegue por Internet como espera que lo haga".
+ "Sin protección de vigilancia del usuario. Sin censura".
+ este sitio no es accesible
+ se produjo un error al conectarse con el sitio web
+ la página que está intentando ver no se puede mostrar porque no se pudo verificar la autenticidad de los datos recibidos
+ la página no funciona actualmente por alguna razón
+ póngase en contacto con los propietarios del sitio web para informarles de este problema.
+ recargar
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Firma de paquete no válida
+ haga clic para iniciar sesión.
+ haga clic para seleccionar manualmente los datos.
+ Excepción de seguridad de dominio web.
+ Fallo de verificación DAL.
+ - 55 por ciento
+ - 70 por ciento
+ - 85 por ciento
+ - 100 por ciento
+ - 115 por ciento
+ - 130 por ciento
+ - 145 por ciento
+ - Activado
+ - Discapacitado
+ - Permitir a todos
+ - Desactivar todo
+ - Sin ancho de banda
+ - Permitir todo
+ - Permitir de confianza
+ - No permitir ninguno
+ - Permitir visitados
+ - Permitir no rastreador
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..94c0be3a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ rechercher quelque chose ou saisir un lien Web
+ trouver en page
+ moteur de recherche
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! quelque chose s\'est mal passé
+ tout
+ Genesis search engine
+ liberté numérique
+ recharger
+ vous êtes confronté à l\'un des problèmes suivants. la page Web ou le site Web peut ne pas fonctionner. votre connexion Internet est peut-être mauvaise. vous utilisez peut-être un proxy. le site Web peut être bloqué par le pare-feu
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Israël frappe à nouveau
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Paramètres système
+ faire de Genesis votre navigateur par défaut
+ Paramètres système
+ moteur de recherche
+ javascript
+ supprimer les liens Web consultés
+ police personnaliser
+ System Font Constomization
+ change font automatically
+ Paramètres des cookies
+ biscuits
+ Paramètres système. Notification
+ notifications
+ modifier les préférences de notification
+ état du réseau et notifications
+ local notifications
+ personnaliser la notification du logiciel
+ notifications système
+ changer la façon dont le journal système apparaît
+ afficher le journal en utilisant la vue de liste moderne
+ toogle entre l\'affichage de liste classique et moderne
+ gérer le moteur de recherche
+ ajouter, définir la valeur par défaut. afficher les suggestions
+ manage notifications
+ nouvelles fonctionnalités, état du réseau
+ Personnalisez le logiciel. Moteur de recherche
+ moteurs de recherche pris en charge
+ choisissez le moteur de recherche par défaut
+ Personnalisez le logiciel. Moteur de recherche
+ modifier l\'apparence des recherches sur le Web
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ afficher les liens Web consultés
+ afficher des suggestions pendant la recherche
+ des suggestions de liens Web consultés s\'affichent lorsque vous tapez dans la barre de recherche
+ des suggestions ciblées apparaissent lorsque vous tapez dans la barre de recherche
+ accessibilité
+ taille du texte, zoom, saisie vocale
+ personnaliser | accessibilité
+ effacer les données privées
+ onglets, liens Web consultés, signet, cookies, cache
+ Modifier les paramètres système. Effacer les données système
+ effacer les données
+ supprimer tous les onglets
+ supprimer les liens Web consultés
+ supprimer des favoris
+ delete cache
+ supprimer des suggestions
+ Suprimmer les données
+ supprimer la session
+ supprimer les cookies
+ supprimer personnaliser
+ font scaling
+ mettre à l\'échelle le contenu Web en fonction de la taille de la police du système
+ activer le zoom
+ activer et forcer le zoom pour toutes les pages Web
+ entrée en utilisant la voix
+ autoriser la dictée vocale dans la barre d\'URL
+ sélectionner une mise à l\'échelle de police personnalisée
+ faites glisser le curseur jusqu\'à ce que vous puissiez lire ceci confortablement. le texte doit au moins avoir l\'air aussi grand après avoir tapoté deux fois sur un paragraphe
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interactions
+ changer la façon d\'interagir avec le contenu du site Web
+ User Sur
+ survelance des utilisateurs, connexions, choix de données
+ User Surveillance Protection
+ adblock, trackers, empreintes digitales
+ Paramètres système. intimité
+ Paramètres système. protection de survelance de l\'utilisateur
+ protégez votre identité en ligne
+ gardez votre identité privée. nous pouvons vous protéger de plusieurs trackers qui vous suivent en ligne. ce paramètre système peut également être utilisé pour bloquer la publicité
+ vous épargner de la protection de surveillance des utilisateurs
+ Genesis dira aux sites de ne pas me suivre
+ dire au site Web de ne pas me suivre
+ User Surveillance Protection
+ activer la protection de survelance de l\'utilisateur fournie par Genesis
+ cookies de site Web
+ sélectionnez les préférences de cookies du site Web en fonction de vos besoins de sécurité
+ effacer les données privées à la sortie
+ effacer automatiquement les données une fois le logiciel fermé
+ navigation privée
+ gardez votre identité en sécurité et utilisez les options ci-dessous
+ activé
+ activé, à l\'exclusion des cookies de suivi du site Web
+ activé, à l\'exclusion de tiers
+ désactivée
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ disable protection
+ permettre la protection de la surveillance de l\'identité. cela pourrait entraîner le vol de votre identité en ligne
+ par défaut (recommandé)
+ bloquer la publicité en ligne et l\'internaute social Survelance. les pages se chargeront par défaut
+ politique stricte
+ arrêter tous les trackers connus, les pages se chargeront plus rapidement mais certaines fonctionnalités peuvent ne pas fonctionner
+ javascript
+ désactiver le script java pour diverses attaques de script
+ Paramètres système. Configuration système complexe
+ restaurer les onglets
+ ne pas restaurer après avoir quitté le navigateur
+ thème de la barre d\'outils
+ définir le thème de la barre d\'outils comme défini dans le site Web
+ show images
+ toujours charger les images du site Web
+ show web fonts
+ télécharger des polices distantes lors du chargement d\'une page
+ autoriser la lecture automatique
+ permettre au média de démarrer automatiquement
+ économiseur de données
+ languette
+ modifier le comportement de l\'onglet après le redémarrage du logiciel
+ médias
+ modifier l\'économiseur de données par défaut personnaliser
+ modifier le média par défaut personnaliser
+ toujours montrer des images
+ afficher uniquement les images lors de l\'utilisation du wifi
+ bloquer toutes les images
+ Paramètres système avancés
+ onglets de restauration, économiseur de données, outils de développement
+ onion condition de proxy
+ vérifier l\'état onion du réseau
+ rapport site Web
+ signaler un site Web abusif
+ évaluer l\'application
+ noter et commenter sur le Playstore
+ partager cette appli
+ partagez ce logiciel avec vos amis
+ Paramètres système. personnalisation générale
+ Paramètres système par défaut
+ page d\'accueil, langue
+ navigation plein écran
+ masquer la barre d\'outils du navigateur lors du défilement d\'une page
+ Langue
+ changer la langue de votre navigateur
+ thème du logiciel
+ choisissez un thème clair et sombre
+ thème lumineux
+ thème Dark
+ changer la navigation en plein écran et la langue
+ défaut du système
+ page d\'accueil
+ about:blank
+ nouvel onglet
+ ouvrir la page d\'accueil dans un nouvel onglet
+ supprimer tous les onglets
+ supprimer les liens Web consultés
+ supprimer les favoris
+ supprimer le cache de navigation
+ supprimer des suggestions
+ supprimer les données du site
+ supprimer les données de session
+ supprimer les cookies de navigation Web
+ supprimer la personnalisation du navigateur
+ fournir un Bridge que vous connaissez
+ entrez bridge informations provenant d\'une source fiable
+ Bridge ...
+ demander
+ d\'accord
+ site Web de signets
+ ajouter cette page à vos favoris
+ supprimer les liens Web et les données consultés
+ Effacer le signet et les données
+ l\'effacement des données supprimera les liens Web consultés, les cookies et autres données de navigation
+ la suppression des données supprimera les sites Web favoris
+ rejeter
+ Annuler
+ d\'accord
+ nouveau signet
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ la connexion est sécurisée
+ vos informations (par exemple, mot de passe ou numéros de carte de crédit) sont privées lorsqu\'elles sont envoyées à ce site
+ Paramètres de surveillance du système et de l\'utilisateur
+ rapport
+ rapport site Web
+ si vous pensez que cette URL est illégale ou dérangeante, signalez-la-nous afin que nous puissions intenter une action en justice
+ a été signalé avec succès
+ URL a été signalée avec succès. si quelque chose est trouvé, une action en justice sera engagée
+ évaluez nous
+ dites aux autres ce que vous pensez de cette application
+ évaluer
+ Nous sommes navrés d\'apprendre cela!
+ si vous rencontrez des difficultés lors de l\'utilisation de ce logiciel, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail. nous essaierons de résoudre votre problème dès que possible
+ mail
+ demander nouveau Bridge
+ sélectionnez mail pour demander une adresse bridge. une fois que vous l\'avez reçu, copiez-le et collez-le dans la case ci-dessus et démarrez le logiciel.
+ langue non prise en charge
+ la langue du système n\'est pas prise en charge par ce logiciel. nous travaillons pour l\'inclure bientôt
+ initialisation Orbot
+ action non prise en charge
+ aucun logiciel trouvé pour gérer la commande suivante
+ bienvenue | web caché Gateway
+ ce logiciel vous fournit une plate-forme pour rechercher et ouvrir des URL Web cachées. voici quelques suggestions \n
+ marché en ligne Web caché
+ documents et livres divulgués
+ actualités et articles sur le dark web
+ logiciels secrets et outils de piratage
+ ne plus montrer
+ finances et argent
+ sociétés sociales
+ Manuel
+ playstore
+ web link notification
+ ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet
+ ouvrir dans l\'onglet actuel
+ copier dans le presse-papier
+ file notification
+ download notification
+ ouvrir l\'URL dans un nouvel onglet
+ ouvrir l\'URL dans l\'onglet actuel
+ copier l\'URL dans le presse-papiers
+ ouvrir l\'image dans un nouvel onglet
+ ouvrir l\'image dans l\'onglet actuel
+ copier l\'image dans le presse-papiers
+ download image file
+ download notification
+ web link notification
+ aucun logiciel trouvé pour gérer les e-mails
+ télécharger le fichier |
+ données effacées | redémarrage requis
+ données privées effacées avec succès. certains paramètres système par défaut nécessiteront le redémarrage de ce logiciel. maintenant, vous pouvez continuer à naviguer en toute sécurité
+ onglet fermé
+ annuler
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ sécurité personnaliser
+ Bridge personnaliser
+ créer automatiquement
+ configurer automatiquement bridge personnaliser
+ fournissez un bridge que vous connaissez
+ coller personnalisé bridge
+ proxy personnaliser | Bridge
+ Bridges sont des relais Tor non répertoriés qui rendent plus difficile le blocage des connexions dans le réseau Tor. en raison de la façon dont certains pays essaient de bloquer Tor, certains bridges fonctionnent dans certains pays mais pas dans d\'autres
+ sélectionnez par défaut bridge
+ demander
+ obfs4 (recommandé)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ journaux proxy
+ Informations du journal système
+ si vous rencontrez un problème de connectivité lors du démarrage de Genesis, veuillez copier le code suivant et trouver le problème en ligne ou nous l\'envoyer, afin que nous puissions essayer de vous aider
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot journaux
+ nouveaux onglets
+ fermer l\'onglet
+ ouvrir les onglets récents
+ Langue
+ téléchargements
+ liens Web parcourus
+ Paramètres système
+ desktop site
+ enregistrer cette page
+ signets
+ rapport site Web
+ évaluer l\'application
+ trouver en page
+ sortir
+ partager
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ nouveaux onglets
+ fermer tous les onglets
+ Paramètres système
+ sélectionner des onglets
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ onglets ouverts
+ copie
+ partager
+ effacer la sélection
+ ouvrir dans l\'onglet actuel
+ ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet
+ effacer
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ liens Web parcourus
+ enlève ça
+ chercher ...
+ signet
+ enlève ça
+ chercher ...
+ recommencez
+ opps! erreur de connexion réseau. réseau non connecté
+ aide et soutien
+ Langue
+ changer de langue
+ nous ne fonctionnons que sur les langues suivantes. nous ajouterions plus bientôt
+ États Unis Anglais)
+ allemand Allemagne)
+ italien (italie)
+ portugais (brésil)
+ russe (russie)
+ ukrainien (ukraine)
+ chinois simplifié (Chine continentale)
+ ⚠️ avertissement
+ personnaliser Bridges
+ activer Bridges
+ activer VPN services
+ activer Bridge Gateway
+ activer Gateway
+ condition du proxy
+ état actuel du proxy orbot
+ Orbot condition de procuration
+ onion
+ VPN état de la connectivité
+ Bridge condition de procuration
+ info | modifier les paramètres système
+ vous pouvez changer de proxy en redémarrant le logiciel et en accédant au gestionnaire de proxy. il peut être ouvert en cliquant sur une icône d\'engrenage en bas
+ proxy personnaliser
+ nous vous connectons au réseau Tor géré par des milliers de bénévoles à travers le monde! Ces options peuvent-elles vous aider
+ Internet est censuré ici (contourner le pare-feu)
+ contourner le pare-feu
+ Bridges rend Internet très lent. utilisez-les uniquement si Internet est censuré dans votre pays ou si le réseau Tor est bloqué
- Open
+ ouvre Ceci
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ les onglets ouverts s\'afficheront ici
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "Parfois, vous avez besoin d\'un Bridge pour arriver au Tor"
+ "dis m\'en plus"
+ "vous pouvez autoriser n\'importe quel logiciel à passer par Tor en utilisant Onion"
+ "cela ne vous rendra pas anonyme, mais cela vous aidera à contourner les pare-feu"
+ "choisir des applications"
+ "Bonjour"
+ "Bienvenue au Tor sur mobile."
+ "naviguez sur Internet comme vous vous en doutez."
+ "pas de protection de surveillance des utilisateurs. pas de censure."
+ ce site n\'est pas accessible
+ une erreur s\'est produite lors de la connexion au site Web
+ la page que vous essayez d\'afficher ne peut pas être affichée car l\'authenticité des données reçues n\'a pas pu être vérifiée
+ la page ne fonctionne pas actuellement pour une raison quelconque
+ veuillez contacter les propriétaires du site Web pour les informer de ce problème.
+ recharger
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Signature de package non valide
+ cliquez pour vous connecter.
+ cliquez pour sélectionner manuellement les données.
+ Exception de sécurité de domaine Web.
+ Échec de la vérification DAL.
+ - 55 pour cent
+ - 70 pour cent
+ - 85 pour cent
+ - 100 pourcent
+ - 115 pour cent
+ - 130 pour cent
+ - 145 pour cent
+ - Activé
+ - Désactivée
+ - Tout activer
+ - Désactiver tous les
+ - Pas de bande passante
+ - Autorise tout
+ - Autoriser Trusted
+ - N\'autoriser aucun
+ - Autoriser les visites
+ - Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..01a600fc 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ keresni valamiben, vagy beírni egy weblinket
+ megtalálja az oldalon
+ keresőmotor
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! valami elromlott
+ minden
+ Genesis search engine
+ digitális szabadság
+ újratöltés
+ a következő probléma egyikével áll szemben. előfordulhat, hogy egy weboldal vagy webhely nem működik. gyenge lehet az internetkapcsolat. lehet, hogy proxyt használ. előfordulhat, hogy a webhelyet tűzfal blokkolja
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Izrael újra sztrájkol
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Rendszerbeállítás
+ tegye az Genesis-et az alapértelmezett böngészővé
+ Rendszerbeállítás
+ keresőmotor
+ javascript
+ távolítsa el a böngészett weblinkeket
+ betűtípus testreszabása
+ A rendszer betűtípusának alakítása
+ a betűtípus automatikus módosítása
+ Cookie-beállítás
+ sütik
+ Rendszerbeállítás . Értesítés
+ értesítéseket
+ értesítési beállítások módosítása
+ a hálózat és az értesítések állapota
+ helyi értesítések
+ testreszabhatja a szoftveres értesítéseket
+ a rendszer értesítései
+ megváltoztathatja a rendszernapló megjelenésének módját
+ show Napló modern listanézet segítségével
+ váltson a klasszikus és a modern listanézet között
+ a keresőmotor kezelése
+ add, alapértelmezett beállítás. javaslatok megjelenítése
+ értesítések kezelése
+ új funkciók, a hálózat állapota
+ A szoftver testreszabása. Keresőmotor
+ támogatott keresőmotorok
+ válassza az Alapértelmezett keresőmotort
+ A szoftver testreszabása. Keresőmotor
+ módosíthatja az internetes keresések megjelenési módját
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ böngészett weblinkek megjelenítése
+ javaslatokat mutat a keresés során
+ a böngészett weblinkek javaslatai megjelennek, amikor beírja a keresősávba
+ fókuszált javaslatok jelennek meg, amikor beírja a keresősávba
+ megközelíthetőség
+ szövegméret, nagyítás, bevitel hang segítségével
+ testreszabása | megközelíthetőség
+ tiszta magánadatok
+ lapok, böngészett weblinkek, könyvjelző, sütik, gyorsítótár
+ Módosítsa a rendszer beállításait. Rendszeradatok törlése
+ adatok törlése
+ törölje az összes lapot
+ törölje a böngészett weblinkeket
+ könyvjelzők törlése
+ törölje a gyorsítótárat
+ javaslatok törlése
+ adatok törlése
+ munkamenet törlése
+ törölje a sütiket
+ törlés testreszabás
+ betűméretezés
+ méretezheti a webtartalmat a rendszer betűmérete szerint
+ kapcsolja be a nagyítást
+ kapcsolja be és kényszerítse a nagyítást az összes weboldalra
+ bevitel hang segítségével
+ engedélyezze a hangdiktálást az URL-sávban
+ válassza az egyéni betűméretezést
+ addig húzza a csúszkát, amíg ezt kényelmesen el nem tudja olvasni. a szövegnek legalább ekkorának kell lennie, miután duplán megérintette a bekezdést
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ kölcsönhatások
+ változtassa meg a weboldal tartalmával való interakció módját
+ Felhasználó be
+ felhasználói meglepetés, bejelentkezés, adatválasztás
+ Felhasználói felügyeleti védelem
+ adblock, nyomkövetők, ujjlenyomatok
+ Rendszerbeállítás . magánélet
+ Rendszerbeállítás . felhasználói meglepetésvédelem
+ védje online identitását
+ személyazonosságát tartsa magán. megvédhetünk több nyomkövetőtől, amelyek online nyomon követnek. ez a rendszerbeállítás a reklám blokkolására is használható
+ mentse meg magát a Survelance Protection felhasználójától
+ Az Genesis megmondja az oldalaknak, hogy ne kövessenek engem
+ mondd a weboldalnak, hogy ne kövessen nyomon
+ Felhasználói felügyeleti védelem
+ engedélyezze a felhasználói Survelance Protection szolgáltatást, amelyet az Genesis biztosít
+ weboldal sütik
+ a biztonsági igényeinek megfelelően válassza ki a weboldal sütik beállításait
+ törölje a személyes adatokat a kilépéskor
+ az adatok automatikus törlése a szoftver bezárása után
+ privát böngészés
+ tartsa biztonságban személyazonosságát, és használja az alábbi lehetőségeket
+ engedélyezve
+ engedélyezve, kivéve a webhelykövető sütiket
+ engedélyezve, kivéve a harmadik felet
+ Tiltva
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ tiltsa le a védelmet
+ lehetővé teszik az identitás Survelance Protection alkalmazását. ez ellophatja online identitását
+ alapértelmezett (ajánlott)
+ blokkolja az online hirdetést és a közösségi webes felhasználót. az oldalak alapértelmezés szerint betöltődnek
+ szigorú politika
+ állítsa le az összes ismert nyomkövetőt, az oldalak gyorsabban betöltődnek, de bizonyos funkciók nem működnek
+ javascript
+ tiltsa le a java szkripteket különféle szkript támadások esetén
+ Rendszerbeállítás . komplex rendszerbeállítás
+ fülek visszaállítása
+ ne állítsa vissza a böngészőből való kilépés után
+ eszköztár témája
+ állítsa be az eszköztár témáját a webhelyen meghatározottak szerint
+ képeket mutatni
+ mindig töltsön be weboldal képeket
+ webes betűtípusok megjelenítése
+ letölthet távoli betűtípusokat egy oldal betöltése közben
+ engedélyezze az automatikus lejátszást
+ hagyja, hogy a média automatikusan elinduljon
+ adatmentõ
+ fülre
+ változtassa meg a fül viselkedését a szoftver újraindítása után
+ média
+ módosítsa az alapértelmezett adatvédő testreszabását
+ alapértelmezett adathordozó testreszabása
+ mindig képeket mutat
+ képeket csak wifi használatakor mutat
+ blokkolja az összes képet
+ A rendszer előzetes beállítása
+ fülek, adatmentő, fejlesztői eszközök helyreállítása
+ onion a proxy feltétele
+ ellenőrizze a hálózat onion állapotát
+ jelentés honlapja
+ visszaélésszerű webhely jelentése
+ Értékeld ezt az alkalmazást
+ értékelje és kommentálja a playstore-t
+ Oszd meg ezt az alkalmazást
+ ossza meg ezt a szoftvert barátaival
+ Rendszerbeállítás . általános testreszabás
+ Alapértelmezett rendszerbeállítás
+ honlap, nyelv
+ teljes képernyős böngészés
+ elrejti a böngésző eszköztárát, amikor lefelé görget egy oldalt
+ nyelv
+ változtassa meg a böngésző nyelvét
+ szoftver téma
+ válasszon világos és sötét témát
+ téma világos
+ téma Sötét
+ a teljes képernyős böngészés és a nyelv módosítása
+ rendszer Alapértelmezett
+ honlap
+ about:blank
+ Új lap
+ nyissa meg a kezdőlapot az új lapon
+ távolítsa el az összes lapot
+ távolítsa el a böngészett weblinkeket
+ könyvjelzők eltávolítása
+ távolítsa el a böngészési gyorsítótárat
+ javaslatok eltávolítása
+ távolítsa el a webhely adatait
+ munkamenetadatok eltávolítása
+ távolítsa el a böngészési sütiket
+ távolítsa el a böngésző testreszabását
+ adja meg az Ön által ismert Bridge-est
+ adja meg bridge információt megbízható forrásból
+ Bridge ...
+ kérés
+ ok
+ könyvjelző weboldal
+ adja hozzá ezt az oldalt a könyvjelzőihez
+ törölje a böngészett weblinkeket és az adatokat
+ törölje a könyvjelzőt és az adatokat
+ az adatok törlése eltávolítja a böngészett weblinkeket, sütiket és egyéb böngészési adatokat
+ adatok törlésével a könyvjelzővel ellátott webhelyek is törlődnek
+ elbocsátani
+ megszünteti
+ ok
+ új könyvjelző
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ a kapcsolat biztonságos
+ az Ön adatai (például jelszó vagy hitelkártyaszámok) privátak, amikor erre a webhelyre küldik őket
+ A rendszer és a felhasználó felügyeletének beállítása
+ jelentés
+ jelentés honlapja
+ ha úgy gondolja, hogy ez az URL illegális vagy zavaró, jelezze nekünk, hogy jogi lépéseket tegyünk
+ sikeresen jelentették
+ Az URL-t sikeresen jelentették. ha valamit találnak, jogi lépéseket tesznek
+ értékelj minket
+ mondja el másoknak, mit gondol erről az alkalmazásról
+ mérték
+ sajnáljuk, hogy ezt hallottuk!
+ ha nehézségei vannak a szoftver használata közben, kérjük, forduljon hozzánk e-mailben. megpróbáljuk a lehető leghamarabb megoldani a problémáját
+ levél
+ kérjen új Bridge-et
+ válasszon e-mailt bridge-as cím kéréséhez. miután megkapta, másolja és illessze be a fenti mezőbe, és indítsa el a szoftvert.
+ a nyelv nem támogatott
+ a rendszer nyelvét ez a szoftver nem támogatja. azon dolgozunk, hogy hamarosan felvegyük
+ inicializálása Orbot
+ művelet nem támogatott
+ nem található szoftver a következő parancs kezelésére
+ üdvözlöm | rejtett háló Gateway
+ ez a szoftver platformot kínál rejtett webes URL-ek keresésére és megnyitására. itt van néhány javaslat \n
+ rejtett internetes online piac
+ kiszivárgott dokumentumok és könyvek
+ sötét webes hírek és cikkek
+ titkos szoftverek és hacker eszközök
+ ne mutasd újra
+ pénzügy és pénz
+ társadalmi társadalmak
+ kézikönyv
+ A Play Áruház
+ weblink értesítés
+ új lapon nyissa meg
+ nyissa meg az aktuális lapon
+ másolja a vágólapra
+ fájl értesítés
+ letöltési értesítés
+ nyissa meg az URL-t az új lapon
+ nyissa meg az URL-t az aktuális fülön
+ másolja az URL-t a vágólapra
+ kép megnyitása új lapon
+ kép megnyitása az aktuális fülön
+ másolja a képet a vágólapra
+ képfájl letöltése
+ letöltési értesítés
+ weblink értesítés
+ nem található szoftver az e-mailek kezelésére
+ fájl letöltése |
+ adatok törölve | újraindítás szükséges
+ a magánadatok sikeresen törölve. egyes alapértelmezett rendszerbeállítások esetén a szoftver újra kell indulnia. most már nyugodtan folytathatja a böngészést
+ fül zárva
+ visszavonás
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ biztonság testreszabása
+ Bridge testreszabása
+ automatikusan létrehozni
+ automatikusan konfigurálja a bridge testreszabást
+ adjon meg egy bridge-at, amelyet ismer
+ illessze be az egyedi bridge
+ proxy testreszabása | Bridge
+ A Bridges nem jegyzett Tor relé, amely megnehezíti a Tor hálózatba való kapcsolatok blokkolását. mivel egyes országok megpróbálják blokkolni a Tor-ot, bizonyos országok bridges-ösek működnek egyes országokban, mások viszont nem
+ válassza az alapértelmezett bridge-at
+ kérés
+ obfs4 (ajánlott)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ proxy naplók
+ Rendszernapló információ
+ Ha kapcsolódási problémával néz szembe az Genesis indítása közben, kérjük, másolja a következő kódot, és keresse meg online a problémát, vagy küldje el nekünk, így megpróbálhatunk segíteni
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot rönk
+ új fülek
+ lap bezárása
+ nyissa meg a legutóbbi lapokat
+ nyelv
+ letöltések
+ böngészett weblinkek
+ Rendszerbeállítás
+ asztali webhely
+ mentsd el ezt az oldalt
+ könyvjelzők
+ jelentés honlapja
+ Értékeld ezt az alkalmazást
+ megtalálja az oldalon
+ kijárat
+ részvény
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ új fülek
+ zárja be az összes lapot
+ Rendszerbeállítás
+ válassza a füleket
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ nyitott fülek
+ másolat
+ részvény
+ egyértelmű kiválasztás
+ nyissa meg az aktuális lapon
+ új lapon nyissa meg
+ töröl
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ böngészett weblinkek
+ távolítsa el ezt
+ keresés ...
+ könyvjelző
+ távolítsa el ezt
+ keresés ...
+ próbálja újra
+ opps! hálózati kapcsolat hiba. a hálózat nincs csatlakoztatva
+ segítség és támogatás
+ nyelv
+ Válts nyelvet
+ csak a következő nyelveken futunk. hamarosan bővítenénk
+ angol (egyesült államok)
+ német (németország)
+ olasz (olasz)
+ portugál (brazil)
+ orosz (orosz)
+ ukrán (ukrán)
+ egyszerűsített kínai (szárazföldi Kína)
+ Warning️ figyelmeztetés
+ testreszabja a Bridges-et
+ engedélyezze a Bridges-et
+ lehetővé VPN serivces
+ engedélyezze a Bridge Gateway-at
+ engedélyezze az Gateway-at
+ a meghatalmazás feltétele
+ a orbot proxy jelenlegi állapota
+ A proxy Orbot feltétele
+ onion
+ VPN a kapcsolat feltétele
+ Bridge a proxy állapota
+ info | a System Setting módosítása
+ a proxyt megváltoztathatja a szoftver újraindításával és a proxy-kezelőhöz. alul található fogaskerék ikonra kattintva nyitható meg
+ proxy testreszabása
+ csatlakoztatjuk Önt a Tor hálózathoz, amelyet önkéntesek ezrei üzemeltetnek a világ minden tájáról! Segíthetnek ezek a lehetőségek
+ itt cenzúrázzák az internetet (bypass tűzfal)
+ bypass tűzfal
+ A Bridges miatt az internet nagyon lassan fut. csak akkor használja őket, ha az internetet cenzúrázzák az Ön országában, vagy ha a Tor hálózat le van tiltva
+ alapértelmezett.jpg
+ nyisd meg ezt
- default.jpg
- Open
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ a megnyitott lapok itt jelennek meg
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "néha szükséged van egy Bridge-re a Tor-os eléréshez"
+ "mondj többet"
+ "a Onion használatával bármely szoftvert engedélyezhet a Tor átmenéshez"
+ "ettől még nem leszel névtelen, de a tűzfalak megkerülésében segít"
+ "alkalmazások kiválasztása"
+ "Szia"
+ "Üdvözöljük a Tor telefonon."
+ "böngésszen az interneten, ahogy elvárja."
+ "nincs felhasználói felügyeleti védelem. nincs cenzúra."
+ ez az oldal nem érhető el
+ hiba történt a webhelyhez való kapcsolódás során
+ a megtekinteni kívánt oldal nem jeleníthető meg, mert a beérkezett adatok valódiságát nem sikerült ellenőrizni
+ az oldal valamilyen ok miatt jelenleg nem működik
+ kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a weboldal tulajdonosával, hogy tájékoztassa őket erről a problémáról.
+ újratöltés
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Érvénytelen csomag aláírás
+ kattintson a bejelentkezéshez.
+ kattintson az adatok manuális kiválasztásához.
+ Web domain biztonsági kivétel.
+ DAL ellenőrzési hiba.
+ - 55 százalék
+ - 70 százalék
+ - 85 százalék
+ - 100 százalék
+ - 115 százalék
+ - 130 százalék
+ - 145 százalék
+ - Engedélyezve
+ - Tiltva
+ - Az összes engedélyezése
+ - Összes letiltása
+ - Nincs sávszélesség
+ - Engedélyezni az összeset
+ - Megbízható engedélyezése
+ - Nincs engedélyezve
+ - Engedélyezze a Meglátogatott lehetőséget
+ - A Non Tracker engedélyezése
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..8af0ec23 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
+ search something or type a weblink
+ find in page
+ search engine
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
+ opps! something has went wrong
+ everything
+ Genesis search engine
+ digital freedom
+ reload
+ you are facing the one of the following problem. webpage or website might not be working. your internet connection might be poor. you might be using a proxy. website might be blocked by firewall
BBC | Israel Strikes Again
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ System Setting
+ make Genesis your default browser
+ System Setting
+ search Engine
+ javascript
+ remove browsed web links
+ font customize
+ System Font Constomization
+ change font automatically
+ Cookie Setting
+ cookies
+ System Setting . Notification
+ notifications
+ change notification preferences
+ condition of network and notifications
+ local notifications
+ customize Software notification
+ system notifications
+ change the way how system Log appear
+ show Log using modern list view
+ toogle between classic and modern list view
+ manage search engine
+ add, set default. show suggestions
+ manage notifications
+ new features, condition of network
+ Customize Software . Search Engine
+ supported search engines
+ choose Default search engine
+ Customize Software . Search Engine
+ change how Web Searches appear
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ show browsed web links
+ show suggestions during searching
+ suggestions from browsed web links appear when you type in the search bar
+ focused suggestions appear when you type in the search bar
+ accessibility
+ text size, zoom, input using voice
+ customize | accessibility
+ clear private data
+ tabs, browsed web links, bookmark, cookies, cache
+ Change System Setting. Clear System Data
+ clear Data
+ delete all tabs
+ delete browsed web links
+ delete bookmarks
+ delete cache
+ delete suggestions
+ delete data
+ delete session
+ delete cookies
+ delete customize
+ font scaling
+ scale web content according to system font size
+ turn on zoom
+ turn on and force zoom for all webpages
+ input using voice
+ allow voice dictation in the url bar
+ select custom font scaling
+ drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interactions
+ change the way of interacting with website content
+ User On
+ user survelance, logins, data choices
+ User Surveillance Protection
+ adblock, trackers, fingerprinting
+ System Setting . privacy
+ System Setting . user survelance protection
+ protect your online identity
+ keep your identity private. we can protect you from several trackers which follow you online. this System Setting can also be used to block advertisement
+ save yourself from user Survelance Protection
+ Genesis will tell sites not to track me
+ tell website not to track me
+ User Surveillance Protection
+ enable user Survelance Protection provided by Genesis
+ website cookies
+ select website cookies preferences according to your security needs
+ clear private data on exit
+ clear data automatically once the software is closed
+ private Browsing
+ keep your identity safe and use the options below
+ enabled
+ enabled, excluding website tracking cookies
+ enabled, excluding 3rd party
+ disabled
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ disable protection
+ allow identity Survelance Protection. this might cause your online identity to be stolen
+ default (recommended)
+ block online advertisement and social web user Survelance. pages will load as default
+ strict policy
+ stop all known trackers, pages will load faster but some functionality might not work
+ javascript
+ disable java scripting for various script attacks
+ System Setting . complex System Setting
+ restore tabs
+ dont restore after exiting browser
+ toolbar theme
+ set toolbar theme as defined in website
+ show images
+ always load website images
+ show web fonts
+ download remote fonts when loading a page
+ allow autoplay
+ allow media to start automatically
+ data saver
+ tab
+ change the way how the tab behaves after restarting the software
+ media
+ change default data saver customize
+ change default media customize
+ always show images
+ only show images when using wifi
+ block all images
+ Advance System Setting
+ restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
+ onion condition of proxy
+ check onion condition of network
+ report website
+ report abusive website
+ rate this app
+ rate and comment on playstore
+ share this app
+ share this software with your friends
+ System Setting . general customize
+ Default System Setting
+ homepage, language
+ full-screen browsing
+ hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
+ language
+ change the language of your browser
+ software theme
+ choose bright and dark theme
+ theme bright
+ theme Dark
+ change full-screen browsing and language
+ system Default
+ homepage
+ about:blank
+ new tab
+ open homepage in new tab
+ remove all tabs
+ remove browsed web links
+ remove bookmarks
+ remove browsing cache
+ remove suggestions
+ remove site data
+ remove session data
+ remove web browsing cookies
+ remove browser customization
+ provide a Bridge you know
+ enter bridge information from a trusted source
+ Bridge ...
+ request
+ ok
+ bookmark website
+ add this page to your bookmarks
+ delete browsed web links and Data
+ clear bookmark and Data
+ clearing data will remove browsed web links, cookies, and other browsing data
+ deleting data will deleting bookmarked websites
+ dismiss
+ cancel
+ ok
+ new bookmark
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ connection is secure
+ your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
+ System and User Surveillance Setting
+ report
+ report website
+ if you think this URL is illegal or disturbing, report it to us, so we can take legal action
+ was reported successfully
+ url was reported successfully. if something found, legal action will be taken
+ rate us
+ tell others what you think about this app
+ rate
+ we are sorry to hear that!
+ if you are having difficulty while using this software please reach out to us via email. we will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
+ mail
+ request new Bridge
+ select mail to request a bridge address. once you recieve it, copy and paste it into the above box and start the software.
+ language not supported
+ system language is not supported by this software. we are working to include it soon
+ initializing Orbot
+ action not supported
+ no software found to handle the following command
+ welcome | hidden web Gateway
+ this software provide you a platform to search and open hidden web urls. here are few suggestions\n
+ hidden web online market
+ leaked documents and books
+ dark web news and articles
+ secret softwares and hacking tools
+ dont show again
+ finance and money
+ social societies
+ manual
+ playstore
+ web link notification
+ open in new tab
+ open in current tab
+ copy to clipboard
+ file notification
+ download notification
+ open url in new tab
+ open url in current tab
+ copy url to clipboard
+ open image in new tab
+ open image in current tab
+ copy image to clipboard
+ download image file
+ download notification
+ web link notification
+ no software found to handle email
+ download file |
+ data cleared | restart required
+ private data cleared successfully. some default system settings will require this software to restart. now you can safely continue browsing
+ tab closed
+ undo
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ security customize
+ Bridge customize
+ create automatically
+ automatically configure bridge customize
+ provide a bridge that you know
+ paste custom bridge
+ proxy customize | Bridge
+ Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
+ select default bridge
+ request
+ obfs4 (recommended)
+ meek-azure (china)
+ proxy logs
+ System Log info
+ if you are facing connectivity issue while starting Genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us, so we can try to help you out
Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
+ new tabs
+ close tab
+ open recent tabs
+ language
+ downloads
+ browsed web links
+ System Setting
+ desktop site
+ save this page
+ bookmarks
+ report website
+ rate this app
+ find in page
+ exit
+ share
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
+ new tabs
+ close all tabs
+ System Setting
+ select tabs
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
+ open tabs
+ copy
+ share
+ clear selection
+ open in current tab
+ open in new tab
+ delete
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
+ browsed web links
+ remove this
+ search ...
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
+ bookmark
+ remove this
+ search ...
+ retry
+ opps! network connection error. network not connected
+ help and support
+ language
+ change language
+ we only run on the following languages. we would be adding more soon
+ english (united states)
+ german (germany)
+ italian (italy)
+ portuguese (brazil)
+ russian (russia)
+ ukrainian (ukraine)
+ chinese simplified (mainland china)
+ ⚠️ warning
+ customize Bridges
+ enable Bridges
+ enable VPN serivces
+ enable Bridge Gateway
+ enable Gateway
+ condition of proxy
+ current condition of orbot proxy
+ Orbot condition of proxy
+ onion
+ VPN condition of connectivity
+ Bridge condition of proxy
+ info | change System Setting
+ you can change proxy by restarting the software and going to proxy manager. it can be opened by clicking on a gear icon at bottom
+ proxy customize
+ we connect you to the Tor network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
+ internet is censored here (bypass firewall)
+ bypass firewall
+ Bridges causes internet to run very slow. use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
- Open
+ open this
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ open tabs will show here
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "sometimes you need a Bridge to get to Tor"
+ "tell me more"
+ "you can enable any software to go through Tor using Onion"
+ "this won\\'t make you anonymous, but it will help you bypass firewalls"
+ "choose apps"
+ "hello"
+ "welcome to Tor on mobile."
+ "browse the internet how you expect you should."
+ "no User Surveillance Protection. no censorship."
+ this site is not reachable
+ an error occurred while connecting with website
+ the page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
+ the page is currently not working due to some reason
+ please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
+ reload
Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
+ click to sign in.
+ click to manually select data.
Web domain security exception.
DAL verification failure.
+ - 55 Percent
+ - 70 Percent
+ - 85 Percent
+ - 100 Percent
+ - 115 Percent
+ - 130 Percent
+ - 145 Percent
+ - Enabled
+ - Disabled
+ - Enable All
+ - Disable All
+ - No Bandwidth
+ - Allow All
+ - Allow Trusted
+ - Allow None
+ - Allow Visited
+ - Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
index 977948e3..50930920 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Cerca o digita l\'indirizzo web
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ cerca qualcosa o digita un collegamento web
+ trova nella pagina
+ motore di ricerca
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! qualcosa è andato storto
+ qualunque cosa
+ Genesis search engine
+ libertà digitale
+ ricaricare
+ stai affrontando uno dei seguenti problemi. la pagina web o il sito web potrebbero non funzionare. la tua connessione Internet potrebbe essere scarsa. potresti utilizzare un proxy. il sito Web potrebbe essere bloccato dal firewall
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Israele colpisce ancora
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Impostazioni di sistema
+ imposta Genesis come browser predefinito
+ Impostazioni di sistema
+ motore di ricerca
+ javascript
+ rimuovere i collegamenti Web esplorati
+ personalizzare il carattere
+ Costomizzazione dei caratteri di sistema
+ cambia automaticamente il carattere
+ Impostazione dei cookie
+ biscotti
+ Impostazioni di sistema . Notifica
+ notifiche
+ modificare le preferenze di notifica
+ condizione della rete e notifiche
+ notifiche locali
+ personalizzare la notifica del software
+ notifiche di sistema
+ cambiare il modo in cui appare il registro di sistema
+ mostra Log utilizzando la visualizzazione elenco moderna
+ toogle tra visualizzazione elenco classica e moderna
+ gestire il motore di ricerca
+ aggiungi, imposta il valore predefinito. mostra suggerimenti
+ gestire le notifiche
+ nuove funzionalità, condizioni della rete
+ Personalizza il software. Motore di ricerca
+ motori di ricerca supportati
+ scegli Motore di ricerca predefinito
+ Personalizza il software. Motore di ricerca
+ modificare la modalità di visualizzazione delle ricerche web
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ mostra i collegamenti web esplorati
+ mostra suggerimenti durante la ricerca
+ quando si digita nella barra di ricerca vengono visualizzati suggerimenti dai collegamenti Web esplorati
+ suggerimenti mirati vengono visualizzati quando si digita nella barra di ricerca
+ accessibilità
+ dimensione del testo, zoom, input utilizzando la voce
+ personalizza | accessibilità
+ cancellare i dati privati
+ schede, collegamenti Web esplorati, segnalibro, cookie, cache
+ Modifica impostazioni di sistema. Cancella dati di sistema
+ eliminare i dati
+ eliminare tutte le schede
+ eliminare i collegamenti Web visitati
+ eliminare i segnalibri
+ elimina cache
+ eliminare i suggerimenti
+ cancellare i dati
+ eliminare la sessione
+ eliminare i cookie
+ elimina personalizza
+ ridimensionamento dei caratteri
+ ridimensionare il contenuto web in base alla dimensione del carattere del sistema
+ attiva lo zoom
+ attiva e forza lo zoom per tutte le pagine web
+ input usando la voce
+ consentire la dettatura vocale nella barra degli URL
+ selezionare il ridimensionamento del carattere personalizzato
+ trascina il cursore finché non puoi leggerlo comodamente. il testo dovrebbe apparire almeno così grande dopo aver toccato due volte un paragrafo
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interazioni
+ cambiare il modo di interagire con i contenuti del sito web
+ Utente attivato
+ visibilità degli utenti, accessi, scelte dei dati
+ Protezione della sorveglianza degli utenti
+ blocco annunci, tracker, impronte digitali
+ Impostazioni di sistema . privacy
+ Impostazioni di sistema . protezione della sorveglianza degli utenti
+ proteggere la tua identità online
+ mantieni la tua identità privata. possiamo proteggerti da diversi tracker che ti seguono online. questa impostazione di sistema può essere utilizzata anche per bloccare la pubblicità
+ salvati dalla protezione della sorveglianza degli utenti
+ Genesis dirà ai siti di non rintracciarmi
+ dì al sito web di non seguirmi
+ Protezione della sorveglianza degli utenti
+ abilitare la protezione della sorveglianza dell\'utente fornita da Genesis
+ cookie del sito web
+ selezionare le preferenze dei cookie del sito web in base alle proprie esigenze di sicurezza
+ cancellare i dati privati all\'uscita
+ cancella i dati automaticamente una volta chiuso il software
+ navigazione privata
+ mantieni la tua identità al sicuro e utilizza le opzioni seguenti
+ abilitato
+ abilitato, esclusi i cookie di tracciamento del sito web
+ abilitato, escluse le terze parti
+ Disabilitato
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ disabilitare la protezione
+ consentire la protezione della sorveglianza dell\'identità. ciò potrebbe causare il furto della tua identità online
+ predefinito (consigliato)
+ bloccare la pubblicità online e l\'utente del social web Survelance. le pagine verranno caricate come impostazione predefinita
+ politica rigorosa
+ interrompi tutti i tracker conosciuti, le pagine verranno caricate più velocemente ma alcune funzionalità potrebbero non funzionare
+ javascript
+ disabilitare lo scripting Java per vari attacchi di script
+ Impostazioni di sistema . Impostazioni di sistema complesse
+ ripristinare le schede
+ non ripristinare dopo essere usciti dal browser
+ tema della barra degli strumenti
+ imposta il tema della barra degli strumenti come definito nel sito web
+ mostra le immagini
+ carica sempre le immagini del sito web
+ mostra i caratteri web
+ scarica i caratteri remoti durante il caricamento di una pagina
+ consenti riproduzione automatica
+ consentire ai media di avviarsi automaticamente
+ risparmio di dati
+ tab
+ modificare il modo in cui si comporta la scheda dopo il riavvio del software
+ media
+ modificare il risparmio di dati predefinito personalizzare
+ cambia il supporto predefinito personalizza
+ mostra sempre le immagini
+ mostra solo le immagini quando si utilizza il wifi
+ blocca tutte le immagini
+ Impostazioni avanzate del sistema
+ ripristinare schede, risparmio dati, strumenti per sviluppatori
+ onion condizione di delega
+ controllare onion stato della rete
+ sito web di report
+ segnalare un sito web offensivo
+ valuta questa applicazione
+ valuta e commenta il Playstore
+ condividi questa app
+ condividi questo software con i tuoi amici
+ Impostazioni di sistema . personalizzazione generale
+ Impostazioni di sistema predefinite
+ homepage, language
+ navigazione a schermo intero
+ nasconde la barra degli strumenti del browser quando si scorre una pagina verso il basso
+ linguaggio
+ cambiare la lingua del tuo browser
+ tema del software
+ scegli il tema luminoso e scuro
+ tema luminoso
+ tema scuro
+ cambiare la navigazione a schermo intero e la lingua
+ default del sistema
+ homepage
+ about:blank
+ nuova scheda
+ apri la home page in una nuova scheda
+ rimuovere tutte le schede
+ rimuovere i collegamenti Web esplorati
+ rimuovere i segnalibri
+ rimuovere la cache di navigazione
+ rimuovere i suggerimenti
+ rimuovere i dati del sito
+ rimuovere i dati della sessione
+ rimuovere i cookie di navigazione web
+ rimuovere la personalizzazione del browser
+ fornire un Bridge sai
+ inserire bridge informazioni da una fonte attendibile
+ Bridge ...
+ richiesta
+ ok
+ sito web di segnalibro
+ aggiungi questa pagina ai tuoi segnalibri
+ eliminare i collegamenti Web ei dati esplorati
+ segnalibro chiaro e dati
+ la cancellazione dei dati rimuoverà i collegamenti Web esplorati, i cookie e altri dati di navigazione
+ l\'eliminazione dei dati eliminerà i siti Web contrassegnati
+ respingere
+ Annulla
+ ok
+ nuovo segnalibro
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ la connessione è sicura
+ le tue informazioni (ad esempio, password o numeri di carta di credito) sono private quando vengono inviate a questo sito
+ Impostazioni di sorveglianza del sistema e dell\'utente
+ rapporto
+ sito web di report
+ se ritieni che questo URL sia illegale o inquietante, segnalacelo, così possiamo intraprendere un\'azione legale
+ è stato segnalato con successo
+ l\'URL è stato segnalato con successo. se viene trovato qualcosa, verrà intrapresa un\'azione legale
+ valutaci
+ dì agli altri cosa pensi di questa app
+ Vota
+ Siamo spiacenti di sentire che!
+ in caso di difficoltà durante l\'utilizzo di questo software, contattaci tramite e-mail. proveremo a risolvere il tuo problema il prima possibile
+ mail
+ richiedi nuovo Bridge
+ seleziona la posta per richiedere un indirizzo bridge. una volta ricevuto, copialo e incollalo nella casella sopra e avvia il software.
+ lingua non supportata
+ la lingua del sistema non è supportata da questo software. stiamo lavorando per includerlo presto
+ inizializzazione di Orbot
+ azione non supportata
+ nessun software trovato per gestire il seguente comando
+ benvenuto | web nascosto Gateway
+ questo software fornisce una piattaforma per cercare e aprire URL web nascosti. ecco alcuni suggerimenti \n
+ hidden web online market
+ documenti e libri trapelati
+ notizie e articoli sul dark web
+ software segreti e strumenti di hacking
+ non mostrare più
+ finanza e denaro
+ società sociali
+ Manuale
+ Play Store
+ web link notification
+ apri in una nuova scheda
+ aperto nella scheda corrente
+ copia negli appunti
+ file notification
+ notifica di download
+ apri l\'URL in una nuova scheda
+ apri l\'URL nella scheda corrente
+ copia l\'URL negli appunti
+ apri l\'immagine in una nuova scheda
+ apri l\'immagine nella scheda corrente
+ copia l\'immagine negli appunti
+ scarica il file immagine
+ notifica di download
+ web link notification
+ nessun software trovato per gestire la posta elettronica
+ download file |
+ dati cancellati | riavvio richiesto
+ dati privati cancellati correttamente. alcune impostazioni di sistema predefinite richiedono il riavvio di questo software. ora puoi continuare a navigare in sicurezza
+ scheda chiusa
+ disfare
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ personalizzazione della sicurezza
+ Bridge personalizza
+ crea automaticamente
+ configurare automaticamente bridge personalizzare
+ fornire un bridge che conosci
+ incolla personalizzato bridge
+ personalizzazione proxy | Bridge
+ Bridges sono relè Tor non in elenco che rendono più difficile bloccare le connessioni alla rete Tor. a causa di come alcuni paesi cercano di bloccare Tor, alcuni bridges funzionano in alcuni paesi ma non in altri
+ seleziona predefinito bridge
+ richiesta
+ obfs4 (consigliato)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ registri proxy
+ Informazioni sul registro di sistema
+ se stai riscontrando problemi di connettività durante l\'avvio di Genesis, copia il seguente codice e trova il problema online o invialo a noi, così possiamo provare ad aiutarti
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot registri
+ nuove schede
+ Chiudi scheda
+ apri le schede recenti
+ linguaggio
+ download
+ collegamenti Web visitati
+ Impostazioni di sistema
+ sito desktop
+ salva questa pagina
+ segnalibri
+ sito web di report
+ valuta questa applicazione
+ trova nella pagina
+ Uscita
+ Condividere
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ nuove schede
+ chiudi tutte le schede
+ Impostazioni di sistema
+ selezionare le schede
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ schede aperte
+ copia
+ Condividere
+ chiara selezione
+ aperto nella scheda corrente
+ apri in una nuova scheda
+ Elimina
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ collegamenti Web visitati
+ rimuovilo
+ ricerca ...
+ segnalibro
+ rimuovilo
+ ricerca ...
+ riprova
+ opps! errore di connessione di rete. rete non connessa
+ Aiuto e supporto
+ linguaggio
+ Cambia lingua
+ funzioniamo solo nelle seguenti lingue. presto ne avremmo aggiunti altri
+ Inglese (Stati Uniti)
+ tedesco (germania)
+ italian (italy)
+ portoghese (brasile)
+ russo (russia)
+ ucraino (ucraina)
+ cinese semplificato (Cina continentale)
+ ⚠️ avvertimento
+ personalizza Bridges
+ abilita Bridges
+ abilita i servizi VPN
+ abilita Bridge Gateway
+ abilita Gateway
+ condizione di delega
+ condizione attuale del proxy orbot
+ Orbot condizione di delega
+ onion
+ VPN condizione di connettività
+ Bridge condizione di delega
+ info | modificare le impostazioni di sistema
+ puoi cambiare proxy riavviando il software e andando a proxy manager. può essere aperto facendo clic su un\'icona a forma di ingranaggio in basso
+ personalizzazione proxy
+ ti colleghiamo alla rete Tor gestita da migliaia di volontari in tutto il mondo! Queste opzioni possono aiutarti
+ Internet è censurato qui (bypassare il firewall)
+ bypassare il firewall
+ Bridges fa sì che Internet funzioni molto lentamente. usali solo se Internet è censurato nel tuo paese o se la rete Tor è bloccata
- Open
+ apri questo
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ le schede aperte verranno visualizzate qui
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "a volte è necessario un Bridge per arrivare a Tor"
+ "Dimmi di più"
+ "puoi abilitare qualsiasi software per passare attraverso Tor utilizzando Onion"
+ "questo non ti renderà anonimo, ma ti aiuterà a bypassare i firewall"
+ "scegli app"
+ "Ciao"
+ "benvenuto in Tor su cellulare."
+ "naviga in Internet come ti aspetti di dover".
+ "nessuna protezione per la sorveglianza degli utenti. nessuna censura."
+ questo sito non è raggiungibile
+ si è verificato un errore durante la connessione al sito web
+ la pagina che stai cercando di visualizzare non può essere mostrata perché non è stato possibile verificare l\'autenticità dei dati ricevuti
+ la pagina attualmente non funziona per qualche motivo
+ si prega di contattare i proprietari del sito web per informarli di questo problema.
+ ricaricare
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
+ Firma del pacchetto non valida
+ fare clic per accedere.
+ fare clic per selezionare manualmente i dati.
+ Eccezione di sicurezza del dominio Web.
DAL verification failure.
+ - 55 percento
+ - 70 per cento
+ - 85 per cento
+ - 100 percento
+ - 115 per cento
+ - 130 percento
+ - 145 per cento
+ - Abilitato
+ - Disabilitato
+ - Attiva tutto
+ - Disabilitare tutto
+ - Nessuna larghezza di banda
+ - Permettere tutto
+ - Consenti attendibile
+ - Non consentire nessuno
+ - Consenti visite
+ - Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-jp/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-jp/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..52651ce0 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-jp/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-jp/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ 何かを検索するか、Webリンクを入力します
+ ページで見つける
+ 検索エンジン
+ https://genesis.onion
+ おっと!何かがうまくいかなかった
+ すべて
+ Genesis search engine
+ デジタルの自由
+ リロード
+ 次のいずれかの問題が発生しています。ウェブページまたはウェブサイトが機能していない可能性があります。インターネット接続が悪い可能性があります。プロキシを使用している可能性があります。ウェブサイトがファイアウォールによってブロックされている可能性があります
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC |イスラエルが再びストライキ
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ システム設定
+ Genesisをデフォルトのブラウザにする
+ システム設定
+ 検索エンジン
+ javascript
+ 閲覧したWebリンクを削除する
+ フォントのカスタマイズ
+ システムフォントの構成
+ フォントを自動的に変更する
+ クッキーの設定
+ クッキー
+ システム設定 。通知
+ 通知
+ 通知設定の変更
+ ネットワークと通知の状態
+ ローカル通知
+ ソフトウェア通知をカスタマイズする
+ システム通知
+ システムログの表示方法を変更する
+ 最新のリストビューを使用してログを表示
+ クラシックとモダンのリストビューを切り替えます
+ 検索エンジンを管理する
+ 追加、デフォルトを設定します。提案を表示する
+ 通知を管理する
+ 新機能、ネットワークの状態
+ ソフトウェアをカスタマイズします。検索エンジン
+ サポートされている検索エンジン
+ デフォルトの検索エンジンを選択します
+ ソフトウェアをカスタマイズします。検索エンジン
+ Web検索の表示方法を変更する
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ 閲覧したWebリンクを表示する
+ 検索中に提案を表示する
+ 検索バーに入力すると、閲覧したWebリンクからの提案が表示されます
+ 検索バーに入力すると、焦点を絞った提案が表示されます
+ アクセシビリティ
+ テキストサイズ、ズーム、音声による入力
+ カスタマイズ|アクセシビリティ
+ 個人データを消去する
+ タブ、閲覧したWebリンク、ブックマーク、Cookie、キャッシュ
+ システム設定を変更します。システムデータのクリア
+ クリアデータ
+ すべてのタブを削除します
+ 閲覧したWebリンクを削除する
+ ブックマークを削除する
+ キャッシュを削除する
+ 提案を削除する
+ データを削除する
+ セッションを削除する
+ クッキーを削除する
+ 削除カスタマイズ
+ フォントスケーリング
+ システムのフォントサイズに応じてWebコンテンツをスケーリングする
+ ズームをオンにする
+ オンにして、すべてのWebページを強制的にズームします
+ 音声による入力
+ URLバーで音声ディクテーションを許可する
+ カスタムフォントスケーリングを選択
+ これが快適に読めるようになるまでスライダーをドラッグします。段落をダブルタップした後、テキストは少なくともこれほど大きく見えるはずです
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ 相互作用
+ ウェブサイトのコンテンツとのやりとりの方法を変える
+ ユーザーオン
+ ユーザーの監視、ログイン、データの選択
+ ユーザー監視保護
+ アドブロック、トラッカー、フィンガープリント
+ システム設定 。プライバシー
+ システム設定 。ユーザー監視保護
+ オンラインIDを保護する
+ あなたの身元を秘密にしてください。オンラインであなたをフォローしているいくつかのトラッカーからあなたを守ることができます。このシステム設定は、広告をブロックするためにも使用できます
+ ユーザーのSurvelanceProtectionから身を守る
+ Genesisはサイトに私を追跡しないように指示します
+ 私を追跡しないようにウェブサイトに伝えます
+ ユーザー監視保護
+ Genesisが提供するユーザー監視保護を有効にする
+ ウェブサイトのクッキー
+ セキュリティのニーズに応じてWebサイトのCookie設定を選択します
+ 終了時にプライベートデータをクリアする
+ ソフトウェアが閉じられると、データを自動的にクリアします
+ プライベートブラウジング
+ IDを安全に保ち、以下のオプションを使用してください
+ 有効
+ ウェブサイト追跡Cookieを除く有効
+ サードパーティを除く有効
+ 無効
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ 保護を無効にする
+ ID監視保護を許可します。これにより、オンラインIDが盗まれる可能性があります
+ デフォルト(推奨)
+ オンライン広告とソーシャルWebユーザーSurvelanceをブロックします。ページはデフォルトで読み込まれます
+ 厳格なポリシー
+ 既知のトラッカーをすべて停止すると、ページの読み込みは速くなりますが、一部の機能が機能しない場合があります
+ javascript
+ さまざまなスクリプト攻撃に対してJavaスクリプトを無効にする
+ システム設定 。複雑なシステム設定
+ タブを復元
+ ブラウザを終了した後に復元しないでください
+ ツールバーのテーマ
+ Webサイトで定義されているツールバーテーマを設定します
+ 画像を表示
+ 常にウェブサイトの画像を読み込む
+ Webフォントを表示する
+ ページの読み込み時にリモートフォントをダウンロードする
+ 自動再生を許可する
+ メディアを自動的に開始できるようにする
+ データセーバー
+ タブ
+ ソフトウェアの再起動後のタブの動作方法を変更する
+ メディア
+ デフォルトのデータセーバーを変更するカスタマイズ
+ デフォルトのメディアのカスタマイズを変更する
+ 常に画像を表示する
+ Wi-Fiを使用している場合にのみ画像を表示する
+ すべての画像をブロックする
+ 事前システム設定
+ 復元タブ、データセーバー、開発者ツール
+ プロキシのonion条件
+ ネットワークのonion状態を確認してください
+ レポートのウェブサイト
+ 虐待的なウェブサイトを報告する
+ このアプリを評価する
+ Playストアの評価とコメント
+ このアプリを共有する
+ このソフトウェアを友達と共有する
+ システム設定 。一般的なカスタマイズ
+ デフォルトのシステム設定
+ ホームページ、言語
+ フルスクリーンブラウジング
+ ページを下にスクロールするときにブラウザのツールバーを非表示にする
+ 言語
+ ブラウザの言語を変更する
+ ソフトウェアテーマ
+ 明るいテーマと暗いテーマを選択してください
+ 明るいテーマ
+ テーマダーク
+ フルスクリーンブラウジングと言語を変更する
+ システムのデフォルト
+ ホームページ
+ about:blank
+ 新しいタブ
+ 新しいタブでホームページを開く
+ すべてのタブを削除します
+ 閲覧したWebリンクを削除する
+ ブックマークを削除する
+ ブラウジングキャッシュを削除する
+ 提案を削除する
+ サイトデータを削除する
+ セッションデータを削除する
+ WebブラウジングCookieを削除する
+ ブラウザのカスタマイズを削除する
+ あなたが知っているBridgeを提供する
+ 信頼できるソースからのbridge情報を入力します
+ Bridge ...
+ リクエスト
+ OK
+ ブックマークのウェブサイト
+ このページをブックマークに追加します
+ 閲覧したウェブリンクとデータを削除する
+ ブックマークとデータをクリアする
+ データを消去すると、閲覧されたWebリンク、Cookie、およびその他の閲覧データが削除されます
+ データを削除すると、ブックマークされたWebサイトが削除されます
+ 退出させる
+ キャンセル
+ OK
+ 新しいブックマーク
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ 接続は安全です
+ あなたの情報(例えば、パスワードやクレジットカード番号)は、このサイトに送信されるときに非公開になります
+ システムとユーザーの監視設定
+ 報告する
+ レポートのウェブサイト
+ このURLが違法または迷惑であると思われる場合は、Googleに報告してください。そうすれば、法的措置を取ることができます。
+ 正常に報告されました
+ URLが正常に報告されました。何かが見つかった場合、法的措置が取られます
+ 私たちを評価してください
+ このアプリについてどう思うかを他の人に伝える
+ 割合
+ ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。
+ このソフトウェアの使用中に問題が発生した場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。私たちはあなたの問題をできるだけ早く解決しようとします
+ 郵便物
+ 新しいBridgeをリクエスト
+ メールを選択してbridgeアドレスをリクエストします。受け取ったら、コピーして上のボックスに貼り付け、ソフトウェアを起動します。
+ 言語はサポートされていません
+ システム言語は、このソフトウェアではサポートされていません。私たちはすぐにそれを含めるように取り組んでいます
+ Orbotの初期化
+ アクションはサポートされていません
+ 次のコマンドを処理するソフトウェアが見つかりません
+ ようこそ|隠されたウェブGateway
+ このソフトウェアは、非表示のWebURLを検索して開くためのプラットフォームを提供します。ここにいくつかの提案があります\n
+ 隠されたウェブオンライン市場
+ 漏洩した文書や本
+ ダークウェブのニュースと記事
+ 秘密のソフトウェアとハッキングツール
+ 二度と表示しない
+ 財政とお金
+ 社会社会
+ マニュアル
+ プレイストア
+ Webリンク通知
+ 新しいタブで開く
+ 現在のタブで開く
+ クリップボードにコピー
+ ファイル通知
+ ダウンロード通知
+ 新しいタブでURLを開く
+ 現在のタブでURLを開く
+ URLをクリップボードにコピーする
+ 新しいタブで画像を開く
+ 現在のタブで画像を開く
+ 画像をクリップボードにコピーする
+ 画像ファイルをダウンロード
+ ダウンロード通知
+ Webリンク通知
+ メールを処理するソフトウェアが見つかりません
+ ファイルのダウンロード|
+ クリアされたデータ|再起動が必要
+ プライベートデータは正常にクリアされました。一部のデフォルトのシステム設定では、このソフトウェアを再起動する必要があります。これで、安全にブラウジングを続けることができます
+ タブが閉じています
+ undo
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ セキュリティのカスタマイズ
+ Bridgeカスタマイズ
+ 自動的に作成
+ 自動的に構成bridgeカスタマイズ
+ あなたが知っているbridgeを提供する
+ カスタムbridgeを貼り付けます
+ プロキシカスタマイズ| Bridge
+ BridgesはリストにないTorリレーであり、Torネットワークへの接続をブロックすることをより困難にします。一部の国がTorをブロックしようとする方法のため、特定のbridgesは一部の国では機能しますが、他の国では機能しません
+ デフォルトのbridgeを選択
+ リクエスト
+ obfs4(推奨)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ プロキシログ
+ システムログ情報
+ Genesisの開始中に接続の問題が発生した場合は、次のコードをコピーしてオンラインで問題を見つけるか、送信してください。サポートを提供します。
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbotログ
+ 新しいタブ
+ タブを閉じる
+ 最近のタブを開く
+ 言語
+ ダウンロード
+ 閲覧したWebリンク
+ システム設定
+ デスクトップサイト
+ このページを保存する
+ ブックマーク
+ レポートのウェブサイト
+ このアプリを評価する
+ ページで見つける
+ 出口
+ 共有
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ 新しいタブ
+ すべてのタブを閉じる
+ システム設定
+ タブを選択
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ タブを開く
+ コピー
+ 共有
+ 明確な選択
+ 現在のタブで開く
+ 新しいタブで開く
+ 削除
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ 閲覧したWebリンク
+ これを削除します
+ 探す ...
+ ブックマーク
+ これを削除します
+ 探す ...
+ リトライ
+ おっと!ネットワーク接続エラー。ネットワークが接続されていません
+ ヘルプとサポート
+ 言語
+ 言語を変更
+ 以下の言語でのみ実行されます。もうすぐ追加します
+ 英語(米国)
+ ドイツ語(ドイツ語)
+ イタリア語(イタリア)
+ ポルトガル語(ブラジル)
+ ロシア語(ロシア語)
+ ウクライナ語(ウクライナ語)
+ 簡体字中国語(中国本土)
+ ⚠️警告
+ Bridgesをカスタマイズする
+ Bridgesを有効にする
+ VPNサービスを有効にする
+ Bridge Gatewayを有効にする
+ Gatewayを有効にする
+ プロキシの状態
+ orbotプロキシの現状
+ Orbotプロキシの条件
+ onion
+ VPN接続状態
+ プロキシのBridge条件
+ 情報|システム設定の変更
+ ソフトウェアを再起動してプロキシマネージャに移動すると、プロキシを変更できます。下部にある歯車のアイコンをクリックすると開くことができます
+ プロキシのカスタマイズ
+ 世界中の何千人ものボランティアが運営するTorネットワークに接続します。これらのオプションはあなたを助けることができますか
+ インターネットはここで検閲されます(ファイアウォールをバイパスします)
+ ファイアウォールをバイパスする
+ Bridgesを使用すると、インターネットの実行速度が非常に遅くなります。お住まいの国でインターネットが検閲されているか、Torネットワークがブロックされている場合にのみ使用してください
- Open
+ これを開く
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ 開いているタブがここに表示されます
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ 「Torに到達するにはBridgeが必要な場合があります」
+ 「もっと教えて」
+ 「Onionを使用して、任意のソフトウェアがTorを通過できるようにすることができます」
+ 「これで匿名になることはありませんが、ファイアウォールをバイパスするのに役立ちます」
+ 「アプリを選ぶ」
+ "こんにちは"
+ 「モバイルでTorへようこそ。」
+ 「あなたが期待する方法でインターネットを閲覧してください。」
+ 「ユーザー監視保護なし。検閲なし。」
+ このサイトにはアクセスできません
+ ウェブサイトへの接続中にエラーが発生しました
+ 受信したデータの信頼性を確認できなかったため、表示しようとしているページを表示できません
+ 何らかの理由でページが現在機能していません
+ この問題については、Webサイトの所有者に連絡してください。
+ リロード
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ 無効なパッケージ署名
+ クリックしてサインインします。
+ クリックして手動でデータを選択します。
+ Webドメインのセキュリティ例外。
+ DAL検証の失敗。
+ - 55パーセント
+ - 70パーセント
+ - 85パーセント
+ - 100パーセント
+ - 115パーセント
+ - 130パーセント
+ - 145パーセント
+ - 有効
+ - 無効
+ - 全て可能にする
+ - すべて無効にする
+ - 帯域幅なし
+ - すべて許可します
+ - 信頼できるものを許可する
+ - 許可なし
+ - 訪問を許可する
+ - 非トラッカーを許可する
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..5c660328 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ 무언가를 검색하거나 웹 링크를 입력
+ 페이지에서 찾기
+ 검색 엔진
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! 뭔가 잘못 됐어
+ 모두
+ Genesis search engine
+ 디지털 자유
+ 재 장전
+ 다음 문제 중 하나에 직면하고 있습니다. 웹 페이지 또는 웹 사이트가 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 인터넷 연결 상태가 좋지 않을 수 있습니다. 프록시를 사용하고있을 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트가 방화벽에 의해 차단 될 수 있음
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | 이스라엘이 다시 공격하다
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ 시스템 설정
+ Genesis을 기본 브라우저로 설정
+ 시스템 설정
+ 검색 엔진
+ 자바 스크립트
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크 제거
+ 글꼴 사용자 정의
+ 시스템 글꼴 구성
+ 자동으로 글꼴 변경
+ 쿠키 설정
+ 쿠키
+ 시스템 설정 . 공고
+ 알림
+ 알림 기본 설정 변경
+ 네트워크 및 알림 상태
+ 로컬 알림
+ 소프트웨어 알림 사용자 지정
+ 시스템 알림
+ 시스템 로그가 표시되는 방식 변경
+ 최신 목록보기를 사용하여 로그 표시
+ 클래식과 현대적인 목록보기 사이에 너무 많이
+ 검색 엔진 관리
+ 추가, 기본값 설정. 제안보기
+ 알림 관리
+ 새로운 기능, 네트워크 상태
+ 소프트웨어 사용자 지정. 검색 엔진
+ 지원되는 검색 엔진
+ 기본 검색 엔진 선택
+ 소프트웨어 사용자 지정. 검색 엔진
+ 웹 검색 표시 방식 변경
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크 표시
+ 검색 중에 제안 표시
+ 검색 창에 입력하면 탐색 한 웹 링크의 제안이 나타납니다.
+ 검색 창에 입력하면 초점이 맞춰진 제안이 나타납니다.
+ 접근성
+ 텍스트 크기, 확대 /축소, 음성 입력
+ 사용자 정의 | 접근성
+ 개인 데이터 삭제
+ 탭, 탐색 한 웹 링크, 책갈피, 쿠키, 캐시
+ 시스템 설정 변경. 시스템 데이터 지우기
+ 명확한 데이터
+ 모든 탭 삭제
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크 삭제
+ 북마크 삭제
+ 캐시 삭제
+ 제안 삭제
+ 데이터 삭제
+ 세션 삭제
+ 쿠키 삭제
+ 사용자 정의 삭제
+ 글꼴 크기 조정
+ 시스템 글꼴 크기에 따라 웹 콘텐츠 크기 조정
+ 확대 /축소 켜기
+ 모든 웹 페이지에 대해 확대 /축소를 켜고 강제 실행
+ 음성으로 입력
+ URL 표시 줄에서 음성 받아쓰기 허용
+ 사용자 정의 글꼴 크기 조정 선택
+ 편안하게 읽을 수있을 때까지 슬라이더를 끕니다. 단락을 두 번 탭하면 텍스트가이 크기 이상이어야합니다.
- Interactions
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- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
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- Settings | General
- General
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- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
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- Home
- about:blank
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+ 상호 작용
+ 웹 사이트 콘텐츠와 상호 작용하는 방식 변경
+ 사용자 켜기
+ 사용자 감시, 로그인, 데이터 선택
+ 사용자 감시 보호
+ adblock, 추적기, 지문
+ 시스템 설정 . 은둔
+ 시스템 설정 . 사용자 감시 보호
+ 온라인 신원 보호
+ 귀하의 신원을 비공개로 유지하십시오. 온라인에서 귀하를 팔로우하는 여러 추적자로부터 귀하를 보호 할 수 있습니다. 이 시스템 설정을 사용하여 광고를 차단할 수도 있습니다.
+ 사용자 Survelance Protection으로부터 자신을 구하십시오
+ Genesis은 사이트에 나를 추적하지 않도록 지시합니다.
+ 나를 추적하지 않도록 웹 사이트에 지시
+ 사용자 감시 보호
+ Genesis에서 제공하는 사용자 Survelance Protection 활성화
+ 웹 사이트 쿠키
+ 보안 요구 사항에 따라 웹 사이트 쿠키 기본 설정을 선택합니다.
+ 종료시 개인 데이터 삭제
+ 소프트웨어가 닫히면 자동으로 데이터 지우기
+ 개인 브라우징
+ 신원을 안전하게 유지하고 아래 옵션을 사용하십시오.
+ 활성화 됨
+ 사용, 웹 사이트 추적 쿠키 제외
+ 사용 (타사 제외)
+ 장애인
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ 보호 비활성화
+ 신원 감시 보호를 허용합니다. 이로 인해 온라인 신원이 도용 될 수 있습니다.
+ 기본값 (권장)
+ 온라인 광고 및 소셜 웹 사용자 Survelance를 차단합니다. 페이지가 기본으로로드됩니다.
+ 엄격한 정책
+ 알려진 모든 추적기를 중지하면 페이지가 더 빨리로드되지만 일부 기능이 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
+ 자바 스크립트
+ 다양한 스크립트 공격에 대한 Java 스크립팅 비활성화
+ 시스템 설정 . 복잡한 시스템 설정
+ 복원 탭
+ 브라우저를 종료 한 후 복원하지 마십시오.
+ 툴바 테마
+ 웹 사이트에 정의 된 툴바 테마 설정
+ 이미지 표시
+ 항상 웹 사이트 이미지로드
+ 웹 글꼴 표시
+ 페이지를로드 할 때 원격 글꼴 다운로드
+ 자동 재생 허용
+ 미디어가 자동으로 시작되도록 허용
+ 데이터 세이버
+ 탭
+ 소프트웨어를 다시 시작한 후 탭이 작동하는 방식 변경
+ 미디어
+ 기본 데이터 세이버 변경
+ 기본 미디어 변경
+ 항상 이미지 표시
+ Wi-Fi를 사용할 때만 이미지 표시
+ 모든 이미지 차단
+ 고급 시스템 설정
+ 복원 탭, 데이터 세이버, 개발자 도구
+ onion 대리 조건
+ onion 네트워크 상태 확인
+ 웹 사이트 신고
+ 악성 웹 사이트 신고
+ 이 앱을 평가 해주십시오
+ 플레이 스토어 평가 및 댓글
+ 이 앱 공유
+ 이 소프트웨어를 친구들과 공유
+ 시스템 설정 . 일반 사용자 정의
+ 기본 시스템 설정
+ 홈페이지, 언어
+ 전체 화면 탐색
+ 페이지를 아래로 스크롤 할 때 브라우저 도구 모음 숨기기
+ 언어
+ 브라우저 언어 변경
+ 소프트웨어 테마
+ 밝고 어두운 테마 선택
+ 밝은 테마
+ 테마 다크
+ 전체 화면 탐색 및 언어 변경
+ 시스템 기본값
+ 홈페이지
+ about:blank
+ 새로운 탭
+ 새 탭에서 홈페이지 열기
+ 모든 탭 제거
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크 제거
+ 북마크 제거
+ 검색 캐시 제거
+ 제안 제거
+ 사이트 데이터 제거
+ 세션 데이터 제거
+ 웹 브라우징 쿠키 제거
+ 브라우저 사용자 정의 제거
+ 당신이 아는 Bridge를 제공하십시오
+ 신뢰할 수있는 출처의 bridge 정보 입력
+ Bridge ...
+ 의뢰
+ 확인
+ 북마크 웹 사이트
+ 이 페이지를 북마크에 추가
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크 및 데이터 삭제
+ 책갈피 및 데이터 지우기
+ 데이터를 지우면 검색된 웹 링크, 쿠키 및 기타 검색 데이터가 제거됩니다.
+ 데이터를 삭제하면 북마크 된 웹 사이트가 삭제됩니다.
+ 버리다
+ 취소
+ 확인
+ 새 북마크
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ 연결이 안전합니다
+ 귀하의 정보 (예 : 비밀번호 또는 신용 카드 번호)는이 사이트로 전송 될 때 비공개입니다.
+ 시스템 및 사용자 감시 설정
+ 보고서
+ 웹 사이트 신고
+ 이 URL이 불법이거나 방해가된다고 생각되는 경우 Google에 신고하여 법적 조치를 취할 수 있습니다.
+ 성공적으로보고되었습니다
+ URL이 성공적으로보고되었습니다. 무언가가 발견되면 법적 조치가 취해질 것입니다.
+ 우리를 평가
+ 이 앱에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지 다른 사람에게 알려주세요.
+ 율
+ 유감입니다!
+ 이 소프트웨어를 사용하는 데 어려움이있는 경우 이메일을 통해 당사에 문의하십시오. 가능한 한 빨리 문제를 해결하려고 노력할 것입니다.
+ 우편
+ 새로운 Bridge 요청
+ bridge 주소를 요청하려면 메일을 선택하십시오. 받으면 위의 상자에 복사하여 붙여넣고 소프트웨어를 시작하십시오.
+ 지원되지 않는 언어
+ 이 소프트웨어는 시스템 언어를 지원하지 않습니다. 곧 포함시키기 위해 노력하고 있습니다
+ Orbot 초기화
+ 지원되지 않는 작업
+ 다음 명령을 처리 할 수있는 소프트웨어가 없습니다.
+ 환영합니다 | 숨겨진 웹 Gateway
+ 이 소프트웨어는 숨겨진 웹 URL을 검색하고 열 수있는 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 몇 가지 제안 사항이 있습니다. \n
+ 숨겨진 웹 온라인 시장
+ 유출 된 문서 및 책
+ 다크 웹 뉴스 및 기사
+ 비밀 소프트웨어 및 해킹 도구
+ 다시 표시하지 않음
+ 재정과 돈
+ 사회 사회
+ 설명서
+ 플레이 스토어
+ 웹 링크 알림
+ 새 탭에서 열기
+ 현재 탭에서 열기
+ 클립 보드에 복사
+ 파일 알림
+ 다운로드 알림
+ 새 탭에서 URL 열기
+ 현재 탭에서 URL 열기
+ 클립 보드에 URL 복사
+ 새 탭에서 이미지 열기
+ 현재 탭에서 이미지 열기
+ 이미지를 클립 보드로 복사
+ 이미지 파일 다운로드
+ 다운로드 알림
+ 웹 링크 알림
+ 이메일을 처리 할 수있는 소프트웨어가 없습니다.
+ 파일 다운로드 |
+ 데이터 삭제 | 재시작 필요
+ 개인 데이터가 성공적으로 지워졌습니다. 일부 기본 시스템 설정은이 소프트웨어를 다시 시작해야합니다. 이제 안전하게 탐색을 계속할 수 있습니다.
+ 탭이 닫힘
+ 실행 취소
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ 보안 사용자 정의
+ Bridge 사용자 지정
+ 자동으로 생성
+ bridge 자동 구성
+ 알고있는 bridge을 제공하십시오.
+ 맞춤 bridge 붙여 넣기
+ 프록시 사용자 정의 | Bridge
+ Bridges는 목록에없는 Tor 릴레이로 Tor 네트워크에 대한 연결을 차단하기가 더 어렵습니다. 일부 국가에서 Tor을 차단하려는 방식 때문에 특정 bridges는 일부 국가에서는 작동하지만 다른 국가에서는 작동하지 않습니다.
+ 기본값 bridge 선택
+ 의뢰
+ obfs4 (권장)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ 프록시 로그
+ 시스템 로그 정보
+ Genesis을 시작하는 동안 연결 문제가 발생하는 경우 다음 코드를 복사하여 온라인에서 문제를 찾거나 저희에게 보내 주시면 도움을 드릴 수 있습니다.
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot 로그
+ 새 탭
+ 탭 닫기
+ 최근 탭 열기
+ 언어
+ 다운로드
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크
+ 시스템 설정
+ 데스크탑 사이트
+ 이 페이지 저장
+ 북마크
+ 웹 사이트 신고
+ 이 앱을 평가 해주십시오
+ 페이지에서 찾기
+ 출구
+ 공유
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ 새 탭
+ 모든 탭 닫기
+ 시스템 설정
+ 탭 선택
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ 열린 탭
+ 부
+ 공유
+ 명확한 선택
+ 현재 탭에서 열기
+ 새 탭에서 열기
+ 지우다
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ 탐색 한 웹 링크
+ 이것을 제거
+ 검색 ...
+ 서표
+ 이것을 제거
+ 검색 ...
+ 다시 해 보다
+ opps! 네트워크 연결 오류입니다. 네트워크가 연결되지 않음
+ 도움과 지원
+ 언어
+ 언어 변경
+ 다음 언어로만 실행됩니다. 우리는 곧 더 추가 할 것입니다
+ 영어 (미국)
+ 독일어 (독일)
+ 이탈리아어 (이탈리아)
+ 포르투갈어 (브라질)
+ 러시아어 (러시아)
+ 우크라이나어 (우크라이나)
+ 중국어 간체 (중국 본토)
+ ⚠️ 경고
+ Bridges 사용자 지정
+ Bridges 활성화
+ VPN 서비스 활성화
+ 활성화 Bridge Gateway
+ Gateway 활성화
+ 대리 조건
+ orbot 프록시의 현재 상태
+ Orbot 대리 조건
+ onion
+ VPN 연결 상태
+ Bridge 대리 조건
+ 정보 | 시스템 설정 변경
+ 소프트웨어를 다시 시작하고 프록시 관리자로 이동하여 프록시를 변경할 수 있습니다. 하단의 기어 아이콘을 클릭하면 열 수 있습니다.
+ 프록시 사용자 정의
+ 전 세계 수천 명의 자원 봉사자가 운영하는 Tor 네트워크에 연결합니다! 이러한 옵션이 도움이 될 수 있습니까?
+ 여기서 인터넷이 검열됩니다 (방화벽 우회).
+ 방화벽 우회
+ Bridges로 인해 인터넷이 매우 느리게 실행됩니다. 귀하의 국가에서 인터넷이 검열되거나 Tor 네트워크가 차단 된 경우에만 사용하십시오.
- Open
+ 이걸 열어
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ 열린 탭이 여기에 표시됩니다.
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "때때로 Tor에 도달하려면 Bridge가 필요합니다."
+ "더 말 해주세요"
+ "Onion을 사용하여 모든 소프트웨어가 Tor을 거치도록 할 수 있습니다."
+ "이는 익명으로 만들지는 않지만 방화벽을 우회하는 데 도움이됩니다."
+ "앱 선택"
+ "안녕하세요"
+ "모바일 Tor에 오신 것을 환영합니다."
+ "원하는 방식으로 인터넷을 검색하십시오."
+ "사용자 감시 보호 없음. 검열 없음."
+ 이 사이트에 연결할 수 없습니다
+ 웹 사이트에 연결하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
+ 수신 된 데이터의 신뢰성을 확인할 수 없어 보려는 페이지를 표시 할 수 없습니다.
+ 어떤 이유로 인해 페이지가 현재 작동하지 않습니다.
+ 웹 사이트 소유자에게이 문제를 알리십시오.
+ 재 장전
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ 잘못된 패키지 서명
+ 로그인하려면 클릭하세요.
+ 데이터를 수동으로 선택하려면 클릭하십시오.
+ 웹 도메인 보안 예외입니다.
+ DAL 확인 실패.
+ - 55 %
+ - 70 %
+ - 85 %
+ - 100 퍼센트
+ - 115 %
+ - 130 %
+ - 145 %
+ - 활성화 됨
+ - 장애인
+ - 모두 활성화
+ - 모두 비활성화
+ - 대역폭 없음
+ - 모두 허용
+ - 신뢰 허용
+ - 없음 허용
+ - 방문 허용
+ - 비 추적기 허용
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..c805ed6c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -1,339 +1,355 @@
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
+ Zoek of typ een webadres
+ Zoek op pagina
+ Zoekmachine
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
+ \ U0020 \ U0020 \ U0020Opps! Er Is Iets Misgegaan
+ Genesis-zoekmachine
+ Online Vrijheid
+ Opnieuw laden
+ Dit kunnen de problemen zijn waarmee u wordt geconfronteerd \ n \ n • De webpagina of website is mogelijk niet beschikbaar \ n • Uw internetverbinding is mogelijk slecht \ n • U gebruikt mogelijk een proxy \ n • De website is mogelijk geblokkeerd door een firewall
BBC | Israel Strikes Again
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
+ Basisinstellingen
+ Stel Genesis in als uw standaardbrowser
+ Instellingen
+ Zoekmachine
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
+ Geschiedenis Automatisch Wissen
+ Lettertype-instellingen
+ Aangepast Lettertype
+ Lettertype Automatisch Aanpassen
+ Cookie-instellingen
Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
+ Meldingen
+ Melding beheren
+ Netwerkstatus en meldingen
+ Lokale Meldingen
+ Instellingen Voor Apparaatmeldingen
+ Systeemmeldingen
+ Logboekinstellingen
+ Toon logboeken in geavanceerde lijstweergave
+ Toogle tussen klassieke en geavanceerde weergave
+ Zoekopdracht Beheren
+ Toevoegen, standaard instellen. suggesties weergeven
+ Meldingen Beheren
+ Nieuwe functies, netwerkstatus
Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Ondersteunde zoekmachines
+ Kies standaard zoekmachine
+ Zoekinstelling
+ Beheer hoe zoekopdrachten worden weergegeven
+ Standaard
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
+ Zoekgeschiedenis weergeven
+ Zoeksuggesties weergeven
+ Suggesties uit de zoekgeschiedenis verschijnen wanneer u typt in de zoekbalk
+ Gerichte suggesties worden weergegeven wanneer u in de zoekbalk
+ typt Toegankelijkheid
+ Tekstgrootte, zoom, spraakinvoer
Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
+ Privégegevens Wissen
+ Tabbladen, geschiedenis, bladwijzer, cookies, cache
Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ Gegevens Wissen
+ Tabbladen Wissen
+ Geschiedenis Wissen
+ Bladwijzers Wissen
+ Cache Wissen
+ Suggesties Wissen
+ Sitegegevens
+ Sessie Wissen
+ Cookies Wissen
+ Instellingen Wissen
+ Lettertype schalen
+ Webinhoud schalen volgens systeemlettergrootte
+ Zoom Inschakelen
+ Zoom inschakelen en forceren voor alle webpagina\'s
+ Spraakinvoer
+ Sta spraakdictatie toe in de URL-balk
+ Selecteer aangepaste lettertypeschaling
+ Sleep de schuifregelaar totdat u dit comfortabel kunt lezen. Tekst moet er minstens zo groot uitzien na dubbeltikken op een alinea
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
+ Interacties
+ Verander hoe u omgaat met de inhoud
- Tracking, logins, data choices
+ Volgen, logins, gegevenskeuzes
+ Bescherming Tegen Volgen
+ Adblock, trackers, vingerafdrukken
Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
+ Settings | Tracking Protection
+ Bescherm uw online identiteit
+ Houd uw identiteit voor uzelf. We kunnen je beschermen tegen verschillende trackers die volgen wat je online doet. Trackingbeveiliging kan ook worden gebruikt om advertenties te blokkeren
+ Niet Volgen
+ Genesis zal sites vertellen dat u niet wilt worden gevolgd
+ Volg geen marker voor website
+ Bescherming Tegen Volgen
+ Schakel trackingbeveiliging in die wordt geboden door Genesis
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
+ Selecteer cookievoorkeuren op basis van uw beveiligingsbehoeften
+ Privégegevens wissen bij afsluiten
+ Gegevens automatisch wissen zodra de toepassing is gesloten
+ Privé Browsen
+ Houd uw identiteit veilig en gebruik de onderstaande opties
+ Ingeschakeld
+ Ingeschakeld, met uitzondering van tracking cookies
+ Ingeschakeld, met uitzondering van derden
+ Uitgeschakeld
+ Bescherming Uitschakelen
+ Sta identiteitstracering toe. Hierdoor kan uw online identiteit worden gestolen
+ Standaard (aanbevolen)
+ Blokkeer advertenties en sociale tracking. Pagina\'s worden normaal geladen
+ Strikt Beleid
+ Stop alle bekende trackers. Pagina\'s worden sneller geladen, maar sommige functies werken mogelijk niet
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
+ Schakel java-scripting uit voor verschillende scriptaanvallen
Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
+ Tabbladen herstellen
+ Herstel niet na het afsluiten van browser
+ Werkbalkthema
+ Stel het werkbalkthema in zoals gedefinieerd in website
+ Afbeeldingen Weergeven
+ Altijd website-afbeeldingen laden
+ Weblettertypen weergeven
+ Download externe lettertypen bij het laden van een pagina
+ Autoplay toestaan
+ Media automatisch starten
+ Gegevensbesparing
+ Tabblad
+ Wijzig hoe het tabblad zich gedraagt na het herstarten van de toepassing
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
+ Standaardinstellingen voor gegevensbesparing wijzigen
+ Standaard media-instellingen wijzigen
+ Altijd afbeeldingen weergeven
+ Alleen afbeeldingen weergeven via WI-FI
+ Blokkeer alle afbeeldingen
+ Geavanceerd
+ Herstel tabbladen, databesparing, ontwikkelaarstools
+ Onion Proxy-status
+ Controleer uienetwerk of status
+ Rapport website
+ Beledigende website melden
+ Beoordeel deze app
+ Beoordeel en reageer op playstore
+ Deel deze app
+ Deel deze app met je vrienden
Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
+ Algemeen
+ Home, taal
+ Browsen op volledig scherm
+ Verberg de browserwerkbalk wanneer u naar beneden scrolt
+ Taal
+ Wijzig de taal van uw browser
+ Thema
+ Kies een licht en donker thema
+ Thema Licht
+ Thema Donker
+ Browsen en taalinstellingen op volledig scherm wijzigen
+ Systeemstandaard
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ over: blanco
+ Nieuw Tabblad
+ Open homepage in nieuw tabblad
+ Wis alle tabbladen
+ Zoekgeschiedenis wissen
+ Gemarkeerde bladwijzers wissen
+ Browsingscache wissen
+ Duidelijke suggesties
+ Sitegegevens wissen
+ Sessiegegevens wissen
+ Browsercookies wissen
+ Browserinstellingen wissen
+ Zorg voor een brug die ik ken
+ Voer bridge-informatie van een vertrouwde bron in
+ brug snaar ...
+ Verzoek
+ Klaar
Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
- https://
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
+ Voeg deze pagina toe aan uw bladwijzers
+ Geschiedenis en gegevens wissen
+ Bladwijzer en gegevens wissen
+ Als u gegevens wist, worden geschiedenis, cookies en andere browsegegevens verwijderd
+ Als u gegevens wist, worden websites met bladwijzers verwijderd
+ Sluiten
+ Wissen
+ Klaar
+ Nieuwe Bladwijzer
+ https: //
+ Verbinding is veilig
+ Uw informatie (bijvoorbeeld wachtwoord of creditcardnummers) is privé wanneer deze naar deze site wordt verzonden
+ Privacy-instellingen
+ Rapport
+ Website Melden
+ Als u denkt dat deze URL illegaal of storend is, meld dit dan aan ons, zodat we juridische stappen kunnen ondernemen
+ Succesvol Gerapporteerd
+ URL is succesvol gerapporteerd. Als er iets wordt gevonden, wordt juridische actie ondernomen
+ Beoordeel US
+ Vertel anderen wat je van deze app vindt
+ Tarief
+ Sorry Dat Te Horen!Als U Problemen Ondervindt Bij Het Gebruik Van Deze Applicatie, Neem Dan Contact Met Ons Op Via E-mail. We Zullen Proberen Uw Probleem Zo Snel Mogelijk Op Te Lossen
+ E-mail
+ Nieuwe brug aanvragen
+ Selecteer E-mail Hieronder Om Een bridge-adres Aan Te Vragen. \ N \ NZodra Je Een Adres Hebt, Kopieer Plak Het In Het Bovenstaande Vak En Start De Applicatie.Taal Niet Ondersteund
+ Systeemtaal wordt niet ondersteund door deze applicatie. We werken eraan om het binnenkort op te nemen
+ Orbot initialiseren
+ Actie niet ondersteund
+ Geen Toepassing Gevonden Om De Volgende Opdracht Te Verwerken
+ Welkom
+ Verborgen webgateway
Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
+ Gelekte documenten en boeken
+ Dark Web Nieuws En Artikelen
+ Geheime software en hacktools
+ Niet meer laten zien
+ Financiën en geld
+ Sociale Gemeenschappen
+ Handleiding
+ Openen in nieuw tabblad
+ URL-melding
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
+ Openen In Huidig tabblad
+ Kopiëren Naar Klembord
+ Bestandsmelding
+ Melding downloaden
+ Open Url In Nieuw Tabblad
+ Open Url In Huidig tabblad
+ Kopieer url naar klembord
+ Afbeelding openen op nieuw tabblad
+ Open afbeelding huidige tabblad
+ Kopieer afbeelding naar klembord
+ Download afbeeldingsbestand
+ Melding downloaden
+ URL-melding
+ Geen Applicatie Gevonden Om E-mail Te Verwerken
+ Bestand Downloaden
- No application found to handle email
+ Gegevens gewist
Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ Data Cleared | Restart Required
+ Ongedaan maken
+ Beveiligingsinstellingen
+ Bridge-instellingen
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
+ Automatisch Maken
+ Bruginstellingen Automatisch Configureren
+ Zorg Voor Een Brug Die Ik Ken
+ Plak aangepaste bridge
+ Proxy-instellingen
+ Brug
+ Proxy Settings | Bridge
+ Verzoek
+ obfs4 (aanbevolen)
+ Meek-azuur (China)
obfs4 (Recommended)
Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ Proxylogboeken
+ Logboeken Info
+ If you are facing connectivity issue while starting Genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us, so we can try to help you out
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
+ Orbot-logboeken
+ Nieuwe tabbladen
+ Tabblad Sluiten
+ Open Recente Tabbladen
+ Taal
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
+ Geschiedenis
+ Instellingen
+ Desktopsite
+ Maak Een Bladwijzer Voor Deze Pagina
+ Bladwijzers
+ Rapport website
+ Beoordeel deze app
+ Zoek op pagina
+ Afsluiten
+ Delen
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ Nieuwe tabbladen
+ Sluit alle tabbladen
+ Instellingen
+ Selecteer tabbladen
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
+ Open tabbladen
+ Kopiëren
+ Delen
+ Selectie Wissen
+ Openen in huidig tabblad
+ Openen in nieuw tabblad
+ Verwijderen
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Geschiedenis
+ Wissen
+ Zoeken ...
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Bladwijzer
+ Wissen
+ Zoeken ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ Opnieuw proberen
+ Opps! Netwerkverbindingsfout \ nGenese niet verbonden
+ Ondersteuning
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
+ Taal
+ Taal Wijzigen
+ We ondersteunen momenteel de volgende talen. We zouden binnenkort meer toevoegen \ n
+ Engels (Verenigde Staten)
+ Duits (Duitsland)
+ Italiaans (Italië)
+ Portugees (Brazilië)
+ Russisch (Rusland)
+ Oekraïens (Oekraïne)
+ Vereenvoudigd Chinees (vasteland Van China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ ⚠️ Waarschuwing
+ Bridges Aanpassen
+ Bridges Inschakelen
+ Schakel VPN-service
+ in Bridge Gateway
+ Inschakelen Gateway Inschakelen
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
+ Proxystatus
+ Huidige status van orbot-proxy
+ Orbot-proxystatus
+ Ui Bruggen Status
+ VPN-verbindingsstatus
+ Bridge-verbindingsstatus
INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
+ Om de proxy-instellingen te wijzigen, start u deze applicatie opnieuw en navigeert u naar proxybeheer. Het kan worden geopend door op het GEAR-pictogram onderaan
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ Te Drukken Proxy-instellingen
+ We verbinden je met het Tor-netwerk dat wordt gerund door duizenden vrijwilligers over de hele wereld! Kunnen deze opties u helpen
+ Internet wordt hier gecensureerd (Bypass Firewall)
+ Firewall Omzeilen
+ Bridges zorgt ervoor dat internet erg traag werkt. Gebruik ze alleen als internet in uw land wordt gecensureerd of als het Tor-netwerk is geblokkeerd
@@ -341,36 +357,75 @@
- Connect
+ Verbinden
+ Copyright © by Genesis Technologies | Built
Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ Genesis op standby op dit moment
+ Open tabbladen worden hier weergegeven
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
+ "Soms heb je een brug nodig om bij Tor te komen"
+ "Je kunt elke app inschakelen om door Tor te gaan met onze ingebouwde Onion"
+ "Dit maakt je niet anoniem, maar het helpt wel om door firewalls heen te komen"
+ "Kies Apps"
+ "Hallo"
+ "Welkom bij Tor op mobiel.""Surf op internet zoals u verwacht dat u zou moeten."\'Geen tracking. Geen censuur.\'Deze site is niet bereikbaar
+ Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens een verbinding
+ De pagina die u probeert te bekijken, kan niet worden weergegeven omdat de authenticiteit van de ontvangen gegevens niet kon worden geverifieerd
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ De pagina is momenteel niet live of offline vanwege de een of andere reden
+ Neem contact op met de website-eigenaren om hen over dit probleem te informeren.Opnieuw laden
+ pref_language
+ Ongeldige pakkethandtekening
+ Tik om in te loggen.
+ Tik om handmatig gegevens te selecteren.Uitzondering beveiliging webdomein.DAL-verificatiefout.
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
+ Ongeldige pakkethandtekening
+ Tik om in te loggen.
+ Tik om handmatig gegevens te selecteren. Uitzondering beveiliging webdomein. DAL-verificatiefout.
Web domain security exception.
DAL verification failure.
+ - 55 Percent
+ - 70 Percent
+ - 85 Percent
+ - 100 Percent
+ - 115 Percent
+ - 130 Percent
+ - 145 Percent
+ - Hidden Web
+ - Google
+ - Duck Duck Go
+ - Enabled
+ - Disabled
+ - Enable All
+ - Disable All
+ - No Bandwidth
+ - Allow All
+ - Allow Trusted
+ - Allow None
+ - Allow Visited
+ - Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 3aea13ba..facbc972 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -1,375 +1,428 @@
- Pesquise ou digite o endereço da web
- Find in page
- Search Engine
+ pesquise algo ou digite um link da web
+ encontrar na página
+ motor de busca
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
+ opps! algo deu errado
+ todo
+ Genesis search engine
+ digital freedom
+ recarregar
+ você está enfrentando um dos seguintes problemas. página da Web ou site pode não estar funcionando. sua conexão com a internet pode estar ruim. você pode estar usando um proxy. site pode estar bloqueado por firewall
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ BBC | Israel ataca novamente
- dsadsa
- asdasd
- asdsad
- sadasd
- asdasds
- sadsdaa
- asadsdsa
- sadsasad
- sadadssad
- sadsadsad
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Configuração de sistema
+ faça do Genesis seu navegador padrão
+ Configuração de sistema
+ motor de busca
+ javascript
+ remover links da web navegados
+ personalizar fonte
+ System Font Constomization
+ mudar a fonte automaticamente
+ Configuração de Cookie
+ biscoitos
+ Configuração de sistema . Notificação
+ notificações
+ alterar preferências de notificação
+ condição da rede e notificações
+ notificações locais
+ personalizar notificação de software
+ notificações do sistema
+ mudar a forma como o Log do sistema aparece
+ mostrar o log usando a visão de lista moderna
+ toogle entre a visualização de lista clássica e moderna
+ gerenciar motor de busca
+ adicionar, definir padrão. mostrar sugestões
+ gerenciar notificações
+ novos recursos, condição da rede
+ Personalize o software. Motor de busca
+ motores de busca suportados
+ escolha o mecanismo de pesquisa padrão
+ Personalize o software. Motor de busca
+ mudar a forma como as pesquisas na web aparecem
+ default
- dadsdsa
- sadadsdsa
- sadsaddsa
+ DuckDuckGo
+ Google
+ Bing
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ mostrar links da web navegados
+ mostrar sugestões durante a pesquisa
+ sugestões de links navegados da web aparecem quando você digita na barra de pesquisa
+ sugestões focadas aparecem quando você digita na barra de pesquisa
+ acessibilidade
+ tamanho do texto, zoom, entrada usando voz
+ personalizar | acessibilidade
+ limpar dados privados
+ guias, links da web navegados, favoritos, cookies, cache
+ Alterar configuração do sistema. Limpar dados do sistema
+ apagar os dados
+ deletar todas as abas
+ excluir links da web navegados
+ deletar favoritos
+ deletar cache
+ deletar sugestões
+ apagar dados
+ deletar sessão
+ apagar cookies
+ excluir personalizar
+ escala de fonte
+ dimensionar o conteúdo da web de acordo com o tamanho da fonte do sistema
+ liga o zoom
+ ligue e force o zoom para todas as páginas da web
+ entrada usando voz
+ permitir ditado de voz na barra de url
+ selecionar escala de fonte personalizada
+ arraste o controle deslizante até que você possa ler isso confortavelmente. o texto deve ter pelo menos este tamanho depois de tocar duas vezes em um parágrafo
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interações
+ mudar a forma de interagir com o conteúdo do site
+ Usuário em
+ Survelance do usuário, logins, escolhas de dados
+ Proteção de Vigilância do Usuário
+ adblock, trackers, impressão digital
+ Configuração de sistema . privacidade
+ Configuração de sistema . proteção de survelance do usuário
+ proteja sua identidade online
+ mantenha sua identidade privada. podemos protegê-lo de vários rastreadores que o seguem online. esta configuração do sistema também pode ser usada para bloquear anúncios
+ salve-se do usuário Survelance Protection
+ Genesis dirá aos sites para não me rastrear
+ diga ao site para não me rastrear
+ Proteção de Vigilância do Usuário
+ habilitar o usuário Survelance Protection fornecido pelo Genesis
+ cookies do site
+ selecione as preferências de cookies do site de acordo com suas necessidades de segurança
+ limpar dados privados ao sair
+ limpar os dados automaticamente assim que o software for fechado
+ navegação privada
+ mantenha sua identidade segura e use as opções abaixo
+ ativado
+ ativado, excluindo cookies de rastreamento de site
+ habilitado, excluindo terceiros
+ Desativado
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ desabilitar proteção
+ permitir Proteção de Survelance de identidade. isso pode fazer com que sua identidade online seja roubada
+ padrão (recomendado)
+ bloquear publicidade online e Survelance de usuário social da web. as páginas serão carregadas como padrão
+ política estrita
+ pare todos os rastreadores conhecidos, as páginas carregam mais rápido, mas algumas funcionalidades podem não funcionar
+ javascript
+ desabilite o script java para vários ataques de script
+ Configuração de sistema . Configuração complexa do sistema
+ restaurar guias
+ não restaure após sair do navegador
+ tema da barra de ferramentas
+ definir o tema da barra de ferramentas conforme definido no site
+ mostrar imagens
+ sempre carregue imagens do site
+ mostrar fontes da web
+ baixar fontes remotas ao carregar uma página
+ permitir reprodução automática
+ permitir que a mídia inicie automaticamente
+ economizador de dados
+ aba
+ mude a forma como a guia se comporta após reiniciar o software
+ meios de comunicação
+ alterar economia de dados padrão personalizar
+ alterar mídia padrão personalizar
+ sempre mostrar imagens
+ só mostrar imagens ao usar wi-fi
+ bloquear todas as imagens
+ Configuração avançada do sistema
+ restaurar guias, economia de dados, ferramentas de desenvolvedor
+ onion condição de procuração
+ verificar a condição onion da rede
+ site do relatório
+ denunciar site abusivo
+ Avalie este aplicativo
+ avalie e comente na playstore
+ Compartilhe esse aplicativo
+ compartilhe este software com seus amigos
+ Configuração de sistema . personalização geral
+ Configuração padrão do sistema
+ homepage, idioma
+ navegação em tela inteira
+ oculte a barra de ferramentas do navegador ao rolar uma página para baixo
+ língua
+ mude o idioma do seu navegador
+ tema de software
+ escolha o tema claro e escuro
+ tema brilhante
+ tema escuro
+ alterar a navegação em tela inteira e o idioma
+ sistema padrão
+ pagina inicial
+ about:blank
+ Nova aba
+ abrir a página inicial em uma nova guia
+ remova todas as guias
+ remover links da web navegados
+ remover favoritos
+ remover cache de navegação
+ remover sugestões
+ remover dados do site
+ remover dados da sessão
+ remover cookies de navegação na web
+ remover personalização do navegador
+ forneça um Bridge que você conhece
+ insira bridge informações de uma fonte confiável
+ Bridge ...
+ solicitação
+ OK
+ site de favoritos
+ adicione esta página aos seus favoritos
+ excluir links da web navegados e dados
+ limpar favorito e dados
+ limpar dados removerá links da web navegados, cookies e outros dados de navegação
+ excluir dados irá excluir sites favoritos
+ liberar
+ cancelar
+ OK
+ novo favorito
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ conexão é segura
+ suas informações (por exemplo, senha ou números de cartão de crédito) são privadas quando são enviadas para este site
+ Configuração de vigilância do sistema e do usuário
+ relatório
+ site do relatório
+ se você acha que este URL é ilegal ou perturbador, informe-nos para que possamos tomar medidas legais
+ foi reportado com sucesso
+ url foi relatado com sucesso. se algo for encontrado, uma ação legal será tomada
+ nos avalie
+ diga aos outros o que você pensa sobre este aplicativo
+ avaliar
+ Lamentamos ouvir isso!
+ se você estiver tendo dificuldades ao usar este software, entre em contato conosco por e-mail. vamos tentar resolver o seu problema o mais rápido possível
+ mail
+ solicitar novo Bridge
+ selecione mail para solicitar um endereço bridge. depois de recebê-lo, copie e cole na caixa acima e inicie o software.
+ idioma não suportado
+ o idioma do sistema não é compatível com este software. estamos trabalhando para incluí-lo em breve
+ inicializando Orbot
+ ação não suportada
+ nenhum software encontrado para lidar com o seguinte comando
+ bem vindo | web oculta Gateway
+ este software fornece uma plataforma para pesquisar e abrir URLs ocultos da web. aqui estão algumas sugestões \n
+ mercado online oculto da web
+ documentos e livros vazados
+ notícias e artigos da dark web
+ softwares secretos e ferramentas de hacking
+ não mostre novamente
+ finanças e dinheiro
+ sociedades sociais
+ manual
+ loja de jogos
+ notificação de link da web
+ abrir em uma nova aba
+ abrir na guia atual
+ copiar para área de transferência
+ notificação de arquivo
+ baixar notificação
+ abrir url em nova aba
+ abrir url na guia atual
+ copiar url para a área de transferência
+ Abra a imagem em uma nova aba
+ abrir imagem na guia atual
+ copiar imagem para a área de transferência
+ baixar arquivo de imagem
+ baixar notificação
+ notificação de link da web
+ nenhum software encontrado para lidar com e-mail
+ baixar arquivo |
+ dados apagados | é necessário reiniciar
+ dados privados apagados com sucesso. algumas configurações padrão do sistema exigirão que este software seja reiniciado. agora você pode continuar navegando com segurança
+ guia fechada
+ desfazer
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ personalização de segurança
+ Bridge personalizar
+ criar automaticamente
+ configurar automaticamente bridge personalizar
+ forneça um bridge que você conhece
+ colar personalizado bridge
+ personalização de proxy | Bridge
+ Bridges são relés Tor não listados que tornam mais difícil bloquear conexões na rede Tor. por causa de como alguns países tentam bloquear Tor, alguns bridges funcionam em alguns países, mas não em outros
+ selecione o padrão bridge
+ solicitação
+ obfs4 (recomendado)
+ meek-azure (china)
+ logs de proxy
+ Informações de registro do sistema
+ se você estiver enfrentando problemas de conectividade ao iniciar o Genesis, copie o código a seguir e encontre o problema online ou envie-o para nós, para que possamos tentar ajudá-lo
Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
+ novas guias
+ aba fechada
+ abrir abas recentes
+ língua
+ downloads
+ links da web navegados
+ Configuração de sistema
+ desktop site
+ salve esta página
+ favoritos
+ site do relatório
+ Avalie este aplicativo
+ encontrar na página
+ saída
+ compartilhar
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
+ novas guias
+ feche todas as abas
+ Configuração de sistema
+ selecione as guias
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
+ abas abertas
+ cópia de
+ compartilhar
+ seleção clara
+ abrir na guia atual
+ abrir em uma nova aba
+ excluir
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
+ links da web navegados
+ Tire isto
+ procurar ...
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
+ marca páginas
+ Tire isto
+ procurar ...
+ repetir
+ opps! erro de conexão de rede. rede não conectada
+ ajuda e suporte
+ língua
+ mudar idioma
+ nós apenas rodamos nos seguintes idiomas. estaríamos adicionando mais em breve
+ inglês dos Estados Unidos)
+ Alemanha alemã)
+ italiano (itália)
+ portuguese (brazil)
+ russo (Rússia)
+ ucraniano (ucrânia)
+ chinês simplificado (China continental)
+ ⚠️ aviso
+ personalizar Bridges
+ habilitar Bridges
+ habilitar serviços VPN
+ habilitar Bridge Gateway
+ habilitar Gateway
+ condição de procuração
+ condição atual do proxy orbot
+ Orbot condição de procuração
+ onion
+ VPN condição de conectividade
+ Bridge condição de procuração
+ informações | alterar configuração do sistema
+ você pode alterar o proxy reiniciando o software e indo para o gerenciador de proxy. ele pode ser aberto clicando em um ícone de engrenagem na parte inferior
+ personalização de proxy
+ nós conectamos você à rede Tor administrada por milhares de voluntários em todo o mundo! Essas opções podem ajudá-lo
+ internet é censurada aqui (ignorar firewall)
+ contornar firewall
+ Bridges faz com que a Internet fique muito lenta. use-os apenas se a internet for censurada em seu país ou a rede Tor estiver bloqueada
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
- Open
+ Abra isto
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ abas abertas serão mostradas aqui
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "às vezes você precisa de um Bridge para chegar a Tor"
+ "me diga mais"
+ "você pode habilitar qualquer software para acessar Tor usando Onion"
+ "isso não o tornará anônimo, mas o ajudará a contornar firewalls"
+ "escolher aplicativos"
+ "Olá"
+ "bem-vindo ao Tor no celular."
+ "navegue na internet como você espera que deveria."
+ "sem proteção de vigilância do usuário. sem censura."
+ este site não está acessível
+ ocorreu um erro ao conectar com o site
+ a página que você está tentando visualizar não pode ser mostrada porque a autenticidade dos dados recebidos não pôde ser verificada
+ a página não está funcionando atualmente por algum motivo
+ entre em contato com os proprietários do site para informá-los sobre este problema.
+ recarregar
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Assinatura de pacote inválida
+ clique para entrar.
+ clique para selecionar manualmente os dados.
+ Exceção de segurança de domínio da Web.
+ Falha na verificação DAL.
+ - 55 por cento
+ - 70 por cento
+ - 85 por cento
+ - 100 por cento
+ - 115 por cento
+ - 130 por cento
+ - 145 por cento
+ - Habilitado
+ - Desabilitado
+ - Habilitar todos
+ - Desativar tudo
+ - No Bandwidth
+ - Permitir todos
+ - Permitir confiável
+ - Não permitir nenhum
+ - Permitir visitas
+ - Permitir não rastreador
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..2850e74d 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Знайдіть або введіть веб-адресу
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ căutați ceva sau tastați un weblink
+ găsiți în pagina
+ motor de căutare
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! ceva nu a mers bine
+ Tot
+ Genesis search engine
+ libertatea digitală
+ reîncărcați
+ vă confruntați cu una dintre următoarele probleme. este posibil ca pagina web sau site-ul web să nu funcționeze. conexiunea la internet ar putea fi slabă. s-ar putea să utilizați un proxy. site-ul web ar putea fi blocat de firewall
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Israelul lovește din nou
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Setarea sistemului
+ faceți din Genesis browserul dvs. implicit
+ Setarea sistemului
+ motor de căutare
+ javascript
+ eliminați linkurile web răsfoite
+ personalizarea fontului
+ Constomizarea fontului sistemului
+ schimbați automat fontul
+ Setarea cookie-urilor
+ cookie-uri
+ Setarea sistemului. Notificare
+ notificări
+ modificați preferințele de notificare
+ starea rețelei și notificările
+ notificări locale
+ personalizați notificarea software-ului
+ notificări de sistem
+ schimba modul în care apar jurnalul de sistem
+ afișează Jurnal folosind vizualizarea listă modernă
+ comutați între vizualizarea listă clasică și modernă
+ gestionați motorul de căutare
+ adăugați, setați implicit. arată sugestii
+ gestionați notificările
+ caracteristici noi, starea rețelei
+ Personalizați software-ul. Motor de căutare
+ motoare de căutare acceptate
+ alegeți Motor de căutare implicit
+ Personalizați software-ul. Motor de căutare
+ modificați modul în care apar Căutările pe Web
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ afișați link-uri web navigate
+ afișați sugestii în timpul căutării
+ sugestiile din legăturile web răsfoite apar atunci când tastați în bara de căutare
+ sugestiile focalizate apar atunci când tastați în bara de căutare
+ accesibilitate
+ dimensiunea textului, zoomul, introducerea utilizând vocea
+ personaliza | accesibilitate
+ ștergeți datele private
+ file, legături web navigate, marcaj, cookie-uri, cache
+ Schimbați setarea sistemului. Ștergeți datele de sistem
+ date clare
+ ștergeți toate filele
+ ștergeți legăturile web navigate
+ ștergeți marcajele
+ șterge memoria cache
+ ștergeți sugestiile
+ delete data
+ șterge sesiunea
+ ștergeți cookie-urile
+ șterge personalizează
+ scalarea fontului
+ scalați conținutul web în funcție de dimensiunea fontului sistemului
+ activați zoomul
+ activați și forțați zoomul pentru toate paginile web
+ introducere folosind voce
+ permite dictarea vocală în bara URL
+ selectați scalarea personalizată a fonturilor
+ glisați glisorul până când puteți citi confortabil acest lucru. textul ar trebui să arate cel puțin atât de mare după ce atingeți de două ori un paragraf
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ interacțiuni
+ schimba modul de interacțiune cu conținutul site-ului web
+ Utilizator activat
+ surpriza utilizatorului, conectări, alegeri de date
+ Protecția supravegherii utilizatorilor
+ adblock, trackere, amprente
+ Setarea sistemului. intimitate
+ Setarea sistemului. protecție împotriva supravegherii utilizatorului
+ protejează-ți identitatea online
+ păstrați-vă identitatea privată. vă putem proteja de mai mulți trackere care vă urmăresc online. această setare de sistem poate fi utilizată și pentru a bloca reclama
+ salvați-vă de protecția împotriva supravegherii utilizatorului
+ Genesis le va spune site-urilor să nu mă urmărească
+ spuneți site-ului web să nu mă urmărească
+ Protecția supravegherii utilizatorilor
+ activați protecția împotriva supravegherii utilizatorului oferită de Genesis
+ cookie-uri pentru site-uri web
+ selectați preferințele cookie-urilor site-ului în funcție de nevoile dvs. de securitate
+ ștergeți datele private la ieșire
+ ștergeți automat datele odată ce software-ul este închis
+ navigare privată
+ păstrați-vă identitatea în siguranță și utilizați opțiunile de mai jos
+ activat
+ activat, excluzând cookie-urile de urmărire a site-ului web
+ activat, cu excepția terților
+ dezactivat
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ dezactivați protecția
+ permite identitatea Protecție Survelance. acest lucru ar putea provoca furarea identității dvs. online
+ implicit (recomandat)
+ blocați reclama online și utilizatorul web social Survelance. paginile se vor încărca ca implicit
+ politica strictă
+ opriți toate trackerele cunoscute, paginile se vor încărca mai repede, dar este posibil ca unele funcționalități să nu funcționeze
+ javascript
+ dezactivați scripturile Java pentru diverse atacuri de script
+ Setarea sistemului. Setare complexă a sistemului
+ restabiliți filele
+ nu restaurați după ce ați ieșit din browser
+ tema barei de instrumente
+ setați bara de instrumente așa cum este definită în site-ul web
+ arată imagini
+ încărcați întotdeauna imagini de pe site
+ afișați fonturi web
+ descărcați fonturi la distanță atunci când încărcați o pagină
+ permite redarea automată
+ permite ca media să pornească automat
+ data saver
+ filă
+ schimbați modul în care se comportă fila după repornirea software-ului
+ mass-media
+ modificați personalizarea implicită a economizorului de date
+ modificați setările media personalizate
+ arată întotdeauna imagini
+ afișați imagini numai când utilizați wifi
+ blocați toate imaginile
+ Setare avansată a sistemului
+ filele de restaurare, economisirea datelor, instrumentele pentru dezvoltatori
+ onion condiția împuternicirii
+ verificați starea rețelei onion
+ raportați site-ul web
+ raportează site-ul abuziv
+ evalueaza aceasta aplicatie
+ evaluează și comentează playstore
+ distribuie aceasta aplicatie
+ partajați acest software prietenilor dvs.
+ Setarea sistemului. personalizare generală
+ Setarea implicită a sistemului
+ pagina de pornire, limba
+ navigare pe ecran complet
+ ascundeți bara de instrumente a browserului atunci când derulați o pagină în jos
+ limba
+ schimbați limba browserului
+ tema software
+ alegeți tema luminoasă și întunecată
+ tema strălucitoare
+ tema Întuneric
+ schimbați navigarea pe ecran complet și limba
+ defectiune de sistem
+ pagina principala
+ about:blank
+ filă nouă
+ deschideți pagina principală în fila nouă
+ eliminați toate filele
+ eliminați linkurile web răsfoite
+ eliminați marcajele
+ eliminați cache-ul de navigare
+ eliminați sugestiile
+ eliminați datele site-ului
+ eliminați datele sesiunii
+ eliminați cookie-urile de navigare pe web
+ eliminați personalizarea browserului
+ oferiți un Bridge pe care îl cunoașteți
+ introduceți bridge informații dintr-o sursă de încredere
+ Bridge ...
+ cerere
+ Bine
+ site de marcaje
+ adăugați această pagină la marcajele dvs.
+ ștergeți linkurile web și datele navigate
+ marcaj clar și date
+ ștergerea datelor va elimina linkurile web navigate, cookie-urile și alte date de navigare
+ ștergerea datelor va șterge site-urile marcate
+ renunța
+ Anulare
+ Bine
+ semn de carte nou
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ conexiunea este sigură
+ informațiile dvs. (de exemplu, parola sau numerele cardului de credit) sunt private atunci când sunt trimise pe acest site
+ Setare supraveghere sistem și utilizator
+ raport
+ raportați site-ul web
+ dacă credeți că această adresă URL este ilegală sau deranjantă, raportați-ne, astfel încât să putem acționa în justiție
+ a fost raportat cu succes
+ adresa URL a fost raportată cu succes. dacă se va găsi ceva, vor fi luate măsuri legale
+ ne evalua
+ spuneți altora ce părere aveți despre această aplicație
+ rată
+ ne pare rău să auzim asta!
+ dacă aveți dificultăți în timpul utilizării acestui software, vă rugăm să ne contactați prin e-mail. vom încerca să vă rezolvăm problema cât mai curând posibil
+ Poștă
+ solicitați Bridge nou
+ selectați e-mail pentru a solicita o adresă bridge. după ce îl primiți, copiați-l și lipiți-l în caseta de mai sus și porniți software-ul.
+ limba nu este acceptată
+ limba de sistem nu este acceptată de acest software. lucrăm să-l includem în curând
+ inițializarea Orbot
+ acțiunea nu este acceptată
+ nu s-a găsit niciun software care să gestioneze următoarea comandă
+ bun venit | web ascuns Genesis
+ acest software vă oferă o platformă pentru a căuta și deschide adrese URL ascunse. aici sunt câteva sugestii \n
+ hidden web online market
+ a scos documente și cărți
+ știri și articole din dark web
+ software-uri secrete și instrumente de hacking
+ nu arăta din nou
+ finanțe și bani
+ societățile sociale
+ manual
+ magazin de joacă
+ notificare legătură web
+ deschideți într-o filă nouă
+ deschideți în fila curentă
+ copiați în clipboard
+ notificare fișier
+ notificarea de descărcare
+ deschideți adresa URL în fila nouă
+ deschideți adresa URL în fila curentă
+ copiați adresa URL în clipboard
+ deschideți imaginea într-o filă nouă
+ deschideți imaginea în fila curentă
+ copiați imaginea în clipboard
+ descărcați fișierul imagine
+ notificarea de descărcare
+ notificare legătură web
+ nu s-a găsit niciun software care să gestioneze e-mailul
+ descărcare fișier |
+ date șterse | repornire necesară
+ datele private au fost șterse cu succes. unele setări implicite ale sistemului vor necesita repornirea acestui software. acum puteți continua navigarea în siguranță
+ fila închisă
+ Anula
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ personalizare securitate
+ Bridge personalizați
+ creați automat
+ configurați automat bridge de personalizare
+ furnizați un bridge pe care îl cunoașteți
+ paste custom bridge
+ personalizare proxy | Bridge
+ Bridges sunt relee Tor nelistate care fac mai dificilă blocarea conexiunilor în rețeaua Tor. din cauza modului în care unele țări încearcă să blocheze Tor, anumite bridges funcționează în unele țări, dar nu în altele
+ selectați bridge implicit
+ cerere
+ obfs4 (recomandat)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ jurnale proxy
+ Informații jurnal sistem
+ dacă vă confruntați cu o problemă de conectivitate în timp ce începeți Genesis, vă rugăm să copiați următorul cod și să găsiți problema online sau să ni-l trimiteți, astfel încât să putem încerca să vă ajutăm
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot busteni
+ file noi
+ Închideți fila
+ deschideți filele recente
+ limba
+ descărcări
+ legături web navigate
+ Setarea sistemului
+ desktop site
+ salvați această pagină
+ marcaje
+ raportați site-ul web
+ evalueaza aceasta aplicatie
+ găsiți în pagina
+ Ieșire
+ acțiune
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ file noi
+ Inchide toate filele
+ Setarea sistemului
+ selectați filele
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ deschideți filele
+ copie
+ acțiune
+ selecție clară
+ deschideți în fila curentă
+ deschideți într-o filă nouă
+ șterge
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ legături web navigate
+ înlătură asta
+ căutare ...
+ marcaj
+ înlătură asta
+ căutare ...
+ reîncercați
+ opps! eroare de conexiune la rețea. rețeaua nu este conectată
+ ajutor si sustinere
+ limba
+ schimbă limba
+ rulăm numai în următoarele limbi. am adăuga mai multe în curând
+ engleză Statele Unite)
+ germană (germania)
+ italian (Italia)
+ portugheză (Brazilia)
+ rus (Rusia)
+ ucrainean (ucraina)
+ chineză simplificată (China continentală)
+ ⚠️ avertisment
+ personalizați Bridges
+ activați Bridges
+ activați VPN de servicii
+ activați Bridge Genesis
+ activați Genesis
+ condiția împuternicirii
+ starea actuală a proxy-ului orbot
+ Orbot condiția împuternicirii
+ onion
+ VPN starea conectivității
+ Bridge condiția împuternicirii
+ info | modificați Setarea sistemului
+ puteți schimba proxy prin repornirea software-ului și accesând managerul proxy. poate fi deschis făcând clic pe o pictogramă roată din partea de jos
+ personalizare proxy
+ vă conectăm la rețeaua Tor condusă de mii de voluntari din întreaga lume! Vă pot ajuta aceste opțiuni
+ internetul este cenzurat aici (bypass firewall)
+ ocolire firewall
+ Bridges face ca internetul să funcționeze foarte lent. folosiți-le numai dacă internetul este cenzurat în țara dvs. sau dacă rețeaua Tor este blocată
+ implicit.jpg
+ deschide asta
- default.jpg
- Open
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ filele deschise se vor afișa aici
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ „uneori ai nevoie de un Bridge pentru a ajunge la Tor”
+ "spune-mi mai multe"
+ „puteți activa orice software pentru a trece prin Tor folosind Onion”
+ "acest lucru nu vă va face anonim, dar vă va ajuta să ocoliți paravanele de protecție"
+ „alege aplicații”
+ "Buna ziua"
+ „bun venit la Tor pe mobil”.
+ „navigați pe internet cum vă așteptați să faceți acest lucru.”
+ "fără protecție de supraveghere a utilizatorilor. fără cenzură."
+ acest site nu este accesibil
+ a apărut o eroare la conectarea cu site-ul web
+ pagina pe care încercați să o vizualizați nu poate fi afișată deoarece autenticitatea datelor primite nu a putut fi verificată
+ pagina nu funcționează în prezent din anumite motive
+ vă rugăm să contactați proprietarii site-ului web pentru a-i informa despre această problemă.
+ reîncărcați
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Semnătură de pachet nevalidă
+ faceți clic pentru a vă conecta.
+ faceți clic pentru a selecta manual datele.
+ Excepție de securitate a domeniului web.
+ Eșec de verificare DAL.
+ - 55 la sută
+ - 70 la sută
+ - 85 la sută
+ - 100 la sută
+ - 115 la sută
+ - 130 la sută
+ - 145 la sută
+ - Activat
+ - Dezactivat
+ - Permite tuturor
+ - Dezactivați toate
+ - Fără lățime de bandă
+ - Permiteți-le pe toate
+ - Permiteți încredere
+ - Nu permiteți niciunul
+ - Permiteți vizita
+ - Permiteți Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index acc9ab9c..9c4d6c75 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- Найдите или введите веб-адрес
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ найдите что-нибудь или введите ссылку
+ найти на странице
+ поисковый движок
+ https://genesis.onion
+ опп! что-то пошло не так
+ все
+ Genesis search engine
+ цифровая свобода
+ перезагрузить
+ вы столкнулись с одной из следующих проблем. веб-страница или веб-сайт могут не работать. ваше интернет-соединение может быть плохим. вы можете использовать прокси. веб-сайт может быть заблокирован брандмауэром
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Израиль снова наносит удар
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Системные настройки
+ сделайте Genesis браузером по умолчанию
+ Системные настройки
+ поисковый движок
+ javascript
+ удалить просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ шрифт настроить
+ Настройка системных шрифтов
+ менять шрифт автоматически
+ Настройка файлов cookie
+ печенье
+ Системные настройки . Уведомление
+ уведомления
+ изменить настройки уведомлений
+ состояние сети и уведомления
+ местные уведомления
+ настроить уведомление о программном обеспечении
+ системные уведомления
+ изменить способ отображения системного журнала
+ показать журнал с использованием современного списка
+ переключаться между классическим и современным списком
+ управлять поисковой системой
+ добавить, установить по умолчанию. показать предложения
+ управлять уведомлениями
+ новые функции, состояние сети
+ Настроить программное обеспечение. Поисковый движок
+ поддерживаемые поисковые системы
+ выберите поисковую систему по умолчанию
+ Настроить программное обеспечение. Поисковый движок
+ изменить способ отображения веб-поиска
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ показать просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ показывать предложения во время поиска
+ предложения из просмотренных веб-ссылок появляются, когда вы вводите текст в строке поиска
+ целевые предложения появляются, когда вы вводите текст в строке поиска
+ доступность
+ размер текста, масштабирование, голосовой ввод
+ настроить | доступность
+ очистить личные данные
+ вкладки, просмотренные веб-ссылки, закладки, файлы cookie, кеш
+ Изменить настройки системы. Очистить системные данные
+ Очистить данные
+ удалить все вкладки
+ удалить просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ удалить закладки
+ удалить кеш
+ удалить предложения
+ удалить данные
+ удалить сеанс
+ удалить куки
+ удалить настроить
+ масштабирование шрифта
+ масштабировать веб-контент в соответствии с размером системного шрифта
+ включи зум
+ включить и принудительно увеличить все веб-страницы
+ ввод с помощью голоса
+ разрешить диктовку голоса в строке URL
+ выберите настраиваемое масштабирование шрифта
+ перетащите ползунок, пока не почувствуете себя комфортно. текст должен выглядеть как минимум таким большим после двойного нажатия на абзац
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ взаимодействия
+ изменить способ взаимодействия с контентом сайта
+ Пользователь включен
+ информация о пользователях, логины, выбор данных
+ Защита пользователей от наблюдения
+ adblock, трекеры, дактилоскопия
+ Системные настройки . Конфиденциальность
+ Системные настройки . защита от скрытности пользователей
+ защитить свою личность в Интернете
+ сохраняйте свою личность в тайне. мы можем защитить вас от нескольких трекеров, которые следят за вами в Интернете. эту Системную настройку также можно использовать для блокировки рекламы
+ спасти себя от защиты от неожиданности пользователя
+ Genesis скажет сайтам не отслеживать меня
+ скажи сайту не отслеживать меня
+ Защита пользователей от наблюдения
+ включить защиту от скрытности пользователей, предоставляемую Genesis
+ файлы cookie веб-сайта
+ выберите настройки файлов cookie веб-сайта в соответствии с вашими требованиями безопасности
+ очистить личные данные при выходе
+ очищать данные автоматически после закрытия программного обеспечения
+ частный просмотр
+ сохраните свою личность в безопасности и используйте варианты ниже
+ включено
+ включен, за исключением файлов cookie отслеживания веб-сайтов
+ включен, за исключением сторонних
+ отключен
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ отключить защиту
+ разрешить защиту личных данных. это может привести к краже вашей личности в сети
+ по умолчанию (рекомендуется)
+ заблокировать онлайн-рекламу и пользователей социальных сетей Survelance. страницы будут загружаться по умолчанию
+ строгая политика
+ остановите все известные трекеры, страницы будут загружаться быстрее, но некоторые функции могут не работать
+ javascript
+ отключить сценарии Java для различных атак сценария
+ Системные настройки . сложная настройка системы
+ восстановить вкладки
+ не восстанавливать после выхода из браузера
+ тема панели инструментов
+ установить тему панели инструментов, как определено на веб-сайте
+ показать изображения
+ всегда загружать изображения веб-сайтов
+ показать веб-шрифты
+ загружать удаленные шрифты при загрузке страницы
+ разрешить автовоспроизведение
+ разрешить автоматический запуск медиа
+ хранитель данных
+ вкладка
+ изменить способ поведения вкладки после перезапуска программы
+ средства массовой информации
+ изменить заставку по умолчанию настроить
+ изменить медиа по умолчанию настроить
+ всегда показывать изображения
+ показывать изображения только при использовании Wi-Fi
+ заблокировать все изображения
+ Расширенные настройки системы
+ восстановить вкладки, хранитель данных, инструменты разработчика
+ onion состояние прокси
+ проверить onion состояние сети
+ веб-сайт отчета
+ сообщить о нарушении веб-сайта
+ Оцените это приложение
+ оценивать и комментировать playstore
+ Поделиться этим приложением
+ поделитесь этой программой с друзьями
+ Системные настройки . общая настройка
+ Системные настройки по умолчанию
+ домашняя страница, язык
+ полноэкранный просмотр
+ скрыть панель инструментов браузера при прокрутке страницы вниз
+ язык
+ изменить язык вашего браузера
+ тема программного обеспечения
+ выберите светлую и темную тему
+ тема яркая
+ тема Темная
+ изменить полноэкранный просмотр и язык
+ системные установки по умолчанию
+ домашняя страница
+ about:blank
+ новая вкладка
+ открыть домашнюю страницу в новой вкладке
+ удалить все вкладки
+ удалить просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ удалить закладки
+ удалить кеш просмотра
+ удалить предложения
+ удалить данные сайта
+ удалить данные сеанса
+ удалить файлы cookie для просмотра веб-страниц
+ удалить настройки браузера
+ предоставьте Bridge вы знаете
+ введите bridge информацию из надежного источника
+ Bridge ...
+ запрос
+ Ok
+ сайт закладок
+ добавить эту страницу в закладки
+ удалить просмотренные веб-ссылки и данные
+ очистить закладку и данные
+ при очистке данных будут удалены просмотренные веб-ссылки, файлы cookie и другие данные просмотра
+ удаление данных приведет к удалению сайтов из закладок
+ увольнять
+ Отмена
+ Ok
+ новая закладка
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ соединение безопасно
+ ваша информация (например, пароль или номера кредитных карт) является конфиденциальной, когда она отправляется на этот сайт
+ Настройка наблюдения за системой и пользователями
+ отчет
+ веб-сайт отчета
+ если вы считаете, что этот URL является незаконным или тревожным, сообщите нам об этом, и мы примем меры в суд.
+ было сообщено успешно
+ URL-адрес был успешно отправлен. если что-то будет найдено, будет возбуждено судебное дело
+ оцените нас
+ расскажи другим, что ты думаешь об этом приложении
+ ставка
+ нам очень жаль это слышать!
+ если у вас возникли трудности при использовании этого программного обеспечения, напишите нам по электронной почте. мы постараемся решить вашу проблему в кратчайшие сроки
+ Почта
+ запросить новый Bridge
+ выберите почту, чтобы запросить адрес bridge. как только вы его получите, скопируйте и вставьте его в поле выше и запустите программное обеспечение.
+ язык не поддерживается
+ системный язык не поддерживается данным программным обеспечением. мы работаем над тем, чтобы включить его в ближайшее время
+ инициализация Orbot
+ действие не поддерживается
+ не найдено программного обеспечения для обработки следующей команды
+ добро пожаловать | скрытая паутина Gateway
+ это программное обеспечение предоставляет вам платформу для поиска и открытия скрытых веб-адресов. вот несколько предложений \n
+ скрытая сеть Интернет-рынок
+ утечка документов и книг
+ новости и статьи в темной сети
+ секретные программы и инструменты взлома
+ не показывать снова
+ финансы и деньги
+ социальные общества
+ руководство
+ магазин игр
+ уведомление о веб-ссылке
+ открыть в новой вкладке
+ открыть в текущей вкладке
+ скопировать в буфер обмена
+ уведомление о файле
+ уведомление о загрузке
+ открыть URL в новой вкладке
+ открыть URL в текущей вкладке
+ скопировать URL в буфер обмена
+ открыть изображение в новой вкладке
+ открыть изображение в текущей вкладке
+ скопировать изображение в буфер обмена
+ скачать файл изображения
+ уведомление о загрузке
+ уведомление о веб-ссылке
+ не найдено программного обеспечения для обработки электронной почты
+ скачать файл |
+ данные очищены | требуется перезагрузка
+ личные данные успешно удалены. некоторые настройки системы по умолчанию потребуют перезапуска этого программного обеспечения. теперь вы можете спокойно продолжать просмотр
+ вкладка закрыта
+ отменить
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ безопасность настроить
+ Bridge настроить
+ создавать автоматически
+ автоматически настроить bridge настроить
+ предоставьте bridge, который вы знаете
+ вставить обычай bridge
+ прокси настроить | Bridge
+ Bridges - это не указанные в списке реле Tor, которые затрудняют блокировку подключений к сети Tor. из-за того, что некоторые страны пытаются заблокировать Tor, некоторые bridges работают в некоторых странах, но не работают в других
+ выберите по умолчанию bridge
+ запрос
+ obfs4 (рекомендуется)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ журналы прокси
+ Информация системного журнала
+ Если вы столкнулись с проблемой подключения при запуске Genesis, скопируйте следующий код и найдите проблему в Интернете или отправьте ее нам, чтобы мы могли помочь вам
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot журналов
+ новые вкладки
+ Закрыть вкладку
+ открыть недавние вкладки
+ язык
+ загрузки
+ просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ Системные настройки
+ настольный сайт
+ сохранить эту страницу
+ закладки
+ веб-сайт отчета
+ Оцените это приложение
+ найти на странице
+ выход
+ Поделиться
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ новые вкладки
+ закрыть все вкладки
+ Системные настройки
+ выберите вкладки
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ открытые вкладки
+ копировать
+ Поделиться
+ понятный выбор
+ открыть в текущей вкладке
+ открыть в новой вкладке
+ Удалить
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ просмотренные веб-ссылки
+ удали это
+ поиск ...
+ закладка
+ удали это
+ поиск ...
+ повторить попытку
+ опп! ошибка сетевого подключения. сеть не подключена
+ Помощь и поддержка
+ язык
+ изменить язык
+ мы работаем только на следующих языках. Скоро мы добавим еще
+ английский Соединенные Штаты)
+ немецкий (германия)
+ итальянский (италия)
+ португальский (бразилия)
+ русский (россия)
+ украинский (украина)
+ китайский упрощенный (материковый Китай)
+ ⚠️ предупреждение
+ настроить Bridges
+ включить Bridges
+ включить VPN сервисов
+ включить Bridge Gateway
+ включить Gateway
+ состояние доверенности
+ текущее состояние прокси orbot
+ Orbot состояние прокси
+ onion
+ VPN состояние подключения
+ Bridge состояние прокси
+ информация | изменить настройки системы
+ вы можете изменить прокси, перезапустив программу и перейдя в менеджер прокси. его можно открыть, нажав на значок шестеренки внизу
+ прокси настроить
+ мы подключаем вас к сети Tor, которой руководят тысячи волонтеров по всему миру! Могут ли вам помочь эти варианты
+ Интернет здесь подвергается цензуре (обход файрвола)
+ обход брандмауэра
+ Bridges приводит к очень медленной работе Интернета. используйте их только в том случае, если в вашей стране интернет подвергся цензуре или сеть Tor заблокирована
- Open
+ открой это
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ открытые вкладки будут отображаться здесь
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "иногда вам нужен Bridge, чтобы добраться до Tor"
+ "расскажи мне больше"
+ "вы можете разрешить любому программному обеспечению проходить через Tor, используя Onion"
+ "это не сделает вас анонимным, но поможет обойти брандмауэры"
+ "выбрать приложения"
+ "Привет"
+ "добро пожаловать в Tor на мобильном".
+ "просматривайте Интернет так, как вы ожидаете, что вам следует".
+ «Нет защиты от наблюдения за пользователями. Нет цензуры».
+ этот сайт недоступен
+ произошла ошибка при соединении с сайтом
+ страница, которую вы пытаетесь просмотреть, не может быть отображена, поскольку подлинность полученных данных не может быть проверена
+ страница в настоящее время не работает по какой-то причине
+ пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцами веб-сайтов, чтобы сообщить им об этой проблеме.
+ перезагрузить
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Неверная подпись пакета
+ нажмите, чтобы войти.
+ щелкните, чтобы вручную выбрать данные.
+ Исключение безопасности веб-домена.
+ Ошибка проверки DAL.
+ - 55 процентов
+ - 70 процентов
+ - 85 процентов
+ - 100 процентов
+ - 115 процентов
+ - 130 процентов
+ - 145 процентов
+ - Включено
+ - Неполноценный
+ - Включить все
+ - Отключить все
+ - Нет пропускной способности
+ - Позволять все
+ - Разрешить доверенный
+ - Не разрешать
+ - Разрешить посещение
+ - Разрешить без отслеживания
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml
index 6fd23e06..f0f6896c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml
@@ -1,376 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
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- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ ค้นหาบางสิ่งหรือพิมพ์เว็บลิงค์
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+ อป! มีบางอย่างผิดพลาด
+ ทุกอย่าง
+ Genesis search engine
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+ คุณกำลังประสบปัญหาอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งต่อไปนี้ หน้าเว็บหรือเว็บไซต์อาจไม่ทำงาน การเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตของคุณอาจไม่ดี คุณอาจใช้พร็อกซี เว็บไซต์อาจถูกปิดกั้นโดยไฟร์วอลล์
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | อิสราเอลนัดหยุดงานอีกครั้ง
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+ การตั้งค่าระบบ
+ ทำให้ Genesis เป็นเบราว์เซอร์เริ่มต้นของคุณ
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ
+ เครื่องมือค้นหา
+ จาวาสคริปต์
+ ลบลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ ปรับแต่งแบบอักษร
+ System Font Constomization
+ เปลี่ยนแบบอักษรโดยอัตโนมัติ
+ การตั้งค่าคุกกี้
+ คุ้กกี้
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ การแจ้งเตือน
+ การแจ้งเตือน
+ เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าการแจ้งเตือน
+ สภาพของเครือข่ายและการแจ้งเตือน
+ การแจ้งเตือนในท้องถิ่น
+ ปรับแต่งการแจ้งเตือนซอฟต์แวร์
+ การแจ้งเตือนระบบ
+ เปลี่ยนวิธีการแสดงบันทึกระบบ
+ แสดงบันทึกโดยใช้มุมมองรายการที่ทันสมัย
+ toogle ระหว่างมุมมองรายการแบบคลาสสิกและสมัยใหม่
+ จัดการเครื่องมือค้นหา
+ เพิ่มตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น แสดงข้อเสนอแนะ
+ จัดการการแจ้งเตือน
+ คุณสมบัติใหม่สภาพของเครือข่าย
+ ปรับแต่งซอฟต์แวร์ เครื่องมือค้นหา
+ เครื่องมือค้นหาที่รองรับ
+ เลือกเครื่องมือค้นหาเริ่มต้น
+ ปรับแต่งซอฟต์แวร์ เครื่องมือค้นหา
+ เปลี่ยนวิธีการแสดงการค้นหาเว็บ
+ default
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- Enable zoom on all webpages
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- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ แสดงลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ แสดงคำแนะนำระหว่างการค้นหา
+ คำแนะนำจากลิงก์เว็บที่เรียกดูจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อคุณพิมพ์ในแถบค้นหา
+ คำแนะนำที่เน้นจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อคุณพิมพ์ในแถบค้นหา
+ การเข้าถึง
+ ขนาดตัวอักษรซูมป้อนข้อมูลโดยใช้เสียง
+ ปรับแต่ง | การเข้าถึง
+ ล้างข้อมูลส่วนตัว
+ แท็บลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดูบุ๊กมาร์กคุกกี้แคช
+ เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าระบบ ล้างข้อมูลระบบ
+ ข้อมูลชัดเจน
+ ลบแท็บทั้งหมด
+ ลบลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ ลบบุ๊คมาร์ค
+ ลบแคช
+ ลบคำแนะนำ
+ ลบข้อมูล
+ ลบเซสชัน
+ ลบคุกกี้
+ ลบปรับแต่ง
+ การปรับขนาดตัวอักษร
+ ปรับขนาดเนื้อหาเว็บตามขนาดตัวอักษรของระบบ
+ เปิดการซูม
+ เปิดและบังคับซูมสำหรับหน้าเว็บทั้งหมด
+ ป้อนข้อมูลโดยใช้เสียง
+ อนุญาตการเขียนตามคำบอกด้วยเสียงในแถบ URL
+ เลือกมาตราส่วนแบบอักษรที่กำหนดเอง
+ ลากแถบเลื่อนจนกว่าคุณจะอ่านได้อย่างสะดวกสบาย ข้อความควรมีขนาดใหญ่เป็นอย่างน้อยหลังจากแตะสองครั้งบนย่อหน้า
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- Change default media settings
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+ ปฏิสัมพันธ์
+ เปลี่ยนวิธีการโต้ตอบกับเนื้อหาเว็บไซต์
+ ผู้ใช้เปิด
+ การเพิ่มขึ้นของผู้ใช้การเข้าสู่ระบบตัวเลือกข้อมูล
+ การป้องกันการเฝ้าระวังผู้ใช้
+ adblock ตัวติดตามลายนิ้วมือ
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ ความเป็นส่วนตัว
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ การป้องกันส่วนเกินของผู้ใช้
+ ปกป้องตัวตนออนไลน์ของคุณ
+ รักษาตัวตนของคุณไว้เป็นส่วนตัว เราสามารถปกป้องคุณจากเครื่องมือติดตามต่างๆที่ติดตามคุณทางออนไลน์ การตั้งค่าระบบนี้ยังสามารถใช้เพื่อบล็อกโฆษณา
+ ช่วยตัวเองจาก Survelance Protection ของผู้ใช้
+ Genesis จะบอกไซต์ต่างๆไม่ให้ติดตามฉัน
+ บอกเว็บไซต์อย่าติดตามฉัน
+ การป้องกันการเฝ้าระวังผู้ใช้
+ เปิดใช้งาน Survelance Protection ของผู้ใช้โดย Genesis
+ คุกกี้เว็บไซต์
+ เลือกการตั้งค่าคุกกี้ของเว็บไซต์ตามความต้องการด้านความปลอดภัยของคุณ
+ ล้างข้อมูลส่วนตัวเมื่อออก
+ ล้างข้อมูลโดยอัตโนมัติเมื่อปิดซอฟต์แวร์
+ การท่องเว็บแบบส่วนตัว
+ รักษาตัวตนของคุณให้ปลอดภัยและใช้ตัวเลือกด้านล่าง
+ เปิดใช้งาน
+ เปิดใช้งานไม่รวมคุกกี้ติดตามเว็บไซต์
+ เปิดใช้งานยกเว้นบุคคลที่สาม
+ ปิดการใช้งาน
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- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
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+ ปิดการใช้งานการป้องกัน
+ อนุญาตการป้องกันการเปิดเผยตัวตน ซึ่งอาจทำให้ตัวตนออนไลน์ของคุณถูกขโมย
+ ค่าเริ่มต้น (แนะนำ)
+ บล็อกโฆษณาออนไลน์และ Survelance ผู้ใช้เว็บโซเชียล หน้าจะโหลดตามค่าเริ่มต้น
+ นโยบายที่เข้มงวด
+ หยุดตัวติดตามที่รู้จักทั้งหมดหน้าจะโหลดเร็วขึ้น แต่ฟังก์ชันบางอย่างอาจไม่ทำงาน
+ จาวาสคริปต์
+ ปิดใช้งานการเขียนสคริปต์ java สำหรับการโจมตีสคริปต์ต่างๆ
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ การตั้งค่าระบบที่ซับซ้อน
+ กู้คืนแท็บ
+ อย่ากู้คืนหลังจากออกจากเบราว์เซอร์
+ ธีมแถบเครื่องมือ
+ ตั้งค่าธีมแถบเครื่องมือตามที่กำหนดไว้ในเว็บไซต์
+ แสดงภาพ
+ โหลดภาพเว็บไซต์เสมอ
+ แสดงแบบอักษรของเว็บ
+ ดาวน์โหลดฟอนต์ระยะไกลเมื่อโหลดเพจ
+ อนุญาตให้เล่นอัตโนมัติ
+ อนุญาตให้สื่อเริ่มโดยอัตโนมัติ
+ โปรแกรมประหยัดอินเทอร์เน็ต
+ แท็บ
+ เปลี่ยนวิธีการทำงานของแท็บหลังจากรีสตาร์ทซอฟต์แวร์
+ สื่อ
+ เปลี่ยนโปรแกรมประหยัดข้อมูลเริ่มต้นปรับแต่ง
+ เปลี่ยนการปรับแต่งสื่อเริ่มต้น
+ แสดงภาพเสมอ
+ แสดงภาพเมื่อใช้ wifi เท่านั้น
+ บล็อกภาพทั้งหมด
+ การตั้งค่าระบบขั้นสูง
+ กู้คืนแท็บโปรแกรมประหยัดข้อมูลเครื่องมือสำหรับนักพัฒนา
+ onion เงื่อนไขการมอบฉันทะ
+ ตรวจสอบสภาพเครือข่าย onion
+ รายงานเว็บไซต์
+ รายงานเว็บไซต์ที่ไม่เหมาะสม
+ ให้คะแนนแอปนี้
+ ให้คะแนนและแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับ playstore
+ แชร์แอพนี้
+ แบ่งปันซอฟต์แวร์นี้กับเพื่อนของคุณ
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ ปรับแต่งทั่วไป
+ การตั้งค่าระบบเริ่มต้น
+ หน้าแรกภาษา
+ การเรียกดูแบบเต็มหน้าจอ
+ ซ่อนแถบเครื่องมือของเบราว์เซอร์เมื่อเลื่อนหน้าลง
+ ภาษา
+ เปลี่ยนภาษาของเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณ
+ ธีมซอฟต์แวร์
+ เลือกธีมที่สว่างและมืด
+ ธีมสดใส
+ ธีมมืด
+ เปลี่ยนการเรียกดูแบบเต็มหน้าจอและภาษา
+ ค่าเริ่มต้นของระบบ
+ โฮมเพจ
+ about:blank
+ แท็บใหม่
+ เปิดหน้าแรกในแท็บใหม่
+ ลบแท็บทั้งหมด
+ ลบลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ ลบบุ๊คมาร์ค
+ ลบแคชการท่องเว็บ
+ ลบคำแนะนำ
+ ลบข้อมูลไซต์
+ ลบข้อมูลเซสชัน
+ ลบคุกกี้การท่องเว็บ
+ ลบการปรับแต่งเบราว์เซอร์
+ ระบุ Bridge ที่คุณรู้จัก
+ ป้อนข้อมูล bridge จากแหล่งที่เชื่อถือได้
+ Bridge ...
+ คำขอ
+ ตกลง
+ เว็บไซต์บุ๊คมาร์ค
+ เพิ่มหน้านี้ในบุ๊กมาร์กของคุณ
+ ลบเว็บลิงค์และข้อมูลที่เรียกดู
+ ล้างบุ๊คมาร์คและข้อมูล
+ การล้างข้อมูลจะลบลิงค์เว็บที่เรียกดูคุกกี้และข้อมูลการท่องเว็บอื่น ๆ
+ การลบข้อมูลจะเป็นการลบเว็บไซต์ที่บุ๊กมาร์ก
+ ปิด
+ ยกเลิก
+ ตกลง
+ บุ๊คมาร์คใหม่
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- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
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- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
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- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
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+ การเชื่อมต่อมีความปลอดภัย
+ ข้อมูลของคุณ (เช่นรหัสผ่านหรือหมายเลขบัตรเครดิต) จะเป็นข้อมูลส่วนตัวเมื่อส่งไปยังไซต์นี้
+ การตั้งค่าระบบและการเฝ้าระวังผู้ใช้
+ รายงาน
+ รายงานเว็บไซต์
+ หากคุณคิดว่า URL นี้ผิดกฎหมายหรือเป็นการรบกวนโปรดรายงานให้เราทราบเพื่อให้เราดำเนินการทางกฎหมายได้
+ ได้รับรายงานเรียบร้อยแล้ว
+ รายงาน url เรียบร้อยแล้ว หากพบสิ่งผิดปกติจะดำเนินการตามกฎหมาย
+ ให้คะแนนเรา
+ บอกผู้อื่นว่าคุณคิดอย่างไรเกี่ยวกับแอปนี้
+ ประเมินค่า
+ เราจะเสียใจที่ได้ทราบว่า!
+ หากคุณประสบปัญหาในการใช้ซอฟต์แวร์นี้โปรดติดต่อเราทางอีเมล เราจะพยายามแก้ปัญหาของคุณโดยเร็วที่สุด
+ จดหมาย
+ ขอใหม่ Bridge
+ เลือกเมลเพื่อขอที่อยู่ bridge เมื่อคุณได้รับแล้วให้คัดลอกและวางลงในช่องด้านบนและเริ่มซอฟต์แวร์
+ ไม่รองรับภาษา
+ ซอฟต์แวร์นี้ไม่รองรับภาษาของระบบ เรากำลังดำเนินการเพื่อรวมไว้ในเร็ว ๆ นี้
+ เริ่มต้น Orbot
+ ไม่รองรับการดำเนินการ
+ ไม่พบซอฟต์แวร์สำหรับจัดการคำสั่งต่อไปนี้
+ ยินดีต้อนรับ | เว็บที่ซ่อนอยู่ Gateway
+ ซอฟต์แวร์นี้เป็นแพลตฟอร์มในการค้นหาและเปิด URL ของเว็บที่ซ่อนอยู่ นี่คือคำแนะนำเล็กน้อย \n
+ ตลาดออนไลน์บนเว็บที่ซ่อนอยู่
+ เอกสารและหนังสือรั่วไหล
+ ข่าวและบทความเกี่ยวกับเว็บมืด
+ โปรแกรมลับและเครื่องมือแฮ็ค
+ อย่าแสดงอีก
+ การเงินและเงิน
+ สังคมโซเชียล
+ คู่มือ
+ ร้านขายของเล่น
+ การแจ้งเตือนเว็บลิงค์
+ เปิดในแท็บใหม่
+ เปิดในแท็บปัจจุบัน
+ คัดลอกไปที่คลิปบอร์ด
+ การแจ้งเตือนไฟล์
+ ดาวน์โหลดการแจ้งเตือน
+ เปิด url ในแท็บใหม่
+ เปิด url ในแท็บปัจจุบัน
+ คัดลอก url ไปยังคลิปบอร์ด
+ เปิดภาพในแท็บใหม่
+ เปิดภาพในแท็บปัจจุบัน
+ คัดลอกภาพไปยังคลิปบอร์ด
+ ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์รูปภาพ
+ ดาวน์โหลดการแจ้งเตือน
+ การแจ้งเตือนเว็บลิงค์
+ ไม่พบซอฟต์แวร์สำหรับจัดการอีเมล
+ ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ |
+ ล้างข้อมูล | จำเป็นต้องรีสตาร์ท
+ ล้างข้อมูลส่วนตัวเรียบร้อยแล้ว การตั้งค่าระบบเริ่มต้นบางอย่างจะต้องใช้ซอฟต์แวร์นี้ในการรีสตาร์ท ตอนนี้คุณสามารถท่องเว็บต่อได้อย่างปลอดภัย
+ ปิดแท็บ
+ เลิกทำ
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ ปรับแต่งความปลอดภัย
+ Bridge ปรับแต่ง
+ สร้างโดยอัตโนมัติ
+ กำหนดค่า bridge ปรับแต่งโดยอัตโนมัติ
+ ให้ bridge ที่คุณรู้จัก
+ วาง bridge ที่กำหนดเอง
+ ปรับแต่งพร็อกซี | Bridge
+ Bridges เป็นรีเลย์ Tor ที่ไม่อยู่ในรายการซึ่งทำให้ยากต่อการบล็อกการเชื่อมต่อในเครือข่าย Tor เพราะบางประเทศพยายามปิดกั้น Tor บางประเทศ bridges ใช้ได้ในบางประเทศ แต่ไม่ใช่ประเทศอื่น
+ เลือกค่าเริ่มต้น bridge
+ คำขอ
+ obfs4 (แนะนำ)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
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+ บันทึกพร็อกซี
+ ข้อมูลบันทึกระบบ
+ หากคุณประสบปัญหาการเชื่อมต่อในขณะที่เริ่มต้น Genesis โปรดคัดลอกรหัสต่อไปนี้และค้นหาปัญหาทางออนไลน์หรือส่งมาให้เราเพื่อที่เราจะได้ช่วยเหลือคุณ
- Open tabs
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- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
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- History
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- Search ...
+ บันทึก Orbot
+ แท็บใหม่
+ ปิดแท็บ
+ เปิดแท็บล่าสุด
+ ภาษา
+ ดาวน์โหลด
+ ลิงก์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ
+ ไซต์เดสก์ท็อป
+ บันทึกหน้านี้
+ บุ๊คมาร์ค
+ รายงานเว็บไซต์
+ ให้คะแนนแอปนี้
+ ค้นหาในหน้า
+ ทางออก
+ แบ่งปัน
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ แท็บใหม่
+ ปิดแท็บทั้งหมด
+ การตั้งค่าระบบ
+ เลือกแท็บ
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ เปิดแท็บ
+ สำเนา
+ แบ่งปัน
+ การเลือกที่ชัดเจน
+ เปิดในแท็บปัจจุบัน
+ เปิดในแท็บใหม่
+ ลบ
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ ลิงก์เว็บที่เรียกดู
+ ลบสิ่งนี้ออก
+ ค้นหา ...
+ บุ๊คมาร์ค
+ ลบสิ่งนี้ออก
+ ค้นหา ...
+ ลองอีกครั้ง
+ อป! ข้อผิดพลาดในการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่าย ไม่ได้เชื่อมต่อเครือข่าย
+ ช่วยเหลือและสนับสนุน
+ ภาษา
+ เปลี่ยนภาษา
+ เราทำงานในภาษาต่อไปนี้เท่านั้น เราจะเพิ่มเร็ว ๆ นี้
+ อังกฤษ (สหรัฐอเมริกา)
+ เยอรมัน (เยอรมัน)
+ อิตาลี (อิตาลี)
+ โปรตุเกส (บราซิล)
+ รัสเซีย (รัสเซีย)
+ ยูเครน (ยูเครน)
+ จีนตัวย่อ (จีนแผ่นดินใหญ่)
+ ⚠️คำเตือน
+ ปรับแต่ง Bridges
+ เปิดใช้งาน Bridges
+ เปิดใช้งาน VPN serivces
+ เปิดใช้งาน Bridge Gateway
+ เปิดใช้งาน Gateway
+ เงื่อนไขของพร็อกซี
+ สภาพปัจจุบันของ orbot proxy
+ Orbot เงื่อนไขของพร็อกซี
+ onion
+ VPN เงื่อนไขการเชื่อมต่อ
+ Bridge เงื่อนไขของการมอบฉันทะ
+ ข้อมูล | เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าระบบ
+ คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนพร็อกซีได้โดยการรีสตาร์ทซอฟต์แวร์และไปที่ตัวจัดการพร็อกซี สามารถเปิดได้โดยคลิกที่ไอคอนรูปเฟืองที่ด้านล่าง
+ ปรับแต่งพร็อกซี
+ เราเชื่อมต่อคุณกับเครือข่าย Tor ที่ดำเนินการโดยอาสาสมัครหลายพันคนทั่วโลก! ตัวเลือกเหล่านี้สามารถช่วยคุณได้
+ อินเทอร์เน็ตถูกเซ็นเซอร์ที่นี่ (เลี่ยงไฟร์วอลล์)
+ บายพาสไฟร์วอลล์
+ Bridges ทำให้อินเทอร์เน็ตทำงานช้ามาก ใช้เฉพาะเมื่ออินเทอร์เน็ตถูกเซ็นเซอร์ในประเทศของคุณหรือเครือข่าย Tor ถูกบล็อก
- Open
+ เปิดสิ่งนี้
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ แท็บที่เปิดจะแสดงที่นี่
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "บางครั้งคุณต้องใช้ Bridge เพื่อไปที่ Tor"
+ "บอกรายละเอียดฉันเพิ่มเตืม"
+ "คุณสามารถเปิดใช้งานซอฟต์แวร์ใด ๆ เพื่อผ่าน Tor โดยใช้ Onion"
+ "สิ่งนี้จะไม่ทำให้คุณไม่เปิดเผยชื่อ แต่จะช่วยให้คุณข้ามไฟร์วอลล์ได้"
+ "เลือกแอป"
+ "สวัสดี"
+ "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Tor บนมือถือ"
+ "ท่องอินเทอร์เน็ตตามที่คุณคาดหวัง"
+ "ไม่มีการป้องกันการเฝ้าระวังผู้ใช้ไม่มีการเซ็นเซอร์"
+ ไซต์นี้ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้
+ เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะเชื่อมต่อกับเว็บไซต์
+ ไม่สามารถแสดงหน้าที่คุณพยายามดูได้เนื่องจากไม่สามารถยืนยันความถูกต้องของข้อมูลที่ได้รับ
+ ขณะนี้เพจไม่ทำงานเนื่องจากสาเหตุบางประการ
+ โปรดติดต่อเจ้าของเว็บไซต์เพื่อแจ้งปัญหานี้
+ โหลดใหม่
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ ลายเซ็นแพ็กเกจไม่ถูกต้อง
+ คลิกเพื่อลงชื่อเข้าใช้
+ คลิกเพื่อเลือกข้อมูลด้วยตนเอง
+ ข้อยกเว้นด้านความปลอดภัยของโดเมนเว็บ
+ การตรวจสอบ DAL ล้มเหลว
+ - 55 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 70 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 85 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 100 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 115 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 130 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - 145 เปอร์เซ็น
+ - เปิดใช้งาน
+ - ปิดการใช้งาน
+ - เปิดใช้งานทั้งหมด
+ - ปิดการใช้งานทั้งหมด
+ - ไม่มีแบนด์วิดท์
+ - อนุญาตทั้งหมด
+ - อนุญาตให้เชื่อถือได้
+ - ไม่อนุญาต
+ - อนุญาตให้เยี่ยมชม
+ - อนุญาต Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 69b82723..98c4083b 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -1,375 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- 搜索或键入网址
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- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ bir şey arayın veya bir web bağlantısı yazın
+ sayfada bul
+ arama motoru
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! bir şeyler ters gitti
+ herşey
+ Genesis search engine
+ dijital özgürlük
+ Tekrar yükle
+ aşağıdaki problemlerden biriyle karşı karşıyasınız. web sayfası veya web sitesi çalışmıyor olabilir. İnternet bağlantınız zayıf olabilir. bir proxy kullanıyor olabilirsiniz. web sitesi güvenlik duvarı tarafından engelleniyor olabilir
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | İsrail Yeniden Grevde
- Basic Settings
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- Network Status Notification
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- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Sistem ayarı
+ Genesis\'i varsayılan tarayıcınız yapın
+ Sistem ayarı
+ arama motoru
+ javascript
+ taranan web bağlantılarını kaldır
+ yazı tipi özelleştirmek
+ Sistem Yazı Tipi Konstomizasyonu
+ yazı tipini otomatik olarak değiştir
+ Çerez Ayarı
+ kurabiye
+ Sistem ayarı . Bildirim
+ bildirimler
+ bildirim tercihlerini değiştir
+ ağ durumu ve bildirim
+ yerel bildirimler
+ Yazılım bildirimini özelleştirin
+ sistem bildirimleri
+ Sistem Günlüğünün görünme şeklini değiştirin
+ modern liste görünümünü kullanarak Günlüğü göster
+ klasik ve modern liste görünümü arasında geçiş yap
+ arama motorunu yönet
+ ekle, varsayılan ayarla. Önerileri göster
+ bildirimleri yönet
+ yeni özellikler, ağ durumu
+ Yazılımı Özelleştirin. Arama motoru
+ desteklenen arama motorları
+ Varsayılan arama motorunu seçin
+ Yazılımı Özelleştirin. Arama motoru
+ Web Aramalarının nasıl göründüğünü değiştirin
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
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- Settings | Accessibility
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- Settings | Clear Data
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- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ taranan web bağlantılarını göster
+ arama sırasında önerileri göster
+ arama çubuğuna yazdığınızda göz atılan web bağlantılarından öneriler görüntülenir
+ arama çubuğuna yazdığınızda odaklanmış öneriler görünür
+ ulaşılabilirlik
+ metin boyutu, yakınlaştırma, ses kullanarak giriş
+ özelleştir | ulaşılabilirlik
+ özel verileri temizle
+ sekmeler, göz atılan web bağlantıları, yer imi, tanımlama bilgileri, önbellek
+ Sistem Ayarını Değiştirin. Sistem Verilerini Temizle
+ net veriler
+ tüm sekmeleri sil
+ taranan web bağlantılarını sil
+ yer imlerini sil
+ önbelleği sil
+ önerileri sil
+ verileri sil
+ oturumu sil
+ çerezleri sil
+ sil özelleştir
+ yazı tipi ölçekleme
+ web içeriğini sistem yazı tipi boyutuna göre ölçeklendirin
+ yakınlaştırmayı aç
+ tüm web sayfaları için aç ve yakınlaştırmaya zorla
+ ses kullanarak giriş
+ url çubuğunda ses dikte etmeye izin ver
+ özel yazı tipi ölçeklemeyi seçin
+ bunu rahatça okuyana kadar kaydırıcıyı sürükleyin. metin bir paragrafa iki kez dokunduktan sonra en az bu kadar büyük görünmelidir
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ etkileşimler
+ web sitesi içeriğiyle etkileşim şeklini değiştirmek
+ Kullanıcı Açık
+ kullanıcı gözetimi, girişler, veri seçenekleri
+ Kullanıcı Gözetim Koruması
+ adblock, izleyiciler, parmak izi
+ Sistem ayarı . gizlilik
+ Sistem ayarı . kullanıcı sürekliliği koruması
+ çevrimiçi kimliğinizi koruyun
+ kimliğinizi gizli tutun. Sizi çevrimiçi olarak takip eden birkaç izleyiciden koruyabiliriz. bu Sistem Ayarı, reklamı engellemek için de kullanılabilir
+ kendinizi kullanıcı Survelance Protection\'dan kurtarın
+ Genesis sitelere beni izlememelerini söyleyecek
+ web sitesine beni takip etmemesini söyle
+ Kullanıcı Gözetim Koruması
+ Genesis tarafından sağlanan kullanıcı Survelance Protection\'ı etkinleştirin
+ web sitesi çerezleri
+ güvenlik ihtiyaçlarınıza göre web sitesi çerez tercihlerini seçin
+ çıkışta özel verileri temizle
+ yazılım kapatıldığında verileri otomatik olarak temizleyin
+ özel Tarama
+ kimliğinizi güvende tutun ve aşağıdaki seçenekleri kullanın
+ etkinleştirildi
+ etkinleştirildi, web sitesi izleme çerezleri hariç
+ etkinleştirildi, 3. taraf hariç
+ engelli
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ korumayı devre dışı bırak
+ kimlik Gözetleme Korumasına izin verin. bu çevrimiçi kimliğinizin çalınmasına neden olabilir
+ varsayılan (önerilir)
+ çevrimiçi reklamı ve sosyal web kullanıcısı Survelance\'ı engelleyin. sayfalar varsayılan olarak yüklenecek
+ sıkı politika
+ bilinen tüm izleyicileri durdurun, sayfalar daha hızlı yüklenecek ancak bazı işlevler çalışmayabilir
+ javascript
+ çeşitli komut dosyası saldırıları için java komut dosyasını devre dışı bırakın
+ Sistem ayarı . karmaşık Sistem Ayarı
+ sekmeleri geri yükle
+ tarayıcıdan çıktıktan sonra geri yükleme
+ araç çubuğu teması
+ web sitesinde tanımlandığı gibi araç çubuğu temasını ayarla
+ Resimleri göster
+ her zaman web sitesi resimlerini yükle
+ web yazı tiplerini göster
+ bir sayfayı yüklerken uzak yazı tiplerini indirin
+ otomatik oynatmaya izin ver
+ medyanın otomatik olarak başlamasına izin ver
+ veri koruyucu
+ sekme
+ yazılımı yeniden başlattıktan sonra sekmenin nasıl davranacağını değiştirin
+ medya
+ varsayılan veri koruyucuyu değiştir özelleştir
+ varsayılan medyayı değiştir özelleştir
+ her zaman resimleri göster
+ resimleri yalnızca kablosuz bağlantı kullanırken göster
+ tüm resimleri engelle
+ Gelişmiş Sistem Ayarı
+ sekmeleri geri yükle, veri tasarrufu, geliştirici araçları
+ onion vekalet koşulu
+ onion ağ durumunu kontrol et
+ web sitesini bildir
+ kötüye kullanılan web sitesini bildir
+ bu uygulamayı oyla
+ Play Store\'da oy verin ve yorum yapın
+ bu uygulamayı paylaş
+ bu yazılımı arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın
+ Sistem ayarı . genel özelleştirme
+ Varsayılan Sistem Ayarı
+ ana sayfa, dil
+ tam ekran tarama
+ bir sayfayı aşağı kaydırırken tarayıcı araç çubuğunu gizle
+ dil
+ tarayıcınızın dilini değiştirin
+ yazılım teması
+ parlak ve koyu tema seçin
+ tema parlak
+ tema Koyu
+ tam ekran taramayı ve dili değiştir
+ sistem varsayılanı
+ anasayfa
+ about:blank
+ yeni sekme
+ ana sayfayı yeni sekmede aç
+ tüm sekmeleri kaldır
+ taranan web bağlantılarını kaldır
+ yer imlerini kaldır
+ göz atma önbelleğini kaldır
+ önerileri kaldır
+ site verilerini kaldır
+ oturum verilerini kaldır
+ web tarama çerezlerini kaldır
+ tarayıcı özelleştirmesini kaldır
+ bildiğiniz bir Bridge sağlayın
+ güvenilir bir kaynaktan bridge bilgi girin
+ Bridge ...
+ istek
+ Tamam mı
+ yer imi web sitesi
+ bu sayfayı yer imlerinize ekleyin
+ taranan web bağlantılarını ve Verileri sil
+ yer imini ve Verileri temizle
+ verileri temizlemek, göz atılan web bağlantılarını, çerezleri ve diğer tarama verilerini kaldırır
+ verilerin silinmesi, yer imi eklenmiş web sitelerinin silinmesine neden olur
+ Reddet
+ iptal etmek
+ Tamam mı
+ yeni yer imi
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ bağlantı güvenli
+ bilgileriniz (örneğin, şifre veya kredi kartı numaraları) bu siteye gönderildiğinde özeldir
+ Sistem ve Kullanıcı Gözetim Ayarı
+ bildiri
+ web sitesini bildir
+ Bu URL\'nin yasa dışı veya rahatsız edici olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bize bildirin, böylece yasal işlem yapabiliriz
+ başarıyla rapor edildi
+ url başarıyla rapor edildi. bir şey bulunursa yasal işlem yapılacaktır
+ Bizi değerlendirin
+ başkalarına bu uygulama hakkında ne düşündüğünüzü söyleyin
+ oran
+ bunu duyduğumuza üzüldük!
+ Bu yazılımı kullanırken zorluk yaşıyorsanız, lütfen bize e-posta yoluyla ulaşın. sorununuzu mümkün olan en kısa sürede çözmeye çalışacağız
+ posta
+ yeni Bridge talep et
+ bridge adres istemek için postayı seçin. bir kez aldıktan sonra, kopyalayıp yukarıdaki kutuya yapıştırın ve yazılımı başlatın.
+ dil desteklenmiyor
+ sistem dili bu yazılım tarafından desteklenmemektedir. yakında dahil etmek için çalışıyoruz
+ Orbot başlatılıyor
+ eylem desteklenmiyor
+ aşağıdaki komutu işleyecek herhangi bir yazılım bulunamadı
+ hoşgeldiniz | gizli web Gateway
+ bu yazılım size gizli web adreslerini aramak ve açmak için bir platform sağlar. işte birkaç öneri \n
+ gizli web çevrimiçi pazarı
+ sızdırılmış belgeler ve kitaplar
+ karanlık web haberleri ve makaleler
+ gizli yazılımlar ve bilgisayar korsanlığı araçları
+ bir daha gösterme
+ finans ve para
+ sosyal toplumlar
+ Manuel
+ oyun mağazası
+ web bağlantısı bildirimi
+ yeni sekmede aç
+ mevcut sekmede aç
+ panoya kopyala
+ dosya bildirimi
+ indirme bildirimi
+ url\'yi yeni sekmede aç
+ mevcut sekmede url aç
+ url\'yi panoya kopyala
+ resmi yeni sekmede aç
+ geçerli sekmede resmi aç
+ resmi panoya kopyala
+ resim dosyasını indir
+ indirme bildirimi
+ web bağlantısı bildirimi
+ e-postayı işleyecek yazılım bulunamadı
+ dosya indirme |
+ veriler temizlendi | yeniden başlatma gerekiyor
+ özel veriler başarıyla temizlendi. bazı varsayılan sistem ayarları bu yazılımın yeniden başlatılmasını gerektirecektir. artık güvenle göz atmaya devam edebilirsiniz
+ sekme kapatıldı
+ geri alma
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ güvenlik özelleştir
+ Bridge özelleştir
+ otomatik olarak oluştur
+ otomatik olarak yapılandır bridge özelleştir
+ bildiğiniz bir bridge sağlayın
+ özel bridge yapıştır
+ proxy özelleştirme | Bridge
+ Bridges, Tor ağına bağlantıları engellemeyi daha zor hale getiren listelenmemiş Tor rölelerdir. Bazı ülkelerin Tor\'yı engellemeye çalışması nedeniyle, bazı ülkelerde bridges işe yararken diğerlerinde çalışmıyor
+ varsayılanı seçin bridge
+ istek
+ obfs4 (önerilir)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ proxy günlükleri
+ Sistem Günlüğü bilgisi
+ Genesis\'e başlarken bağlantı sorunu yaşıyorsanız, lütfen aşağıdaki kodu kopyalayın ve çevrimiçi sorunu bulun veya bize gönderin, böylece size yardımcı olmaya çalışabiliriz
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot günlükler
+ yeni sekmeler
+ sekmeyi kapat
+ son sekmeleri aç
+ dil
+ İndirilenler
+ taranan web bağlantıları
+ Sistem ayarı
+ masaüstü sitesi
+ bu sayfayı kaydet
+ yer imleri
+ web sitesini bildir
+ bu uygulamayı oyla
+ sayfada bul
+ çıkış
+ Paylaş
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ yeni sekmeler
+ tüm sekmeleri kapat
+ Sistem ayarı
+ sekmeleri seç
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ açık sekmeler
+ kopya
+ Paylaş
+ seçimi temizle
+ mevcut sekmede aç
+ yeni sekmede aç
+ sil
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ taranan web bağlantıları
+ Bunu kaldır
+ arama ...
+ yer imi
+ Bunu kaldır
+ arama ...
+ yeniden dene
+ opps! ağ bağlantısı hatası. ağ bağlı değil
+ yardım ve Destek
+ dil
+ Dili değiştir
+ sadece aşağıdaki dillerde çalışıyoruz. yakında daha fazlasını ekleyeceğiz
+ ingilizce (amerika birleşik devletleri)
+ alman (almanya)
+ italyanca (italya)
+ Portekiz Brezilyası)
+ rusça (rusya)
+ ukraynaca (ukrayna)
+ basitleştirilmiş çince (anakara çin)
+ ⚠️ uyarı
+ Bridges\'ü özelleştir
+ Bridges\'ü etkinleştir
+ VPN serisini etkinleştir
+ Bridge Gateway\'ü etkinleştir
+ Gateway\'ü etkinleştir
+ vekaletname durumu
+ orbot vekilinin mevcut durumu
+ Orbot vekalet koşulu
+ onion
+ VPN bağlantı durumu
+ Bridge vekalet koşulu
+ bilgi | Sistem Ayarını değiştir
+ yazılımı yeniden başlatıp proxy yöneticisine giderek proxy\'yi değiştirebilirsiniz. alttaki dişli çark simgesine tıklayarak açılabilir
+ proxy özelleştirmek
+ Sizi dünya çapında binlerce gönüllünün yönettiği Tor ağına bağlıyoruz! Bu seçenekler size yardımcı olabilir mi
+ İnternet burada sansürlenir (güvenlik duvarını atlayın)
+ güvenlik duvarını atla
+ Bridges internetin çok yavaş çalışmasına neden olur. bunları yalnızca ülkenizde internet sansürlenmişse veya Tor ağı engellenmişse kullanın
- Open
+ bunu aç
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ açık sekmeler burada gösterilecek
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "Tor\'ya ulaşmak için bazen Bridge\'ye ihtiyacınız vardır"
+ "bana daha fazlasını anlat"
+ "Onion kullanarak herhangi bir yazılımın Tor\'dan geçmesini sağlayabilirsiniz"
+ "bu sizi anonim yapmaz, ancak güvenlik duvarlarını atlamanıza yardımcı olur"
+ "uygulamaları seçin"
+ "Merhaba"
+ "Tor\'ya hoş geldiniz."
+ "İnternette beklediğiniz şekilde göz atın."
+ "Kullanıcı Gözetim Koruması yok. Sansür yok."
+ bu siteye ulaşılamıyor
+ web sitesine bağlanırken bir hata oluştu
+ görüntülemeye çalıştığınız sayfa, alınan verilerin gerçekliği doğrulanamadığı için gösterilemiyor
+ sayfa şu anda bir nedenden dolayı çalışmıyor
+ Bu sorunu bildirmek için lütfen web sitesi sahipleriyle iletişime geçin.
+ Tekrar yükle
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Geçersiz paket imzası
+ oturum açmak için tıklayın.
+ verileri manuel olarak seçmek için tıklayın.
+ Web alanı güvenlik istisnası.
+ DAL doğrulama hatası.
+ - Yüzde 55
+ - Yüzde 70
+ - Yüzde 85
+ - Yüzde 100
+ - Yüzde 115
+ - Yüzde 130
+ - Yüzde 145
+ - Etkin
+ - Devre dışı
+ - Hepsini etkinleştir
+ - Hepsini etkisiz hale getir
+ - Bant Genişliği Yok
+ - Hepsine izin ver
+ - Güvenilir\'e İzin Ver
+ - Hiçbirine İzin Verme
+ - Ziyaret Edilmesine İzin Ver
+ - İzleyici Olmayanlara İzin Ver
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index 8c247f4c..f0cf8d2e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -1,414 +1,432 @@
- Genesis
- تلاش یا ویب پتہ ٹائپ کریں
- صفحے میں تلاش کریں
- سرچ انجن
+ Вікіпедія
+ щось шукати або ввести веб-посилання
+ знайти на сторінці
+ пошукова система
- s u0020 \u0020 \u0020 آفس! کچھ غلط ہو گیا
- "بہتر" "اچھا"
- genesis search engine
- آن لائن آزادی
- دوبارہ لوڈ کریں
- یہ وہ پریشانی ہوسکتی ہیں جن کا آپ سامنا کر رہے ہیں \n\n• ویب صفحہ یا ویب سائٹ نیچے ہوسکتی ہے \n• آپ کا انٹرنیٹ کنیکشن خراب ہوسکتا ہے \n• ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کسی پراکسی کا استعمال کررہے ہو fire n • ویب سائٹ فائر وال کے ذریعہ مسدود ہوسکتی ہے۔
+ Опс! щось пішло не так
+ todo
+ 1111 пошукова система
+ цифрова свобода
+ перезавантажити
+ Ви стикаєтесь із однією з наведених нижче проблем. веб-сторінка або веб-сайт можуть не працювати. з’єднання з Інтернетом може бути поганим. можливо, ви використовуєте проксі. веб-сайт може бути заблокований брандмауером
- بی بی سی | اسرائیل نے ایک بار پھر حملہ کیا
+ ВВС, Ізраїль знову страйкує Ru
- ru
- بنیادی ترتیبات
- 1111 کو اپنا ڈیفالٹ براؤزر بنائیں
- ترتیبات
- سرچ انجن
- جاوا اسکرپٹ
- آٹو واضح تاریخ
- فونٹ کی ترتیبات
- اپنی مرضی کے مطابق فونٹ
- آٹو ایڈونٹ فونٹ
- کوکی کی ترتیبات
- کوکیز
- ترتیبات | اطلاع
- اطلاعات
- اطلاع کا انتظام کریں
- نیٹ ورک کی حیثیت اور اطلاعات
- مقامی اطلاعات
- آلہ کی اطلاع کی ترتیبات
- سسٹم کی اطلاعات
- لاگ سیٹنگیں
- پیشگی فہرست کے نظارے میں نوشتہ جات دکھائیں
- تلاش کا انتظام کریں
- شامل کریں ، طے شدہ طے کریں۔ تجاویز دکھائیں
- اطلاعات کا نظم کریں
- نئی خصوصیات ، نیٹ ورک کی حیثیت
- ترتیبات | تلاش کریں
- تائید شدہ سرچ انجن
- پہلے سے طے شدہ سرچ انجن کا انتخاب کریں
- تلاش کی ترتیب
- تلاش کریں کہ کس طرح ظاہر ہوتا ہے
- پہلے سے طے شدہ
- Genesis
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+ Печиво
+ Налаштування системи. Повідомлення
+ Повідомлення
+ змінити налаштування сповіщень
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+ налаштувати повідомлення про програмне забезпечення
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+ керувати пошуковою системою
+ додати, встановити за замовчуванням. показати пропозиції
+ керувати сповіщеннями нові можливості, стан мережі
+ Налаштування програмного забезпечення. Пошукова система
+ підтримувані пошукові системи
+ Оберіть пошукову систему за замовчуванням
+ Налаштування програмного забезпечення. Пошукова система
+ змінити спосіб відображення веб-пошуків
+ За замовчуванням
+ 1111
+ Бінг
+ 1111
- Bing
- Wikipedia
- تلاش کی تاریخ دکھائیں
- تلاش کی تجاویز دکھائیں
- جب آپ سرچ بار میں ٹائپ کرتے ہیں تو سرچ ہسٹری کے مشورے ظاہر ہوتے ہیں
- جب آپ سرچ بار میں ٹائپ کرتے ہو تو فوکسڈ مشورے ظاہر ہوتے ہیں
- رسائ
- متن کا سائز ، زوم ، صوتی ان پٹ
- ترتیبات | رسائ
- نجی ڈیٹا کو صاف کریں
- ٹیبز ، تاریخ ، بُک مارک ، کوکیز ، کیشے
- ترتیبات | واضح اعداد و شمار
- واضح اعداد و شمار
- صاف ٹیبز
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- صاف بک مارکس
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- سائٹ کا ڈیٹا
- واضح سیشن
- کوکیز صاف کریں
- صاف ترتیبات
- فونٹ اسکیلنگ
- سسٹم فونٹ سائز کے مطابق ویب مواد کو اسکیل کریں
- زوم کو فعال کریں
- تمام ویب صفحات کیلئے زوم کو فعال کریں
- صوتی ان پٹ
- یو آر ایل بار میں صوتی ڈکٹیشن کی اجازت دیں
- کسٹم فونٹ اسکیلنگ منتخب کریں
- سلائیڈر کو گھسیٹیں جب تک کہ آپ اسے آرام سے نہیں پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ کسی پیراگراف پر ڈبل ٹیپ کرنے کے بعد متن کم از کم یہ بڑا نظر آنا چاہئے
- 200٪
- بات چیت
- تبدیل کریں کہ آپ کس طرح مواد سے تعامل کرتے ہیں
- رازداری
- ٹریکنگ ، لاگ ان ، ڈیٹا انتخاب
- ترتیبات | رازداری
- ٹریک نہ کریں
- 1111 سائٹوں کو بتائے گا کہ آپ کو ٹریک کرنا نہیں ہے
- ویب سائٹ کے لئے مارکر کو ٹریک نہ کریں
- ٹریکنگ پروٹیکشن
- 1111 کے ذریعہ فراہم کردہ ٹریکنگ پروٹیکشن کو فعال کریں
- کوکیز
- اپنی حفاظت کی ضروریات کے مطابق کوکیز کی ترجیحات منتخب کریں
- باہر نکلنے پر نجی ڈیٹا صاف کریں
- درخواست بند ہونے کے بعد خود بخود ڈیٹا صاف کریں
- نجی براؤزنگ
- اپنی شناخت کو محفوظ رکھیں اور ذیل میں اختیارات استعمال کریں
- فعال
- قابل عمل ، باخبر رہنے والی کوکیز کو چھوڑ کر
- فعال ، تیسری پارٹی کو چھوڑ کر
- غیر فعال
- جاوا اسکرپٹ
- مختلف اسکرپٹ حملوں کیلئے جاوا اسکرپٹنگ کو غیر فعال کریں
- ترتیبات | ایڈوانس
- ٹیبز کو بحال کریں
- براؤزر چھوڑنے کے بعد بحال نہیں ہوتا ہے
- ٹول بار تھیم
- ٹول بار تھیم مقرر کریں جیسا کہ ویب سائٹ میں بیان کیا گیا ہے
- تصاویر دکھائیں
- ہمیشہ ویب سائٹ کی تصاویر لوڈ کریں
- ویب فونٹس دکھائیں
- کسی صفحے کو لوڈ کرتے وقت ریموٹ فونٹس ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
- آٹو پلے کی اجازت دیں
- میڈیا کو آٹو اسٹارٹ کرنے دیں
- ڈیٹا سیور
- ٹیب
- ایپلی کیشن کو دوبارہ شروع کرنے کے بعد ٹیب کے ساتھ کی جانے والی سلوک کو تبدیل کریں
- میڈیا
- ڈیفالٹ ڈیٹا سیور کی ترتیبات کو تبدیل کریں
- ڈیفالٹ میڈیا کی ترتیبات کو تبدیل کریں
- ہمیشہ تصاویر دکھائیں
- صرف WI-FI پر تصاویر دکھائیں
- تمام تصاویر کو مسدود کریں
- اعلی درجے کی
- ٹیبز ، ڈیٹا سیور ، ڈویلپر ٹولز کو بحال کریں
- 8888 پراکسی حیثیت
- 9999 نیٹ ورک یا اسٹیٹس کو چیک کریں
- رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
- گستاخانہ ویب سائٹ کی اطلاع دیں
- اس ایپ کی درجہ بندی کریں
- پلے اسٹور پر درجہ بندی اور تبصرہ کریں
- اس ایپ کو شیئر کریں
- اس ایپ کو اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ شیئر کریں
- ترتیبات | جنرل
- جنرل
- گھر ، زبان
- فل سکرین براؤزنگ
- کسی صفحے کو سکرول کرتے وقت براؤزر ٹول بار کو چھپائیں
- زبان
- اپنے براؤزر کی زبان کو تبدیل کریں
- خیالیہ
- روشنی اور سیاہ تھیم کا انتخاب کریں
- تھیم لائٹ
- تھیم ڈارک
- فل سکرین براؤزنگ اور زبان کی ترتیب کو تبدیل کریں
- سسٹم ڈیفالٹ
- گھر
- کے بارے میں: خالی
- نیا ٹیب
- ہوم پیج کو نئے ٹیب میں کھولیں
- تمام ٹیبز کو صاف کریں
- تلاش کی ہسٹری کو مٹا دیں
- نشان زدہ بُک مارکس کو صاف کریں
- براؤزنگ کیشے کو صاف کریں
- واضح تجاویز
- سائٹ کا ڈیٹا صاف کریں
- سیشن کا ڈیٹا صاف کریں
- براؤزنگ کوکیز کو صاف کریں
- براؤزر کی ترتیبات صاف کریں
+ показати переглянуті веб-посилання
+ показати пропозиції під час пошуку
+ пропозиції з переглянутих веб-посилань з’являються, коли ви вводите в рядок пошуку
+ сфокусовані пропозиції з’являються, коли ви вводите в рядок пошуку
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+ очистити приватні дані
+ вкладки, переглянуті веб-посилання, закладки, файли cookie, кеш
+ Змінити налаштування системи. Очистити системні дані
+ очистити дані
+ Видалити всі вкладки
+ видалити переглянуті веб - посилання
+ видалити закладки
+ видалити кеш
+ видалити пропозиції
+ видалити дані
+ видалити сеанс
+ видалити файли cookie
+ видалити налаштувати
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+ масштабувати веб-вміст відповідно до розміру системного шрифту
+ увімкнути масштабування
+ увімкнути та примусити масштабувати всі веб-сторінки
+ введення за допомогою голосу
+ дозволити голосовий диктант на панелі url
+ вибрати власне масштабування шрифту
+ перетягуйте повзунок, поки не зможете це зручно прочитати. текст повинен виглядати принаймні таким великим після подвійного натискання на абзац
+ змінити спосіб взаємодії із вмістом веб-сайту
+ взаємодії
+ 200%
+ Користувач Sur
+ опитування користувачів, логіни, вибір даних
+ Захист спостереження користувачів
+ adblock, трекери, відбитки пальців
+ Налаштування системи. конфіденційність
+ Налаштування системи. захист спостереження користувачів
+ захистити свою онлайн-ідентичність
+ зберігайте свою особистість приватною. ми можемо захистити вас від декількох трекерів, які стежать за вами в Інтернеті. цей Налаштування системи також може бути використаний для блокування реклами
+ рятуйся від користувача Survelance Protection
+ 1111 скаже сайтам не відстежувати мене
+ скажи веб-сайту не відстежувати мене
+ Захист спостереження користувачів
+ увімкнути захист від надзвичайних ситуацій користувачів, передбачений 1111
+ Файли Cookie веб-сайту
+ виберіть налаштування файлів cookie веб-сайту відповідно до ваших потреб безпеки
+ очистити приватні дані при виході
+ автоматично очищати дані після закриття програмного забезпечення
+ приватний перегляд
+ захищайте свою особистість і використовуйте наведені нижче варіанти
+ увімкнено
+ увімкнено, виключаючи файли cookie для відстеження веб-сайтів
+ увімкнено, виключаючи сторонні
+ інвалідів
+ вимкнути захист
+ дозволити захист особи. це може спричинити викрадення вашої особи в Інтернеті
+ за замовчуванням (рекомендується)
+ заблокувати онлайн-рекламу та соціальну мережу користувачів Survelance. сторінки завантажуватимуться за замовчуванням
+ сувора політика
+ зупиніть усі відомі трекери, сторінки завантажуватимуться швидше, але деякі функції можуть не працювати
- بک مارک ویب سائٹ
- اس صفحے کو اپنے بُک مارکس میں شامل کریں
- تاریخ اور ڈیٹا کو صاف کریں
- بک مارک اور ڈیٹا کو صاف کریں
- ڈیٹا صاف کرنے سے تاریخ ، کوکیز اور دیگر براؤزنگ کا ڈیٹا ختم ہوجائے گا
- ڈیٹا کلیئر کرنے سے بک مارک والی ویب سائٹیں ہٹ جائیں گی
- برخاست کریں
- صاف
- ہو گیا
- نیا بُک مارک
- https://
- رابطہ محفوظ ہے
- جب آپ کو اس سائٹ پر بھیجا جاتا ہے تو آپ کی معلومات (مثال کے طور پر پاس ورڈ یا کریڈٹ کارڈ نمبرز) نجی ہوتی ہیں
- رازداری کی ترتیبات
- رپورٹ کریں
- رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
- اگر آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ یہ یو آر ایل غیر قانونی یا پریشان کن ہے تو ہمیں اس کی اطلاع دیں ، لہذا ہم قانونی کارروائی کرسکتے ہیں
- کامیابی کے ساتھ رپورٹ کیا گیا
- یو آر ایل کی کامیابی کے ساتھ اطلاع دی گئی۔ اگر کچھ مل گیا تو قانونی کارروائی کی جائے گی
- شرح امریکی
- دوسروں کو بتائیں کہ آپ اس ایپ کے بارے میں کیا سوچتے ہیں
- شرح
- یہ سن کر افسوس!
- اگر آپ کو یہ ایپلی کیشن استعمال کرتے وقت دشواری کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے تو براہ کرم ای میل کے ذریعہ ہم سے رابطہ کریں۔ ہم آپ کے مسئلے کو جلد سے جلد حل کرنے کی کوشش کریں گے
- میل
- نیا 2222 درخواست کریں
- 33333333 ایڈریس کی درخواست کرنے کے لئے نیچے ای میل منتخب کریں۔ \n\nایک بار آپ کے پاس ایڈریس ہے تو ، کاپی کریں
- زبان کی سہولت نہیں ہے
- سسٹم کی زبان اس ایپلیکیشن کے ذریعہ معاون نہیں ہے۔ ہم اسے جلد شامل کرنے کے لئے کام کر رہے ہیں
- 11111 کو شروع کرنا
- عمل کی سہولت نہیں ہے
- مندرجہ ذیل کمانڈ کو سنبھالنے کے لئے کوئی درخواست نہیں ملی
- خیرمقدم | پوشیدہ ویب 11113
- یہ ایپلیکیشن آپ کو پوشیدہ ویب یو آر ایل کو تلاش کرنے اور کھولنے کے لئے ایک پلیٹ فارم مہیا کرتی ہے۔ یہاں کچھ تجاویز ہیں
- ڈیپ ویب آن لائن مارکیٹ
- دستاویزات اور کتابیں لیک ہوگئیں
- ڈارک ویب نیوز اور مضامین
- خفیہ سافٹ ویئر اور ہیکنگ ٹولز
- دوبارہ دکھائیں نہیں
- فنانس اور پیسہ
- سماجی جماعتیں
- دستی
- پلےسٹور
- یو آر ایل کی اطلاع
- نئی ٹیب میں کھولیں
- موجودہ ٹیب میں کھولیں
- کلپ بورڈ پر کاپی کریں
- فائل کی اطلاع
- اطلاع ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
- url کو نئے ٹیب میں کھولیں
- موجودہ ٹیب میں یو آر ایل کھولیں
- یو آر ایل کو کلپ بورڈ میں کاپی کریں
- نئی ٹیب میں تصویر کھولیں
- تصویر کا موجودہ ٹیب کھولیں
- کلپ بورڈ میں تصویر کاپی کریں
- تصویری فائل ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
- اطلاع ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
- یو آر ایل کی اطلاع
- ای میل کو ہینڈل کرنے کیلئے کوئی درخواست نہیں ملی
- فائل ڈاؤن لوڈ |
- ڈیٹا کی اطلاع
- نجی ڈیٹا صاف ہوگیا۔ اب آپ محفوظ طریقے سے براؤزنگ جاری رکھ سکتے ہیں
- ٹیب بند ہے
- کالعدم کریں
+ сувора політика
+ зупиніть усі відомі трекери, сторінки завантажуватимуться швидше, але деякі функції можуть не працювати
+ Javascript
+ Вимкнути сценарії Java для різних атак сценаріїв
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+ Тема панелі інструментів
+ Встановити тему панелі інструментів, як визначено на веб-сайті
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+ Завжди завантажуйте зображення веб-сайтів
+ Показати веб-шрифти
+ Завантажуйте віддалені шрифти під час завантаження сторінки
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+ Заощадження даних
+ Вкладка
+ Змініть поведінку вкладки після перезапуску програми
+ Змінення налаштувань економії даних за замовчуванням
+ Змінити налаштування носія за замовчуванням
+ Завжди показувати зображення
+ Показувати зображення лише через WI-FI
+ Блокувати всі зображення
+ Розширений
+ Відновити вкладки, економію даних, інструменти розробника
+ Статус проксі цибулі
+ Перевірити цибулеву мережу або стан
+ Веб-сайт звітів
+ Поскаржитися на образливий веб-сайт
+ Оцініть цю програму
+ Оцініть і коментуйте playstore
+ Поділитися цим додатком
+ Поділіться цим додатком з друзями
+ Settings | General
+ Загальні
+ Дім, мова
+ Повноекранний перегляд
+ Приховати панель інструментів браузера під час прокрутки сторінки
+ Мова
+ Змініть мову свого браузера
+ Тема
+ Виберіть світлу і темну тему
+ Тема Світло
+ Тема Темна
+ Змінення повноекранного перегляду та налаштувань мови
+ Система за замовчуванням
+ Головна
+ про: порожній
+ Нова вкладка
+ Відкрити домашню сторінку в новій вкладці
+ Очистити всі вкладки
+ Очистити історію пошуку
+ Очистити позначені закладки
+ Очистити кеш перегляду
+ Чіткі пропозиції
+ Очистити дані веб-сайту
+ Очистити дані сеансу
+ Очистити файли cookie
+ Очистити налаштування браузера
- سیکورٹی کی ترتیبات
- 2222 کی ترتیبات
- خودکار بنائیں
- خود بخود 3333 ترتیبات تشکیل دیں
- مجھے معلوم ہے کہ ایک 3333 فراہم کریں
- address:port Single Line
- پراکسی ترتیبات | 2222
- 4444 غیر لسٹ شدہ 6666 ریلے ہیں جو 6666 نیٹ ورک میں رابطوں کو روکنا زیادہ مشکل بنا دیتے ہیں۔ کچھ ممالک 6666 کو روکنے کی کوشش کی وجہ سے ، کچھ ممالک میں 5555 کام کرتے ہیں لیکن دوسرے نہیں
- پہلے سے طے شدہ 3333 منتخب کریں
- درخواست کریں
- obfs4 (تجویز کردہ)
- نمک ایذور (چین)
+ Надайте міст, який я знаю
+ Введіть інформацію про міст із надійного джерела
+ мостова струна ...
+ Запит
+ Готово
+ Закладка Веб-сайт
+ Додайте цю сторінку до своїх закладок
+ Очистити історію та дані
+ Очистити закладки та дані
+ Очищення даних призведе до видалення історії, файлів cookie та інших даних перегляду
+ Очищення даних призведе до видалення веб-сайтів із закладками
+ Звільнити
+ Очистити
+ Готово
+ Нова закладка
+ https: //
+ З\'єднання безпечне
+ Ваша інформація (наприклад, пароль або номери кредитних карток) є приватною, коли вона надсилається на цей сайт
+ Налаштування конфіденційності
+ Звіт
+ Веб-сайт звітів
+ Якщо ви вважаєте, що ця URL-адреса є незаконною або тривожною, повідомте про це нам, щоб ми могли вжити юридичних заходів
+ Повідомлено успішно
+ Повідомлено про URL-адресу. Якщо щось знайдено, буде вжито судових заходів
+ Оцініть США
+ Розкажіть іншим, що ви думаєте про цей додаток
+ Оцініть
+ Прикро це чути!
+ Якщо у вас виникають труднощі під час використання цієї програми, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами електронною поштою. Ми постараємося вирішити вашу проблему якомога швидше
+ Пошта
+ Замовити новий міст
+ Виберіть електронну пошту нижче, щоб запросити адресу мосту. nЯкщо у вас є адреса, скопіюйте вставте його у вищевказане поле та запустіть програму.
+ Мова не підтримується
+ Ця програма не підтримує системну мову. Ми працюємо над тим, щоб найближчим часом
+ Ініціалізація Orbot
+ Дія не підтримується
+ Не знайдено жодної програми для обробки такої команди
+ Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
+ Ця програма надає вам платформу для пошуку та відкриття прихованих веб-адрес. Ось декілька пропозицій \ n
+ Інтернет-ринок Deep Web
+ Витоки документів та книг
+ Новини та статті Dark Web
+ Секретні програмні засоби та засоби злому
+ Не показувати знову
+ Фінанси та гроші
+ Соціальні спільноти
+ Посібник
+ Playstore
+ Повідомлення URL
+ Відкрити в новій вкладці
+ Відкрити в поточній вкладці
+ Скопіювати в буфер обміну
+ Повідомлення про файли
+ Завантажити повідомлення
+ Відкрити URL у новій вкладці
+ Відкрити URL у поточній вкладці
+ Скопіювати URL-адресу в буфер обміну
+ Відкрити зображення в новій вкладці
+ Відкрити поточну вкладку зображення
+ Скопіювати зображення в буфер обміну
+ Завантажити файл зображення
+ Завантажити повідомлення
+ Повідомлення URL
+ Не знайдено жодної програми для обробки електронної пошти
+ Download File |
+ Data Cleared | Restart Required
+ Приватні дані успішно очищено. Деякі налаштування за замовчуванням потребуватимуть перезапуску програми. Тепер ви можете сміливо продовжувати перегляд
+ Закрита вкладка
+ Скасувати
- پراکسی لاگز
- نوشتہ جات کی معلومات
- اگر آپ 1111 کو شروع کرتے وقت رابطہ کے مسئلے کا سامنا کر رہے ہیں تو ، براہ کرم مندرجہ ذیل کوڈ کو کاپی کریں اور مسئلہ آن لائن تلاش کریں یا ہمیں بھیجیں ، لہذا ہم آپ کی مدد کرنے کی کوشش کر سکتے ہیں
+ Налаштування безпеки
+ Налаштування моста
+ Створювати автоматично
+ Автоматично налаштовувати параметри мосту
+ Надайте міст, який я знаю
+ Вставити спеціальний міст
+ Proxy Settings | Bridge
+ Мости - це недоступні реле Tor, які ускладнюють блокування з\'єднань у мережу Tor. Через те, як деякі країни намагаються заблокувати Tor, деякі мости працюють в деяких країнах, але не в інших
+ Виберіть Типовий міст
+ Запит
+ obfs4 (рекомендується)
+ Лагідність (Китай)
+ Журнали проксі
+ Інформація про журнали
+ If you are facing connectivity issue while starting Genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us, so we can try to help you out
- 11111 نوشتہ جات
- نئی ٹیبز
- ٹیب بند کریں
- حالیہ ٹیبز کھولیں
- زبان
- ڈاؤن لوڈ
- تاریخ
- ترتیبات
- ڈیسک ٹاپ سائٹ
- اس صفحہ پر نشانی لگائیں
- بُک مارکس
- رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
- اس ایپ کی درجہ بندی کریں
- صفحے میں تلاش کریں
- چھوڑو
- بانٹیں
+ Журнали Orbot
+ Нові вкладки
+ Закрити вкладку
+ Відкрити останні вкладки
+ Мова
+ Завантаження
+ Історія
+ Налаштування
+ Сайт для робочого столу
+ Додати цю сторінку в закладки
+ Закладки
+ Веб-сайт звітів
+ Оцініть цю програму
+ Знайти на сторінці
+ Вийти
+ Поділитися
+ Нові вкладки
+ Закрийте всі вкладки
+ Налаштування
+ Виберіть вкладки
- نئی ٹیبز
- تمام ٹیبز کو بند کریں
- ترتیبات
- ٹیبز کو منتخب کریں
+ Відкриті вкладки
+ Копія
+ Поділитися
+ Очистити виділення
+ Відкрити в поточній вкладці
+ Відкрити в новій вкладці
+ Видалити
+ Історія
+ Очистити
+ Шукати ...
- ٹیبز کھولیں
- کاپی
- بانٹیں
- انتخاب صاف کریں
- موجودہ ٹیب میں کھولیں
- نئی ٹیب میں کھولیں
- حذف کریں
+ Закладка
+ Очистити
+ Шукати ...
+ Повторити спробу
+ Опс! Помилка підключення до мережі \ nГенеза не підключена
+ Підтримка
- تاریخ
- صاف
- تلاش کریں ...
+ Мова
+ Змінити мову
+ На даний момент ми підтримуємо такі мови. Ми скоро додамо ще \ n
+ Англійська (США)
+ Німецька (Німеччина)
+ Італійська (Італія)
+ Португальська (Бразилія)
+ Російська (Росія)
+ Українська (Україна)
+ Спрощена китайська (материковий Китай)
+ ⚠️ Попередження
+ Налаштування мостів
+ Увімкнути мости
+ Увімкнути VPN Serivce
+ Увімкнути шлюз мостів
+ Увімкнути шлюз
- بُک مارک
- صاف
- تلاش کریں ...
- دوبارہ کوشش کریں
- اوپس! نیٹ ورک کنکشن کی خرابی \n1111 منسلک نہیں ہے
- مدد کریں
- زبان
- زبان تبدیل کریں
- ہم فی الحال مندرجہ ذیل لیگیج کی حمایت کرتے ہیں۔ ہم جلد ہی مزید اضافہ کریں گے \n
- امریکی انگریزی)
- جرمن (جرمنی)
- اطالوی (اٹلی)
- پرتگالی (برازیل)
- روسی (روس)
- یوکرائن (یوکرین)
- چینی آسان (مینلینڈ چین)
- . انتباہ
- اپنی مرضی کے مطابق 4444
- 4444 کو فعال کریں
- 8888 سرور کو فعال کریں
- 3333 11113 کو فعال کریں
- 11113 کو فعال کریں
- پراکسی حیثیت
- 11112 پراکسی کی موجودہ حیثیت
- 11111 پراکسی حیثیت
- 8888
- 8888 رابطے کی حیثیت
- رابطے کی 3333 حیثیت
- INFO | سیٹنگ کو تبدیل کریں
- پراکسی ترتیبات کو تبدیل کرنے کے ل please براہ کرم اس ایپلی کیشن کو دوبارہ اسٹارٹ کریں اور پراکسی منیجر پر جائیں۔ اسے نیچے GEAR آئیکن پر دباکر کھولا جاسکتا ہے
- پراکسی ترتیبات
- ہم آپ کو 6666 نیٹ ورک سے منسلک کرتے ہیں جو دنیا بھر میں ہزاروں رضاکاروں کے ذریعہ چلتا ہے! کیا یہ آپشن آپ کی مدد کرسکتے ہیں؟
- انٹرنیٹ یہاں سنسر ہے (بائی پاس فائر وال)
- بائی پاس فائر وال
- 4444 انٹرنیٹ بہت سست چلانے کا سبب بنتا ہے۔ ان کو صرف اس صورت میں استعمال کریں جب آپ کے ملک میں انٹرنیٹ سنسر ہے یا 6666 نیٹ ورک مسدود ہے
+ Статус проксі
+ Поточний стан проксі-провайдера
+ Статус проксі Orbot
+ Цибуля Статус мостів
+ Стан підключення до VPN
+ Статус підключення мосту
+ INFO | Change Settings
+ Щоб змінити налаштування проксі, перезапустіть цю програму та перейдіть до менеджера проксі. Його можна відкрити, натиснувши на піктограму GEAR внизу
+ Налаштування проксі
+ Ми підключаємо вас до мережі Tor, якою керують тисячі добровольців по всьому світу! Чи можуть ці варіанти допомогти вам
+ Інтернет піддається цензурі тут (Bypass Firewall)
+ Обхід брандмауера
+ Мости змушують Інтернет працювати дуже повільно. Використовуйте їх, лише якщо Інтернет піддано цензурі у вашій країні або мережа Tor заблокована
- کھولو
+ Відкрити
- جڑیں
- بیکار | اس وقت یوز پر 1111
- at 1111 اس وقت اسٹینڈ بائی پر
- کھلی ٹیبز یہاں دکھائی دیں گی
+ Підключити
+ Copyright © by Genesis Technologies | Built
+ Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
+ Буття в режимі очікування на даний момент
+ Тут відкриються відкриті вкладки
+ "Іноді потрібен міст, щоб дістатися до Тор"
+ "Ви можете дозволити будь-якому додатку проходити Tor через наш вбудований цибулю"
+ "Це не зробить вас анонімним, але допоможе пройти через брандмауери"
+ "Виберіть додатки"
+ "Привіт"
+ "Ласкаво просимо до Tor на мобільному."
+ "Шукайте в Інтернеті, як ви очікуєте."
+ "Без відстеження. Без цензури."
- "کبھی کبھی آپ کو 6666 پر جانے کے لئے 2222 کی ضرورت پڑتی ہے"
- "مجھے اور بتاؤ"
- "آپ کسی بھی ایپ کو ہمارے بلٹ میں 8888 کا استعمال کرکے 6666 پر جانے کے قابل بنائیں گے"
- "یہ آپ کو گمنام نہیں بنائے گا ، لیکن اس سے فائر وال کو حاصل کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔"
- "ایپس منتخب کریں"
- "ہیلو"
- "موبائل پر 6666 میں خوش آمدید۔"
- "انٹرنیٹ کو براؤز کریں جس طرح آپ کی توقع ہے۔"
- "کوئی ٹریکنگ نہیں۔ کوئی سنسرشپ نہیں ہے۔"
- اس سائٹ تک نہیں پہنچا جاسکتا
- ایک کنکشن کے دوران ایک خرابی پیش آگئی
- آپ جس صفحے کو دیکھنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں اسے نہیں دکھایا جاسکتا کیونکہ موصولہ اعداد و شمار کی صداقت کی تصدیق نہیں ہوسکی
- صفحہ فی الحال کسی وجہ سے زندہ یا نیچے نہیں ہے
- براہ کرم اس مسئلے سے آگاہ کرنے کے لئے ویب سائٹ کے مالکان سے رابطہ کریں۔
- دوبارہ لوڈ کریں
+ Не вдається отримати доступ до цього веб-сайту
+ Під час підключення сталася помилка
+ Сторінку, яку ви намагаєтесь переглянути, неможливо показати, оскільки не вдалося перевірити справжність отриманих даних
+ Наразі сторінка з якихось причин не працює чи не працює
+ Будь ласка, зв\'яжіться з власниками веб-сайтів, щоб повідомити їх про цю проблему.
+ Перезавантажити
- غلط پیکیج کے دستخط
- سائن ان کرنے کیلئے ٹیپ کریں۔
- دستی طور پر ڈیٹا منتخب کرنے کے لئے تھپتھپائیں۔
- ویب ڈومین سیکیورٹی کی رعایت۔
- DAL تصدیق میں ناکامی۔
+ Недійсний підпис пакета
+ Торкніться, щоб увійти.
+ Торкніться, щоб вручну вибрати дані.
+ Виняток безпеки веб-домену.
+ Помилка перевірки DAL.
- - 55 فیصد
- - 70 فیصد
- - 85 فیصد
- - 100 فیصد
- - 115 فیصد
- - 130 فیصد
- - 145 فیصد
+ - 55 Percent
+ - 70 Percent
+ - 85 Percent
+ - 100 Percent
+ - 115 Percent
+ - 130 Percent
+ - 145 Percent
- - پوشیدہ ویب
- - گوگل
- - بتھ بتھ گو
+ - Hidden Web
+ - Google
+ - Duck Duck Go
- - فعال
- - غیر فعال
+ - Enabled
+ - Disabled
- - سب کو قابل بنائیں
- - سب کو غیر فعال کریں
- - کوئی بینڈوتھ نہیں ہے
+ - Enable All
+ - Disable All
+ - No Bandwidth
- - سب کی اجازت دیں
- - بھروسے کی اجازت دیں
- - کسی کو بھی اجازت نہیں دیں
- - دیکھنے کی اجازت دیں
- - نان ٹریکر کی اجازت دیں
+ - Allow All
+ - Allow Trusted
+ - Allow None
+ - Allow Visited
+ - Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ur/integers.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ur/integers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51acc363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ur/integers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ 500
+ 180
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ur/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ur/strings.xml
index 1ab23da1..13cdf4ca 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ur/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ur/strings.xml
@@ -3,430 +3,424 @@
- 1111
- ابحث أو اكتب رابط ويب
- تجد في الصفحة
- محرك البحث
+ جینیسز
+ کچھ تلاش کریں یا ویب لنک ٹائپ کریں
+ صفحے میں تلاش کریں
+ سرچ انجن
- \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 العمليات! هناك خطأ ما
- الكل
- 1111 search engine
- الحرية الرقمية
- إعادة تحميل
- قد تكون هذه هي المشاكل التي تواجهها. قد لا تعمل صفحة الويب أو موقع الويب. قد يكون اتصالك بالإنترنت ضعيفًا. ربما تستخدم خادمًا وكيلاً. قد يتم حظر موقع الويب بواسطة جدار الحماية
+ اوپپس! کچھ غلط ہو گیا ہے
+ سب کچھ
+ Genesis Search Engine
+ ڈیجیٹل آزادی
+ دوبارہ لوڈ کریں
+ آپ کو مندرجہ ذیل میں سے ایک مسئلہ درپیش ہے۔ ہوسکتا ہے کہ ویب صفحہ یا ویب سائٹ کام نہیں کررہی ہے۔ ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کا انٹرنیٹ کنیکشن خراب ہو۔ آپ شاید ایک پراکسی استعمال کر رہے ہوں گے۔ ہوسکتا ہے کہ ویب سائٹ فائر وال کے ذریعے مسدود کردی جائے
- بي بي سي | إسرائيل تضرب مرة أخرى
+ بی بی سی | اسرائیل نے ایک بار پھر حملہ کیا
- التخصيص الأساسي
- اجعل 1111 متصفحك الافتراضي
- يعدل أو يكيف
- محرك البحث
- جافا سكريبت
- إزالة روابط الويب التي تم تصفحها
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- بسكويت
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- إدارة محرك البحث
- إضافة ، تعيين الافتراضي. إظهار اقتراحات
- إدارة الإخطارات
- الميزات الجديدة ، حالة الشبكة
- تخصيص | بحث
- محركات البحث المدعومة
- اختر محرك البحث الافتراضي
- تخصيص البحث
- إدارة كيفية ظهور عمليات بحث الويب
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ جینیسز کو اپنا ڈیفالٹ براؤزر بنائیں
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ سرچ انجن
+ جاوا اسکرپٹ
+ براؤزڈ ویب لنکس کو ہٹا دیں
+ فونٹ کی تخصیص کریں
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+ خود بخود فونٹ تبدیل کریں
+ کوکی سیٹنگ
+ کوکیز
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ۔ اطلاع
+ اطلاعات
+ اطلاع کی ترجیحات کو تبدیل کریں
+ نیٹ ورک اور اطلاعات کی حالت
+ مقامی اطلاعات
+ سافٹ ویئر کی اطلاع کو کسٹمائز کریں
+ سسٹم کی اطلاعات
+ سسٹم لاگ ظاہر ہونے کا طریقہ تبدیل کریں
+ جدید فہرست کے نظارے کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے لاگ دکھائیں
+ کلاسیکی اور جدید فہرست کے نظارے کے درمیان ٹوگل
+ سرچ انجن کا نظم کریں
+ شامل کریں ، طے شدہ طے کریں۔ تجاویز دکھائیں
+ اطلاعات کا نظم کریں
+ نئی خصوصیات ، نیٹ ورک کی حالت
+ سافٹ ویئر کو کسٹمائز کریں۔ سرچ انجن
+ تائید شدہ سرچ انجن
+ ڈیفالٹ سرچ انجن منتخب کریں
+ سافٹ ویئر کو کسٹمائز کریں۔ سرچ انجن
+ ویب کی تلاشیں ظاہر ہونے کا طریقہ تبدیل کریں
- 1111
+ جینیسز
- إظهار روابط الويب التي تم تصفحها
- إظهار اقتراحات البحث
- تظهر الاقتراحات من روابط الويب المستعرضة عند الكتابة في شريط البحث
- تظهر الاقتراحات المركزة عند الكتابة في شريط البحث
- إمكانية الوصول
- حجم النص والتكبير والإدخال الصوتي
- تخصيص | إمكانية الوصول
- مسح البيانات الخاصة
- علامات التبويب ، روابط الويب المستعرضة ، الإشارة المرجعية ، ملفات تعريف الارتباط ، ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت
- تخصيص | امسح البيانات
- امسح البيانات
- إلغاء علامات التبويب
- إلغاء روابط الويب التي تم تصفحها
- إلغاء الإشارات
- إلغاء ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت
- إلغاء الاقتراحات
- إلغاء البيانات
- إلغاء الجلسة
- إلغاء ملفات تعريف الارتباط
- إلغاء التخصيص
- تحجيم الخط
- مقياس محتوى الويب وفقًا لحجم خط النظام
- تمكين التكبير
- تمكين وفرض التكبير لجميع صفحات الويب
- مدخل صوتي
- السماح بالإملاء الصوتي في شريط عنوان url
- حدد تحجيم الخط المخصص
- اسحب شريط التمرير حتى تتمكن من قراءة هذا بشكل مريح. يجب أن يبدو النص بهذا الحجم على الأقل بعد النقر المزدوج على فقرة
+ براؤزڈ ویب لنکس دکھائیں
+ تلاش کے دوران تجاویز دکھائیں
+ جب آپ سرچ بار میں ٹائپ کرتے ہیں تو براؤزڈ ویب لنکس کی تجاویز ظاہر ہوتی ہیں
+ جب آپ سرچ بار میں ٹائپ کرتے ہو تو فوکسڈ مشورے ظاہر ہوتے ہیں
+ رسائ
+ متن کا سائز ، زوم ، آواز کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ان پٹ
+ تخصیص | رسائ
+ نجی ڈیٹا کو صاف کریں
+ ٹیبز ، براؤزڈ ویب لنکس ، بک مارک ، کوکیز ، کیشے
+ سسٹم کی سیٹنگ کو تبدیل کریں۔ سسٹم کا ڈیٹا صاف کریں
+ واضح اعداد و شمار
+ تمام ٹیبز کو حذف کریں
+ براؤزڈ ویب لنکس کو حذف کریں
+ بُک مارکس کو حذف کریں
+ کیشے کو حذف کریں
+ تجاویز کو حذف کریں
+ ڈیٹا حذف کریں
+ سیشن کو حذف کریں
+ کوکیز کو حذف کریں
+ حذف کریں حسب ضرورت
+ فونٹ اسکیلنگ
+ سسٹم فونٹ سائز کے مطابق ویب مواد اسکیل کریں
+ زوم آن کریں
+ تمام ویب صفحات کیلئے زوم آن کریں اور جبری طور پر چلائیں
+ آواز کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ان پٹ
+ یو آر ایل بار میں آواز ڈکٹیشن کی اجازت دیں
+ کسٹم فونٹ اسکیلنگ منتخب کریں
+ سلائیڈر کو گھسیٹیں جب تک کہ آپ اسے آرام سے نہیں پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ کسی پیراگراف پر ڈبل ٹیپ کرنے کے بعد کم از کم یہ متن نظر آنا چاہئے
- التفاعلات
- تغيير طريقة تفاعلك مع المحتوى
- خصوصية
- تتبع المستخدم وتسجيلات الدخول وخيارات البيانات
- حماية تتبع المستخدم
- Adblock ، أجهزة التتبع ، بصمات الأصابع
- تخصيص | خصوصية
- تخصيص | حماية التتبع
- حماية هويتك على الإنترنت
- حافظ على هويتك خاصة. يمكننا حمايتك من العديد من أجهزة التتبع التي تتبعك عبر الإنترنت. يمكن أيضًا استخدام حماية التتبع لمنع الإعلان
- تنقذ نفسك من تتبع المستخدم
- سيخبر 1111 المواقع أنك لا تريد أن يتم تتبعك كمستخدم
- أخبر الموقع بعدم تتبع المستخدم
- حماية التتبع
- تمكين حماية تتبع المستخدم المقدمة بواسطة 1111
- بسكويت
- حدد تفضيلات ملفات تعريف الارتباط وفقًا لاحتياجات الأمان الخاصة بك
- مسح البيانات الخاصة عند الخروج
- امسح البيانات تلقائيًا بمجرد إغلاق البرنامج
- تصفح خاص
- حافظ على هويتك آمنة واستخدم الخيارات أدناه
- ممكن
- ممكّن ، باستثناء ملفات تعريف الارتباط للتتبع
- مُمكّن ، باستثناء الجهات الخارجية
- معاق
+ بات چیت
+ ویب سائٹ کے مواد کے ساتھ تعامل کا طریقہ تبدیل کریں
+ صارف آن
+ صارف کی نگرانی ، لاگ انز ، ڈیٹا انتخاب
+ صارف کی نگرانی کا تحفظ
+ ایڈ بلاک ، ٹریکرز ، فنگر پرنٹ کرنا
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ۔ رازداری
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ۔ صارف کی نگرانی کا تحفظ
+ اپنی آن لائن شناخت کی حفاظت کریں
+ اپنی شناخت کو نجی رکھیں۔ ہم آپ کو متعدد ٹریکروں سے بچا سکتے ہیں جو آپ کی آن لائن پیروی کرتے ہیں۔ اس سسٹم سیٹنگ کا استعمال اشتہار کو مسدود کرنے کے لئے بھی کیا جاسکتا ہے
+ اپنے آپ کو صارف کی نگرانی کے تحفظ سے بچائیں
+ جینیسز سائٹوں کو بتائے گا کہ مجھے ٹریک نہ کریں
+ ویب سائٹ سے کہو کہ مجھے ٹریک نہ کریں
+ صارف کی نگرانی کا تحفظ
+ صارف کی نگرانی کے تحفظ کو جینیسز کے ذریعہ فراہم کریں
+ ویب سائٹ کوکیز
+ اپنی سیکیورٹی کی ضروریات کے مطابق ویب سائٹ کوکیز کی ترجیحات منتخب کریں
+ باہر نکلنے پر نجی ڈیٹا صاف کریں
+ سافٹ ویئر بند ہونے کے بعد خود بخود ڈیٹا صاف کردیں
+ نجی براؤزنگ
+ اپنی شناخت کو محفوظ رکھیں اور ذیل میں اختیارات استعمال کریں
+ فعال
+ قابل ، ویب سائٹ سے باخبر رہنے والی کوکیز کو چھوڑ کر
+ فعال ، تیسری پارٹی کو چھوڑ کر
+ غیر فعال
- تعطيل الحماية
- السماح بتتبع الهوية. قد يتسبب هذا في سرقة هويتك على الإنترنت
- الافتراضي (مستحسن)
- منع الإعلان عبر الإنترنت وتتبع المستخدم الاجتماعي. سيتم تحميل الصفحات كافتراضي
- سياسة صارمة
- إيقاف جميع أدوات التتبع المعروفة ، سيتم تحميل الصفحات بشكل أسرع ولكن قد لا تعمل بعض الوظائف
+ غیر فعال تحفظ
+ شناخت کی نگرانی کے تحفظ کی اجازت دیں۔ اس کی وجہ سے آپ کی آن لائن شناخت چوری ہوسکتی ہے
+ پہلے سے طے شدہ (تجویز کردہ)
+ آن لائن اشتہار اور سوشل ویب صارف کی نگرانی کو مسدود کریں۔ صفحات بطور ڈیفالٹ لوڈ ہوں گے
+ سخت پالیسی
+ تمام معروف ٹریکروں کو روکیں ، صفحات تیزی سے لوڈ ہوں گے لیکن کچھ فعالیت کام نہیں کرسکتی ہے
- جافا سكريبت
- تعطيل البرمجة النصية لجافا لهجمات النصوص المختلفة
- تخصيص | التخصيص المعقد
- استعادة علامات التبويب
- لا تستعيد بعد الخروج من المتصفح
- موضوع شريط الأدوات
- تعيين موضوع شريط الأدوات كما هو محدد في الموقع
- عرض الصور
- دائما تحميل صور الموقع
- إظهار خطوط الويب
- تنزيل الخطوط البعيدة عند تحميل الصفحة
- السماح بالتشغيل التلقائي
- السماح بتشغيل الوسائط تلقائيًا
- حافظ البيانات
- tab
- قم بتغيير طريقة عمل علامة التبويب بعد إعادة تشغيل البرنامج
- وسائل الإعلام
- تغيير الافتراضي تخصيص البيانات التوقف
- تغيير تخصيص الوسائط الافتراضية
- دائما تظهر الصور
- عرض الصور فقط عند استخدام wifi
- حظر جميع الصور
- التخصيص المعقد
- استعادة علامات التبويب ، وحفظ البيانات ، وأدوات المطور
- 9999 شرط التوكيل
- فحص ٩٩٩٩ حالة الشبكة
- موقع التقرير
- الإبلاغ عن موقع مسيء
- قيم هذا التطبيق
- معدل والتعليق على playstore
- شارك هذا التطبيق
- شارك هذا البرنامج مع أصدقائك
- تخصيص | تخصيص عام
- التخصيص العام
- الصفحة الرئيسية ، اللغة
- التصفح بملء الشاشة
- إخفاء شريط أدوات المتصفح عند التمرير لأسفل الصفحة
- لغة
- قم بتغيير لغة متصفحك
- موضوع البرنامج
- اختر مظهرًا مشرقًا ومظلمًا
- موضوع مشرق
- موضوع الظلام
- تغيير التصفح بملء الشاشة وتخصيص اللغة
- النظام الافتراضي
- الصفحة الرئيسية
+ جاوا اسکرپٹ
+ مختلف اسکرپٹ حملوں کیلئے جاوا اسکرپٹنگ کو غیر فعال کریں
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ۔ پیچیدہ نظام کی ترتیب
+ ٹیبز کو بحال کریں
+ براؤزر سے باہر نکلنے کے بعد دوبارہ بحال نہ کریں
+ ٹول بار تھیم
+ ویب سائٹ میں بیان کردہ ٹول بار تھیم مقرر کریں
+ تصاویر دکھائیں
+ ہمیشہ ویب سائٹ کی تصاویر لوڈ کریں
+ ویب فونٹس دکھائیں
+ کسی صفحے کو لوڈ کرتے وقت ریموٹ فونٹس ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
+ آٹو پلے کی اجازت دیں
+ میڈیا کو خود بخود شروع ہونے دیں
+ ڈیٹا سیور
+ ٹیب
+ سافٹ ویئر کو دوبارہ شروع کرنے کے بعد ٹیب کا برتاؤ کرنے کا طریقہ تبدیل کریں
+ میڈیا
+ پہلے سے طے شدہ ڈیٹا سیور کو اپنی مرضی کے مطابق تبدیل کریں
+ ڈیفالٹ میڈیا کو اپنی مرضی کے مطابق تبدیل کریں
+ ہمیشہ تصاویر دکھائیں
+ صرف وائی فائی استعمال کرتے وقت تصاویر دکھائیں
+ تمام تصاویر کو مسدود کریں
+ ایڈوانس سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ ٹیب ، ڈیٹا سیور ، ڈویلپر ٹولز کو بحال کریں
+ انین پراکسی کی شرط
+ انین نیٹ ورک کی حالت چیک کریں
+ رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
+ بدسلوکی والی ویب سائٹ کی اطلاع دیں
+ اس ایپ کی درجہ بندی کریں
+ پلے اسٹور پر شرح اور تبصرے
+ اس ایپ کا اشتراک کریں
+ یہ سافٹ ویئر اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ شیئر کریں
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ۔ عمومی تخصیص کریں
+ ڈیفالٹ سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ ہوم پیج ، زبان
+ فل سکرین براؤزنگ
+ کسی صفحے کو سکرول کرتے وقت براؤزر ٹول بار کو چھپائیں
+ زبان
+ اپنے براؤزر کی زبان کو تبدیل کریں
+ سافٹ ویئر تھیم
+ روشن اور سیاہ تھیم کا انتخاب کریں
+ تھیم روشن
+ تھیم ڈارک
+ فل سکرین براؤزنگ اور زبان کو تبدیل کریں
+ سسٹم ڈیفالٹ
+ ہوم پیج
- علامة تبويب جديدة
- فتح الصفحة الرئيسية في علامة تبويب جديدة
- إلغاء كافة علامات التبويب
- إزالة روابط الويب التي تم تصفحها
- إزالة الإشارات المرجعية
- إزالة تصفح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت
- إزالة الاقتراحات
- إزالة بيانات الموقع
- إزالة بيانات الجلسة
- إزالة ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بالتصفح
- إزالة تخصيص المتصفح
+ نیا ٹیب
+ ہوم پیج کو نئے ٹیب میں کھولیں
+ تمام ٹیبز کو ہٹا دیں
+ براؤزڈ ویب لنکس کو ہٹا دیں
+ بُک مارکس کو ہٹا دیں
+ براؤزنگ کیشے کو ہٹا دیں
+ تجاویز کو ہٹا دیں
+ سائٹ کا ڈیٹا ہٹا دیں
+ سیشن ڈیٹا کو ہٹا دیں
+ ویب براؤزنگ کوکیز کو ہٹا دیں
+ براؤزر کی تخصیص کو دور کریں
- تقدم 2222 كما تعلم
- أدخل 3333 معلومات من مصدر موثوق
- 2222 ...
- طلب
- موافق
+ ایک برج فراہم کریں جو آپ جانتے ہو
+ کسی قابل اعتماد ذریعہ سے برج معلومات درج کریں
+ برج ...
+ درخواست
+ ٹھیک ہے
- موقع المرجعية
- أضف هذه الصفحة إلى إشاراتك المرجعية
- إلغاء روابط الويب والبيانات التي تم تصفحها
- إشارة مرجعية وبيانات واضحة
- سيؤدي مسح البيانات إلى إزالة روابط الويب وملفات تعريف الارتباط وبيانات التصفح الأخرى التي تم تصفحها
- سيؤدي حذف البيانات إلى حذف المواقع المرجعية
- صرف
- إلغاء
- موافق
- إشارة مرجعية جديدة
+ بک مارک ویب سائٹ
+ اس صفحے کو اپنے بُک مارکس میں شامل کریں
+ براؤزڈ ویب لنکس اور ڈیٹا کو حذف کریں
+ بک مارک اور ڈیٹا کو صاف کریں
+ ڈیٹا کو صاف کرنا براؤزڈ ویب لنکس ، کوکیز اور دیگر براؤزنگ ڈیٹا کو ختم کردے گا
+ ڈیٹا کو حذف کرنا بک مارک کی ویب سائٹوں کو حذف کردے گا
+ خارج کردیں
+ منسوخ کریں
+ ٹھیک ہے
+ نیا بک مارک
- الاتصال آمن
- تكون معلوماتك (على سبيل المثال ، كلمة المرور أو أرقام بطاقة الائتمان) خاصة عند إرسالها إلى هذا الموقع
- تخصيص الخصوصية
- نقل
- موقع التقرير
- إذا كنت تعتقد أن عنوان URL هذا غير قانوني أو مزعج ، فأبلغنا به ، حتى نتمكن من اتخاذ إجراء قانوني
- تم الإبلاغ بنجاح
- تم الإبلاغ عن عنوان url بنجاح. إذا تم العثور على شيء ما ، سيتم اتخاذ إجراء قانوني
- قيمنا
- أخبر الآخرين برأيك حول هذا التطبيق
- معدل
- آسف لسماع ذلك!
- إذا كنت تواجه صعوبة أثناء استخدام هذا البرنامج ، فيرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني. سنحاول حل مشكلتك في أقرب وقت ممكن
- بريد
- طلب جديد 2222
- حدد البريد أدناه لطلب عنوان 3333. بمجرد الحصول عليه ، انسخه والصقه في المربع أعلاه وابدأ تشغيل البرنامج.
- اللغة غير مدعومة
- لغة النظام غير مدعومة من قبل هذا البرنامج. نحن نعمل على إدراجه قريبًا
- تهيئة 11111
- الإجراء غير معتمد
- لم يتم العثور على برنامج للتعامل مع الأمر التالي
- اهلا وسهلا | الويب المخفي 11113
- يوفر لك هذا البرنامج نظامًا أساسيًا للبحث عن عناوين url المخفية وفتحها. إليك بعض الاقتراحات \n
- سوق الويب المخفي على الإنترنت
- الوثائق والكتب المسربة
- أخبار ومقالات الويب المظلم
- البرامج السرية وأدوات القرصنة
- لا تظهر مرة أخرى
- التمويل والمال
- المجتمعات الاجتماعية
- كتيب
- playstore
- إشعار ارتباط الويب
- فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة
- فتح في علامة التبويب الحالية
- نسخ إلى الحافظة
- إخطار الملف
- إشعار التنزيل
- فتح عنوان url في علامة تبويب جديدة
- فتح عنوان url في علامة التبويب الحالية
- نسخ url إلى الحافظة
- إفتح الصورة بصفحة جديدة
- فتح الصورة في علامة التبويب الحالية
- نسخ الصورة إلى الحافظة
- تنزيل ملف الصورة
- إشعار التنزيل
- إشعار ارتباط الويب
+ کنکشن محفوظ ہے
+ جب آپ کو اس سائٹ پر بھیجا جاتا ہے تو آپ کی معلومات (مثال کے طور پر پاس ورڈ یا کریڈٹ کارڈ نمبرز) نجی ہوتی ہیں
+ سسٹم اور صارف کی نگرانی کی ترتیب
+ رپورٹ
+ رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
+ اگر آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ یہ یو آر ایل غیر قانونی یا پریشان کن ہے تو ہمیں اس کی اطلاع دیں ، لہذا ہم قانونی کارروائی کرسکتے ہیں
+ کامیابی کے ساتھ اطلاع دی گئی
+ یو آر ایل کی کامیابی کے ساتھ اطلاع دی گئی۔ اگر کچھ مل گیا تو قانونی کارروائی کی جائے گی
+ ہمیں شرح دیں
+ دوسروں کو بتائیں کہ آپ اس ایپ کے بارے میں کیا سوچتے ہیں
+ شرح
+ ہمیں یہ سن کر افسوس ہوا!
+ اگر آپ کو یہ سافٹ ویئر استعمال کرتے وقت دشواری کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے تو براہ کرم ای میل کے ذریعہ ہم تک پہنچیں۔ ہم آپ کے مسئلے کو جلد سے جلد حل کرنے کی کوشش کریں گے
+ میل
+ نیا برج درخواست کریں
+ ایک برج پتے کی درخواست کے لئے میل کا انتخاب کریں۔ ایک بار جب آپ اسے حاصل کرلیں تو ، اسے اوپر والے خانے میں کاپی کرکے پیسٹ کریں اور سافٹ ویئر شروع کریں۔
+ زبان کی سہولت نہیں ہے
+ سسٹم لینگوئج اس سافٹ ویر کے ذریعہ معاون نہیں ہے۔ ہم جلد ہی اسے شامل کرنے کے لئے کام کر رہے ہیں
+ جینیسز شروع کر رہا ہے
+ کارروائی معاون نہیں ہے
+ مندرجہ ذیل کمانڈ کو سنبھالنے کے لئے کوئی سافٹ ویئر نہیں ملا
+ استقبال | پوشیدہ ویب گیٹوے
+ یہ سافٹ ویئر آپ کو پوشیدہ ویب یو آر ایل کو تلاش کرنے اور کھولنے کے لئے ایک پلیٹ فارم مہیا کرتا ہے۔ یہاں کچھ تجاویز ہیں
+ پوشیدہ ویب آن لائن مارکیٹ
+ دستاویزات اور کتابیں لیک کردی گئیں
+ سیاہ ویب خبریں اور مضامین
+ خفیہ سافٹ ویئر اور ہیکنگ ٹولز
+ دوبارہ نہیں دکھائیں گے
+ فنانس اور پیسہ
+ سماجی معاشرے
+ دستی
+ پلےسٹور
+ ویب لنک نوٹیفکیشن
+ نئی ٹیب میں کھولیں
+ موجودہ ٹیب میں کھولیں
+ کلپ بورڈ میں کاپی کریں
+ فائل کی اطلاع
+ ڈاؤن لوڈ کی اطلاع
+ نئے ٹیب میں یو آر ایل کھولیں
+ موجودہ ٹیب میں یو آر ایل کھولیں
+ یو آر ایل کو کلپ بورڈ میں کاپی کریں
+ نئی ٹیب میں تصویر کھولیں
+ موجودہ ٹیب میں تصویر کھولیں
+ کلپ بورڈ میں تصویر کاپی کریں
+ تصویری فائل ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں
+ ڈاؤن لوڈ کی اطلاع
+ ویب لنک نوٹیفکیشن
- لم يتم العثور على برنامج للتعامل مع البريد الإلكتروني
- تحميل الملف |
- مسح البيانات | إعادة التشغيل المطلوبة
- تم مسح البيانات الخاصة بنجاح. ستتطلب بعض إعدادات النظام الافتراضية إعادة تشغيل هذا البرنامج. الآن يمكنك متابعة التصفح بأمان
- علامة التبويب مغلقة
- الغاء التحميل
+ ای میل کو ہینڈل کرنے کیلئے کوئی سافٹ ویئر نہیں ملا
+ فائل ڈاؤن لوڈ |
+ ڈیٹا صاف | دوبارہ شروع کرنا ضروری ہے
+ نجی ڈیٹا کامیابی کے ساتھ صاف ہوگیا۔ کچھ پہلے سے طے شدہ نظام کی ترتیبات میں اس سافٹ ویئر کو دوبارہ شروع کرنے کی ضرورت ہوگی۔ اب آپ محفوظ طریقے سے براؤزنگ جاری رکھ سکتے ہیں
+ ٹیب بند ہے
+ کالعدم کریں
- تخصيص الأمان
- 2222 تخصيص
- إنشاء تلقائيًا
- تكوين 3333 تخصيص تلقائيا
- تقدم 3333 كما تعلم
- paste custom 3333
- تخصيص الوكيل | 2222
- 4444 عبارة عن مرحلات 6666 غير مدرجة تجعل من الصعب حظر الاتصالات في شبكة 6666. بسبب الطريقة التي تحاول بها بعض البلدان حظر 6666 ، يعمل 5555 معينًا في بعض البلدان دون غيرها
- حدد الافتراضي 3333
- طلب
- obfs4 (موصى به)
+ سیکورٹی کو بہتر بنائیں
+ برج تخصیص کریں
+ خود بخود تخلیق کریں
+ خود بخود برج تشکیل دیں
+ ایک برج فراہم کریں جو آپ جانتے ہو
+ کسٹم برج چسپاں کریں
+ پراکسی اپنی مرضی کے مطابق | برج
+ برج غیر لسٹ شدہ ڈور ریلے ہیں جو ڈور نیٹ ورک میں رابطوں کو روکنا زیادہ مشکل بنا دیتے ہیں۔ کچھ ممالک ڈور کو روکنے کی کوشش کی وجہ سے ، کچھ ممالک میں برج کام کرتے ہیں لیکن دوسرے نہیں
+ پہلے سے طے شدہ برج منتخب کریں
+ درخواست
+ obfs4 (تجویز کردہ)
meek-azure (china)
- سجلات الوكيل
- معلومات السجلات
- إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة في الاتصال أثناء بدء تشغيل 1111 ، فيرجى نسخ الكود التالي والعثور على المشكلة عبر الإنترنت أو إرسالها إلينا ، حتى نتمكن من محاولة مساعدتك
+ پراکسی لاگز
+ سسٹم لاگ انفارمیشن
+ اگر آپ جینیسز کو شروع کرتے وقت رابطہ کے مسئلے کا سامنا کر رہے ہیں تو ، براہ کرم مندرجہ ذیل کوڈ کو کاپی کریں اور مسئلہ آن لائن تلاش کریں یا ہمیں بھیجیں ، لہذا ہم آپ کی مدد کرنے کی کوشش کر سکتے ہیں
- 11111 سجلات
- علامات تبويب جديدة
- علامة التبويب إغلاق
- فتح علامات التبويب الأخيرة
- لغة
- التحميلات
- تصفح روابط الويب
- يعدل أو يكيف
- موقع سطح المكتب
- احفظ هذه الصفحة
- إشارات مرجعية
- موقع التقرير
- قيم هذا التطبيق
- تجد في الصفحة
- خروج
- شارك
+ جینیسز لاگ
+ نئی ٹیبز
+ ٹیب بند کریں
+ حالیہ ٹیبز کھولیں
+ زبان
+ ڈاؤن لوڈ
+ براؤز ویب لنکس
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ ڈیسک ٹاپ سائٹ
+ اس صفحے کو محفوظ کریں
+ بُک مارکس
+ رپورٹ ویب سائٹ
+ اس ایپ کی درجہ بندی کریں
+ صفحے میں تلاش کریں
+ باہر نکلیں
+ بانٹیں
- علامات تبويب جديدة
- أغلق كل علامات التبويب
- يعدل أو يكيف
- حدد علامات التبويب
+ نئی ٹیبز
+ تمام ٹیبز کو بند کریں
+ سسٹم سیٹنگ
+ ٹیبز کو منتخب کریں
- علامات التبويب المفتوحة
- نسخ
- شارك
- اختيار واضح
- فتح في علامة التبويب الحالية
- فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة
- حذف
+ ٹیبز کھولیں
+ کاپی
+ بانٹیں
+ واضح انتخاب
+ موجودہ ٹیب میں کھولیں
+ نئی ٹیب میں کھولیں
+ حذف کریں
- تصفح روابط الويب
- واضح
- بحث ...
+ براؤز ویب لنکس
+ اسے ختم کریں
+ تلاش کریں ...
- المرجعية
- واضح
- بحث ...
+ بک مارک
+ اسے ختم کریں
+ تلاش کریں ...
- أعد المحاولة
- اوبس! خطأ في اتصال الشبكة. الشبكة غير متصلة
- مساعدة و دعم
+ دوبارہ کوشش کریں
+ اوپپس! نیٹ ورک کنکشن کی خرابی۔ نیٹ ورک منسلک نہیں ہے
+ مدد اور حمایت
- لغة
- تغيير اللغة
- نحن نعمل فقط باللغات التالية. سنقوم بإضافة المزيد قريبا
- انجليزية الولايات المتحدة)
- الألمانية ألمانيا)
- إيطالي (إيطاليا)
- البرتغالية (البرازيل)
- الروسية (روسيا)
- الأوكرانية (أوكرانيا)
- الصينية المبسطة (بر الصين الرئيسي)
+ زبان
+ زبان تبدیل کریں
+ ہم صرف درج ذیل زبان پر چلتے ہیں۔ ہم جلد ہی مزید اضافہ کریں گے
+ امریکی انگریزی)
+ جرمن (جرمنی)
+ اطالوی (اٹلی)
+ پرتگالی (برازیل)
+ روسی (روس)
+ تحقیقات (یوکرین)
+ چینی آسان (مینلینڈ چین)
- ⚠️ تحذير
- تخصيص 4444
- تمكين 4444
- تمكين 7777 خدمة
- تمكين 2222 11113
- تمكين 11113
+ ⚠️ انتباہ
+ برج اپنی مرضی کے مطابق
+ برج کو فعال کریں
+ ویپین سرور فعال کریں
+ برج گیٹوے کو قابل بنائیں
+ گیٹوے کو فعال کریں
- حالة التوكيل
- الوضع الحالي للوكيل 11112
- 11111 شرط التوكيل
- 9999
- 7777 شرط الاتصال
- 2222 شرط التوكيل
- معلومات | تغيير تخصيص
- يمكنك تغيير الوكيل عن طريق إعادة تشغيل البرنامج والانتقال إلى مدير الوكيل. يمكن فتحه بالضغط على أيقونة الترس في الأسفل
+ پراکسی کی حالت
+ آرباٹ پراکسی کی موجودہ حالت
+ جینیسز پراکسی کی حالت
+ انین
+ ویپین رابطے کی شرط
+ برج پراکسی کی شرط
+ معلومات | سسٹم کی سیٹنگ کو تبدیل کریں
+ آپ سافٹ ویئر کو دوبارہ شروع کرکے اور پراکسی منیجر کے پاس جاکر پراکسی تبدیل کرسکتے ہیں۔ نیچے دیئے گئے گیئر آئیکون پر کلک کرکے اسے کھولا جاسکتا ہے
- تخصيص الوكيل
- نوصلك بشبكة 6666 التي يديرها آلاف المتطوعين حول العالم! هل يمكن أن تساعدك هذه الخيارات
- يتم حظر الإنترنت هنا (تجاوز جدار الحماية)
- تجاوز جدار الحماية
- 4444 يتسبب في تشغيل الإنترنت ببطء شديد. استخدمها فقط إذا تم حظر الإنترنت في بلدك أو تم حظر شبكة Tor
+ پراکسی اپنی مرضی کے مطابق بنائیں
+ ہم آپ کو ڈور نیٹ ورک سے منسلک کرتے ہیں جو دنیا بھر میں ہزاروں رضاکاروں کے ذریعہ چلتا ہے! کیا یہ آپشن آپ کی مدد کرسکتے ہیں؟
+ انٹرنیٹ یہاں سنسر ہے (فائروال کو بائی پاس)
+ بائی پاس فائر وال
+ برج انٹرنیٹ بہت سست چلانے کا سبب بنتا ہے۔ ان کو صرف اس صورت میں استعمال کریں جب آپ کے ملک میں انٹرنیٹ سنسر ہے یا ڈور نیٹ ورک مسدود ہے
- افتح هذا
+ اسے کھولیں
- 1111 متوقف مؤقتًا في الوقت الحالي
- ~ 1111 في وضع الاستعداد في الوقت الحالي
- ستظهر هنا علامات التبويب المفتوحة
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ کھلی ٹیبز یہاں دکھائی دیں گی
- "تحتاج أحيانًا إلى 2222 للوصول إلى 6666"
- "اخبرني المزيد"
- "يمكنك تمكين أي برنامج من المرور عبر 6666 باستخدام 8888"
- "هذا لن يجعلك مجهول الهوية ، لكنه سيساعدك على تجاوز جدران الحماية"
- "اختر التطبيقات"
- "مرحبا"
- "مرحبًا بك في 6666 على الهاتف المحمول."
- "تصفح الإنترنت بالطريقة التي تتوقعها."
- "لا تتبع. لا رقابة".
+ "کبھی کبھی ڈور پر جانے کے لئے آپ کو برج کی ضرورت پڑتی ہے"
+ "مجھے اور بتاؤ"
+ "آپ انین کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے کسی بھی سافٹ ویئر کو ڈور میں جانے کے قابل بنائیں گے"
+ "یہ آپ کو گمنام نہیں بنائے گا ، لیکن اس سے فائر وال کو نظرانداز کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔"
+ "ایپس منتخب کریں"
+ "ہیلو"
+ "موبائل پر ڈور میں خوش آمدید۔"
+ "انٹرنیٹ کو براؤز کریں جس طرح آپ کی توقع ہے۔"
+ "صارف کی نگرانی کا کوئی تحفظ نہیں۔ کوئی سنسرشپ نہیں ہے۔"
- هذا الموقع لا يمكن الوصول إليه
- حدث خطأ أثناء الاتصال
- الصفحة التي تحاول عرضها لا يمكن عرضها لأنه لا يمكن التحقق من صحة البيانات المستلمة
- الصفحة لا تعمل حاليًا لسبب ما
- يرجى الاتصال بأصحاب المواقع لإبلاغهم بهذه المشكلة.
- إعادة تحميل
+ یہ سائٹ قابل رسائ نہیں ہے
+ ویب سائٹ سے رابطہ قائم کرتے وقت ایک خرابی پیش آگئی
+ آپ جس صفحے کو دیکھنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں وہ نہیں دکھایا جاسکتا ہے کیونکہ موصولہ اعداد و شمار کی صداقت کی تصدیق نہیں ہوسکی
+ صفحہ فی الحال کسی وجہ سے کام نہیں کررہا ہے
+ براہ کرم اس مسئلے سے آگاہ کرنے کے لئے ویب سائٹ کے مالکان سے رابطہ کریں۔
+ دوبارہ لوڈ کریں
- Pre_language
- توقيع الحزمة غير صالح
- انقر لتسجيل الدخول.
- انقر لتحديد البيانات يدويًا.
- استثناء أمان مجال الويب.
- فشل التحقق من DAL.
+ pref_language
+ غلط پیکیج کے دستخط
+ سائن ان کرنے کے لئے کلک کریں۔
+ دستی طور پر ڈیٹا منتخب کرنے کے لئے کلک کریں۔
+ ویب ڈومین سیکیورٹی کی رعایت۔
+ DAL تصدیق میں ناکامی۔
- - 55 في المائة
- - 70 في المئة
- - 85 في المائة
- - 100 في المئة
- - 115 في المائة
- - 130 في المائة
- - 145 في المائة
- - الويب المخفي
- - جوجل
- - بطة بطة اذهب
+ - 55 فیصد
+ - 70 فیصد
+ - 85 فیصد
+ - 100 فیصد
+ - 115 فیصد
+ - 130 فیصد
+ - 145 فیصد
- - ممكن
- - معاق
+ - فعال
+ - غیر فعال
- - تمكين الكل
- - أوقف عمل الكل
- - لا يوجد نطاق ترددي
+ - سب کو قابل بنائیں
+ - سب کو غیر فعال کریں
+ - کوئی بینڈوتھ نہیں ہے
- - اسمح للكل
- - السماح بالثقة
- - السماح بلا
- - السماح بالزيارة
- - السماح لغير Tracker
+ - سب کی اجازت دیں
+ - بھروسے کی اجازت دیں
+ - کسی کو بھی اجازت نہیں دیں
+ - دیکھنے کی اجازت دیں
+ - نان ٹریکر کی اجازت دیں
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml
index 69b82723..16b13456 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml
@@ -1,375 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- 搜索或键入网址
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ tìm kiếm thứ gì đó hoặc nhập một liên kết web
+ Tìm ở trang
+ máy tìm kiếm
+ https://genesis.onion
+ opps! có gì đó không ổn
+ mọi điều
+ Genesis search engine
+ tự do kỹ thuật số
+ tải lại
+ bạn đang phải đối mặt với một trong những vấn đề sau. trang web hoặc trang web có thể không hoạt động. kết nối internet của bạn có thể kém. bạn có thể đang sử dụng proxy. trang web có thể bị tường lửa chặn
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ BBC | Israel lại tấn công
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ Thiết lập hệ thống
+ đặt Genesis làm trình duyệt mặc định của bạn
+ Thiết lập hệ thống
+ máy tìm kiếm
+ javascript
+ xóa các liên kết web đã duyệt
+ tùy chỉnh phông chữ
+ Chòm sao Phông chữ Hệ thống
+ thay đổi phông chữ tự động
+ Cài đặt cookie
+ bánh quy
+ Thiết lập hệ thống . Thông báo
+ thông báo
+ thay đổi tùy chọn thông báo
+ tình trạng của mạng và thông báo
+ thông báo địa phương
+ tùy chỉnh thông báo phần mềm
+ thông báo hệ thống
+ thay đổi cách hiển thị Nhật ký hệ thống
+ hiển thị Nhật ký bằng chế độ xem danh sách hiện đại
+ toogle giữa chế độ xem danh sách cổ điển và hiện đại
+ Quản lý công cụ tìm kiếm
+ thêm, đặt mặc định. hiển thị đề xuất
+ quản lý thông báo
+ các tính năng mới, tình trạng của mạng
+ Tùy chỉnh phần mềm. Máy tìm kiếm
+ công cụ tìm kiếm được hỗ trợ
+ chọn Công cụ tìm kiếm mặc định
+ Tùy chỉnh phần mềm. Máy tìm kiếm
+ thay đổi cách các Tìm kiếm trên Web xuất hiện
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ hiển thị các liên kết web đã duyệt
+ hiển thị các đề xuất trong quá trình tìm kiếm
+ đề xuất từ các liên kết web đã duyệt xuất hiện khi bạn nhập vào thanh tìm kiếm
+ đề xuất tập trung xuất hiện khi bạn nhập vào thanh tìm kiếm
+ khả năng tiếp cận
+ kích thước văn bản, thu phóng, nhập liệu bằng giọng nói
+ tùy chỉnh | khả năng tiếp cận
+ xóa dữ liệu cá nhân
+ tab, liên kết web đã duyệt, dấu trang, cookie, bộ nhớ cache
+ Thay đổi cài đặt hệ thống. Xóa dữ liệu hệ thống
+ xóa dữ liệu
+ xóa tất cả các tab
+ xóa các liên kết web đã duyệt
+ xóa dấu trang
+ xóa bộ nhớ cache
+ xóa đề xuất
+ xóa dữ liệu
+ xóa phiên
+ xóa cookie
+ xóa tùy chỉnh
+ chia tỷ lệ phông chữ
+ chia tỷ lệ nội dung web theo kích thước phông chữ hệ thống
+ bật thu phóng
+ bật và buộc thu phóng cho tất cả các trang web
+ đầu vào bằng giọng nói
+ cho phép đọc chính tả bằng giọng nói trong thanh url
+ chọn tỷ lệ phông chữ tùy chỉnh
+ kéo thanh trượt cho đến khi bạn có thể đọc thoải mái. văn bản ít nhất phải lớn như thế này sau khi nhấn đúp vào một đoạn văn
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ tương tác
+ thay đổi cách tương tác với nội dung trang web
+ Người dùng đang bật
+ mức độ người dùng, thông tin đăng nhập, lựa chọn dữ liệu
+ Bảo vệ giám sát người dùng
+ adblock, trình theo dõi, lấy dấu vân tay
+ Thiết lập hệ thống . riêng tư
+ Thiết lập hệ thống . bảo vệ người dùng tuyệt vời
+ bảo vệ danh tính trực tuyến của bạn
+ giữ bí mật danh tính của bạn. chúng tôi có thể bảo vệ bạn khỏi một số trình theo dõi theo dõi bạn trực tuyến. Cài đặt Hệ thống này cũng có thể được sử dụng để chặn quảng cáo
+ cứu bản thân khỏi tính năng Bảo vệ sự ngạc nhiên của người dùng
+ Genesis sẽ yêu cầu các trang web không theo dõi tôi
+ yêu cầu trang web không theo dõi tôi
+ Bảo vệ giám sát người dùng
+ kích hoạt tính năng Bảo vệ Survelance của người dùng do Genesis cung cấp
+ cookie trang web
+ chọn tùy chọn cookie trang web theo nhu cầu bảo mật của bạn
+ xóa dữ liệu cá nhân khi thoát
+ xóa dữ liệu tự động sau khi phần mềm được đóng
+ duyệt web riêng tư
+ giữ an toàn cho danh tính của bạn và sử dụng các tùy chọn bên dưới
+ được kích hoạt
+ được bật, không bao gồm cookie theo dõi trang web
+ được bật, không bao gồm bên thứ 3
+ tàn tật
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ vô hiệu hóa bảo vệ
+ cho phép Bảo vệ Survelance nhận dạng. điều này có thể khiến danh tính trực tuyến của bạn bị đánh cắp
+ mặc định (khuyến nghị)
+ chặn quảng cáo trực tuyến và người dùng web xã hội Survelance. các trang sẽ tải như mặc định
+ chính sách nghiêm ngặt
+ dừng tất cả các trình theo dõi đã biết, các trang sẽ tải nhanh hơn nhưng một số chức năng có thể không hoạt động
+ javascript
+ vô hiệu hóa tập lệnh java cho các cuộc tấn công tập lệnh khác nhau
+ Thiết lập hệ thống . Thiết lập hệ thống phức tạp
+ khôi phục các tab
+ không khôi phục sau khi thoát khỏi trình duyệt
+ chủ đề thanh công cụ
+ đặt chủ đề thanh công cụ như được xác định trong trang web
+ hiển thị hình ảnh
+ luôn tải hình ảnh trang web
+ hiển thị phông chữ web
+ tải xuống phông chữ từ xa khi tải trang
+ cho phép tự động phát
+ cho phép phương tiện tự động khởi động
+ trình tiết kiệm dữ liệu
+ chuyển hướng
+ thay đổi cách hoạt động của tab sau khi khởi động lại phần mềm
+ phương tiện truyền thông
+ thay đổi tùy chỉnh trình tiết kiệm dữ liệu mặc định
+ thay đổi tùy chỉnh phương tiện mặc định
+ luôn hiển thị hình ảnh
+ chỉ hiển thị hình ảnh khi sử dụng wifi
+ chặn tất cả hình ảnh
+ Cài đặt hệ thống nâng cao
+ khôi phục các tab, trình tiết kiệm dữ liệu, công cụ dành cho nhà phát triển
+ onion điều kiện của proxy
+ kiểm tra điều kiện mạng onion
+ báo cáo trang web
+ báo cáo trang web lạm dụng
+ đánh giá ứng dụng này
+ đánh giá và bình luận trên playstore
+ chia sẻ ứng dụng này
+ chia sẻ phần mềm này với bạn bè của bạn
+ Thiết lập hệ thống . tùy chỉnh chung
+ Cài đặt hệ thống mặc định
+ trang chủ, ngôn ngữ
+ duyệt toàn màn hình
+ ẩn thanh công cụ của trình duyệt khi cuộn xuống một trang
+ ngôn ngữ
+ thay đổi ngôn ngữ của trình duyệt của bạn
+ chủ đề phần mềm
+ chọn chủ đề sáng và tối
+ chủ đề tươi sáng
+ chủ đề Tối
+ thay đổi ngôn ngữ và duyệt toàn màn hình
+ mặc định hệ thống
+ trang chủ
+ about:blank
+ tab mới
+ mở trang chủ trong tab mới
+ xóa tất cả các tab
+ xóa các liên kết web đã duyệt
+ xóa dấu trang
+ xóa bộ nhớ cache duyệt web
+ loại bỏ các đề xuất
+ xóa dữ liệu trang web
+ xóa dữ liệu phiên
+ xóa cookie duyệt web
+ loại bỏ tùy chỉnh trình duyệt
+ cung cấp một Bridge bạn biết
+ nhập thông tin bridge từ một nguồn đáng tin cậy
+ Bridge ...
+ yêu cầu
+ đồng ý
+ bookmark website
+ thêm trang này vào dấu trang của bạn
+ xóa các liên kết web đã duyệt và Dữ liệu
+ xóa dấu trang và dữ liệu
+ xóa dữ liệu sẽ xóa các liên kết web đã duyệt, cookie và dữ liệu duyệt web khác
+ xóa dữ liệu sẽ xóa các trang web được đánh dấu
+ bỏ qua
+ hủy bỏ
+ đồng ý
+ dấu trang mới
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ kết nối an toàn
+ thông tin của bạn (ví dụ: mật khẩu hoặc số thẻ tín dụng) là riêng tư khi nó được gửi đến trang web này
+ Cài đặt giám sát hệ thống và người dùng
+ báo cáo
+ báo cáo trang web
+ nếu bạn cho rằng URL này bất hợp pháp hoặc đáng lo ngại, hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi để chúng tôi có thể thực hiện hành động pháp lý
+ đã được báo cáo thành công
+ url đã được báo cáo thành công. nếu một cái gì đó được tìm thấy, hành động pháp lý sẽ được thực hiện
+ đánh giá chúng tôi
+ cho người khác biết suy nghĩ của bạn về ứng dụng này
+ tỷ lệ
+ Chúng tôi càm thấy rất buồn khi nghe điều đó!
+ Nếu bạn gặp khó khăn khi sử dụng phần mềm này, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi qua email. chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng giải quyết vấn đề của bạn càng sớm càng tốt
+ thư
+ yêu cầu mới Bridge
+ chọn thư để yêu cầu địa chỉ bridge. khi bạn nhận được nó, hãy sao chép và dán nó vào hộp bên trên và khởi động phần mềm.
+ ngôn ngữ không được hỗ trợ
+ ngôn ngữ hệ thống không được phần mềm này hỗ trợ. chúng tôi đang làm việc để sớm đưa nó vào
+ khởi tạo Orbot
+ hành động không được hỗ trợ
+ không tìm thấy phần mềm nào để xử lý lệnh sau
+ chào mừng | web ẩn Gateway
+ phần mềm này cung cấp cho bạn một nền tảng để tìm kiếm và mở các url web ẩn. đây là một vài gợi ý \n
+ thị trường trực tuyến web ẩn
+ tài liệu và sách bị rò rỉ
+ tin tức và bài báo trên dark web
+ phần mềm bí mật và công cụ hack
+ không hiển thị lại
+ tài chính và tiền bạc
+ xã hội xã hội
+ sổ tay
+ Cửa hang tro chơi
+ thông báo liên kết web
+ mở trang mới
+ mở trong tab hiện tại
+ sao chép vào clipboard
+ thông báo tệp
+ thông báo tải xuống
+ mở url trong tab mới
+ mở url trong tab hiện tại
+ sao chép url vào khay nhớ tạm
+ Mở hình ảnh trong trang mới
+ mở hình ảnh trong tab hiện tại
+ sao chép hình ảnh vào khay nhớ tạm
+ tải xuống tệp hình ảnh
+ thông báo tải xuống
+ thông báo liên kết web
+ không tìm thấy phần mềm để xử lý email
+ tải tập tin |
+ dữ liệu bị xóa | yêu cầu khởi động lại
+ dữ liệu cá nhân đã được xóa thành công. một số cài đặt hệ thống mặc định sẽ yêu cầu phần mềm này khởi động lại. bây giờ bạn có thể tiếp tục duyệt một cách an toàn
+ tab đã đóng
+ Hoàn tác
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ tùy chỉnh bảo mật
+ Bridge tùy chỉnh
+ tạo tự động
+ tự động cấu hình tùy chỉnh bridge
+ cung cấp một bridge mà bạn biết
+ dán tùy chỉnh bridge
+ tùy chỉnh proxy | Bridge
+ Bridges là các rơ le Tor không công khai khiến việc chặn các kết nối vào mạng Tor trở nên khó khăn hơn. vì cách một số quốc gia cố gắng chặn Tor, một số bridges hoạt động ở một số quốc gia nhưng không hoạt động ở những quốc gia khác
+ chọn mặc định bridge
+ yêu cầu
+ obfs4 (khuyến nghị)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ nhật ký proxy
+ Thông tin nhật ký hệ thống
+ nếu bạn gặp sự cố kết nối khi khởi động Genesis, vui lòng sao chép mã sau và tìm sự cố trực tuyến hoặc gửi cho chúng tôi, để chúng tôi có thể cố gắng giúp bạn
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot nhật ký
+ tab mới
+ đóng tab
+ mở các tab gần đây
+ ngôn ngữ
+ tải xuống
+ liên kết web đã duyệt
+ Thiết lập hệ thống
+ trang máy tính để bàn
+ lưu trang này
+ dấu trang
+ báo cáo trang web
+ đánh giá ứng dụng này
+ Tìm ở trang
+ lối ra
+ chia sẻ
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ tab mới
+ đóng tất cả cửa sổ
+ Thiết lập hệ thống
+ chọn tab
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ mở tab
+ sao chép
+ chia sẻ
+ lựa chọn rõ ràng
+ mở trong tab hiện tại
+ mở trang mới
+ xóa bỏ
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ liên kết web đã duyệt
+ tháo cái này
+ Tìm kiếm ...
+ dấu trang
+ tháo cái này
+ Tìm kiếm ...
+ thử lại
+ opps! lỗi kết nối mạng. mạng không kết nối
+ giúp đỡ và hỗ trợ
+ ngôn ngữ
+ thay đổi ngôn ngữ
+ chúng tôi chỉ chạy trên các ngôn ngữ sau. chúng tôi sẽ sớm bổ sung thêm
+ tiếng anh (các bang thống nhất)
+ đức (đức)
+ tiếng Ý (italy)
+ người Bồ Đào Nha (Brazil)
+ nga (nga)
+ ukrainian (ukraine)
+ tiếng Trung giản thể (Trung Quốc đại lục)
+ ⚠️ cảnh báo
+ tùy chỉnh Bridges
+ kích hoạt Bridges
+ kích hoạt VPN serivces
+ kích hoạt Bridge Gateway
+ kích hoạt Gateway
+ điều kiện của proxy
+ tình trạng hiện tại của orbot proxy
+ Orbot điều kiện của proxy
+ onion
+ VPN điều kiện kết nối
+ Bridge điều kiện của proxy
+ thông tin | thay đổi cài đặt hệ thống
+ bạn có thể thay đổi proxy bằng cách khởi động lại phần mềm và chuyển đến trình quản lý proxy. nó có thể được mở bằng cách nhấp vào biểu tượng bánh răng ở dưới cùng
+ tùy chỉnh proxy
+ chúng tôi kết nối bạn với mạng Tor do hàng nghìn tình nguyện viên trên khắp thế giới điều hành! Những tùy chọn này có thể giúp bạn không
+ Internet được kiểm duyệt ở đây (vượt tường lửa)
+ vượt tường lửa
+ Bridges khiến Internet chạy rất chậm. chỉ sử dụng chúng nếu internet bị kiểm duyệt ở quốc gia của bạn hoặc mạng Tor bị chặn
- Open
+ mở thứ này
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ các tab đang mở sẽ hiển thị ở đây
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ "đôi khi bạn cần Bridge để đến Tor"
+ "cho tôi biết thêm"
+ "bạn có thể kích hoạt bất kỳ phần mềm nào đi qua Tor bằng Onion"
+ "điều này sẽ không khiến bạn ẩn danh nhưng sẽ giúp bạn vượt qua tường lửa"
+ "chọn ứng dụng"
+ "xin chào"
+ "chào mừng bạn đến với Tor trên điện thoại di động."
+ "duyệt internet theo cách bạn mong đợi."
+ "Không có Bảo vệ Giám sát Người dùng. Không có Kiểm duyệt."
+ trang web này không thể truy cập được
+ đã xảy ra lỗi khi kết nối với trang web
+ không thể hiển thị trang bạn đang cố xem vì không thể xác minh tính xác thực của dữ liệu đã nhận
+ trang này hiện không hoạt động do một số lý do
+ vui lòng liên hệ với chủ sở hữu trang web để thông báo cho họ về vấn đề này.
+ tải lại
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ Chữ ký gói không hợp lệ
+ bấm để đăng nhập.
+ bấm để chọn dữ liệu theo cách thủ công.
+ Ngoại lệ bảo mật tên miền web.
+ Không xác minh được DAL.
+ - 55 Phần trăm
+ - 70 Phần trăm
+ - 85 Phần trăm
+ - 100 phần trăm
+ - 115 Phần trăm
+ - 130 Phần trăm
+ - 145 Phần trăm
+ - Đã bật
+ - Tàn tật
+ - Cho phép tất cả
+ - Vô hiệu hóa tất cả
+ - Không có băng thông
+ - Chấp nhận tất cả
+ - Cho phép Tin cậy
+ - Cho phép Không
+ - Cho phép truy cập
+ - Cho phép không theo dõi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
index 69b82723..c17282dd 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
@@ -1,375 +1,428 @@
- Genesis
- 搜索或键入网址
- Find in page
- Search Engine
- https://genesis.onion
- \u0020\u0020\u0020Opps! Some Thing Went Wrong
- Genesis Search Engine
- Online Freedom
- Reload
- These might be the problems you are facing \n\n• Webpage or Website might be down \n• Your Internet connection might be poor \n• You might be using a proxy \n• Website might be blocked by firewall
- com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
- BBC | Israel Strikes Again
+ Genesis
+ 搜索内容或输入网络链接
+ 在页面中查找
+ 搜索引擎
+ https://genesis.onion
+ 哎呀!出问题了
+ 一切
+ Genesis search engine
+ 数字自由
+ 重装
+ 您正面临以下问题之一。网页或网站可能无法正常工作。您的互联网连接可能不佳。您可能正在使用代理。网站可能被防火墙阻止
+ com.darkweb.genesissearchengine.fileprovider
+ 英国广播公司|以色列再次罢工
- Basic Settings
- Make Genesis your default browser
- Settings
- Search Engine
- Javascript
- Auto Clear History
- Font Settings
- Customized Font
- Auto Adjust Font
- Cookie Settings
- Cookies
- Settings | Notification
- Notifications
- Manage network stats notification
- Network Status Notification
- Local Notification
- Device Notification Settings
- System Notification
- Log Settings
- Show Logs in Advance List View
- Manage Search
- Add, set default. show suggestions
- Manage Notification
- New features, network status
- Settings | Search
- Supported search engines
- Choose to search directly from search bar
- Search setting
- Manage how searches appear
- Default
+ 系统设定
+ 将Genesis设为您的默认浏览器
+ 系统设定
+ 搜索引擎
+ javascript
+ 删除浏览的网页链接
+ 字体自定义
+ 系统字体配置
+ 自动更改字体
+ Cookie设置
+ 饼干
+ 系统设置。通知
+ 通知
+ 更改通知首选项
+ 网络状况和通知
+ 本地通知
+ 自定义软件通知
+ 系统通知
+ 更改系统日志的显示方式
+ 使用现代列表视图显示日志
+ 在经典列表视图和现代列表视图之间切换
+ 管理搜索引擎
+ 添加,设置默认值。显示建议
+ 管理通知
+ 新功能,网络状况
+ 定制软件。搜索引擎
+ 支持的搜索引擎
+ 选择默认搜索引擎
+ 定制软件。搜索引擎
+ 更改网络搜索的显示方式
+ default
- Show search history
- Show search suggestions
- Search websites appears when you type in searchbar
- Focused suggestions appears when you type in searchbar
- Accessiblity
- Text size, zoom, voice input
- Settings | Accessibility
- Clear Private Data
- Tabs, history, bookmark, cookies, cache
- Settings | Clear Data
- Clear Data
- Clear Tabs
- Clear History
- Clear Bookmarks
- Clear Cache
- Clear Suggestions
- Site Data
- Clear Session
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Settings
- Font scaling
- Scale web content according to system font size
- Enable Zoom
- Enable zoom on all webpages
- Voice input
- Allow voice dictation in the URL bar
- Select custom font scale
- Drag the slider until you can read this comfortably. Text should look at least this big after double-tapping on a paragraph
+ 显示浏览的网页链接
+ 在搜索过程中显示建议
+ 当您在搜索栏中键入内容时,将显示来自浏览的Web链接的建议
+ 当您在搜索栏中键入内容时,会显示针对性的建议
+ 可及性
+ 文字大小,缩放,语音输入
+ 定制|可及性
+ 清除私人数据
+ 标签,浏览的Web链接,书签,Cookie,缓存
+ 更改系统设置。清除系统数据
+ 清除资料
+ 删除所有标签
+ 删除浏览的网页链接
+ 删除书签
+ 删除缓存
+ 删除建议
+ 删除资料
+ 删除会话
+ 删除cookies
+ 删除自定义
+ 字体缩放
+ 根据系统字体大小缩放Web内容
+ 开启缩放
+ 打开并强制缩放所有网页
+ 使用语音输入
+ 在网址列中允许语音听写
+ 选择自定义字体缩放
+ 拖动滑块,直到您可以轻松阅读为止。双击段落后,文本至少应看起来如此大
- Interactions
- Change how you interact with the content
- Privacy
- Tracking, logins, data choices
- Settings | Privacy
- Do Not Track
- Genesis will tell sites that you do not want to be tracked
- Do not Track marker for website
- Tracking Protection
- Enable tracking protection provided by Genesis
- Cookies
- Select cookies preferences according to your security needs
- Clear private data on exit
- Clear data automatically upon application close
- Private Browsing
- Keep your identity safe and use the options below
- Enabled
- Enabled, excluding tracking cookies
- Enabled, excluding 3rd party
- Disabled
- Javascript
- Disable java scripting for various script attacks
- Settings | Advance
- Restore tabs
- Don\'t restore adfter quitting browser
- Toolbar Theme
- Set toolbar theme as defined in website
- Character Encoding
- Show character encoding in menu
- Show Images
- Always load images of websites
- Show web fonts
- Download remote fonts when loading a page
- Allow autoplay
- Allow media to auto start
- Data saver
- Tab
- Change how tab behave after restarting application
- Media
- Change default data saver settings
- Change default media settings
- Always show images
- Only show images over WI-FI
- Block all images
- Advanced
- Restore tabs, data saver, developer tools
- Onion Proxy Status
- Check onion network or VPN status
- Report website
- Report abusive website
- Rate this app
- Rate and comment on playstore
- Share this app
- Share this app with your friends
- Settings | General
- General
- Home, language
- Full-screen browsing
- Hide the browser toolbar when scrolling down a page
- Language
- Change the language of your browser
- Theme
- Choose light and dark or theme
- Theme Light
- Theme Dark
- Change full screen browsing and language settings
- System Default
- Home
- about:blank
- New Tab
- Open homepage in new tab
- Clear all tabs
- Clear search history
- Clear marked bookmarks
- Clear browsing cache
- Clear suggestions
- Clear site data
- Clear session data
- Clear browsing cookies
- Clear browser settings
+ 互动
+ 改变与网站内容的互动方式
+ 用户开启
+ 用户监视,登录名,数据选择
+ 用户监控保护
+ adblock,跟踪器,指纹
+ 系统设置。隐私
+ 系统设置。用户监控
+ 保护您的在线身份
+ 保密您的身份。我们可以保护您免受网上跟踪您的多个跟踪器的侵害。该系统设置也可以用来阻止广告
+ 从用户Survelance Protection中解脱出来
+ Genesis会告诉网站不要追踪我
+ 告诉网站不要追踪我
+ 用户监控保护
+ 启用Genesis提供的用户Survelance Protection
+ 网站cookie
+ 根据您的安全需求选择网站Cookie偏好设置
+ 退出时清除私人数据
+ 关闭软件后自动清除数据
+ 私人浏览
+ 确保您的身份安全并使用以下选项
+ 已启用
+ 已启用,不包括网站跟踪Cookie
+ 已启用,不包括第三方
+ 残障人士
- Bookmark Website
- Add this page to bookmark manager
- Clear History and Data
- Clear Bookmark and Data
- Clearing will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data
- Clearing will remove bookmarked websites.
- Dismiss
- Clear
- Done
- New Bookmark
+ 禁用保护
+ 允许身份Survelance Protection。这可能会导致您的在线身份被盗
+ 默认(推荐)
+ 阻止在线广告和社交网络用户Survelance。页面将默认加载
+ 严格的政策
+ 停止所有已知的跟踪器,页面将加载得更快,但某些功能可能无法正常工作
+ javascript
+ 为各种脚本攻击禁用Java脚本
+ 系统设置。复杂的系统设置
+ 恢复标签
+ 退出浏览器后无法还原
+ 工具栏主题
+ 设置网站中定义的工具栏主题
+ 显示图片
+ 始终加载网站图片
+ 显示网络字体
+ 加载页面时下载远程字体
+ 允许自动播放
+ 允许媒体自动启动
+ 数据保护器
+ 标签
+ 重新启动软件后更改选项卡的行为方式
+ 媒体
+ 更改默认数据保护程序自定义
+ 更改默认媒体自定义
+ 总是显示图像
+ 仅在使用wifi时显示图像
+ 封锁所有图片
+ 进阶系统设定
+ 还原标签,数据保护程序,开发人员工具
+ onion代理条件
+ 检查onion网络状况
+ 报告网站
+ 举报滥用网站
+ 为这个应用软件评分
+ 在Playstore上评分和评论
+ 分享这个应用程式
+ 与您的朋友分享此软件
+ 系统设置。一般定制
+ 默认系统设置
+ 主页,语言
+ 全屏浏览
+ 向下滚动页面时隐藏浏览器工具栏
+ 语言
+ 更改浏览器的语言
+ 软件主题
+ 选择明暗主题
+ 主题明亮
+ 黑暗主题
+ 更改全屏浏览和语言
+ 系统默认
+ 主页
+ about:blank
+ 新标签
+ 在新标签页中打开首页
+ 删除所有标签
+ 删除浏览的网页链接
+ 删除书签
+ 删除浏览缓存
+ 删除建议
+ 删除网站数据
+ 删除会话数据
+ 删除网页浏览Cookie
+ 删除浏览器自定义
+ 提供您知道的Bridge
+ 输入来自可信来源的bridge信息
+ Bridge ...
+ 要求
+ 好的
+ 书签网站
+ 将此页面添加到书签
+ 删除浏览的网页链接和数据
+ 清除书签和数据
+ 清除数据将删除浏览的Web链接,Cookie和其他浏览数据
+ 删除数据将删除带有书签的网站
+ 解雇
+ 取消
+ 好的
+ 新书签
- Connection is secure
- Your information(for example, password or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site
- Privacy Settings
- Report
- Report Website
- If you think this URL is illegal or disturbing report to us so we can take action
- Reported Successfully
- URL has been successfully reported. If something found, action will be taken
- Rate US
- Tell others what you think about this app
- Rate
- Sorry To Hear That!
- If you are having any trouble and want to contact us please email us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible
- Mail
- Request New Bridge
- You can get a bridge address through email, the web or by scanning a bridge QR code. Select \'Email\' below to request a bridge address.\n\nOnce you have an address, copy & paste it into the above box and start.
- Initializing Orbot
- Please wait! While we connect you to hidden web. This might take few minutes
- Action not supported
- No application found to handle following command
- Welcome | Hidden Web Gateway
- This application provide you a platform to Search and Open Hidden Web urls.Here are few Suggestions\n
- Deep Web Online Market
- Leaked Documents and Books
- Dark Web News and Articles
- Secret Softwares and Hacking Tools
- Don\'t Show Again
- Finance and Money
- Social Communities
- Invalid Setup File
- Looks like you messed up the installation. Either Install it from playstore or follow the link
- Manual
- Playstore
- URL Notification
- Open In New Tab
- Open In Current Tab
- Copy to Clipboard
- File Notification
- Download Notification
- Open url in new tab
- Open url in current tab
- Copy url to clipboard
- Open image in new tab
- Open image current tab
- Copy image to clipboard
- Download image file
- Download Notification
- URL Notification
- No application found to handle email
- Download File |
- Data Notification
- Private data cleared. Now you can safely continue browsing
- Tab Closed
- Undo
+ 连接是安全的
+ 您的信息(例如密码或信用卡号)在发送到本网站时是私人的
+ 系统和用户监视设置
+ 报告
+ 报告网站
+ 如果您认为此网址不合法或令人不安,请向我们报告,以便我们采取法律措施
+ 被成功报告
+ 网址已成功报告。如果发现问题,将采取法律行动
+ 评价我们
+ 告诉其他人您对此应用的看法
+ 速度
+ 我们很抱歉听到这个消息!
+ 如果您在使用此软件时遇到困难,请通过电子邮件与我们联系。我们将尝试尽快解决您的问题
+ 邮件
+ 请求新Bridge
+ 选择邮件以请求bridge地址。收到后,将其复制并粘贴到上面的框中,然后启动软件。
+ 不支援的语言
+ 该软件不支持系统语言。我们正在努力将其纳入
+ 初始化Orbot
+ 不支持的动作
+ 找不到可处理以下命令的软件
+ 欢迎|隐藏的网页Genesis3
+ 该软件为您提供了一个搜索和打开隐藏的网址的平台。这是一些建议\n
+ 隐藏的网络在线市场
+ 泄漏的文件和书籍
+ 暗网新闻和文章
+ 秘密软件和黑客工具
+ 不再显示
+ 财务与金钱
+ 社会社会
+ 手动的
+ 应用商店
+ 网络链接通知
+ 在新标签页中打开
+ 在当前标签页中打开
+ 复制到剪贴板
+ 文件通知
+ 下载通知
+ 在新标签页中打开网址
+ 在当前标签页中打开网址
+ 将网址复制到剪贴板
+ 在新标签页中打开图片
+ 在当前标签页中打开图像
+ 将图像复制到剪贴板
+ 下载图片文件
+ 下载通知
+ 网络链接通知
+ 找不到用于处理电子邮件的软件
+ 下载文件|
+ 数据已清除|需要重启
+ 私人数据已成功清除。某些默认系统设置将要求此软件重新启动。现在您可以安全地继续浏览
+ 标签页关闭
+ 撤消
- Security Settings
- Bridge Settings
- Create Automatically
- Automatically configure bridges settings
- Provide a Bridge I know
- address:port Single Line
- Proxy Settings | Bridges
- Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others
- Select Default Bridge
- Request
- obfs4 (Recommended)
- Meek-azure (China)
- Proxy Logs
- Logs Info
- If you are facing connectivity issue while starting genesis please copy the following code and find issue online or send it to us so we can examine
+ 安全定制
+ Bridge自定义
+ 自动创建
+ 自动配置bridge自定义
+ 提供您知道的bridge
+ 粘贴自定义bridge
+ 代理自定义| Bridge
+ Bridges是未列出的Tor中继,这使得阻止连接到Tor网络的难度更大。由于某些国家/地区尝试阻止Tor,某些bridges在某些国家/地区有效,而其他国家/地区则无法
+ 选择默认值bridge
+ 要求
+ obfs4(推荐)
+ meek-azure (china)
- Orbot logs
- New tabs
- Close Tab
- Open Recent Tabs
- Language
- Downloads
- History
- Settings
- Desktop site
- Bookmark This Page
- Bookmarks
- Report website
- Rate this app
- Find in page
- Quit
- Share
- Character encoding
- New tabs
- Close all tabs
- Settings
- Select tabs
+ 代理日志
+ 系统日志信息
+ 如果您在开始Genesis时遇到连接问题,请复制以下代码并在线查找问题或发送给我们,以便我们为您提供帮助
- Open tabs
- Copy
- Share
- Clear Selection
- Open in current tab
- Open in new tab
- Delete
- History
- Clear
- Search ...
+ Orbot日志
+ 新标签
+ 关闭标签
+ 打开最近的标签页
+ 语言
+ 资料下载
+ 浏览的网页链接
+ 系统设定
+ 桌面网站
+ 保存此页面
+ 书签
+ 报告网站
+ 为这个应用软件评分
+ 在页面中查找
+ 出口
+ 分享
- Bookmark
- Clear
- Search ...
- Retry
- Opps! network connection error\nGenesis not connected
- Support
+ 新标签
+ 关闭所有标签
+ 系统设定
+ 选择标签
- Language
- Change Language
- We currently support the following langugage would be adding more soon\n
- English (United States)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Chinese Simplified (Mainland China)
- ⚠️ Warning
- Customize Bridges
- Enable Bridges
- Enable VPN Serivce
- Enable Bridge Gateway
- Enable Gateway
+ 打开标签
+ 复制
+ 分享
+ 清空选项
+ 在当前标签页中打开
+ 在新标签页中打开
+ 删除
- Proxy Status
- Current status of orbot proxy
- Orbot Proxy Status
- VPN & Bridges Status
- VPN Connection Status
- Bridge connectivity status
- INFO | Change Settings
- To change proxy settings please restart this application and navigate to proxy manager. It can be opened by pressing on GEAR icon at bottom
- Proxy Settings
- We connect you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you
- Internet is censored here (Bypass Firewall)
- Bypass Firewall
- Bridges causes internet to run very slow. Use them only if internet is censored in your country or Tor network is blocked
+ 浏览的网页链接
+ 删除这个
+ 搜索 ...
+ 书签
+ 删除这个
+ 搜索 ...
+ 重试
+ 哎呀!网络连接错误。网络未连接
+ 帮助和支持
+ 语言
+ 改变语言
+ 我们仅在以下语言上运行。我们会尽快添加
+ 英语(美国)
+ 德语(德国)
+ 义大利文(义大利)
+ 葡萄牙语(巴西)
+ 俄语(俄罗斯)
+ 乌克兰文(乌克兰)
+ 简体中文(中国大陆)
+ warning️警告
+ 定制Bridges
+ 启用Bridges
+ 启用VPN服务
+ 启用Bridge Gateway
+ 启用 Gateway
+ 委托条件
+ Gateway 代理的当前状况
+ Orbot委托条件
+ Orbot
+ VPN的连接条件
+ Bridge代理条件
+ 信息|更改系统设置
+ 您可以通过重新启动软件并转到代理管理器来更改代理。可以通过单击底部的齿轮图标来打开它
+ 代理自定义
+ 我们将您连接到由全球数千名志愿者运营的Tor网络!这些选项可以帮助您吗
+ 互联网在这里进行了审查(绕过防火墙)
+ 绕过防火墙
+ Bridges导致Internet运行非常缓慢。仅在您的国家/地区检查过互联网或Tor网络被阻止时才使用它们
- Open
+ 打开这个
- Connect
- Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
- ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
- Open tabs will show here
+ connect
+ Genesis is paused at the moment
+ ~ Genesis on standby at the moment
+ 打开的标签将显示在这里
- "Sometimes you need a bridge to get to Tor."
- "You can enable any app to go through Tor using our built-in VPN."
- "This won\'t make you anonymous, but it will help get through firewalls."
- "Hello"
- "Welcome to Tor on mobile."
- "Browse the internet how you expect you should."
- "No tracking. No censorship."
- This site can\'t be reached
- An error occurred during a connection
- The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified
- The page is currently not live or down due to some reason
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
- Reload
+ “有时您需要Bridge才能达到Tor”
+ “告诉我更多”
+ “您可以使用onion使任何软件都能通过Tor”
+ “这不会使您匿名,但可以帮助您绕过防火墙”
+ “选择应用”
+ “你好”
+ “欢迎使用手机Tor。”
+ “向互联网浏览您的期望。”
+ “没有用户监督保护。没有审查。”
+ 该网站无法访问
+ 与网站连接时发生错误
+ 您尝试查看的页面无法显示,因为无法验证所接收数据的真实性
+ 由于某种原因该页面当前无法正常工作
+ 请与网站所有者联系,以告知他们该问题。
+ 重装
- Invalid package signature
- Tap to sign in.
- Tap to manually select data.
- Web domain security exception.
- DAL verification failure.
+ 无效的包裹签名
+ 单击以登录。
+ 单击以手动选择数据。
+ Web域安全异常。
+ DAL验证失败。
+ - 55%
+ - 70%
+ - 85%
+ - 100%的
+ - 115%
+ - 130%
+ - 145%
+ - 已启用
+ - 残障人士
+ - 全部启用
+ - 禁用所有
+ - 无带宽
+ - 允许全部
+ - 允许信任
+ - 不允许无
+ - 允许访问
+ - 允许非追踪者
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
index 1ba3f04d..cb2e0b9a 100755
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/splashlogoclip_background.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/splashlogoclip_background.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a416a267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/splashlogoclip_background.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ #3DDC84
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
index eec74c17..d32a31d9 100755
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
Log Settings
Show Logs in Advance List View
Toogle between classic and advance view
- Manage Search
+ Manage Search
Add, set default. show suggestions
Manage Notifications
New features, network status
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
+ Copyright © by Genesis Technologies | Built
Idle | Genesis on standby at the moment
~ Genesis on standby at the moment
Open tabs will show here
@@ -427,4 +428,4 @@
- Allow Non Tracker
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/splashlogoclip-playstore.png b/app/src/main/splashlogoclip-playstore.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ad6cb99
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/splashlogoclip-playstore.png differ