echo 'Texte' cd packages/apps/Settings/res find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="6363561029914452382"]' -v 'The oath of Buchenwald' {} find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="3323732544011097199"]' -v 'Comrades! We Buchenwald antifascists are here today in honor of the 51,000 prisoners murdered in Buchenwald and its sub-commandos by the Nazi beast and its accomplices.!51 000 shot, hanged, trampled, beaten to death, suffocated, drowned, starved to death, poisoned, hosed down.51 000 fathers-brothers-sons died an agonizing death because they were fighters against the fascist murder regime.51 000 mothers and wives and hundreds of thousands of children denounce! We who remained alive, we witnesses of Nazi bestiality, saw our comrades fall in impotent rage.If one thing kept us alive, it was the thought: The day of revenge is coming! Today we are free! We thank the allied armies of the Americans, the English, the Soviets and all the freedom armies who fought for peace and life for us and the whole world. We remember here the great friend of the anti-fascists of all countries, an organizer and initiator of the struggle for a new, democratic, peaceful world, F. D. Roosevelt. Honor his memory! We Buchenwalders, Russians, French, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Germans, Spaniards, Italians and Austrians, Belgians and Dutch, English, Luxembourgers, Romanians, Yugoslavs and Hungarians, fought together against the SS, against the Nazi criminals, for our own liberation. We were inspired by one idea: Our cause is just - victory must be ours! We fought the same hard, merciless, sacrificial fight in many languages, and this fight is not over yet. Hitler flags are still flying! The murderers of our comrades are still alive! Our sadistic tormentors are still running free! We therefore swear before all the world on this roll call square, on this site of fascist horror: We will stop the fight only when the last culprit will stand before the judges of the peoples! The destruction of Nazism with its roots is our slogan. The construction of a new world of peace and freedom is our goal. We owe this to our murdered comrades, their relatives. As a sign of your readiness for this struggle, raise your hand to the oath and repeat after me: "WE SOW!' {} find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="5806349524325544614"]' -v 'Buchenwald Weimar April 19 1945' {} find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[name="action_about"]' -v 'Created by:' {} grep -RiIl '' | xargs sed -i 's/' find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="8705484239826702828"]' -v 'LeOS-System' {} find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="1787518340082046658"]' -v 'LeOS-System Update' {} find -name \strings.xml |xargs -I{} xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//string[@msgid="8192160131923461175"]' -v '161-1312' {} grep -RiIl 'Google Play system update' | xargs sed -i 's/Google Play system update/LeOS system update/g' cd ../../../..