diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/config/common.mk b/vendor/LeOS/config/common.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c61656..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/config/common.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Overlay
- vendor/ponces/overlay/common
-ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng)
-# Disable extra StrictMode features on all non-engineering builds
-PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += persist.sys.strictmode.disable=true
-# Enable SIP+VoIP on all targets
- frameworks/native/data/etc/android.software.sip.voip.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_PRODUCT)/etc/permissions/android.software.sip.voip.xml
-# Face Unlock
- ParanoidSense
- ro.face.sense_service=true
- frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.biometrics.face.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.biometrics.face.xml
-# Enforce privapp-permissions whitelist
- ro.control_privapp_permissions=enforce
-# Power whitelist
- vendor/ponces/config/permissions/custom-power-whitelist.xml:system/etc/sysconfig/custom-power-whitelist.xml
-# Do not include art debug targets
-# Strip the local variable table and the local variable type table to reduce
-# the size of the system image. This has no bearing on stack traces, but will
-# leave less information available via JDWP.
-# One Handed mode
- ro.support_one_handed_mode?=true
-# The set of packages we want to force 'speed' compilation on.
- TrebuchetQuickStep \
- Settings \
- SystemUI
- dalvik.vm.systemuicompilerfilter=speed
-# Enable lockscreen live wallpaper
- persist.wm.debug.lockscreen_live_wallpaper=true
-# Use gestures by default
- ro.boot.vendor.overlay.theme=com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural
-# Packages
-$(call inherit-product, vendor/ponces/config/packages.mk)
-# RRO Overlays
-$(call inherit-product, vendor/ponces/config/rro_overlays.mk)
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/config/packages.mk b/vendor/LeOS/config/packages.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 8407aaa6..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/config/packages.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Required packages
- Stk \
- ThemePicker \
- ThemesStub
-# Trebuchet
- TrebuchetQuickStep
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/config/rro_overlays.mk b/vendor/LeOS/config/rro_overlays.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index ba403bd2..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/config/rro_overlays.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# RRO Overlays
- CertificationOverlay \
- ConfigOverlay \
- DocumentsUIOverlay \
- FrameworksOverlay \
- Launcher3Overlay \
- SettingsProviderOverlay \
- SystemUIOverlay \
- WifiOverlay
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db916dd..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/Settings/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/Settings/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e22d2a6..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/Settings/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- true
- com.android.wallpaper
- com.android.customization.picker.CustomizationPickerActivity
- com.android.customization.picker.CustomizationPickerActivity
- true
- android.intent.action.MAIN
- android.intent.action.MAIN
- false
- false
- true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/ThemePicker/res_override/values/override.xml b/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/ThemePicker/res_override/values/override.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3769031..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/overlay/common/packages/apps/ThemePicker/res_override/values/override.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- - com.google.android.gm
- - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
- - com.google.android.apps.photos
- - com.google.android.apps.docs
- - com.google.android.youtube
- - com.android.vending
- - com.android.settings
- - com.android.deskclock
- - com.android.messaging
- - com.android.contacts
- - com.android.dialer
- - com.android.email
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b8560da..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "CertificationOverlay",
- theme: "CertificationOverlay",
- certificate: "platform",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 62974680..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc18085d..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/CertificationOverlay/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- - ac70dti
- - Archos
- - archos
- - Archos 70d Titanium
- - archos/MTKAC70DTI/ac70dti:7.0/NRD90M/20170602.033254:user/release-keys
- - 2017-06-02
- - 24
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce5ac83..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "DocumentsUIOverlay",
- certificate: "platform",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da06de1..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd275433..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/DocumentsUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/root/primary
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index 660a4b02..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "FrameworksOverlay",
- certificate: "platform",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae0a4a7..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/color/config_progress_background_tint.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/color/config_progress_background_tint.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a09829e2..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/color/config_progress_background_tint.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 366d31c0..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/FrameworksOverlay/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- - com.android.location.fused
- - org.microg.nlp
- - com.android.bluetooth
- - com.android.phone
- - com.qualcomm.qti.cne
- - com.shannon.imsservice
- - com.mediatek.ims
- - org.omnirom.omnijaws
- - com.android.systemui
- - com.android.networkstack.tethering
- true
- true
- 4
- false
- true
- true
- true
- "M50 0C77.6 0 100 22.4 100 50C100 77.6 77.6 100 50 100C22.4 100 0 77.6 0 50C0 22.4 22.4 0 50 0Z"
- false
- 2
- true
- com.android.wallpaper
- org.lineageos.aperture/.QrScannerActivity
- true
- android.sensor.light
- - app_cloning/cloned_apps_enabled=true
- - app_cloning/delete_all_app_clones_enabled=true
- - app_cloning/enable_app_cloning_building_blocks=true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index a166d018..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "SettingsProviderOverlay",
- theme: "SettingsProviderOverlay",
- certificate: "platform",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eddc4a6..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/res/values/defaults.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/res/values/defaults.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f26bdd74..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SettingsProviderOverlay/res/values/defaults.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- true
- true
- true
- false
- confirmed
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index b005b9df..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "SystemUIOverlay",
- certificate: "platform",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a11357d..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40080d5f..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/SystemUIOverlay/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- - com.android.systemui
- - com.android.systemui.falcon
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.debug
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.one
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.two
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.three
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.four
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.five
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.six
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.seven
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.eight
- - com.android.systemui.falcon.nine
- - com.android.systemui.plugin.globalactions.wallet
- true
- true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/Android.bp b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index c2089a10..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-runtime_resource_overlay {
- name: "WifiOverlay",
- theme: "WifiOverlay",
- sdk_version: "current",
- product_specific: true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e9e44fb..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/res/values/config.xml b/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/res/values/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4897e9b..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/rro_overlays/WifiOverlay/res/values/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- true
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/AutoLoader.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/AutoLoader.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b1a9015..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/AutoLoader.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-package AutoLoader;
-use strict;
-use 5.006_001;
-my $is_dosish;
-my $is_epoc;
-my $is_vms;
-my $is_macos;
- $is_dosish = $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare';
- $is_epoc = $^O eq 'epoc';
- $is_vms = $^O eq 'VMS';
- $is_macos = $^O eq 'MacOS';
- $VERSION = '5.74';
- my $sub = $AUTOLOAD;
- autoload_sub($sub);
- goto &$sub;
-sub autoload_sub {
- my $sub = shift;
- my $filename = AutoLoader::find_filename( $sub );
- my $save = $@;
- local $!; # Do not munge the value.
- eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require $filename };
- if ($@) {
- if (substr($sub,-9) eq '::DESTROY') {
- no strict 'refs';
- *$sub = sub {};
- $@ = undef;
- } elsif ($@ =~ /^Can't locate/) {
- # The load might just have failed because the filename was too
- # long for some old SVR3 systems which treat long names as errors.
- # If we can successfully truncate a long name then it's worth a go.
- # There is a slight risk that we could pick up the wrong file here
- # but autosplit should have warned about that when splitting.
- if ($filename =~ s/(\w{12,})\.al$/substr($1,0,11).".al"/e){
- eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require $filename };
- }
- }
- if ($@){
- $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
- my $error = $@;
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak($error);
- }
- }
- $@ = $save;
- return 1;
-sub find_filename {
- my $sub = shift;
- my $filename;
- # Braces used to preserve $1 et al.
- {
- # Try to find the autoloaded file from the package-qualified
- # name of the sub. e.g., if the sub needed is
- # Getopt::Long::GetOptions(), then $INC{Getopt/Long.pm} is
- # something like '/usr/lib/perl5/Getopt/Long.pm', and the
- # autoload file is '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Getopt/Long/GetOptions.al'.
- #
- # However, if @INC is a relative path, this might not work. If,
- # for example, @INC = ('lib'), then $INC{Getopt/Long.pm} is
- # 'lib/Getopt/Long.pm', and we want to require
- # 'auto/Getopt/Long/GetOptions.al' (without the leading 'lib').
- # In this case, we simple prepend the 'auto/' and let the
- # C take care of the searching for us.
- my ($pkg,$func) = ($sub =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/);
- $pkg =~ s#::#/#g;
- if (defined($filename = $INC{"$pkg.pm"})) {
- if ($is_macos) {
- $pkg =~ tr#/#:#;
- $filename = undef
- unless $filename =~ s#^(.*)$pkg\.pm\z#$1auto:$pkg:$func.al#s;
- } else {
- $filename = undef
- unless $filename =~ s#^(.*)$pkg\.pm\z#$1auto/$pkg/$func.al#s;
- }
- # if the file exists, then make sure that it is a
- # a fully anchored path (i.e either '/usr/lib/auto/foo/bar.al',
- # or './lib/auto/foo/bar.al'. This avoids C searching
- # (and failing) to find the 'lib/auto/foo/bar.al' because it
- # looked for 'lib/lib/auto/foo/bar.al', given @INC = ('lib').
- if (defined $filename and -r $filename) {
- unless ($filename =~ m|^/|s) {
- if ($is_dosish) {
- unless ($filename =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}is) {
- if ($^O ne 'NetWare') {
- $filename = "./$filename";
- } else {
- $filename = "$filename";
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($is_epoc) {
- unless ($filename =~ m{^([a-z?]:)?[\\/]}is) {
- $filename = "./$filename";
- }
- }
- elsif ($is_vms) {
- # XXX todo by VMSmiths
- $filename = "./$filename";
- }
- elsif (!$is_macos) {
- $filename = "./$filename";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $filename = undef;
- }
- }
- unless (defined $filename) {
- # let C do the searching
- $filename = "auto/$sub.al";
- $filename =~ s#::#/#g;
- }
- }
- return $filename;
-sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $callpkg = caller;
- #
- # Export symbols, but not by accident of inheritance.
- #
- if ($pkg eq 'AutoLoader') {
- if ( @_ and $_[0] =~ /^&?AUTOLOAD$/ ) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{ $callpkg . '::AUTOLOAD' } = \&AUTOLOAD;
- }
- }
- #
- # Try to find the autosplit index file. Eg., if the call package
- # is POSIX, then $INC{POSIX.pm} is something like
- # '/usr/local/lib/perl5/POSIX.pm', and the autosplit index file is in
- # '/usr/local/lib/perl5/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix', so we require that.
- #
- # However, if @INC is a relative path, this might not work. If,
- # for example, @INC = ('lib'), then
- # $INC{POSIX.pm} is 'lib/POSIX.pm', and we want to require
- # 'auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix' (without the leading 'lib').
- #
- (my $calldir = $callpkg) =~ s#::#/#g;
- my $path = $INC{$calldir . '.pm'};
- if (defined($path)) {
- # Try absolute path name, but only eval it if the
- # transformation from module path to autosplit.ix path
- # succeeded!
- my $replaced_okay;
- if ($is_macos) {
- (my $malldir = $calldir) =~ tr#/#:#;
- $replaced_okay = ($path =~ s#^(.*)$malldir\.pm\z#$1auto:$malldir:autosplit.ix#s);
- } else {
- $replaced_okay = ($path =~ s#^(.*)$calldir\.pm\z#$1auto/$calldir/autosplit.ix#);
- }
- eval { require $path; } if $replaced_okay;
- # If that failed, try relative path with normal @INC searching.
- if (!$replaced_okay or $@) {
- $path ="auto/$calldir/autosplit.ix";
- eval { require $path; };
- }
- if ($@) {
- my $error = $@;
- require Carp;
- Carp::carp($error);
- }
- }
-sub unimport {
- my $callpkg = caller;
- no strict 'refs';
- for my $exported (qw( AUTOLOAD )) {
- my $symname = $callpkg . '::' . $exported;
- undef *{ $symname } if \&{ $symname } == \&{ $exported };
- *{ $symname } = \&{ $symname };
- }
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a1328b..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
-package Carp;
-{ use 5.006; }
-use strict;
-use warnings;
- # Very old versions of warnings.pm load Carp. This can go wrong due
- # to the circular dependency. If warnings is invoked before Carp,
- # then warnings starts by loading Carp, then Carp (above) tries to
- # invoke warnings, and gets nothing because warnings is in the process
- # of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet. If we were
- # only turning on warnings ("use warnings" above) this wouldn't be too
- # bad, because Carp would just gets the state of the -w switch and so
- # might not get some warnings that it wanted. The real problem is
- # that we then want to turn off Unicode warnings, but "no warnings
- # 'utf8'" won't be effective if we're in this circular-dependency
- # situation. So, if warnings.pm is an affected version, we turn
- # off all warnings ourselves by directly setting ${^WARNING_BITS}.
- # On unaffected versions, we turn off just Unicode warnings, via
- # the proper API.
- if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) || eval($warnings::VERSION) < 1.06) {
- ${^WARNING_BITS} = "";
- } else {
- "warnings"->unimport("utf8");
- }
-sub _fetch_sub { # fetch sub without autovivifying
- my($pack, $sub) = @_;
- $pack .= '::';
- # only works with top-level packages
- return unless exists($::{$pack});
- for ($::{$pack}) {
- return unless ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{$sub};
- for ($$_{$sub}) {
- return ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' ? *$_{CODE} : undef
- }
- }
-# UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM is a compile-time constant indicating whether Carp
-# must avoid applying a regular expression to an upgraded (is_utf8)
-# string. There are multiple problems, on different Perl versions,
-# that require this to be avoided. All versions prior to 5.13.8 will
-# load utf8_heavy.pl for the swash system, even if the regexp doesn't
-# use character classes. Perl 5.6 and Perls [5.11.2, 5.13.11) exhibit
-# specific problems when Carp is being invoked in the aftermath of a
-# syntax error.
- if("$]" < 5.013011) {
- *UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 1 };
- } else {
- *UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 0 };
- }
-# is_utf8() is essentially the utf8::is_utf8() function, which indicates
-# whether a string is represented in the upgraded form (using UTF-8
-# internally). As utf8::is_utf8() is only available from Perl 5.8
-# onwards, extra effort is required here to make it work on Perl 5.6.
- if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'is_utf8')) {
- *is_utf8 = $sub;
- } else {
- # black magic for perl 5.6
- *is_utf8 = sub { unpack("C", "\xaa".$_[0]) != 170 };
- }
-# The downgrade() function defined here is to be used for attempts to
-# downgrade where it is acceptable to fail. It must be called with a
-# second argument that is a true value.
- if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'downgrade')) {
- *downgrade = \&{"utf8::downgrade"};
- } else {
- *downgrade = sub {
- my $r = "";
- my $l = length($_[0]);
- for(my $i = 0; $i != $l; $i++) {
- my $o = ord(substr($_[0], $i, 1));
- return if $o > 255;
- $r .= chr($o);
- }
- $_[0] = $r;
- };
- }
-our $VERSION = '1.42';
-$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
-our $MaxEvalLen = 0;
-our $Verbose = 0;
-our $CarpLevel = 0;
-our $MaxArgLen = 64; # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all.
-our $MaxArgNums = 8; # How many arguments to print. 0 = all.
-our $RefArgFormatter = undef; # allow caller to format reference arguments
-require Exporter;
-our @ISA = ('Exporter');
-our @EXPORT = qw(confess croak carp);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(cluck verbose longmess shortmess);
-our @EXPORT_FAIL = qw(verbose); # hook to enable verbose mode
-# The members of %Internal are packages that are internal to perl.
-# Carp will not report errors from within these packages if it
-# can. The members of %CarpInternal are internal to Perl's warning
-# system. Carp will not report errors from within these packages
-# either, and will not report calls *to* these packages for carp and
-# croak. They replace $CarpLevel, which is deprecated. The
-# $Max(EvalLen|(Arg(Len|Nums)) variables are used to specify how the eval
-# text and function arguments should be formatted when printed.
-our %CarpInternal;
-our %Internal;
-# disable these by default, so they can live w/o require Carp
-# if the caller specifies verbose usage ("perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl")
-# then the following method will be called by the Exporter which knows
-# to do this thanks to @EXPORT_FAIL, above. $_[1] will contain the word
-# 'verbose'.
-sub export_fail { shift; $Verbose = shift if $_[0] eq 'verbose'; @_ }
-sub _cgc {
- no strict 'refs';
- return \&{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"} if defined &{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"};
- return;
-sub longmess {
- local($!, $^E);
- # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
- #
- # The story is that the original implementation hard-coded the
- # number of call levels to go back, so calls to longmess were off
- # by one. Other code began calling longmess and expecting this
- # behaviour, so the replacement has to emulate that behaviour.
- my $cgc = _cgc();
- my $call_pack = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller();
- if ( $Internal{$call_pack} or $CarpInternal{$call_pack} ) {
- return longmess_heavy(@_);
- }
- else {
- local $CarpLevel = $CarpLevel + 1;
- return longmess_heavy(@_);
- }
-our @CARP_NOT;
-sub shortmess {
- local($!, $^E);
- my $cgc = _cgc();
- # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
- local @CARP_NOT = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller();
- shortmess_heavy(@_);
-sub croak { die shortmess @_ }
-sub confess { die longmess @_ }
-sub carp { warn shortmess @_ }
-sub cluck { warn longmess @_ }
- if("$]" >= 5.015002 || ("$]" >= 5.014002 && "$]" < 5.015) ||
- ("$]" >= 5.012005 && "$]" < 5.013)) {
- *CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 1 };
- } else {
- *CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 0 };
- }
-sub caller_info {
- my $i = shift(@_) + 1;
- my %call_info;
- my $cgc = _cgc();
- {
- # Some things override caller() but forget to implement the
- # @DB::args part of it, which we need. We check for this by
- # pre-populating @DB::args with a sentinel which no-one else
- # has the address of, so that we can detect whether @DB::args
- # has been properly populated. However, on earlier versions
- # of perl this check tickles a bug in CORE::caller() which
- # leaks memory. So we only check on fixed perls.
- @DB::args = \$i if CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK;
- package DB;
- @call_info{
- qw(pack file line sub has_args wantarray evaltext is_require) }
- = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
- }
- unless ( defined $call_info{file} ) {
- return ();
- }
- my $sub_name = Carp::get_subname( \%call_info );
- if ( $call_info{has_args} ) {
- my @args;
- if (CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK && @DB::args == 1
- && ref $DB::args[0] eq ref \$i
- && $DB::args[0] == \$i ) {
- @DB::args = (); # Don't let anyone see the address of $i
- local $@;
- my $where = eval {
- my $func = $cgc or return '';
- my $gv =
- (_fetch_sub B => 'svref_2object' or return '')
- ->($func)->GV;
- my $package = $gv->STASH->NAME;
- my $subname = $gv->NAME;
- return unless defined $package && defined $subname;
- # returning CORE::GLOBAL::caller isn't useful for tracing the cause:
- return if $package eq 'CORE::GLOBAL' && $subname eq 'caller';
- " in &${package}::$subname";
- } || '';
- @args
- = "** Incomplete caller override detected$where; \@DB::args were not set **";
- }
- else {
- @args = @DB::args;
- my $overflow;
- if ( $MaxArgNums and @args > $MaxArgNums )
- { # More than we want to show?
- $#args = $MaxArgNums - 1;
- $overflow = 1;
- }
- @args = map { Carp::format_arg($_) } @args;
- if ($overflow) {
- push @args, '...';
- }
- }
- # Push the args onto the subroutine
- $sub_name .= '(' . join( ', ', @args ) . ')';
- }
- $call_info{sub_name} = $sub_name;
- return wantarray() ? %call_info : \%call_info;
-# Transform an argument to a function into a string.
-our $in_recurse;
-sub format_arg {
- my $arg = shift;
- if ( ref($arg) ) {
- # legitimate, let's not leak it.
- if (!$in_recurse &&
- do {
- local $@;
- local $in_recurse = 1;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
- eval {$arg->can('CARP_TRACE') }
- })
- {
- return $arg->CARP_TRACE();
- }
- elsif (!$in_recurse &&
- defined($RefArgFormatter) &&
- do {
- local $@;
- local $in_recurse = 1;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
- eval {$arg = $RefArgFormatter->($arg); 1}
- })
- {
- return $arg;
- }
- else
- {
- my $sub = _fetch_sub(overload => 'StrVal');
- return $sub ? &$sub($arg) : "$arg";
- }
- }
- return "undef" if !defined($arg);
- downgrade($arg, 1);
- return $arg if !(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) &&
- $arg =~ /\A-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\z/;
- my $suffix = "";
- if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
- substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
- $suffix = "...";
- }
- if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
- for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
- my $c = substr($arg, $i, 1);
- my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
- if($c eq "\"" || $c eq "\\" || $c eq "\$" || $c eq "\@") {
- substr $arg, $i, 0, "\\";
- next;
- }
- my $o = ord($c);
- # This code is repeated in Regexp::CARP_TRACE()
- if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if utf8::native_to_unicode($o) < utf8::native_to_unicode(0x20)
- || utf8::native_to_unicode($o) > utf8::native_to_unicode(0x7e);
- } elsif (ord("A") == 65) {
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if $o < 0x20 || $o > 0x7e;
- } else { # Early EBCDIC
- # 3 EBCDIC code pages supported then; all controls but one
- # are the code points below SPACE. The other one is 0x5F on
- # POSIX-BC; FF on the other two.
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if $o < ord(" ") || ((ord ("^") == 106)
- ? $o == 0x5f
- : $o == 0xff);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $arg =~ s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g;
- # This is all the ASCII printables spelled-out. It is portable to all
- # Perl versions and platforms (such as EBCDIC). There are other more
- # compact ways to do this, but may not work everywhere every version.
- $arg =~ s/([^ !"\$\%#'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
- }
- downgrade($arg, 1);
- return "\"".$arg."\"".$suffix;
-sub Regexp::CARP_TRACE {
- my $arg = "$_[0]";
- downgrade($arg, 1);
- if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
- for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
- my $o = ord(substr($arg, $i, 1));
- my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
- # This code is repeated in format_arg()
- if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if utf8::native_to_unicode($o) < utf8::native_to_unicode(0x20)
- || utf8::native_to_unicode($o) > utf8::native_to_unicode(0x7e);
- } elsif (ord("A") == 65) {
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if $o < 0x20 || $o > 0x7e;
- } else { # Early EBCDIC
- substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
- if $o < ord(" ") || ((ord ("^") == 106)
- ? $o == 0x5f
- : $o == 0xff);
- }
- }
- } else {
- # See comment in format_arg() about this same regex.
- $arg =~ s/([^ !"\$\%#'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
- }
- downgrade($arg, 1);
- my $suffix = "";
- if($arg =~ /\A\(\?\^?([a-z]*)(?:-[a-z]*)?:(.*)\)\z/s) {
- ($suffix, $arg) = ($1, $2);
- }
- if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
- substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
- $suffix = "...".$suffix;
- }
- return "qr($arg)$suffix";
-# Takes an inheritance cache and a package and returns
-# an anon hash of known inheritances and anon array of
-# inheritances which consequences have not been figured
-# for.
-sub get_status {
- my $cache = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- $cache->{$pkg} ||= [ { $pkg => $pkg }, [ trusts_directly($pkg) ] ];
- return @{ $cache->{$pkg} };
-# Takes the info from caller() and figures out the name of
-# the sub/require/eval
-sub get_subname {
- my $info = shift;
- if ( defined( $info->{evaltext} ) ) {
- my $eval = $info->{evaltext};
- if ( $info->{is_require} ) {
- return "require $eval";
- }
- else {
- $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
- return "eval '" . str_len_trim( $eval, $MaxEvalLen ) . "'";
- }
- }
- # this can happen on older perls when the sub (or the stash containing it)
- # has been deleted
- if ( !defined( $info->{sub} ) ) {
- return '__ANON__::__ANON__';
- }
- return ( $info->{sub} eq '(eval)' ) ? 'eval {...}' : $info->{sub};
-# Figures out what call (from the point of view of the caller)
-# the long error backtrace should start at.
-sub long_error_loc {
- my $i;
- my $lvl = $CarpLevel;
- {
- ++$i;
- my $cgc = _cgc();
- my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
- my $pkg = $caller[0];
- unless ( defined($pkg) ) {
- # This *shouldn't* happen.
- if (%Internal) {
- local %Internal;
- $i = long_error_loc();
- last;
- }
- elsif (defined $caller[2]) {
- # this can happen when the stash has been deleted
- # in that case, just assume that it's a reasonable place to
- # stop (the file and line data will still be intact in any
- # case) - the only issue is that we can't detect if the
- # deleted package was internal (so don't do that then)
- # -doy
- redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
- last;
- }
- else {
- return 2;
- }
- }
- redo if $CarpInternal{$pkg};
- redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
- redo if $Internal{$pkg};
- }
- return $i - 1;
-sub longmess_heavy {
- if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) { # don't break references as exceptions
- return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0];
- }
- my $i = long_error_loc();
- return ret_backtrace( $i, @_ );
-# Returns a full stack backtrace starting from where it is
-# told.
-sub ret_backtrace {
- my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
- my $mess;
- my $err = join '', @error;
- $i++;
- my $tid_msg = '';
- if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
- my $tid = threads->tid;
- $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
- }
- my %i = caller_info($i);
- $mess = "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg";
- if( defined $. ) {
- local $@ = '';
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- eval {
- CORE::die;
- };
- if($@ =~ /^Died at .*(, <.*?> (?:line|chunk) \d+).$/ ) {
- $mess .= $1;
- }
- }
- $mess .= "\.\n";
- while ( my %i = caller_info( ++$i ) ) {
- $mess .= "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\n";
- }
- return $mess;
-sub ret_summary {
- my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
- my $err = join '', @error;
- $i++;
- my $tid_msg = '';
- if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
- my $tid = threads->tid;
- $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
- }
- my %i = caller_info($i);
- return "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\.\n";
-sub short_error_loc {
- # You have to create your (hash)ref out here, rather than defaulting it
- # inside trusts *on a lexical*, as you want it to persist across calls.
- # (You can default it on $_[2], but that gets messy)
- my $cache = {};
- my $i = 1;
- my $lvl = $CarpLevel;
- {
- my $cgc = _cgc();
- my $called = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
- $i++;
- my $caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
- if (!defined($caller)) {
- my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
- if (@caller) {
- # if there's no package but there is other caller info, then
- # the package has been deleted - treat this as a valid package
- # in this case
- redo if defined($called) && $CarpInternal{$called};
- redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
- last;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- redo if $Internal{$caller};
- redo if $CarpInternal{$caller};
- redo if $CarpInternal{$called};
- redo if trusts( $called, $caller, $cache );
- redo if trusts( $caller, $called, $cache );
- redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
- }
- return $i - 1;
-sub shortmess_heavy {
- return longmess_heavy(@_) if $Verbose;
- return @_ if ref( $_[0] ); # don't break references as exceptions
- my $i = short_error_loc();
- if ($i) {
- ret_summary( $i, @_ );
- }
- else {
- longmess_heavy(@_);
- }
-# If a string is too long, trims it with ...
-sub str_len_trim {
- my $str = shift;
- my $max = shift || 0;
- if ( 2 < $max and $max < length($str) ) {
- substr( $str, $max - 3 ) = '...';
- }
- return $str;
-# Takes two packages and an optional cache. Says whether the
-# first inherits from the second.
-# Recursive versions of this have to work to avoid certain
-# possible endless loops, and when following long chains of
-# inheritance are less efficient.
-sub trusts {
- my $child = shift;
- my $parent = shift;
- my $cache = shift;
- my ( $known, $partial ) = get_status( $cache, $child );
- # Figure out consequences until we have an answer
- while ( @$partial and not exists $known->{$parent} ) {
- my $anc = shift @$partial;
- next if exists $known->{$anc};
- $known->{$anc}++;
- my ( $anc_knows, $anc_partial ) = get_status( $cache, $anc );
- my @found = keys %$anc_knows;
- @$known{@found} = ();
- push @$partial, @$anc_partial;
- }
- return exists $known->{$parent};
-# Takes a package and gives a list of those trusted directly
-sub trusts_directly {
- my $class = shift;
- no strict 'refs';
- my $stash = \%{"$class\::"};
- for my $var (qw/ CARP_NOT ISA /) {
- # Don't try using the variable until we know it exists,
- # to avoid polluting the caller's namespace.
- if ( $stash->{$var} && *{$stash->{$var}}{ARRAY} && @{$stash->{$var}} ) {
- return @{$stash->{$var}}
- }
- }
- return;
-if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) ||
- do { no warnings "numeric"; $warnings::VERSION < 1.03 }) {
- # Very old versions of warnings.pm import from Carp. This can go
- # wrong due to the circular dependency. If Carp is invoked before
- # warnings, then Carp starts by loading warnings, then warnings
- # tries to import from Carp, and gets nothing because Carp is in
- # the process of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet.
- # So we work around that by manually exporting to warnings here.
- no strict "refs";
- *{"warnings::$_"} = \&$_ foreach @EXPORT;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp/Heavy.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp/Heavy.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c584a4..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Carp/Heavy.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package Carp::Heavy;
-use Carp ();
-our $VERSION = '1.42';
-$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
-# Carp::Heavy was merged into Carp in version 1.12. Any mismatched versions
-# after this point are not significant and can be ignored.
-if(($Carp::VERSION || 0) < 1.12) {
- my $cv = defined($Carp::VERSION) ? $Carp::VERSION : "undef";
- die "Version mismatch between Carp $cv ($INC{q(Carp.pm)}) and Carp::Heavy $VERSION ($INC{q(Carp/Heavy.pm)}). Did you alter \@INC after Carp was loaded?\n";
-# Most of the machinery of Carp used to be here.
-# It has been moved in Carp.pm now, but this placeholder remains for
-# the benefit of modules that like to preload Carp::Heavy directly.
-# This must load Carp, because some modules rely on the historical
-# behaviour of Carp::Heavy loading Carp.
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index f31c0e41..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
-# made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
-# for a description of the variables, please have a look at the
-# Glossary file, as written in the Porting folder, or use the url:
-# http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/Porting/Glossary
-package Config;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars '%Config', '$VERSION';
-$VERSION = "5.026001";
-# Skip @Config::EXPORT because it only contains %Config, which we special
-# case below as it's not a function. @Config::EXPORT won't change in the
-# lifetime of Perl 5.
-my %Export_Cache = (myconfig => 1, config_sh => 1, config_vars => 1,
- config_re => 1, compile_date => 1, local_patches => 1,
- bincompat_options => 1, non_bincompat_options => 1,
- header_files => 1);
-@Config::EXPORT = qw(%Config);
-@Config::EXPORT_OK = keys %Export_Cache;
-# Need to stub all the functions to make code such as print Config::config_sh
-# keep working
-sub bincompat_options;
-sub compile_date;
-sub config_re;
-sub config_sh;
-sub config_vars;
-sub header_files;
-sub local_patches;
-sub myconfig;
-sub non_bincompat_options;
-# Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter:
-sub import {
- shift;
- @_ = @Config::EXPORT unless @_;
- my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%Config', @_;
- my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0;
- no strict 'refs';
- my $callpkg = caller(0);
- foreach my $func (@funcs) {
- die qq{"$func" is not exported by the Config module\n}
- unless $Export_Cache{$func};
- *{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func};
- }
- *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%Config if $export_Config;
- return;
-die "$0: Perl lib version (5.26.1) doesn't match executable '$^X' version ($])"
- unless $^V;
-$^V eq 5.26.1
- or die sprintf "%s: Perl lib version (5.26.1) doesn't match executable '$^X' version (%vd)", $0, $^V;
-sub FETCH {
- my($self, $key) = @_;
- # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined)
- return exists $self->{$key} ? $self->{$key} : $self->fetch_string($key);
-sub TIEHASH {
- bless $_[1], $_[0];
-sub DESTROY { }
- require 'Config_heavy.pl';
- goto \&launcher unless $Config::AUTOLOAD =~ /launcher$/;
- die "&Config::AUTOLOAD failed on $Config::AUTOLOAD";
-# tie returns the object, so the value returned to require will be true.
-tie %Config, 'Config', {
- archlibexp => '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26',
- archname => 'x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi',
- cc => 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc',
- d_readlink => 'define',
- d_symlink => 'define',
- dlext => 'so',
- dlsrc => 'dl_dlopen.xs',
- dont_use_nlink => undef,
- exe_ext => '',
- inc_version_list => '5.26.0 5.26.0/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi',
- intsize => '4',
- ldlibpthname => 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH',
- libpth => '/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib',
- osname => 'linux',
- osvers => '4.9.0',
- path_sep => ':',
- privlibexp => '/usr/share/perl/5.26',
- scriptdir => '/usr/bin',
- sitearchexp => '/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26.1',
- sitelibexp => '/usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1',
- so => 'so',
- useithreads => 'define',
- usevendorprefix => 'define',
- version => '5.26.1',
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_git.pl b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_git.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aacc4c1..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_git.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# WARNING: 'lib/Config_git.pl' is generated by make_patchnum.pl
-# DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY - edit make_patchnum.pl instead
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_heavy.pl b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_heavy.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c31d344..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Config_heavy.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1526 +0,0 @@
-# This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
-# made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
-package Config;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars '%Config';
-sub bincompat_options {
- return split ' ', (Internals::V())[0];
-sub non_bincompat_options {
- return split ' ', (Internals::V())[1];
-sub compile_date {
- return (Internals::V())[2]
-sub local_patches {
- my (undef, undef, undef, @patches) = Internals::V();
- return @patches;
-sub _V {
- die "Perl lib was built for 'linux' but is being run on '$^O'"
- unless "linux" eq $^O;
- my ($bincompat, $non_bincompat, $date, @patches) = Internals::V();
- my @opts = sort split ' ', "$bincompat $non_bincompat";
- print Config::myconfig();
- print "\nCharacteristics of this binary (from libperl): \n";
- print " Compile-time options:\n";
- print " $_\n" for @opts;
- if (@patches) {
- print " Locally applied patches:\n";
- print " $_\n" foreach @patches;
- }
- print " Built under linux\n";
- print " $date\n" if defined $date;
- my @env = map { "$_=\"$ENV{$_}\"" } sort grep {/^PERL/} keys %ENV;
- if (@env) {
- print " \%ENV:\n";
- print " $_\n" foreach @env;
- }
- print " \@INC:\n";
- print " $_\n" foreach @INC;
-sub header_files {
- return qw(EXTERN.h INTERN.h XSUB.h av.h config.h cop.h cv.h
- dosish.h embed.h embedvar.h form.h gv.h handy.h hv.h hv_func.h
- intrpvar.h iperlsys.h keywords.h mg.h nostdio.h op.h opcode.h
- pad.h parser.h patchlevel.h perl.h perlio.h perliol.h perlsdio.h
- perlvars.h perly.h pp.h pp_proto.h proto.h regcomp.h regexp.h
- regnodes.h scope.h sv.h thread.h time64.h unixish.h utf8.h
- util.h);
-## This file was produced by running the Configure script. It holds all the
-## definitions figured out by Configure. Should you modify one of these values,
-## do not forget to propagate your changes by running "Configure -der". You may
-## instead choose to run each of the .SH files by yourself, or "Configure -S".
-## Package name : perl5
-## Source directory : .
-## Configuration time: Sat Mar 10 18:40:42 UTC 2018
-## Configured by : Ubuntu
-## Target system : linux localhost 4.9.0 #1 smp debian 4.9.0 x86_64 gnulinux
-#: Configure command line arguments.
-#: Variables propagated from previous config.sh file.
-our $summary = <<'!END!';
-Summary of my $package (revision $revision $version_patchlevel_string) configuration:
- $git_commit_id_title $git_commit_id$git_ancestor_line
- Platform:
- osname=$osname
- osvers=$osvers
- archname=$archname
- uname='$myuname'
- config_args='$config_args'
- hint=$hint
- useposix=$useposix
- d_sigaction=$d_sigaction
- useithreads=$useithreads
- usemultiplicity=$usemultiplicity
- use64bitint=$use64bitint
- use64bitall=$use64bitall
- uselongdouble=$uselongdouble
- usemymalloc=$usemymalloc
- default_inc_excludes_dot=$default_inc_excludes_dot
- bincompat5005=undef
- Compiler:
- cc='$cc'
- ccflags ='$ccflags'
- optimize='$optimize'
- cppflags='$cppflags'
- ccversion='$ccversion'
- gccversion='$gccversion'
- gccosandvers='$gccosandvers'
- intsize=$intsize
- longsize=$longsize
- ptrsize=$ptrsize
- doublesize=$doublesize
- byteorder=$byteorder
- doublekind=$doublekind
- d_longlong=$d_longlong
- longlongsize=$longlongsize
- d_longdbl=$d_longdbl
- longdblsize=$longdblsize
- longdblkind=$longdblkind
- ivtype='$ivtype'
- ivsize=$ivsize
- nvtype='$nvtype'
- nvsize=$nvsize
- Off_t='$lseektype'
- lseeksize=$lseeksize
- alignbytes=$alignbytes
- prototype=$prototype
- Linker and Libraries:
- ld='$ld'
- ldflags ='$ldflags'
- libpth=$libpth
- libs=$libs
- perllibs=$perllibs
- libc=$libc
- so=$so
- useshrplib=$useshrplib
- libperl=$libperl
- gnulibc_version='$gnulibc_version'
- Dynamic Linking:
- dlsrc=$dlsrc
- dlext=$dlext
- d_dlsymun=$d_dlsymun
- ccdlflags='$ccdlflags'
- cccdlflags='$cccdlflags'
- lddlflags='$lddlflags'
-my $summary_expanded;
-sub myconfig {
- return $summary_expanded if $summary_expanded;
- ($summary_expanded = $summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)}
- {
- my $c;
- if ($1 eq 'git_ancestor_line') {
- if ($Config::Config{git_ancestor}) {
- $c= "\n Ancestor: $Config::Config{git_ancestor}";
- } else {
- $c= "";
- }
- } else {
- $c = $Config::Config{$1};
- }
- defined($c) ? $c : 'undef'
- }ge;
- $summary_expanded;
-local *_ = \my $a;
-$_ = <<'!END!';
-ccflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
-ccflags_uselargefiles='-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
-cf_time='Sat Mar 10 18:40:42 UTC 2018'
-config_arg6='-Dccflags=-DDEBIAN -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/perl-5CtO_8/perl-5.26.1=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security'
-config_arg7='-Dldflags= -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro'
-config_arg8='-Dlddlflags=-shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro'
-config_args='-Dusethreads -Duselargefiles -Dcc=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -Dcpp=x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp -Dld=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -Dccflags=-DDEBIAN -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/perl-5CtO_8/perl-5.26.1=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Dldflags= -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Dlddlflags=-shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Darchname=x86_64-linux-gnu -Dprefix=/usr -Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.26 -Darchlib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26 -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5 -Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.26 -Dsiteprefix=/usr/local -Dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1 -Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26.1 -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1 -Dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -Duse64bitint -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3perl -Dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -Uafs -Ud_csh -Ud_ualarm -Uusesfio -Uusenm -Ui_libutil -Ui_xlocale -Uversiononly -DDEBUGGING=-g -Doptimize=-O2 -dEs -Uuseshrplib -Dotherlibdirs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base'
-cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include'
-cpprun='x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -E'
-cppstdin='x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -E'
-cppsymbols='_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 _GNU_SOURCE=1 _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 _LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 _LP64=1 _POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L _POSIX_SOURCE=1 _REENTRANT=1 _STDC_PREDEF_H=1 _XOPEN_SOURCE=700 _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED=1 __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE=2 __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL=4 __ATOMIC_CONSUME=1 __ATOMIC_HLE_ACQUIRE=65536 __ATOMIC_HLE_RELEASE=131072 __ATOMIC_RELAXED=0 __ATOMIC_RELEASE=3 __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST=5 __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__=16 __BYTE_ORDER__=1234 __CHAR16_TYPE__=short\ unsigned\ int __CHAR32_TYPE__=unsigned\ int __CHAR_BIT__=8 __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__=17 __DBL_DENORM_MIN__=((double)4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324L) __DBL_DIG__=15 __DBL_EPSILON__=((double)2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16L) __DBL_HAS_DENORM__=1 __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __DBL_MANT_DIG__=53 __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__=308 __DBL_MAX_EXP__=1024 __DBL_MAX__=((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L) __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__=(-307) __DBL_MIN_EXP__=(-1021) __DBL_MIN__=((double)2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308L) __DEC128_EPSILON__=1E-33DL __DEC128_MANT_DIG__=34 __DEC128_MAX_EXP__=6145 __DEC128_MAX__=9.999999999999999999999999999999999E6144DL __DEC128_MIN_EXP__=(-6142) __DEC128_MIN__=1E-6143DL __DEC128_SUBNORMAL_MIN__=0.000000000000000000000000000000001E-6143DL __DEC32_EPSILON__=1E-6DF __DEC32_MANT_DIG__=7 __DEC32_MAX_EXP__=97 __DEC32_MAX__=9.999999E96DF __DEC32_MIN_EXP__=(-94) __DEC32_MIN__=1E-95DF __DEC32_SUBNORMAL_MIN__=0.000001E-95DF __DEC64_EPSILON__=1E-15DD __DEC64_MANT_DIG__=16 __DEC64_MAX_EXP__=385 __DEC64_MAX__=9.999999999999999E384DD __DEC64_MIN_EXP__=(-382) __DEC64_MIN__=1E-383DD __DEC64_SUBNORMAL_MIN__=0.000000000000001E-383DD __DECIMAL_BID_FORMAT__=1 __DECIMAL_DIG__=21 __DEC_EVAL_METHOD__=2 __ELF__=1 __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__=0 __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__=1234 __FLT128_DECIMAL_DIG__=36 __FLT128_DENORM_MIN__=6.47517511943802511092443895822764655e-4966F128 __FLT128_DIG__=33 __FLT128_EPSILON__=1.92592994438723585305597794258492732e-34F128 __FLT128_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT128_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT128_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT128_MANT_DIG__=113 __FLT128_MAX_10_EXP__=4932 __FLT128_MAX_EXP__=16384 __FLT128_MAX__=1.18973149535723176508575932662800702e+4932F128 __FLT128_MIN_10_EXP__=(-4931) __FLT128_MIN_EXP__=(-16381) __FLT128_MIN__=3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932F128 __FLT32X_DECIMAL_DIG__=17 __FLT32X_DENORM_MIN__=4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324F32x __FLT32X_DIG__=15 __FLT32X_EPSILON__=2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16F32x __FLT32X_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT32X_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT32X_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT32X_MANT_DIG__=53 __FLT32X_MAX_10_EXP__=308 __FLT32X_MAX_EXP__=1024 __FLT32X_MAX__=1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308F32x __FLT32X_MIN_10_EXP__=(-307) __FLT32X_MIN_EXP__=(-1021) __FLT32X_MIN__=2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308F32x __FLT32_DECIMAL_DIG__=9 __FLT32_DENORM_MIN__=1.40129846432481707092372958328991613e-45F32 __FLT32_DIG__=6 __FLT32_EPSILON__=1.19209289550781250000000000000000000e-7F32 __FLT32_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT32_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT32_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT32_MANT_DIG__=24 __FLT32_MAX_10_EXP__=38 __FLT32_MAX_EXP__=128 __FLT32_MAX__=3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F32 __FLT32_MIN_10_EXP__=(-37) __FLT32_MIN_EXP__=(-125) __FLT32_MIN__=1.17549435082228750796873653722224568e-38F32 __FLT64X_DECIMAL_DIG__=21 __FLT64X_DENORM_MIN__=3.64519953188247460252840593361941982e-4951F64x __FLT64X_DIG__=18 __FLT64X_EPSILON__=1.08420217248550443400745280086994171e-19F64x __FLT64X_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT64X_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT64X_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT64X_MANT_DIG__=64 __FLT64X_MAX_10_EXP__=4932 __FLT64X_MAX_EXP__=16384 __FLT64X_MAX__=1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932F64x __FLT64X_MIN_10_EXP__=(-4931) __FLT64X_MIN_EXP__=(-16381) __FLT64X_MIN__=3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932F64x __FLT64_DECIMAL_DIG__=17 __FLT64_DENORM_MIN__=4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324F64 __FLT64_DIG__=15 __FLT64_EPSILON__=2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16F64 __FLT64_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT64_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT64_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT64_MANT_DIG__=53 __FLT64_MAX_10_EXP__=308 __FLT64_MAX_EXP__=1024 __FLT64_MAX__=1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308F64 __FLT64_MIN_10_EXP__=(-307) __FLT64_MIN_EXP__=(-1021) __FLT64_MIN__=2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308F64 __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__=9 __FLT_DENORM_MIN__=1.40129846432481707092372958328991613e-45F __FLT_DIG__=6 __FLT_EPSILON__=1.19209289550781250000000000000000000e-7F __FLT_EVAL_METHOD_TS_18661_3__=0 __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__=0 __FLT_HAS_DENORM__=1 __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __FLT_MANT_DIG__=24 __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__=38 __FLT_MAX_EXP__=128 __FLT_MAX__=3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__=(-37) __FLT_MIN_EXP__=(-125) __FLT_MIN__=1.17549435082228750796873653722224568e-38F __FLT_RADIX__=2 __FXSR__=1 __GCC_ASM_FLAG_OUTPUTS__=1 __GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL=1 __GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE=2 __GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1=1 __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2=1 __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4=1 __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8=1 __GCC_IEC_559=2 __GCC_IEC_559_COMPLEX=2 __GLIBC_MINOR__=27 __GLIBC__=2 __GNUC_MINOR__=3 __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__=0 __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__=1 __GNUC__=7 __GNU_LIBRARY__=6 __GXX_ABI_VERSION=1011 __INT16_C=__INT16_C __INT16_MAX__=0x7fff __INT16_TYPE__=short\ int __INT32_C=__INT32_C __INT32_MAX__=0x7fffffff __INT32_TYPE__=int __INT64_C=__INT64_C __INT64_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INT64_TYPE__=long\ int __INT8_C=__INT8_C __INT8_MAX__=0x7f __INT8_TYPE__=signed\ char __INTMAX_C=__INTMAX_C __INTMAX_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INTMAX_TYPE__=long\ int __INTMAX_WIDTH__=64 __INTPTR_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INTPTR_TYPE__=long\ int __INTPTR_WIDTH__=64 __INT_FAST16_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INT_FAST16_TYPE__=long\ int __INT_FAST16_WIDTH__=64 __INT_FAST32_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INT_FAST32_TYPE__=long\ int __INT_FAST32_WIDTH__=64 __INT_FAST64_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INT_FAST64_TYPE__=long\ int __INT_FAST64_WIDTH__=64 __INT_FAST8_MAX__=0x7f __INT_FAST8_TYPE__=signed\ char __INT_FAST8_WIDTH__=8 __INT_LEAST16_MAX__=0x7fff __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__=short\ int __INT_LEAST16_WIDTH__=16 __INT_LEAST32_MAX__=0x7fffffff __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__=int __INT_LEAST32_WIDTH__=32 __INT_LEAST64_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__=long\ int __INT_LEAST64_WIDTH__=64 __INT_LEAST8_MAX__=0x7f __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__=signed\ char __INT_LEAST8_WIDTH__=8 __INT_MAX__=0x7fffffff __INT_WIDTH__=32 __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__=21 __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__=3.64519953188247460252840593361941982e-4951L __LDBL_DIG__=18 __LDBL_EPSILON__=1.08420217248550443400745280086994171e-19L __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__=1 __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__=1 __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=1 __LDBL_MANT_DIG__=64 __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__=4932 __LDBL_MAX_EXP__=16384 __LDBL_MAX__=1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__=(-4931) __LDBL_MIN_EXP__=(-16381) __LDBL_MIN__=3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L __LONG_LONG_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffLL __LONG_LONG_WIDTH__=64 __LONG_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __LONG_WIDTH__=64 __LP64__=1 __MMX__=1 __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__=4321 __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__=1234 __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__=3412 __PIC__=2 __PIE__=2 __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME=1 __PTRDIFF_MAX__=0x7fffffffffffffffL __PTRDIFF_TYPE__=long\ int __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__=64 __REGISTER_PREFIX__= __SCHAR_MAX__=0x7f __SCHAR_WIDTH__=8 __SEG_FS=1 __SEG_GS=1 __SHRT_MAX__=0x7fff __SHRT_WIDTH__=16 __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__=0x7fffffff __SIG_ATOMIC_MIN__=(-0x7fffffff\ -\ 1) __SIG_ATOMIC_TYPE__=int __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__=32 __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__=8 __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__=16 __SIZEOF_FLOAT80__=16 __SIZEOF_FLOAT__=4 __SIZEOF_INT128__=16 __SIZEOF_INT__=4 __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__=16 __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__=8 __SIZEOF_LONG__=8 __SIZEOF_POINTER__=8 __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__=8 __SIZEOF_SHORT__=2 __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__=8 __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__=4 __SIZEOF_WINT_T__=4 __SIZE_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __SIZE_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __SIZE_WIDTH__=64 __SSE2_MATH__=1 __SSE2__=1 __SSE_MATH__=1 __SSE__=1 __SSP_STRONG__=3 __STDC_HOSTED__=1 __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__=1 __STDC_IEC_559__=1 __STDC_ISO_10646__=201706L __STDC_NO_THREADS__=1 __STDC_UTF_16__=1 __STDC_UTF_32__=1 __STDC_VERSION__=201112L __STDC__=1 __UINT16_C=__UINT16_C __UINT16_MAX__=0xffff __UINT16_TYPE__=short\ unsigned\ int __UINT32_C=__UINT32_C __UINT32_MAX__=0xffffffffU __UINT32_TYPE__=unsigned\ int __UINT64_C=__UINT64_C __UINT64_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINT64_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT8_C=__UINT8_C __UINT8_MAX__=0xff __UINT8_TYPE__=unsigned\ char __UINTMAX_C=__UINTMAX_C __UINTMAX_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINTMAX_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINTPTR_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINTPTR_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT_FAST16_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT_FAST32_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT_FAST64_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT_FAST8_MAX__=0xff __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__=unsigned\ char __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__=0xffff __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__=short\ unsigned\ int __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__=0xffffffffU __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__=unsigned\ int __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__=0xffffffffffffffffUL __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__=long\ unsigned\ int __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__=0xff __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__=unsigned\ char __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__= __USE_FILE_OFFSET64=1 __USE_GNU=1 __USE_LARGEFILE64=1 __USE_LARGEFILE=1 __USE_MISC=1 __USE_POSIX199309=1 __USE_POSIX199506=1 __USE_POSIX2=1 __USE_POSIX=1 __USE_UNIX98=1 __USE_XOPEN=1 __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED=1 __VERSION__="7.3.0" __WCHAR_MAX__=0x7fffffff __WCHAR_MIN__=(-0x7fffffff\ -\ 1) __WCHAR_TYPE__=int __WCHAR_WIDTH__=32 __WINT_MAX__=0xffffffffU __WINT_MIN__=0U __WINT_TYPE__=unsigned\ int __WINT_WIDTH__=32 __amd64=1 __amd64__=1 __code_model_small__=1 __gnu_linux__=1 __has_include=__has_include __has_include_next=__has_include_next __k8=1 __k8__=1 __linux=1 __linux__=1 __pic__=2 __pie__=2 __unix=1 __unix__=1 __x86_64=1 __x86_64__=1 linux=1 unix=1'
-direntrytype='struct dirent'
-doubleinfbytes='0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x7f'
-doublenanbytes='0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0xff'
-dynamic_ext='B Compress/Raw/Bzip2 Compress/Raw/Zlib Cwd DB_File Data/Dumper Devel/PPPort Devel/Peek Digest/MD5 Digest/SHA Encode Fcntl File/DosGlob File/Glob Filter/Util/Call GDBM_File Hash/Util Hash/Util/FieldHash I18N/Langinfo IO IPC/SysV List/Util MIME/Base64 Math/BigInt/FastCalc NDBM_File ODBM_File Opcode POSIX PerlIO/encoding PerlIO/mmap PerlIO/scalar PerlIO/via SDBM_File Socket Storable Sys/Hostname Sys/Syslog Tie/Hash/NamedCapture Time/HiRes Time/Piece Unicode/Collate Unicode/Normalize XS/APItest XS/Typemap arybase attributes mro re threads threads/shared'
-extensions='B Compress/Raw/Bzip2 Compress/Raw/Zlib Cwd DB_File Data/Dumper Devel/PPPort Devel/Peek Digest/MD5 Digest/SHA Encode Fcntl File/DosGlob File/Glob Filter/Util/Call GDBM_File Hash/Util Hash/Util/FieldHash I18N/Langinfo IO IPC/SysV List/Util MIME/Base64 Math/BigInt/FastCalc NDBM_File ODBM_File Opcode POSIX PerlIO/encoding PerlIO/mmap PerlIO/scalar PerlIO/via SDBM_File Socket Storable Sys/Hostname Sys/Syslog Tie/Hash/NamedCapture Time/HiRes Time/Piece Unicode/Collate Unicode/Normalize XS/APItest XS/Typemap arybase attributes mro re threads threads/shared Archive/Tar Attribute/Handlers AutoLoader B/Debug CPAN CPAN/Meta CPAN/Meta/Requirements CPAN/Meta/YAML Carp Config/Perl/V Devel/SelfStubber Digest Dumpvalue Env Errno Exporter ExtUtils/CBuilder ExtUtils/Constant ExtUtils/Install ExtUtils/MakeMaker ExtUtils/Manifest ExtUtils/Miniperl ExtUtils/ParseXS File/Fetch File/Find File/Path File/Temp FileCache Filter/Simple Getopt/Long HTTP/Tiny I18N/Collate I18N/LangTags IO/Compress IO/Socket/IP IO/Zlib IPC/Cmd IPC/Open3 JSON/PP Locale/Codes Locale/Maketext Locale/Maketext/Simple Math/BigInt Math/BigRat Math/Complex Memoize Module/CoreList Module/Load Module/Load/Conditional Module/Loaded Module/Metadata NEXT Net/Ping Params/Check Perl/OSType PerlIO/via/QuotedPrint Pod/Checker Pod/Escapes Pod/Functions Pod/Html Pod/Parser Pod/Perldoc Pod/Simple Pod/Usage Safe Search/Dict SelfLoader Term/ANSIColor Term/Cap Term/Complete Term/ReadLine Test Test/Harness Test/Simple Text/Abbrev Text/Balanced Text/ParseWords Text/Tabs Thread/Queue Thread/Semaphore Tie/File Tie/Memoize Tie/RefHash Time/Local XSLoader autodie autouse base bignum constant encoding/warnings experimental if lib libnet parent perlfaq podlators version'
-glibpth='/usr/shlib /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/386 /lib/386 /usr/ccs/lib /usr/ucblib /usr/local/lib '
-groupcat='cat /etc/group'
-hostcat='cat /etc/hosts'
-html1dir=' '
-html3dir=' '
-i8type='signed char'
-inc_version_list='5.26.0 5.26.0/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi'
-incpth='/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include /usr/local/include /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/include'
-issymlink='test -h'
-known_extensions='Amiga/ARexx Amiga/Exec Archive/Tar Attribute/Handlers AutoLoader B B/Debug CPAN CPAN/Meta CPAN/Meta/Requirements CPAN/Meta/YAML Carp Compress/Raw/Bzip2 Compress/Raw/Zlib Config/Perl/V Cwd DB_File Data/Dumper Devel/PPPort Devel/Peek Devel/SelfStubber Digest Digest/MD5 Digest/SHA Dumpvalue Encode Env Errno Exporter ExtUtils/CBuilder ExtUtils/Constant ExtUtils/Install ExtUtils/MakeMaker ExtUtils/Manifest ExtUtils/Miniperl ExtUtils/ParseXS Fcntl File/DosGlob File/Fetch File/Find File/Glob File/Path File/Temp FileCache Filter/Simple Filter/Util/Call GDBM_File Getopt/Long HTTP/Tiny Hash/Util Hash/Util/FieldHash I18N/Collate I18N/LangTags I18N/Langinfo IO IO/Compress IO/Socket/IP IO/Zlib IPC/Cmd IPC/Open3 IPC/SysV JSON/PP List/Util Locale/Codes Locale/Maketext Locale/Maketext/Simple MIME/Base64 Math/BigInt Math/BigInt/FastCalc Math/BigRat Math/Complex Memoize Module/CoreList Module/Load Module/Load/Conditional Module/Loaded Module/Metadata NDBM_File NEXT Net/Ping ODBM_File Opcode POSIX Params/Check Perl/OSType PerlIO/encoding PerlIO/mmap PerlIO/scalar PerlIO/via PerlIO/via/QuotedPrint Pod/Checker Pod/Escapes Pod/Functions Pod/Html Pod/Parser Pod/Perldoc Pod/Simple Pod/Usage SDBM_File Safe Search/Dict SelfLoader Socket Storable Sys/Hostname Sys/Syslog Term/ANSIColor Term/Cap Term/Complete Term/ReadLine Test Test/Harness Test/Simple Text/Abbrev Text/Balanced Text/ParseWords Text/Tabs Thread/Queue Thread/Semaphore Tie/File Tie/Hash/NamedCapture Tie/Memoize Tie/RefHash Time/HiRes Time/Local Time/Piece Unicode/Collate Unicode/Normalize VMS/DCLsym VMS/Filespec VMS/Stdio Win32 Win32API/File Win32CORE XS/APItest XS/Typemap XSLoader arybase attributes autodie autouse base bignum constant encoding/warnings experimental if lib libnet mro parent perlfaq podlators re threads threads/shared version '
-lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'
-ldflags=' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
-libpth='/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib'
-libs='-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt'
-libsdirs=' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'
-libsfiles=' libgdbm.so libgdbm_compat.so libdb.so libdl.so libm.so libpthread.so libc.so libcrypt.so'
-libsfound=' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdbm.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdbm_compat.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdb.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypt.so'
-libspath=' /usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib'
-libswanted='gdbm gdbm_compat db dl m pthread c crypt gdbm_compat'
-lns='/bin/ln -s'
-locincpth='/usr/local/include /opt/local/include /usr/gnu/include /opt/gnu/include /usr/GNU/include /opt/GNU/include'
-loclibpth='/usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib /opt/gnu/lib /usr/GNU/lib /opt/GNU/lib'
-longdblinfbytes='0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00'
-longdblnanbytes='0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00'
-malloctype='void *'
-mmaptype='void *'
-myuname='linux localhost 4.9.0 #1 smp debian 4.9.0 x86_64 gnulinux '
-netdb_host_type='char *'
-netdb_name_type='const char *'
-nonxs_ext='Archive/Tar Attribute/Handlers AutoLoader B/Debug CPAN CPAN/Meta CPAN/Meta/Requirements CPAN/Meta/YAML Carp Config/Perl/V Devel/SelfStubber Digest Dumpvalue Env Errno Exporter ExtUtils/CBuilder ExtUtils/Constant ExtUtils/Install ExtUtils/MakeMaker ExtUtils/Manifest ExtUtils/Miniperl ExtUtils/ParseXS File/Fetch File/Find File/Path File/Temp FileCache Filter/Simple Getopt/Long HTTP/Tiny I18N/Collate I18N/LangTags IO/Compress IO/Socket/IP IO/Zlib IPC/Cmd IPC/Open3 JSON/PP Locale/Codes Locale/Maketext Locale/Maketext/Simple Math/BigInt Math/BigRat Math/Complex Memoize Module/CoreList Module/Load Module/Load/Conditional Module/Loaded Module/Metadata NEXT Net/Ping Params/Check Perl/OSType PerlIO/via/QuotedPrint Pod/Checker Pod/Escapes Pod/Functions Pod/Html Pod/Parser Pod/Perldoc Pod/Simple Pod/Usage Safe Search/Dict SelfLoader Term/ANSIColor Term/Cap Term/Complete Term/ReadLine Test Test/Harness Test/Simple Text/Abbrev Text/Balanced Text/ParseWords Text/Tabs Thread/Queue Thread/Semaphore Tie/File Tie/Memoize Tie/RefHash Time/Local XSLoader autodie autouse base bignum constant encoding/warnings experimental if lib libnet parent perlfaq podlators version'
-optimize='-O2 -g'
-passcat='cat /etc/passwd'
-perl_static_inline='static __inline__'
-perllibs='-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt'
-plibpth='/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/7 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/7 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib'
-rm_try='/bin/rm -f try try a.out .out try.[cho] try..o core core.try* try.core*'
-selecttype='fd_set *'
-shmattype='void *'
-sig_name_init='"ZERO", "HUP", "INT", "QUIT", "ILL", "TRAP", "ABRT", "BUS", "FPE", "KILL", "USR1", "SEGV", "USR2", "PIPE", "ALRM", "TERM", "STKFLT", "CHLD", "CONT", "STOP", "TSTP", "TTIN", "TTOU", "URG", "XCPU", "XFSZ", "VTALRM", "PROF", "WINCH", "IO", "PWR", "SYS", "NUM32", "NUM33", "RTMIN", "NUM35", "NUM36", "NUM37", "NUM38", "NUM39", "NUM40", "NUM41", "NUM42", "NUM43", "NUM44", "NUM45", "NUM46", "NUM47", "NUM48", "NUM49", "NUM50", "NUM51", "NUM52", "NUM53", "NUM54", "NUM55", "NUM56", "NUM57", "NUM58", "NUM59", "NUM60", "NUM61", "NUM62", "NUM63", "RTMAX", "IOT", "CLD", "POLL", "UNUSED", 0'
-sig_num='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6 17 29 31 '
-sig_num_init='0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 6, 17, 29, 31, 0'
-static_ext=' '
-stdio_bufsiz='((fp)->_cnt + (fp)->_ptr - (fp)->_base)'
-timeincl='/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h /usr/include/time.h '
-u16type='unsigned short'
-u32type='unsigned int'
-u64type='unsigned long'
-u8type='unsigned char'
-uquadtype='unsigned long'
-uvtype='unsigned long'
-vendorhtml1dir=' '
-vendorhtml3dir=' '
-version_patchlevel_string='version 26 subversion 1'
-xlibpth='/usr/lib/386 /lib/386'
-my $i = ord(8);
-foreach my $c (7,6,5,4,3,2,1) { $i <<= 8; $i |= ord($c); }
-our $byteorder = join('', unpack('aaaaaaaa', pack('L!', $i)));
-my $config_sh_len = length $_;
-our $Config_SH_expanded = "\n$_" . << 'EOVIRTUAL';
-ccflags_nolargefiles='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include '
-ldflags_nolargefiles=' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
-libs_nolargefiles='-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt'
-libswanted_nolargefiles='gdbm gdbm_compat db dl m pthread c crypt gdbm_compat'
-ccwarnflags=' -Wall -Werror=declaration-after-statement -Wextra -Wc++-compat -Wwrite-strings'
-ccstdflags=' -std=c89'
-eval {
- # do not have hairy conniptions if this isnt available
- require 'Config_git.pl';
- $Config_SH_expanded .= $Config::Git_Data;
- 1;
-} or warn "Warning: failed to load Config_git.pl, something strange about this perl...\n";
-# Search for it in the big string
-sub fetch_string {
- my($self, $key) = @_;
- return undef unless $Config_SH_expanded =~ /\n$key=\'(.*?)\'\n/s;
- # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}".
- $self->{$key} = $1 eq 'undef' ? undef : $1;
-my $prevpos = 0;
- $prevpos = 0;
- substr($Config_SH_expanded, 1, index($Config_SH_expanded, '=') - 1 );
-sub NEXTKEY {
- my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq('\n), $prevpos) + 2;
- my $len = index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $pos) - $pos;
- $prevpos = $pos;
- $len > 0 ? substr($Config_SH_expanded, $pos, $len) : undef;
-sub EXISTS {
- return 1 if exists($_[0]->{$_[1]});
- return(index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]='") != -1
- );
-sub STORE { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" }
-*DELETE = *CLEAR = \*STORE; # Typeglob aliasing uses less space
-sub config_sh {
- substr $Config_SH_expanded, 1, $config_sh_len;
-sub config_re {
- my $re = shift;
- return map { chomp; $_ } grep eval{ /^(?:$re)=/ }, split /^/,
- $Config_SH_expanded;
-sub config_vars {
- # implements -V:cfgvar option (see perlrun -V:)
- foreach (@_) {
- # find optional leading, trailing colons; and query-spec
- my ($notag,$qry,$lncont) = m/^(:)?(.*?)(:)?$/; # flags fore and aft,
- # map colon-flags to print decorations
- my $prfx = $notag ? '': "$qry="; # tag-prefix for print
- my $lnend = $lncont ? ' ' : ";\n"; # line ending for print
- # all config-vars are by definition \w only, any \W means regex
- if ($qry =~ /\W/) {
- my @matches = config_re($qry);
- print map "$_$lnend", @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if !$notag;
- print map { s/\w+=//; "$_$lnend" } @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if $notag;
- } else {
- my $v = (exists $Config::Config{$qry}) ? $Config::Config{$qry}
- : 'UNKNOWN';
- $v = 'undef' unless defined $v;
- print "${prfx}'${v}'$lnend";
- }
- }
-# Called by the real AUTOLOAD
-sub launcher {
- undef &AUTOLOAD;
- goto \&$Config::AUTOLOAD;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Cwd.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Cwd.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 289e0918..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Cwd.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-package Cwd;
-use strict;
-use Exporter;
-$VERSION = '3.67';
-my $xs_version = $VERSION;
-$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
-@ISA = qw/ Exporter /;
-@EXPORT = qw(cwd getcwd fastcwd fastgetcwd);
-push @EXPORT, qw(getdcwd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(chdir abs_path fast_abs_path realpath fast_realpath);
-# sys_cwd may keep the builtin command
-# All the functionality of this module may provided by builtins,
-# there is no sense to process the rest of the file.
-# The best choice may be to have this in BEGIN, but how to return from BEGIN?
-if ($^O eq 'os2') {
- local $^W = 0;
- *cwd = defined &sys_cwd ? \&sys_cwd : \&_os2_cwd;
- *getcwd = \&cwd;
- *fastgetcwd = \&cwd;
- *fastcwd = \&cwd;
- *fast_abs_path = \&sys_abspath if defined &sys_abspath;
- *abs_path = \&fast_abs_path;
- *realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
- *fast_realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
- return 1;
-# Need to look up the feature settings on VMS. The preferred way is to use the
-# VMS::Feature module, but that may not be available to dual life modules.
-my $use_vms_feature;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
- local @INC = @INC;
- pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
- require VMS::Feature; }) {
- $use_vms_feature = 1;
- }
- }
-# Need to look up the UNIX report mode. This may become a dynamic mode
-# in the future.
-sub _vms_unix_rpt {
- my $unix_rpt;
- if ($use_vms_feature) {
- $unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
- } else {
- my $env_unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
- $unix_rpt = $env_unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- }
- return $unix_rpt;
-# Need to look up the EFS character set mode. This may become a dynamic
-# mode in the future.
-sub _vms_efs {
- my $efs;
- if ($use_vms_feature) {
- $efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
- } else {
- my $env_efs = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
- $efs = $env_efs =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- }
- return $efs;
-# If loading the XS stuff doesn't work, we can fall back to pure perl
-if(! defined &getcwd && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
- eval {#eval is questionable since we are handling potential errors like
- #"Cwd object version 3.48 does not match bootstrap parameter 3.50
- #at lib/DynaLoader.pm line 216." by having this eval
- if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, $xs_version);
- } else {
- require DynaLoader;
- push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
- __PACKAGE__->bootstrap( $xs_version );
- }
- };
-# Big nasty table of function aliases
- (
- VMS =>
- {
- cwd => '_vms_cwd',
- getcwd => '_vms_cwd',
- fastcwd => '_vms_cwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_vms_cwd',
- abs_path => '_vms_abs_path',
- fast_abs_path => '_vms_abs_path',
- },
- MSWin32 =>
- {
- # We assume that &_NT_cwd is defined as an XSUB or in the core.
- cwd => '_NT_cwd',
- getcwd => '_NT_cwd',
- fastcwd => '_NT_cwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_NT_cwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- realpath => 'fast_abs_path',
- },
- dos =>
- {
- cwd => '_dos_cwd',
- getcwd => '_dos_cwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_dos_cwd',
- fastcwd => '_dos_cwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- },
- # QNX4. QNX6 has a $os of 'nto'.
- qnx =>
- {
- cwd => '_qnx_cwd',
- getcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
- fastcwd => '_qnx_cwd',
- abs_path => '_qnx_abs_path',
- fast_abs_path => '_qnx_abs_path',
- },
- cygwin =>
- {
- getcwd => 'cwd',
- fastgetcwd => 'cwd',
- fastcwd => 'cwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- realpath => 'fast_abs_path',
- },
- epoc =>
- {
- cwd => '_epoc_cwd',
- getcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
- fastcwd => '_epoc_cwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- },
- MacOS =>
- {
- getcwd => 'cwd',
- fastgetcwd => 'cwd',
- fastcwd => 'cwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- },
- amigaos =>
- {
- getcwd => '_backtick_pwd',
- fastgetcwd => '_backtick_pwd',
- fastcwd => '_backtick_pwd',
- abs_path => 'fast_abs_path',
- }
- );
-# Find the pwd command in the expected locations. We assume these
-# are safe. This prevents _backtick_pwd() consulting $ENV{PATH}
-# so everything works under taint mode.
-my $pwd_cmd;
-if($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- foreach my $try ('/bin/pwd',
- '/usr/bin/pwd',
- '/QOpenSys/bin/pwd', # OS/400 PASE.
- ) {
- if( -x $try ) {
- $pwd_cmd = $try;
- last;
- }
- }
-# Android has a built-in pwd. Using $pwd_cmd will DTRT if
-# this perl was compiled with -Dd_useshellcmds, which is the
-# default for Android, but the block below is needed for the
-# miniperl running on the host when cross-compiling, and
-# potentially for native builds with -Ud_useshellcmds.
-if ($^O =~ /android/) {
- # If targetsh is executable, then we're either a full
- # perl, or a miniperl for a native build.
- if (-x $Config::Config{targetsh}) {
- $pwd_cmd = "$Config::Config{targetsh} -c pwd"
- }
- else {
- my $sh = $Config::Config{sh} || (-x '/system/bin/sh' ? '/system/bin/sh' : 'sh');
- $pwd_cmd = "$sh -c pwd"
- }
-my $found_pwd_cmd = defined($pwd_cmd);
-unless ($pwd_cmd) {
- # Isn't this wrong? _backtick_pwd() will fail if someone has
- # pwd in their path but it is not /bin/pwd or /usr/bin/pwd?
- # See [perl #16774]. --jhi
- $pwd_cmd = 'pwd';
-# Lazy-load Carp
-sub _carp { require Carp; Carp::carp(@_) }
-sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
-# The 'natural and safe form' for UNIX (pwd may be setuid root)
-sub _backtick_pwd {
- # Localize %ENV entries in a way that won't create new hash keys.
- # Under AmigaOS we don't want to localize as it stops perl from
- # finding 'sh' in the PATH.
- my @localize = grep exists $ENV{$_}, qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV) if $^O ne "amigaos";
- local @ENV{@localize} if @localize;
- my $cwd = `$pwd_cmd`;
- # Belt-and-suspenders in case someone said "undef $/".
- local $/ = "\n";
- # `pwd` may fail e.g. if the disk is full
- chomp($cwd) if defined $cwd;
- $cwd;
-# Since some ports may predefine cwd internally (e.g., NT)
-# we take care not to override an existing definition for cwd().
-unless ($METHOD_MAP{$^O}{cwd} or defined &cwd) {
- # The pwd command is not available in some chroot(2)'ed environments
- my $sep = $Config::Config{path_sep} || ':';
- my $os = $^O; # Protect $^O from tainting
- # Try again to find a pwd, this time searching the whole PATH.
- if (defined $ENV{PATH} and $os ne 'MSWin32') { # no pwd on Windows
- my @candidates = split($sep, $ENV{PATH});
- while (!$found_pwd_cmd and @candidates) {
- my $candidate = shift @candidates;
- $found_pwd_cmd = 1 if -x "$candidate/pwd";
- }
- }
- # MacOS has some special magic to make `pwd` work.
- if( $os eq 'MacOS' || $found_pwd_cmd )
- {
- *cwd = \&_backtick_pwd;
- }
- else {
- *cwd = \&getcwd;
- }
-if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
- # We need to make sure cwd() is called with no args, because it's
- # got an arg-less prototype and will die if args are present.
- local $^W = 0;
- my $orig_cwd = \&cwd;
- *cwd = sub { &$orig_cwd() }
-# set a reasonable (and very safe) default for fastgetcwd, in case it
-# isn't redefined later (20001212 rspier)
-*fastgetcwd = \&cwd;
-# A non-XS version of getcwd() - also used to bootstrap the perl build
-# process, when miniperl is running and no XS loading happens.
-sub _perl_getcwd
- abs_path('.');
-# By John Bazik
-# Usage: $cwd = &fastcwd;
-# This is a faster version of getcwd. It's also more dangerous because
-# you might chdir out of a directory that you can't chdir back into.
-sub fastcwd_ {
- my($odev, $oino, $cdev, $cino, $tdev, $tino);
- my(@path, $path);
- local(*DIR);
- my($orig_cdev, $orig_cino) = stat('.');
- ($cdev, $cino) = ($orig_cdev, $orig_cino);
- for (;;) {
- my $direntry;
- ($odev, $oino) = ($cdev, $cino);
- CORE::chdir('..') || return undef;
- ($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
- last if $odev == $cdev && $oino == $cino;
- opendir(DIR, '.') || return undef;
- for (;;) {
- $direntry = readdir(DIR);
- last unless defined $direntry;
- next if $direntry eq '.';
- next if $direntry eq '..';
- ($tdev, $tino) = lstat($direntry);
- last unless $tdev != $odev || $tino != $oino;
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- return undef unless defined $direntry; # should never happen
- unshift(@path, $direntry);
- }
- $path = '/' . join('/', @path);
- if ($^O eq 'apollo') { $path = "/".$path; }
- # At this point $path may be tainted (if tainting) and chdir would fail.
- # Untaint it then check that we landed where we started.
- $path =~ /^(.*)\z/s # untaint
- && CORE::chdir($1) or return undef;
- ($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
- die "Unstable directory path, current directory changed unexpectedly"
- if $cdev != $orig_cdev || $cino != $orig_cino;
- $path;
-if (not defined &fastcwd) { *fastcwd = \&fastcwd_ }
-# Keeps track of current working directory in PWD environment var
-# Usage:
-# use Cwd 'chdir';
-# chdir $newdir;
-my $chdir_init = 0;
-sub chdir_init {
- if ($ENV{'PWD'} and $^O ne 'os2' and $^O ne 'dos' and $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- my($dd,$di) = stat('.');
- my($pd,$pi) = stat($ENV{'PWD'});
- if (!defined $dd or !defined $pd or $di != $pi or $dd != $pd) {
- $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
- }
- }
- else {
- my $wd = cwd();
- $wd = Win32::GetFullPathName($wd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $wd;
- }
- # Strip an automounter prefix (where /tmp_mnt/foo/bar == /foo/bar)
- if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $ENV{'PWD'} =~ m|(/[^/]+(/[^/]+/[^/]+))(.*)|s) {
- my($pd,$pi) = stat($2);
- my($dd,$di) = stat($1);
- if (defined $pd and defined $dd and $di == $pi and $dd == $pd) {
- $ENV{'PWD'}="$2$3";
- }
- }
- $chdir_init = 1;
-sub chdir {
- my $newdir = @_ ? shift : ''; # allow for no arg (chdir to HOME dir)
- if ($^O eq "cygwin") {
- $newdir =~ s|\A///+|//|;
- $newdir =~ s|(?<=[^/])//+|/|g;
- }
- elsif ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- $newdir =~ s|///*|/|g;
- }
- chdir_init() unless $chdir_init;
- my $newpwd;
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- # get the full path name *before* the chdir()
- $newpwd = Win32::GetFullPathName($newdir);
- }
- return 0 unless CORE::chdir $newdir;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- return $ENV{'PWD'} = $ENV{'DEFAULT'}
- }
- elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- return $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
- }
- elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $newpwd;
- return 1;
- }
- if (ref $newdir eq 'GLOB') { # in case a file/dir handle is passed in
- $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
- } elsif ($newdir =~ m#^/#s) {
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $newdir;
- } else {
- my @curdir = split(m#/#,$ENV{'PWD'});
- @curdir = ('') unless @curdir;
- my $component;
- foreach $component (split(m#/#, $newdir)) {
- next if $component eq '.';
- pop(@curdir),next if $component eq '..';
- push(@curdir,$component);
- }
- $ENV{'PWD'} = join('/',@curdir) || '/';
- }
- 1;
-sub _perl_abs_path
- my $start = @_ ? shift : '.';
- my($dotdots, $cwd, @pst, @cst, $dir, @tst);
- unless (@cst = stat( $start ))
- {
- _carp("stat($start): $!");
- return '';
- }
- unless (-d _) {
- # Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
- # NOTE that this routine assumes that '/' is the only directory separator.
- my ($dir, $file) = $start =~ m{^(.*)/(.+)$}
- or return cwd() . '/' . $start;
- # Can't use "-l _" here, because the previous stat was a stat(), not an lstat().
- if (-l $start) {
- my $link_target = readlink($start);
- die "Can't resolve link $start: $!" unless defined $link_target;
- require File::Spec;
- $link_target = $dir . '/' . $link_target
- unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
- return abs_path($link_target);
- }
- return $dir ? abs_path($dir) . "/$file" : "/$file";
- }
- $cwd = '';
- $dotdots = $start;
- do
- {
- $dotdots .= '/..';
- @pst = @cst;
- local *PARENT;
- unless (opendir(PARENT, $dotdots))
- {
- # probably a permissions issue. Try the native command.
- require File::Spec;
- return File::Spec->rel2abs( $start, _backtick_pwd() );
- }
- unless (@cst = stat($dotdots))
- {
- _carp("stat($dotdots): $!");
- closedir(PARENT);
- return '';
- }
- if ($pst[0] == $cst[0] && $pst[1] == $cst[1])
- {
- $dir = undef;
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- unless (defined ($dir = readdir(PARENT)))
- {
- _carp("readdir($dotdots): $!");
- closedir(PARENT);
- return '';
- }
- $tst[0] = $pst[0]+1 unless (@tst = lstat("$dotdots/$dir"))
- }
- while ($dir eq '.' || $dir eq '..' || $tst[0] != $pst[0] ||
- $tst[1] != $pst[1]);
- }
- $cwd = (defined $dir ? "$dir" : "" ) . "/$cwd" ;
- closedir(PARENT);
- } while (defined $dir);
- chop($cwd) unless $cwd eq '/'; # drop the trailing /
- $cwd;
-my $Curdir;
-sub fast_abs_path {
- local $ENV{PWD} = $ENV{PWD} || ''; # Guard against clobberage
- my $cwd = getcwd();
- require File::Spec;
- my $path = @_ ? shift : ($Curdir ||= File::Spec->curdir);
- # Detaint else we'll explode in taint mode. This is safe because
- # we're not doing anything dangerous with it.
- ($path) = $path =~ /(.*)/s;
- ($cwd) = $cwd =~ /(.*)/s;
- unless (-e $path) {
- _croak("$path: No such file or directory");
- }
- unless (-d _) {
- # Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
- my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
- return File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $path) unless length $dir;
- if (-l $path) {
- my $link_target = readlink($path);
- die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
- $link_target = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $link_target)
- unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
- return fast_abs_path($link_target);
- }
- return $dir eq File::Spec->rootdir
- ? File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $file)
- : fast_abs_path(File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, '')) . '/' . $file;
- }
- if (!CORE::chdir($path)) {
- _croak("Cannot chdir to $path: $!");
- }
- my $realpath = getcwd();
- if (! ((-d $cwd) && (CORE::chdir($cwd)))) {
- _croak("Cannot chdir back to $cwd: $!");
- }
- $realpath;
-# added function alias to follow principle of least surprise
-# based on previous aliasing. --tchrist 27-Jan-00
-*fast_realpath = \&fast_abs_path;
-# VMS: $ENV{'DEFAULT'} points to default directory at all times
-# 06-Mar-1996 Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu
-# Note: Use of Cwd::chdir() causes the logical name PWD to be defined
-# in the process logical name table as the default device and directory
-# seen by Perl. This may not be the same as the default device
-# and directory seen by DCL after Perl exits, since the effects
-# the CRTL chdir() function persist only until Perl exits.
-sub _vms_cwd {
- return $ENV{'DEFAULT'};
-sub _vms_abs_path {
- return $ENV{'DEFAULT'} unless @_;
- my $path = shift;
- my $efs = _vms_efs;
- my $unix_rpt = _vms_unix_rpt;
- if (defined &VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath) {
- my $path_unix = 0;
- my $path_vms = 0;
- $path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ m#(?<=\^)/#);
- $path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ /^\.\.?$/);
- $path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ m#[\[<\]]#);
- $path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ /^--?$/);
- my $unix_mode = $path_unix;
- if ($efs) {
- # In case of a tie, the Unix report mode decides.
- if ($path_vms == $path_unix) {
- $unix_mode = $unix_rpt;
- } else {
- $unix_mode = 0 if $path_vms;
- }
- }
- if ($unix_mode) {
- # Unix format
- return VMS::Filespec::unixrealpath($path);
- }
- # VMS format
- my $new_path = VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath($path);
- # Perl expects directories to be in directory format
- $new_path = VMS::Filespec::pathify($new_path) if -d $path;
- return $new_path;
- }
- # Fallback to older algorithm if correct ones are not
- # available.
- if (-l $path) {
- my $link_target = readlink($path);
- die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
- return _vms_abs_path($link_target);
- }
- # may need to turn foo.dir into [.foo]
- my $pathified = VMS::Filespec::pathify($path);
- $path = $pathified if defined $pathified;
- return VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($path);
-sub _os2_cwd {
- my $pwd = `cmd /c cd`;
- chomp $pwd;
- $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
- return $pwd;
-sub _win32_cwd_simple {
- my $pwd = `cd`;
- chomp $pwd;
- $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
- return $pwd;
-sub _win32_cwd {
- my $pwd;
- $pwd = Win32::GetCwd();
- $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
- return $pwd;
-*_NT_cwd = defined &Win32::GetCwd ? \&_win32_cwd : \&_win32_cwd_simple;
-sub _dos_cwd {
- my $pwd;
- if (!defined &Dos::GetCwd) {
- chomp($pwd = `command /c cd`);
- $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
- } else {
- $pwd = Dos::GetCwd();
- }
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
- return $pwd;
-sub _qnx_cwd {
- local $ENV{PATH} = '';
- local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
- local $ENV{ENV} = '';
- my $pwd = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t`;
- chomp $pwd;
- $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
- return $pwd;
-sub _qnx_abs_path {
- local $ENV{PATH} = '';
- local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
- local $ENV{ENV} = '';
- my $path = @_ ? shift : '.';
- local *REALPATH;
- defined( open(REALPATH, '-|') || exec '/usr/bin/fullpath', '-t', $path ) or
- die "Can't open /usr/bin/fullpath: $!";
- my $realpath = ;
- close REALPATH;
- chomp $realpath;
- return $realpath;
-sub _epoc_cwd {
- return $ENV{'PWD'} = EPOC::getcwd();
-# Now that all the base-level functions are set up, alias the
-# user-level functions to the right places
-if (exists $METHOD_MAP{$^O}) {
- my $map = $METHOD_MAP{$^O};
- foreach my $name (keys %$map) {
- local $^W = 0; # assignments trigger 'subroutine redefined' warning
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$name} = \&{$map->{$name}};
- }
-# In case the XS version doesn't load.
-*abs_path = \&_perl_abs_path unless defined &abs_path;
-*getcwd = \&_perl_getcwd unless defined &getcwd;
-# added function alias for those of us more
-# used to the libc function. --tchrist 27-Jan-00
-*realpath = \&abs_path;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/DynaLoader.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/DynaLoader.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d2705f15..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/DynaLoader.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# Generated from DynaLoader_pm.PL, this file is unique for every OS
-package DynaLoader;
-# And Gandalf said: 'Many folk like to know beforehand what is to
-# be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the
-# feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of
-# praise louder.'
-# (Quote from Tolkien suggested by Anno Siegel.)
-# See pod text at end of file for documentation.
-# See also ext/DynaLoader/README in source tree for other information.
-# Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk, August 1994
- $VERSION = '1.42';
-use Config;
-# enable debug/trace messages from DynaLoader perl code
-$dl_debug = $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} || 0 unless defined $dl_debug;
-# Flags to alter dl_load_file behaviour. Assigned bits:
-# 0x01 make symbols available for linking later dl_load_file's.
-# (only known to work on Solaris 2 using dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL))
-# (ignored under VMS; effect is built-in to image linking)
-# (ignored under Android; the linker always uses RTLD_LOCAL)
-# This is called as a class method $module->dl_load_flags. The
-# definition here will be inherited and result on "default" loading
-# behaviour unless a sub-class of DynaLoader defines its own version.
-sub dl_load_flags { 0x00 }
-($dl_dlext, $dl_so, $dlsrc) = @Config::Config{qw(dlext so dlsrc)};
-$do_expand = 0;
-@dl_require_symbols = (); # names of symbols we need
-@dl_library_path = (); # path to look for files
-#XSLoader.pm may have added elements before we were required
-#@dl_shared_objects = (); # shared objects for symbols we have
-#@dl_librefs = (); # things we have loaded
-#@dl_modules = (); # Modules we have loaded
-# Initialise @dl_library_path with the 'standard' library path
-# for this platform as determined by Configure.
-push(@dl_library_path, split(' ', $Config::Config{libpth}));
-my $ldlibpthname = $Config::Config{ldlibpthname};
-my $ldlibpthname_defined = defined $Config::Config{ldlibpthname};
-my $pthsep = $Config::Config{path_sep};
-# Add to @dl_library_path any extra directories we can gather from environment
-# during runtime.
-if ($ldlibpthname_defined &&
- exists $ENV{$ldlibpthname}) {
- push(@dl_library_path, split(/$pthsep/, $ENV{$ldlibpthname}));
-# E.g. HP-UX supports both its native SHLIB_PATH *and* LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
-if ($ldlibpthname_defined &&
- $ldlibpthname ne 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' &&
- exists $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) {
- push(@dl_library_path, split(/$pthsep/, $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}));
-# No prizes for guessing why we don't say 'bootstrap DynaLoader;' here.
-# NOTE: All dl_*.xs (including dl_none.xs) define a dl_error() XSUB
-boot_DynaLoader('DynaLoader') if defined(&boot_DynaLoader) &&
- !defined(&dl_error);
-if ($dl_debug) {
- print STDERR "DynaLoader.pm loaded (@INC, @dl_library_path)\n";
- print STDERR "DynaLoader not linked into this perl\n"
- unless defined(&boot_DynaLoader);
-1; # End of main code
-sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
-sub bootstrap_inherit {
- my $module = $_[0];
- local *isa = *{"$module\::ISA"};
- local @isa = (@isa, 'DynaLoader');
- # Cannot goto due to delocalization. Will report errors on a wrong line?
- bootstrap(@_);
-sub bootstrap {
- # use local vars to enable $module.bs script to edit values
- local(@args) = @_;
- local($module) = $args[0];
- local(@dirs, $file);
- unless ($module) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::confess("Usage: DynaLoader::bootstrap(module)");
- }
- # A common error on platforms which don't support dynamic loading.
- # Since it's fatal and potentially confusing we give a detailed message.
- croak("Can't load module $module, dynamic loading not available in this perl.\n".
- " (You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports\n".
- " dynamic loading or has the $module module statically linked into it.)\n")
- unless defined(&dl_load_file);
- my @modparts = split(/::/,$module);
- my $modfname = $modparts[-1];
- my $modfname_orig = $modfname; # For .bs file search
- # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc.
- # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated)
- # It may also edit @modparts if required.
- $modfname = &mod2fname(\@modparts) if defined &mod2fname;
- my $modpname = join('/',@modparts);
- print STDERR "DynaLoader::bootstrap for $module ",
- "(auto/$modpname/$modfname.$dl_dlext)\n"
- if $dl_debug;
- my $dir;
- foreach (@INC) {
- $dir = "$_/auto/$modpname";
- next unless -d $dir; # skip over uninteresting directories
- # check for common cases to avoid autoload of dl_findfile
- my $try = "$dir/$modfname.$dl_dlext";
- last if $file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($try) : ((-f $try) && $try);
- # no luck here, save dir for possible later dl_findfile search
- push @dirs, $dir;
- }
- # last resort, let dl_findfile have a go in all known locations
- $file = dl_findfile(map("-L$_",@dirs,@INC), $modfname) unless $file;
- croak("Can't locate loadable object for module $module in \@INC (\@INC contains: @INC)")
- unless $file; # wording similar to error from 'require'
- my $bootname = "boot_$module";
- $bootname =~ s/\W/_/g;
- @dl_require_symbols = ($bootname);
- # Execute optional '.bootstrap' perl script for this module.
- # The .bs file can be used to configure @dl_resolve_using etc to
- # match the needs of the individual module on this architecture.
- # N.B. The .bs file does not following the naming convention used
- # by mod2fname.
- my $bs = "$dir/$modfname_orig";
- $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?(;\d*)?$/\.bs/; # look for .bs 'beside' the library
- if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty
- print STDERR "BS: $bs ($^O, $dlsrc)\n" if $dl_debug;
- eval { local @INC = ('.'); do $bs; };
- warn "$bs: $@\n" if $@;
- }
- my $boot_symbol_ref;
- # Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
- # this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of DynaLoader.pm.
- # Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
- # C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
- # in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
- # it executed.
- my $flags = $module->dl_load_flags;
- my $libref = dl_load_file($file, $flags) or
- croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: ".dl_error());
- push(@dl_librefs,$libref); # record loaded object
- $boot_symbol_ref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $bootname) or
- croak("Can't find '$bootname' symbol in $file\n");
- push(@dl_modules, $module); # record loaded module
- boot:
- my $xs = dl_install_xsub("${module}::bootstrap", $boot_symbol_ref, $file);
- # See comment block above
- push(@dl_shared_objects, $file); # record files loaded
- &$xs(@args);
-sub dl_findfile {
- # This function does not automatically consider the architecture
- # or the perl library auto directories.
- my (@args) = @_;
- my (@dirs, $dir); # which directories to search
- my (@found); # full paths to real files we have found
- #my $dl_ext= 'so'; # $Config::Config{'dlext'} suffix for perl extensions
- #my $dl_so = 'so'; # $Config::Config{'so'} suffix for shared libraries
- print STDERR "dl_findfile(@args)\n" if $dl_debug;
- # accumulate directories but process files as they appear
- arg: foreach(@args) {
- # Special fast case: full filepath requires no search
- if (m:/: && -f $_) {
- push(@found,$_);
- last arg unless wantarray;
- next;
- }
- # Deal with directories first:
- # Using a -L prefix is the preferred option (faster and more robust)
- if (m:^-L:) { s/^-L//; push(@dirs, $_); next; }
- # Otherwise we try to try to spot directories by a heuristic
- # (this is a more complicated issue than it first appears)
- if (m:/: && -d $_) { push(@dirs, $_); next; }
- # Only files should get this far...
- my(@names, $name); # what filenames to look for
- if (m:-l: ) { # convert -lname to appropriate library name
- s/-l//;
- push(@names,"lib$_.$dl_so");
- push(@names,"lib$_.a");
- } else { # Umm, a bare name. Try various alternatives:
- # these should be ordered with the most likely first
- push(@names,"$_.$dl_dlext") unless m/\.$dl_dlext$/o;
- push(@names,"$_.$dl_so") unless m/\.$dl_so$/o;
- push(@names,"lib$_.$dl_so") unless m:/:;
- push(@names, $_);
- }
- my $dirsep = '/';
- foreach $dir (@dirs, @dl_library_path) {
- next unless -d $dir;
- foreach $name (@names) {
- my($file) = "$dir$dirsep$name";
- print STDERR " checking in $dir for $name\n" if $dl_debug;
- $file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($file) : (-f $file && $file);
- #$file = _check_file($file);
- if ($file) {
- push(@found, $file);
- next arg; # no need to look any further
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($dl_debug) {
- foreach(@dirs) {
- print STDERR " dl_findfile ignored non-existent directory: $_\n" unless -d $_;
- }
- print STDERR "dl_findfile found: @found\n";
- }
- return $found[0] unless wantarray;
- @found;
-sub dl_expandspec {
- my($spec) = @_;
- # Optional function invoked if DynaLoader.pm sets $do_expand.
- # Most systems do not require or use this function.
- # Some systems may implement it in the dl_*.xs file in which case
- # this Perl version should be excluded at build time.
- # This function is designed to deal with systems which treat some
- # 'filenames' in a special way. For example VMS 'Logical Names'
- # (something like unix environment variables - but different).
- # This function should recognise such names and expand them into
- # full file paths.
- # Must return undef if $spec is invalid or file does not exist.
- my $file = $spec; # default output to input
- return undef unless -f $file;
- print STDERR "dl_expandspec($spec) => $file\n" if $dl_debug;
- $file;
-sub dl_find_symbol_anywhere
- my $sym = shift;
- my $libref;
- foreach $libref (@dl_librefs) {
- my $symref = dl_find_symbol($libref,$sym,1);
- return $symref if $symref;
- }
- return undef;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Errno.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Errno.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 91265055..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Errno.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-
-# This file is auto-generated by ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL.
-# ***ANY*** changes here will be lost.
-package Errno;
-require Exporter;
-use strict;
-our $VERSION = "1.28";
-our @ISA = 'Exporter';
-my %err;
- %err = (
- EPERM => 1,
- ENOENT => 2,
- ESRCH => 3,
- EINTR => 4,
- EIO => 5,
- ENXIO => 6,
- E2BIG => 7,
- ENOEXEC => 8,
- EBADF => 9,
- ECHILD => 10,
- EAGAIN => 11,
- ENOMEM => 12,
- EACCES => 13,
- EFAULT => 14,
- ENOTBLK => 15,
- EBUSY => 16,
- EEXIST => 17,
- EXDEV => 18,
- ENODEV => 19,
- ENOTDIR => 20,
- EISDIR => 21,
- EINVAL => 22,
- ENFILE => 23,
- EMFILE => 24,
- ENOTTY => 25,
- ETXTBSY => 26,
- EFBIG => 27,
- ENOSPC => 28,
- ESPIPE => 29,
- EROFS => 30,
- EMLINK => 31,
- EPIPE => 32,
- EDOM => 33,
- ERANGE => 34,
- EDEADLK => 35,
- EDEADLOCK => 35,
- ENOLCK => 37,
- ENOSYS => 38,
- ENOTEMPTY => 39,
- ELOOP => 40,
- ENOMSG => 42,
- EIDRM => 43,
- ECHRNG => 44,
- EL2NSYNC => 45,
- EL3HLT => 46,
- EL3RST => 47,
- ELNRNG => 48,
- EUNATCH => 49,
- ENOCSI => 50,
- EL2HLT => 51,
- EBADE => 52,
- EBADR => 53,
- EXFULL => 54,
- ENOANO => 55,
- EBADRQC => 56,
- EBADSLT => 57,
- EBFONT => 59,
- ENOSTR => 60,
- ENODATA => 61,
- ETIME => 62,
- ENOSR => 63,
- ENONET => 64,
- ENOPKG => 65,
- EREMOTE => 66,
- ENOLINK => 67,
- EADV => 68,
- ESRMNT => 69,
- ECOMM => 70,
- EPROTO => 71,
- EMULTIHOP => 72,
- EDOTDOT => 73,
- EBADMSG => 74,
- EOVERFLOW => 75,
- ENOTUNIQ => 76,
- EBADFD => 77,
- EREMCHG => 78,
- ELIBACC => 79,
- ELIBBAD => 80,
- ELIBSCN => 81,
- ELIBMAX => 82,
- ELIBEXEC => 83,
- EILSEQ => 84,
- ERESTART => 85,
- ESTRPIPE => 86,
- EUSERS => 87,
- ENOTSOCK => 88,
- EMSGSIZE => 90,
- ENOTSUP => 95,
- ENETDOWN => 100,
- ENETRESET => 102,
- ECONNRESET => 104,
- ENOBUFS => 105,
- EISCONN => 106,
- ENOTCONN => 107,
- ESHUTDOWN => 108,
- ETIMEDOUT => 110,
- EHOSTDOWN => 112,
- EALREADY => 114,
- ESTALE => 116,
- EUCLEAN => 117,
- ENOTNAM => 118,
- ENAVAIL => 119,
- EISNAM => 120,
- EREMOTEIO => 121,
- EDQUOT => 122,
- ENOMEDIUM => 123,
- ECANCELED => 125,
- ENOKEY => 126,
- EOWNERDEAD => 130,
- ERFKILL => 132,
- EHWPOISON => 133,
- );
- # Generate proxy constant subroutines for all the values.
- # Well, almost all the values. Unfortunately we can't assume that at this
- # point that our symbol table is empty, as code such as if the parser has
- # seen code such as C, it will have created the
- # typeglob.
- # Doing this before defining @EXPORT_OK etc means that even if a platform is
- # crazy enough to define EXPORT_OK as an error constant, everything will
- # still work, because the parser will upgrade the PCS to a real typeglob.
- # We rely on the subroutine definitions below to update the internal caches.
- # Don't use %each, as we don't want a copy of the value.
- foreach my $name (keys %err) {
- if ($Errno::{$name}) {
- # We expect this to be reached fairly rarely, so take an approach
- # which uses the least compile time effort in the common case:
- eval "sub $name() { $err{$name} }; 1" or die $@;
- } else {
- $Errno::{$name} = \$err{$name};
- }
- }
-our @EXPORT_OK = keys %err;
-our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
- POSIX => [qw(
- )],
-sub TIEHASH { bless \%err }
-sub FETCH {
- my (undef, $errname) = @_;
- return "" unless exists $err{$errname};
- my $errno = $err{$errname};
- return $errno == $! ? $errno : 0;
-sub STORE {
- require Carp;
- Carp::confess("ERRNO hash is read only!");
-# This is the true return value
-*CLEAR = *DELETE = \*STORE; # Typeglob aliasing uses less space
-sub NEXTKEY {
- each %err;
- my $s = scalar keys %err; # initialize iterator
- each %err;
-sub EXISTS {
- my (undef, $errname) = @_;
- exists $err{$errname};
-sub _tie_it {
- tie %{$_[0]}, __PACKAGE__;
-# ex: set ro:
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b46dad47..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-package Exporter;
-require 5.006;
-# Be lean.
-#use strict;
-#no strict 'refs';
-our $Debug = 0;
-our $ExportLevel = 0;
-our $Verbose ||= 0;
-our $VERSION = '5.72';
-our (%Cache);
-sub as_heavy {
- require Exporter::Heavy;
- # Unfortunately, this does not work if the caller is aliased as *name = \&foo
- # Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines
- my $c = (caller(1))[3];
- $c =~ s/.*:://;
- \&{"Exporter::Heavy::heavy_$c"};
-sub export {
- goto &{as_heavy()};
-sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $callpkg = caller($ExportLevel);
- if ($pkg eq "Exporter" and @_ and $_[0] eq "import") {
- *{$callpkg."::import"} = \&import;
- return;
- }
- # We *need* to treat @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_FAIL"} since Carp uses it :-(
- my $exports = \@{"$pkg\::EXPORT"};
- # But, avoid creating things if they don't exist, which saves a couple of
- # hundred bytes per package processed.
- my $fail = ${$pkg . '::'}{EXPORT_FAIL} && \@{"$pkg\::EXPORT_FAIL"};
- return export $pkg, $callpkg, @_
- if $Verbose or $Debug or $fail && @$fail > 1;
- my $export_cache = ($Cache{$pkg} ||= {});
- my $args = @_ or @_ = @$exports;
- if ($args and not %$export_cache) {
- s/^&//, $export_cache->{$_} = 1
- foreach (@$exports, @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_OK"});
- }
- my $heavy;
- # Try very hard not to use {} and hence have to enter scope on the foreach
- # We bomb out of the loop with last as soon as heavy is set.
- if ($args or $fail) {
- ($heavy = (/\W/ or $args and not exists $export_cache->{$_}
- or $fail and @$fail and $_ eq $fail->[0])) and last
- foreach (@_);
- } else {
- ($heavy = /\W/) and last
- foreach (@_);
- }
- return export $pkg, $callpkg, ($args ? @_ : ()) if $heavy;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} =
- sub {require Carp; &Carp::carp} if not $SIG{__WARN__};
- # shortcut for the common case of no type character
- *{"$callpkg\::$_"} = \&{"$pkg\::$_"} foreach @_;
-# Default methods
-sub export_fail {
- my $self = shift;
- @_;
-# Unfortunately, caller(1)[3] "does not work" if the caller is aliased as
-# *name = \&foo. Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines
-# Otherwise we could have aliased them to export().
-sub export_to_level {
- goto &{as_heavy()};
-sub export_tags {
- goto &{as_heavy()};
-sub export_ok_tags {
- goto &{as_heavy()};
-sub require_version {
- goto &{as_heavy()};
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter/Heavy.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter/Heavy.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d8338c1..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Exporter/Heavy.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-package Exporter::Heavy;
-use strict;
-no strict 'refs';
-# On one line so MakeMaker will see it.
-require Exporter; our $VERSION = $Exporter::VERSION;
-# We go to a lot of trouble not to 'require Carp' at file scope,
-# because Carp requires Exporter, and something has to give.
-sub _rebuild_cache {
- my ($pkg, $exports, $cache) = @_;
- s/^&// foreach @$exports;
- @{$cache}{@$exports} = (1) x @$exports;
- my $ok = \@{"${pkg}::EXPORT_OK"};
- if (@$ok) {
- s/^&// foreach @$ok;
- @{$cache}{@$ok} = (1) x @$ok;
- }
-sub heavy_export {
- # Save the old __WARN__ handler in case it was defined
- my $oldwarn = $SIG{__WARN__};
- # First make import warnings look like they're coming from the "use".
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- # restore it back so proper stacking occurs
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = $oldwarn;
- my $text = shift;
- if ($text =~ s/ at \S*Exporter\S*.pm line \d+.*\n//) {
- require Carp;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; # ignore package calling us too.
- Carp::carp($text);
- }
- else {
- warn $text;
- }
- };
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
- require Carp;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; # ignore package calling us too.
- Carp::croak("$_[0]Illegal null symbol in \@${1}::EXPORT")
- if $_[0] =~ /^Unable to create sub named "(.*?)::"/;
- };
- my($pkg, $callpkg, @imports) = @_;
- my($type, $sym, $cache_is_current, $oops);
- my($exports, $export_cache) = (\@{"${pkg}::EXPORT"},
- $Exporter::Cache{$pkg} ||= {});
- if (@imports) {
- if (!%$export_cache) {
- _rebuild_cache ($pkg, $exports, $export_cache);
- $cache_is_current = 1;
- }
- if (grep m{^[/!:]}, @imports) {
- my $tagsref = \%{"${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS"};
- my $tagdata;
- my %imports;
- my($remove, $spec, @names, @allexports);
- # negated first item implies starting with default set:
- unshift @imports, ':DEFAULT' if $imports[0] =~ m/^!/;
- foreach $spec (@imports){
- $remove = $spec =~ s/^!//;
- if ($spec =~ s/^://){
- if ($spec eq 'DEFAULT'){
- @names = @$exports;
- }
- elsif ($tagdata = $tagsref->{$spec}) {
- @names = @$tagdata;
- }
- else {
- warn qq["$spec" is not defined in %${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS];
- ++$oops;
- next;
- }
- }
- elsif ($spec =~ m:^/(.*)/$:){
- my $patn = $1;
- @allexports = keys %$export_cache unless @allexports; # only do keys once
- @names = grep(/$patn/, @allexports); # not anchored by default
- }
- else {
- @names = ($spec); # is a normal symbol name
- }
- warn "Import ".($remove ? "del":"add").": @names "
- if $Exporter::Verbose;
- if ($remove) {
- foreach $sym (@names) { delete $imports{$sym} }
- }
- else {
- @imports{@names} = (1) x @names;
- }
- }
- @imports = keys %imports;
- }
- my @carp;
- foreach $sym (@imports) {
- if (!$export_cache->{$sym}) {
- if ($sym =~ m/^\d/) {
- $pkg->VERSION($sym); # inherit from UNIVERSAL
- # If the version number was the only thing specified
- # then we should act as if nothing was specified:
- if (@imports == 1) {
- @imports = @$exports;
- last;
- }
- # We need a way to emulate 'use Foo ()' but still
- # allow an easy version check: "use Foo 1.23, ''";
- if (@imports == 2 and !$imports[1]) {
- @imports = ();
- last;
- }
- } elsif ($sym !~ s/^&// || !$export_cache->{$sym}) {
- # Last chance - see if they've updated EXPORT_OK since we
- # cached it.
- unless ($cache_is_current) {
- %$export_cache = ();
- _rebuild_cache ($pkg, $exports, $export_cache);
- $cache_is_current = 1;
- }
- if (!$export_cache->{$sym}) {
- # accumulate the non-exports
- push @carp,
- qq["$sym" is not exported by the $pkg module\n];
- $oops++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($oops) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("@{carp}Can't continue after import errors");
- }
- }
- else {
- @imports = @$exports;
- }
- my($fail, $fail_cache) = (\@{"${pkg}::EXPORT_FAIL"},
- $Exporter::FailCache{$pkg} ||= {});
- if (@$fail) {
- if (!%$fail_cache) {
- # Build cache of symbols. Optimise the lookup by adding
- # barewords twice... both with and without a leading &.
- # (Technique could be applied to $export_cache at cost of memory)
- my @expanded = map { /^\w/ ? ($_, '&'.$_) : $_ } @$fail;
- warn "${pkg}::EXPORT_FAIL cached: @expanded" if $Exporter::Verbose;
- @{$fail_cache}{@expanded} = (1) x @expanded;
- }
- my @failed;
- foreach $sym (@imports) { push(@failed, $sym) if $fail_cache->{$sym} }
- if (@failed) {
- @failed = $pkg->export_fail(@failed);
- foreach $sym (@failed) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::carp(qq["$sym" is not implemented by the $pkg module ],
- "on this architecture");
- }
- if (@failed) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Can't continue after import errors");
- }
- }
- }
- warn "Importing into $callpkg from $pkg: ",
- join(", ",sort @imports) if $Exporter::Verbose;
- foreach $sym (@imports) {
- # shortcut for the common case of no type character
- (*{"${callpkg}::$sym"} = \&{"${pkg}::$sym"}, next)
- unless $sym =~ s/^(\W)//;
- $type = $1;
- no warnings 'once';
- *{"${callpkg}::$sym"} =
- $type eq '&' ? \&{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
- $type eq '$' ? \${"${pkg}::$sym"} :
- $type eq '@' ? \@{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
- $type eq '%' ? \%{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
- $type eq '*' ? *{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
- do { require Carp; Carp::croak("Can't export symbol: $type$sym") };
- }
-sub heavy_export_to_level
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $level = shift;
- (undef) = shift; # XXX redundant arg
- my $callpkg = caller($level);
- $pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
-# Utility functions
-sub _push_tags {
- my($pkg, $var, $syms) = @_;
- my @nontag = ();
- my $export_tags = \%{"${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS"};
- push(@{"${pkg}::$var"},
- map { $export_tags->{$_} ? @{$export_tags->{$_}}
- : scalar(push(@nontag,$_),$_) }
- (@$syms) ? @$syms : keys %$export_tags);
- if (@nontag and $^W) {
- # This may change to a die one day
- require Carp;
- Carp::carp(join(", ", @nontag)." are not tags of $pkg");
- }
-sub heavy_require_version {
- my($self, $wanted) = @_;
- my $pkg = ref $self || $self;
- return ${pkg}->VERSION($wanted);
-sub heavy_export_tags {
- _push_tags((caller)[0], "EXPORT", \@_);
-sub heavy_export_ok_tags {
- _push_tags((caller)[0], "EXPORT_OK", \@_);
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Fcntl.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Fcntl.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d7209e..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Fcntl.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-package Fcntl;
-use strict;
-require Exporter;
-require XSLoader;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-$VERSION = '1.13';
-# Named groups of exports
- 'flock' => [qw(LOCK_SH LOCK_EX LOCK_NB LOCK_UN)],
- 'seek' => [qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END)],
- )],
-# Items to export into callers namespace by default
-# (move infrequently used names to @EXPORT_OK below)
- qw(
- );
-# Other items we are prepared to export if requested
-@EXPORT_OK = (qw(
-), map {@{$_}} values %EXPORT_TAGS);
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Basename.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Basename.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e9f3a7..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Basename.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-package File::Basename;
-# File::Basename is used during the Perl build, when the re extension may
-# not be available, but we only actually need it if running under tainting.
- if (${^TAINT}) {
- require re;
- re->import('taint');
- }
-use strict;
-use 5.006;
-use warnings;
-our(@ISA, @EXPORT, $VERSION, $Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase);
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(fileparse fileparse_set_fstype basename dirname);
-$VERSION = "2.85";
-sub fileparse {
- my($fullname,@suffices) = @_;
- unless (defined $fullname) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("fileparse(): need a valid pathname");
- }
- my $orig_type = '';
- my($type,$igncase) = ($Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase);
- my($taint) = substr($fullname,0,0); # Is $fullname tainted?
- if ($type eq "VMS" and $fullname =~ m{/} ) {
- # We're doing Unix emulation
- $orig_type = $type;
- $type = 'Unix';
- }
- my($dirpath, $basename);
- if (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 Epoc)) {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^((?:.*[:\\\/])?)(.*)/s);
- $dirpath .= '.\\' unless $dirpath =~ /[\\\/]\z/;
- }
- elsif ($type eq "OS2") {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ m#^((?:.*[:\\/])?)(.*)#s);
- $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath; # Can't be 0
- $dirpath .= '/' unless $dirpath =~ m#[\\/]\z#;
- }
- elsif ($type eq "MacOS") {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*:)?(.*)/s);
- $dirpath = ':' unless $dirpath;
- }
- elsif ($type eq "AmigaOS") {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /(.*[:\/])?(.*)/s);
- $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath;
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'VMS' ) {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*[:>\]])?(.*)/s);
- $dirpath ||= ''; # should always be defined
- }
- else { # Default to Unix semantics.
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ m{^(.*/)?(.*)}s);
- if ($orig_type eq 'VMS' and $fullname =~ m{^(/[^/]+/000000(/|$))(.*)}) {
- # dev:[000000] is top of VMS tree, similar to Unix '/'
- # so strip it off and treat the rest as "normal"
- my $devspec = $1;
- my $remainder = $3;
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($remainder =~ m{^(.*/)?(.*)}s);
- $dirpath ||= ''; # should always be defined
- $dirpath = $devspec.$dirpath;
- }
- $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath;
- }
- my $tail = '';
- my $suffix = '';
- if (@suffices) {
- foreach $suffix (@suffices) {
- my $pat = ($igncase ? '(?i)' : '') . "($suffix)\$";
- if ($basename =~ s/$pat//s) {
- $taint .= substr($suffix,0,0);
- $tail = $1 . $tail;
- }
- }
- }
- # Ensure taint is propagated from the path to its pieces.
- $tail .= $taint;
- wantarray ? ($basename .= $taint, $dirpath .= $taint, $tail)
- : ($basename .= $taint);
-sub basename {
- my($path) = shift;
- # From BSD basename(1)
- # The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/'
- # character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes)
- _strip_trailing_sep($path);
- my($basename, $dirname, $suffix) = fileparse( $path, map("\Q$_\E",@_) );
- # From BSD basename(1)
- # The suffix is not stripped if it is identical to the remaining
- # characters in string.
- if( length $suffix and !length $basename ) {
- $basename = $suffix;
- }
- # Ensure that basename '/' == '/'
- if( !length $basename ) {
- $basename = $dirname;
- }
- return $basename;
-sub dirname {
- my $path = shift;
- my($type) = $Fileparse_fstype;
- if( $type eq 'VMS' and $path =~ m{/} ) {
- # Parse as Unix
- local($File::Basename::Fileparse_fstype) = '';
- return dirname($path);
- }
- my($basename, $dirname) = fileparse($path);
- if ($type eq 'VMS') {
- $dirname ||= $ENV{DEFAULT};
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'MacOS') {
- if( !length($basename) && $dirname !~ /^[^:]+:\z/) {
- _strip_trailing_sep($dirname);
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- }
- $dirname .= ":" unless $dirname =~ /:\z/;
- }
- elsif (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 OS2)) {
- _strip_trailing_sep($dirname);
- unless( length($basename) ) {
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- _strip_trailing_sep($dirname);
- }
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'AmigaOS') {
- if ( $dirname =~ /:\z/) { return $dirname }
- chop $dirname;
- $dirname =~ s{[^:/]+\z}{} unless length($basename);
- }
- else {
- _strip_trailing_sep($dirname);
- unless( length($basename) ) {
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- _strip_trailing_sep($dirname);
- }
- }
- $dirname;
-# Strip the trailing path separator.
-sub _strip_trailing_sep {
- my $type = $Fileparse_fstype;
- if ($type eq 'MacOS') {
- $_[0] =~ s/([^:]):\z/$1/s;
- }
- elsif (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 OS2)) {
- $_[0] =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/;
- }
- else {
- $_[0] =~ s{(.)/*\z}{$1}s;
- }
-my @Ignore_Case = qw(MacOS VMS AmigaOS OS2 RISCOS MSWin32 MSDOS DOS Epoc);
-my @Types = (@Ignore_Case, qw(Unix));
-sub fileparse_set_fstype {
- my $old = $Fileparse_fstype;
- if (@_) {
- my $new_type = shift;
- $Fileparse_fstype = 'Unix'; # default
- foreach my $type (@Types) {
- $Fileparse_fstype = $type if $new_type =~ /^$type/i;
- }
- $Fileparse_igncase =
- (grep $Fileparse_fstype eq $_, @Ignore_Case) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- return $old;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Glob.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Glob.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b6e76e..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Glob.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-package File::Glob;
-use strict;
-require XSLoader;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-# NOTE: The glob() export is only here for compatibility with 5.6.0.
-# csh_glob() should not be used directly, unless you know what you're doing.
- 'glob' => [ qw(
- bsd_glob
- glob
- ) ],
-$EXPORT_TAGS{bsd_glob} = [@{$EXPORT_TAGS{glob}}];
-pop @{$EXPORT_TAGS{bsd_glob}}; # no "glob"
-@EXPORT_OK = (@{$EXPORT_TAGS{'glob'}}, 'csh_glob');
-$VERSION = '1.28';
-sub import {
- require Exporter;
- local $Exporter::ExportLevel = $Exporter::ExportLevel + 1;
- Exporter::import(grep {
- my $passthrough;
- if ($_ eq ':case') {
- }
- elsif ($_ eq ':nocase') {
- }
- elsif ($_ eq ':globally') {
- no warnings 'redefine';
- *CORE::GLOBAL::glob = \&File::Glob::csh_glob;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq ':bsd_glob') {
- no strict; *{caller."::glob"} = \&bsd_glob_override;
- $passthrough = 1;
- }
- else {
- $passthrough = 1;
- }
- $passthrough;
- } @_);
-if ($^O =~ /^(?:MSWin32|VMS|os2|dos|riscos)$/) {
-# File::Glob::glob() is deprecated because its prototype is different from
-# CORE::glob() (use bsd_glob() instead)
-sub glob {
- use 5.024;
- use warnings ();
- warnings::warnif (deprecated =>
- "File::Glob::glob() will disappear in perl 5.30. " .
- "Use File::Glob::bsd_glob() instead.") unless state $warned ++;
- splice @_, 1; # no flags
- goto &bsd_glob;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Path.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Path.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a4fb38..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Path.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-package File::Path;
-use 5.005_04;
-use strict;
-use Cwd 'getcwd';
-use File::Basename ();
-use File::Spec ();
- if ( $] < 5.006 ) {
- # can't say 'opendir my $dh, $dirname'
- # need to initialise $dh
- eval 'use Symbol';
- }
-use Exporter ();
-$VERSION = '2.12_01';
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(mkpath rmtree);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(make_path remove_tree);
- for (qw(VMS MacOS MSWin32 os2)) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"_IS_\U$_"} = $^O eq $_ ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
- }
- # These OSes complain if you want to remove a file that you have no
- # write permission to:
- grep { $^O eq $_ } qw(amigaos dos epoc MSWin32 MacOS os2)
- ) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
- # Unix-like systems need to stat each directory in order to detect
- # race condition. MS-Windows is immune to this particular attack.
- *_NEED_STAT_CHECK = !(_IS_MSWIN32()) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
-sub _carp {
- require Carp;
- goto &Carp::carp;
-sub _croak {
- require Carp;
- goto &Carp::croak;
-sub _error {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $message = shift;
- my $object = shift;
- if ( $arg->{error} ) {
- $object = '' unless defined $object;
- $message .= ": $!" if $!;
- push @{ ${ $arg->{error} } }, { $object => $message };
- }
- else {
- _carp( defined($object) ? "$message for $object: $!" : "$message: $!" );
- }
-sub __is_arg {
- my ($arg) = @_;
- # If client code blessed an array ref to HASH, this will not work
- # properly. We could have done $arg->isa() wrapped in eval, but
- # that would be expensive. This implementation should suffice.
- # We could have also used Scalar::Util:blessed, but we choose not
- # to add this dependency
- return ( ref $arg eq 'HASH' );
-sub make_path {
- push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] );
- goto &mkpath;
-sub mkpath {
- my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) );
- my $arg;
- my $paths;
- if ($old_style) {
- my ( $verbose, $mode );
- ( $paths, $verbose, $mode ) = @_;
- $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' );
- $arg->{verbose} = $verbose;
- $arg->{mode} = defined $mode ? $mode : oct '777';
- }
- else {
- my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw|
- chmod
- error
- group
- mask
- mode
- owner
- uid
- user
- verbose
- | );
- my @bad_args = ();
- $arg = pop @_;
- for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) {
- push @bad_args, $k unless $args_permitted{$k};
- }
- _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to make_path(): @bad_args")
- if @bad_args;
- $arg->{mode} = delete $arg->{mask} if exists $arg->{mask};
- $arg->{mode} = oct '777' unless exists $arg->{mode};
- ${ $arg->{error} } = [] if exists $arg->{error};
- $arg->{owner} = delete $arg->{user} if exists $arg->{user};
- $arg->{owner} = delete $arg->{uid} if exists $arg->{uid};
- if ( exists $arg->{owner} and $arg->{owner} =~ /\D/ ) {
- my $uid = ( getpwnam $arg->{owner} )[2];
- if ( defined $uid ) {
- $arg->{owner} = $uid;
- }
- else {
- _error( $arg,
-"unable to map $arg->{owner} to a uid, ownership not changed"
- );
- delete $arg->{owner};
- }
- }
- if ( exists $arg->{group} and $arg->{group} =~ /\D/ ) {
- my $gid = ( getgrnam $arg->{group} )[2];
- if ( defined $gid ) {
- $arg->{group} = $gid;
- }
- else {
- _error( $arg,
-"unable to map $arg->{group} to a gid, group ownership not changed"
- );
- delete $arg->{group};
- }
- }
- if ( exists $arg->{owner} and not exists $arg->{group} ) {
- $arg->{group} = -1; # chown will leave group unchanged
- }
- if ( exists $arg->{group} and not exists $arg->{owner} ) {
- $arg->{owner} = -1; # chown will leave owner unchanged
- }
- $paths = [@_];
- }
- return _mkpath( $arg, $paths );
-sub _mkpath {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $paths = shift;
- my ( @created );
- foreach my $path ( @{$paths} ) {
- next unless defined($path) and length($path);
- $path .= '/' if _IS_OS2 and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT
- # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow.
- if (_IS_VMS) {
- next if $path eq '/';
- $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path);
- }
- next if -d $path;
- my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path);
- unless ( -d $parent or $path eq $parent ) {
- push( @created, _mkpath( $arg, [$parent] ) );
- }
- print "mkdir $path\n" if $arg->{verbose};
- if ( mkdir( $path, $arg->{mode} ) ) {
- push( @created, $path );
- if ( exists $arg->{owner} ) {
- # NB: $arg->{group} guaranteed to be set during initialisation
- if ( !chown $arg->{owner}, $arg->{group}, $path ) {
- _error( $arg,
-"Cannot change ownership of $path to $arg->{owner}:$arg->{group}"
- );
- }
- }
- if ( exists $arg->{chmod} ) {
- if ( !chmod $arg->{chmod}, $path ) {
- _error( $arg,
- "Cannot change permissions of $path to $arg->{chmod}" );
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- my $save_bang = $!;
- my ( $e, $e1 ) = ( $save_bang, $^E );
- $e .= "; $e1" if $e ne $e1;
- # allow for another process to have created it meanwhile
- if ( ! -d $path ) {
- $! = $save_bang;
- if ( $arg->{error} ) {
- push @{ ${ $arg->{error} } }, { $path => $e };
- }
- else {
- _croak("mkdir $path: $e");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return @created;
-sub remove_tree {
- push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] );
- goto &rmtree;
-sub _is_subdir {
- my ( $dir, $test ) = @_;
- my ( $dv, $dd ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 1 );
- my ( $tv, $td ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $test, 1 );
- # not on same volume
- return 0 if $dv ne $tv;
- my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($dd);
- my @t = File::Spec->splitdir($td);
- # @t can't be a subdir if it's shorter than @d
- return 0 if @t < @d;
- return join( '/', @d ) eq join( '/', splice @t, 0, +@d );
-sub rmtree {
- my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) );
- my $arg;
- my $paths;
- if ($old_style) {
- my ( $verbose, $safe );
- ( $paths, $verbose, $safe ) = @_;
- $arg->{verbose} = $verbose;
- $arg->{safe} = defined $safe ? $safe : 0;
- if ( defined($paths) and length($paths) ) {
- $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' );
- }
- else {
- _carp("No root path(s) specified\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw|
- error
- keep_root
- result
- safe
- verbose
- | );
- my @bad_args = ();
- $arg = pop @_;
- for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) {
- push @bad_args, $k unless $args_permitted{$k};
- }
- _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to remove_tree(): @bad_args")
- if @bad_args;
- ${ $arg->{error} } = [] if exists $arg->{error};
- ${ $arg->{result} } = [] if exists $arg->{result};
- $paths = [@_];
- }
- $arg->{prefix} = '';
- $arg->{depth} = 0;
- my @clean_path;
- $arg->{cwd} = getcwd() or do {
- _error( $arg, "cannot fetch initial working directory" );
- return 0;
- };
- for ( $arg->{cwd} ) { /\A(.*)\Z/s; $_ = $1 } # untaint
- for my $p (@$paths) {
- # need to fixup case and map \ to / on Windows
- my $ortho_root = _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc($p) : $p;
- my $ortho_cwd =
- _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc( $arg->{cwd} ) : $arg->{cwd};
- my $ortho_root_length = length($ortho_root);
- $ortho_root_length-- if _IS_VMS; # don't compare '.' with ']'
- if ( $ortho_root_length && _is_subdir( $ortho_root, $ortho_cwd ) ) {
- local $! = 0;
- _error( $arg, "cannot remove path when cwd is $arg->{cwd}", $p );
- next;
- }
- if (_IS_MACOS) {
- $p = ":$p" unless $p =~ /:/;
- $p .= ":" unless $p =~ /:\z/;
- }
- elsif ( _IS_MSWIN32 ) {
- $p =~ s{[/\\]\z}{};
- }
- else {
- $p =~ s{/\z}{};
- }
- push @clean_path, $p;
- }
- @{$arg}{qw(device inode perm)} = ( lstat $arg->{cwd} )[ 0, 1 ] or do {
- _error( $arg, "cannot stat initial working directory", $arg->{cwd} );
- return 0;
- };
- return _rmtree( $arg, \@clean_path );
-sub _rmtree {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $paths = shift;
- my $count = 0;
- my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir();
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
- my ( @files, $root );
- foreach my $root (@$paths) {
- # since we chdir into each directory, it may not be obvious
- # to figure out where we are if we generate a message about
- # a file name. We therefore construct a semi-canonical
- # filename, anchored from the directory being unlinked (as
- # opposed to being truly canonical, anchored from the root (/).
- my $canon =
- $arg->{prefix}
- ? File::Spec->catfile( $arg->{prefix}, $root )
- : $root;
- my ( $ldev, $lino, $perm ) = ( lstat $root )[ 0, 1, 2 ]
- or next ROOT_DIR;
- if ( -d _ ) {
- $root = VMS::Filespec::vmspath( VMS::Filespec::pathify($root) )
- if _IS_VMS;
- if ( !chdir($root) ) {
- # see if we can escalate privileges to get in
- # (e.g. funny protection mask such as -w- instead of rwx)
- # This uses fchmod to avoid traversing outside of the proper
- # location (CVE-2017-6512)
- my $root_fh;
- if (open($root_fh, '<', $root)) {
- my ($fh_dev, $fh_inode) = (stat $root_fh )[0,1];
- $perm &= oct '7777';
- my $nperm = $perm | oct '700';
- local $@;
- if (
- !(
- $arg->{safe}
- or $nperm == $perm
- or !-d _
- or $fh_dev ne $ldev
- or $fh_inode ne $lino
- or eval { chmod( $nperm, $root_fh ) }
- )
- )
- {
- _error( $arg,
- "cannot make child directory read-write-exec", $canon );
- next ROOT_DIR;
- }
- close $root_fh;
- }
- if ( !chdir($root) ) {
- _error( $arg, "cannot chdir to child", $canon );
- next ROOT_DIR;
- }
- }
- my ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $perm ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1, 2 ]
- or do {
- _error( $arg, "cannot stat current working directory", $canon );
- next ROOT_DIR;
- };
- ( $ldev eq $cur_dev and $lino eq $cur_inode )
- or _croak(
-"directory $canon changed before chdir, expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting."
- );
- }
- $perm &= oct '7777'; # don't forget setuid, setgid, sticky bits
- my $nperm = $perm | oct '700';
- # notabene: 0700 is for making readable in the first place,
- # it's also intended to change it to writable in case we have
- # to recurse in which case we are better than rm -rf for
- # subtrees with strange permissions
- if (
- !(
- $arg->{safe}
- or $nperm == $perm
- or chmod( $nperm, $curdir )
- )
- )
- {
- _error( $arg, "cannot make directory read+writeable", $canon );
- $nperm = $perm;
- }
- my $d;
- $d = gensym() if $] < 5.006;
- if ( !opendir $d, $curdir ) {
- _error( $arg, "cannot opendir", $canon );
- @files = ();
- }
- else {
- if ( !defined ${^TAINT} or ${^TAINT} ) {
- # Blindly untaint dir names if taint mode is active
- @files = map { /\A(.*)\z/s; $1 } readdir $d;
- }
- else {
- @files = readdir $d;
- }
- closedir $d;
- }
- if (_IS_VMS) {
- # Deleting large numbers of files from VMS Files-11
- # filesystems is faster if done in reverse ASCIIbetical order.
- # include '.' to '.;' from blead patch #31775
- @files = map { $_ eq '.' ? '.;' : $_ } reverse @files;
- }
- @files = grep { $_ ne $updir and $_ ne $curdir } @files;
- if (@files) {
- # remove the contained files before the directory itself
- my $narg = {%$arg};
- @{$narg}{qw(device inode cwd prefix depth)} =
- ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $updir, $canon, $arg->{depth} + 1 );
- $count += _rmtree( $narg, \@files );
- }
- # restore directory permissions of required now (in case the rmdir
- # below fails), while we are still in the directory and may do so
- # without a race via '.'
- if ( $nperm != $perm and not chmod( $perm, $curdir ) ) {
- _error( $arg, "cannot reset chmod", $canon );
- }
- # don't leave the client code in an unexpected directory
- chdir( $arg->{cwd} )
- or
- _croak("cannot chdir to $arg->{cwd} from $canon: $!, aborting.");
- # ensure that a chdir upwards didn't take us somewhere other
- # than we expected (see CVE-2002-0435)
- ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1 ]
- or _croak(
- "cannot stat prior working directory $arg->{cwd}: $!, aborting."
- );
- ( $arg->{device} eq $cur_dev and $arg->{inode} eq $cur_inode )
- or _croak( "previous directory $arg->{cwd} "
- . "changed before entering $canon, "
- . "expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, "
- . "actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting."
- );
- }
- if ( $arg->{depth} or !$arg->{keep_root} ) {
- if ( $arg->{safe}
- && ( _IS_VMS
- ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root)
- : !-w $root ) )
- {
- print "skipped $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
- next ROOT_DIR;
- }
- if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE and !chmod $perm | oct '700', $root ) {
- _error( $arg, "cannot make directory writeable", $canon );
- }
- print "rmdir $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
- if ( rmdir $root ) {
- push @{ ${ $arg->{result} } }, $root if $arg->{result};
- ++$count;
- }
- else {
- _error( $arg, "cannot remove directory", $canon );
- if (
- && !chmod( $perm,
- ( _IS_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root )
- )
- )
- {
- _error(
- $arg,
- sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o",
- $perm ),
- $canon
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- # not a directory
- $root = VMS::Filespec::vmsify("./$root")
- if _IS_VMS
- && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($root)
- && ( $root !~ m/(?]+/ ); # not already in VMS syntax
- if (
- $arg->{safe}
- && (
- ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root)
- : !( -l $root || -w $root )
- )
- )
- {
- print "skipped $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
- next ROOT_DIR;
- }
- my $nperm = $perm & oct '7777' | oct '600';
- and $nperm != $perm
- and not chmod $nperm, $root )
- {
- _error( $arg, "cannot make file writeable", $canon );
- }
- print "unlink $canon\n" if $arg->{verbose};
- # delete all versions under VMS
- for ( ; ; ) {
- if ( unlink $root ) {
- push @{ ${ $arg->{result} } }, $root if $arg->{result};
- }
- else {
- _error( $arg, "cannot unlink file", $canon );
- _FORCE_WRITABLE and chmod( $perm, $root )
- or _error( $arg,
- sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o", $perm ),
- $canon );
- last;
- }
- ++$count;
- last unless _IS_VMS && lstat $root;
- }
- }
- }
- return $count;
-sub _slash_lc {
- # fix up slashes and case on MSWin32 so that we can determine that
- # c:\path\to\dir is underneath C:/Path/To
- my $path = shift;
- $path =~ tr{\\}{/};
- return lc($path);
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b9138d68..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package File::Spec;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-$VERSION = '3.67';
-$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
-my %module = (MacOS => 'Mac',
- MSWin32 => 'Win32',
- os2 => 'OS2',
- VMS => 'VMS',
- epoc => 'Epoc',
- NetWare => 'Win32', # Yes, File::Spec::Win32 works on NetWare.
- symbian => 'Win32', # Yes, File::Spec::Win32 works on symbian.
- dos => 'OS2', # Yes, File::Spec::OS2 works on DJGPP.
- cygwin => 'Cygwin',
- amigaos => 'AmigaOS');
-my $module = $module{$^O} || 'Unix';
-require "File/Spec/$module.pm";
-@ISA = ("File::Spec::$module");
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec/Unix.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec/Unix.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d5a619c..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Spec/Unix.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-package File::Spec::Unix;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '3.67';
-my $xs_version = $VERSION;
-$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
-#dont try to load XSLoader and DynaLoader only to ultimately fail on miniperl
-if(!defined &canonpath && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
- eval {#eval is questionable since we are handling potential errors like
- #"Cwd object version 3.48 does not match bootstrap parameter 3.50
- #at lib/DynaLoader.pm line 216." by having this eval
- if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load("Cwd", $xs_version);
- } else {
- require Cwd;
- }
- };
-sub _pp_canonpath {
- my ($self,$path) = @_;
- return unless defined $path;
- # Handle POSIX-style node names beginning with double slash (qnx, nto)
- # (POSIX says: "a pathname that begins with two successive slashes
- # may be interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although
- # more than two leading slashes shall be treated as a single slash.")
- my $node = '';
- my $double_slashes_special = $^O eq 'qnx' || $^O eq 'nto';
- if ( $double_slashes_special
- && ( $path =~ s{^(//[^/]+)/?\z}{}s || $path =~ s{^(//[^/]+)/}{/}s ) ) {
- $node = $1;
- }
- # This used to be
- # $path =~ s|/+|/|g unless ($^O eq 'cygwin');
- # but that made tests 29, 30, 35, 46, and 213 (as of #13272) to fail
- # (Mainly because trailing "" directories didn't get stripped).
- # Why would cygwin avoid collapsing multiple slashes into one? --jhi
- $path =~ s|/{2,}|/|g; # xx////xx -> xx/xx
- $path =~ s{(?:/\.)+(?:/|\z)}{/}g; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
- $path =~ s|^(?:\./)+||s unless $path eq "./"; # ./xx -> xx
- $path =~ s|^/(?:\.\./)+|/|; # /../../xx -> xx
- $path =~ s|^/\.\.$|/|; # /.. -> /
- $path =~ s|/\z|| unless $path eq "/"; # xx/ -> xx
- return "$node$path";
-*canonpath = \&_pp_canonpath unless defined &canonpath;
-sub _pp_catdir {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->canonpath(join('/', @_, '')); # '' because need a trailing '/'
-*catdir = \&_pp_catdir unless defined &catdir;
-sub _pp_catfile {
- my $self = shift;
- my $file = $self->canonpath(pop @_);
- return $file unless @_;
- my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
- $dir .= "/" unless substr($dir,-1) eq "/";
- return $dir.$file;
-*catfile = \&_pp_catfile unless defined &catfile;
-sub curdir { '.' }
-use constant _fn_curdir => ".";
-sub devnull { '/dev/null' }
-use constant _fn_devnull => "/dev/null";
-sub rootdir { '/' }
-use constant _fn_rootdir => "/";
-my ($tmpdir, %tmpenv);
-# Cache and return the calculated tmpdir, recording which env vars
-# determined it.
-sub _cache_tmpdir {
- @tmpenv{@_[2..$#_]} = @ENV{@_[2..$#_]};
- return $tmpdir = $_[1];
-# Retrieve the cached tmpdir, checking first whether relevant env vars have
-# changed and invalidated the cache.
-sub _cached_tmpdir {
- shift;
- local $^W;
- return if grep $ENV{$_} ne $tmpenv{$_}, @_;
- return $tmpdir;
-sub _tmpdir {
- my $self = shift;
- my @dirlist = @_;
- my $taint = do { no strict 'refs'; ${"\cTAINT"} };
- if ($taint) { # Check for taint mode on perl >= 5.8.0
- require Scalar::Util;
- @dirlist = grep { ! Scalar::Util::tainted($_) } @dirlist;
- }
- elsif ($] < 5.007) { # No ${^TAINT} before 5.8
- @dirlist = grep { eval { eval('1'.substr $_,0,0) } } @dirlist;
- }
- foreach (@dirlist) {
- next unless defined && -d && -w _;
- $tmpdir = $_;
- last;
- }
- $tmpdir = $self->curdir unless defined $tmpdir;
- $tmpdir = defined $tmpdir && $self->canonpath($tmpdir);
- if ( !$self->file_name_is_absolute($tmpdir) ) {
- # See [perl #120593] for the full details
- # If possible, return a full path, rather than '.' or 'lib', but
- # jump through some hoops to avoid returning a tainted value.
- ($tmpdir) = grep {
- $taint ? ! Scalar::Util::tainted($_) :
- $] < 5.007 ? eval { eval('1'.substr $_,0,0) } : 1
- } $self->rel2abs($tmpdir), $tmpdir;
- }
- return $tmpdir;
-sub tmpdir {
- my $cached = $_[0]->_cached_tmpdir('TMPDIR');
- return $cached if defined $cached;
- $_[0]->_cache_tmpdir($_[0]->_tmpdir( $ENV{TMPDIR}, "/tmp" ), 'TMPDIR');
-sub updir { '..' }
-use constant _fn_updir => "..";
-sub no_upwards {
- my $self = shift;
- return grep(!/^\.{1,2}\z/s, @_);
-sub case_tolerant { 0 }
-use constant _fn_case_tolerant => 0;
-sub file_name_is_absolute {
- my ($self,$file) = @_;
- return scalar($file =~ m:^/:s);
-sub path {
- return () unless exists $ENV{PATH};
- my @path = split(':', $ENV{PATH});
- foreach (@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
- return @path;
-sub join {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->catfile(@_);
-sub splitpath {
- my ($self,$path, $nofile) = @_;
- my ($volume,$directory,$file) = ('','','');
- if ( $nofile ) {
- $directory = $path;
- }
- else {
- $path =~ m|^ ( (?: .* / (?: \.\.?\z )? )? ) ([^/]*) |xs;
- $directory = $1;
- $file = $2;
- }
- return ($volume,$directory,$file);
-sub splitdir {
- return split m|/|, $_[1], -1; # Preserve trailing fields
-sub catpath {
- my ($self,$volume,$directory,$file) = @_;
- if ( $directory ne '' &&
- $file ne '' &&
- substr( $directory, -1 ) ne '/' &&
- substr( $file, 0, 1 ) ne '/'
- ) {
- $directory .= "/$file" ;
- }
- else {
- $directory .= $file ;
- }
- return $directory ;
-sub abs2rel {
- my($self,$path,$base) = @_;
- $base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base and length $base;
- ($path, $base) = map $self->canonpath($_), $path, $base;
- my $path_directories;
- my $base_directories;
- if (grep $self->file_name_is_absolute($_), $path, $base) {
- ($path, $base) = map $self->rel2abs($_), $path, $base;
- my ($path_volume) = $self->splitpath($path, 1);
- my ($base_volume) = $self->splitpath($base, 1);
- # Can't relativize across volumes
- return $path unless $path_volume eq $base_volume;
- $path_directories = ($self->splitpath($path, 1))[1];
- $base_directories = ($self->splitpath($base, 1))[1];
- # For UNC paths, the user might give a volume like //foo/bar that
- # strictly speaking has no directory portion. Treat it as if it
- # had the root directory for that volume.
- if (!length($base_directories) and $self->file_name_is_absolute($base)) {
- $base_directories = $self->rootdir;
- }
- }
- else {
- my $wd= ($self->splitpath($self->_cwd(), 1))[1];
- $path_directories = $self->catdir($wd, $path);
- $base_directories = $self->catdir($wd, $base);
- }
- # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
- my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_directories );
- my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base_directories );
- if ($base_directories eq $self->rootdir) {
- return $self->curdir if $path_directories eq $self->rootdir;
- shift @pathchunks;
- return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath('', $self->catdir( @pathchunks ), '') );
- }
- my @common;
- while (@pathchunks && @basechunks && $self->_same($pathchunks[0], $basechunks[0])) {
- push @common, shift @pathchunks ;
- shift @basechunks ;
- }
- return $self->curdir unless @pathchunks || @basechunks;
- # @basechunks now contains the directories the resulting relative path
- # must ascend out of before it can descend to $path_directory. If there
- # are updir components, we must descend into the corresponding directories
- # (this only works if they are no symlinks).
- my @reverse_base;
- while( defined(my $dir= shift @basechunks) ) {
- if( $dir ne $self->updir ) {
- unshift @reverse_base, $self->updir;
- push @common, $dir;
- }
- elsif( @common ) {
- if( @reverse_base && $reverse_base[0] eq $self->updir ) {
- shift @reverse_base;
- pop @common;
- }
- else {
- unshift @reverse_base, pop @common;
- }
- }
- }
- my $result_dirs = $self->catdir( @reverse_base, @pathchunks );
- return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath('', $result_dirs, '') );
-sub _same {
- $_[1] eq $_[2];
-sub rel2abs {
- my ($self,$path,$base ) = @_;
- # Clean up $path
- if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
- # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
- if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
- $base = $self->_cwd();
- }
- elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
- $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
- }
- else {
- $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;
- }
- # Glom them together
- $path = $self->catdir( $base, $path ) ;
- }
- return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
-# Internal routine to File::Spec, no point in making this public since
-# it is the standard Cwd interface. Most of the platform-specific
-# File::Spec subclasses use this.
-sub _cwd {
- require Cwd;
- Cwd::getcwd();
-# Internal method to reduce xx\..\yy -> yy
-sub _collapse {
- my($fs, $path) = @_;
- my $updir = $fs->updir;
- my $curdir = $fs->curdir;
- my($vol, $dirs, $file) = $fs->splitpath($path);
- my @dirs = $fs->splitdir($dirs);
- pop @dirs if @dirs && $dirs[-1] eq '';
- my @collapsed;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
- if( $dir eq $updir and # if we have an updir
- @collapsed and # and something to collapse
- length $collapsed[-1] and # and its not the rootdir
- $collapsed[-1] ne $updir and # nor another updir
- $collapsed[-1] ne $curdir # nor the curdir
- )
- { # then
- pop @collapsed; # collapse
- }
- else { # else
- push @collapsed, $dir; # just hang onto it
- }
- }
- return $fs->catpath($vol,
- $fs->catdir(@collapsed),
- $file
- );
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Temp.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Temp.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 308d9ebb..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/File/Temp.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1592 +0,0 @@
-package File::Temp;
-# ABSTRACT: return name and handle of a temporary file safely
-our $VERSION = '0.2304'; # VERSION
-# Toolchain targets v5.8.1, but we'll try to support back to v5.6 anyway.
-# It might be possible to make this v5.5, but many v5.6isms are creeping
-# into the code and tests.
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use File::Spec 0.8;
-use Cwd ();
-use File::Path 2.06 qw/ rmtree /;
-use Fcntl 1.03;
-use IO::Seekable; # For SEEK_*
-use Errno;
-use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
-require VMS::Stdio if $^O eq 'VMS';
-# pre-emptively load Carp::Heavy. If we don't when we run out of file
-# handles and attempt to call croak() we get an error message telling
-# us that Carp::Heavy won't load rather than an error telling us we
-# have run out of file handles. We either preload croak() or we
-# switch the calls to croak from _gettemp() to use die.
-eval { require Carp::Heavy; };
-# Need the Symbol package if we are running older perl
-require Symbol if $] < 5.006;
-### For the OO interface
-use parent 0.221 qw/ IO::Handle IO::Seekable /;
-use overload '""' => "STRINGIFY", '0+' => "NUMIFY",
- fallback => 1;
-# use 'our' on v5.6.0
-$DEBUG = 0;
-$KEEP_ALL = 0;
-# We are exporting functions
-use Exporter 5.57 'import'; # 5.57 lets us import 'import'
-# Export list - to allow fine tuning of export table
-@EXPORT_OK = qw{
- tempfile
- tempdir
- tmpnam
- tmpfile
- mktemp
- mkstemp
- mkstemps
- mkdtemp
- unlink0
- cleanup
- };
-# Groups of functions for export
- 'POSIX' => [qw/ tmpnam tmpfile /],
- 'mktemp' => [qw/ mktemp mkstemp mkstemps mkdtemp/],
- 'seekable' => [qw/ SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END /],
- );
-# add contents of these tags to @EXPORT
-# This is a list of characters that can be used in random filenames
-my @CHARS = (qw/ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _
- /);
-# Maximum number of tries to make a temp file before failing
-use constant MAX_TRIES => 1000;
-# Minimum number of X characters that should be in a template
-use constant MINX => 4;
-# Default template when no template supplied
-use constant TEMPXXX => 'X' x 10;
-# Constants for the security level
-use constant STANDARD => 0;
-use constant MEDIUM => 1;
-use constant HIGH => 2;
-# OPENFLAGS. If we defined the flag to use with Sysopen here this gives
-# us an optimisation when many temporary files are requested
-unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- my ($bit, $func) = (0, "Fcntl::O_" . $oflag);
- no strict 'refs';
- $OPENFLAGS |= $bit if eval {
- # Make sure that redefined die handlers do not cause problems
- # e.g. CGI::Carp
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- $bit = &$func();
- 1;
- };
- }
- # Special case O_EXLOCK
- $LOCKFLAG = eval {
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- &Fcntl::O_EXLOCK();
- };
-# On some systems the O_TEMPORARY flag can be used to tell the OS
-# to automatically remove the file when it is closed. This is fine
-# in most cases but not if tempfile is called with UNLINK=>0 and
-# the filename is requested -- in the case where the filename is to
-# be passed to another routine. This happens on windows. We overcome
-# this by using a second open flags variable
-unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- for my $oflag (qw/ TEMPORARY /) {
- my ($bit, $func) = (0, "Fcntl::O_" . $oflag);
- local($@);
- no strict 'refs';
- $OPENTEMPFLAGS |= $bit if eval {
- # Make sure that redefined die handlers do not cause problems
- # e.g. CGI::Carp
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- $bit = &$func();
- 1;
- };
- }
-# Private hash tracking which files have been created by each process id via the OO interface
-# INTERNAL ROUTINES - not to be used outside of package
-# Generic routine for getting a temporary filename
-# modelled on OpenBSD _gettemp() in mktemp.c
-# The template must contain X's that are to be replaced
-# with the random values
-# Arguments:
-# TEMPLATE - string containing the XXXXX's that is converted
-# to a random filename and opened if required
-# Optionally, a hash can also be supplied containing specific options
-# "open" => if true open the temp file, else just return the name
-# default is 0
-# "mkdir"=> if true, we are creating a temp directory rather than tempfile
-# default is 0
-# "suffixlen" => number of characters at end of PATH to be ignored.
-# default is 0.
-# "unlink_on_close" => indicates that, if possible, the OS should remove
-# the file as soon as it is closed. Usually indicates
-# use of the O_TEMPORARY flag to sysopen.
-# Usually irrelevant on unix
-# "use_exlock" => Indicates that O_EXLOCK should be used. Default is true.
-# Optionally a reference to a scalar can be passed into the function
-# On error this will be used to store the reason for the error
-# "ErrStr" => \$errstr
-# "open" and "mkdir" can not both be true
-# "unlink_on_close" is not used when "mkdir" is true.
-# The default options are equivalent to mktemp().
-# Returns:
-# filehandle - open file handle (if called with doopen=1, else undef)
-# temp name - name of the temp file or directory
-# For example:
-# ($fh, $name) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 1);
-# for the current version, failures are associated with
-# stored in an error string and returned to give the reason whilst debugging
-# This routine is not called by any external function
-sub _gettemp {
- croak 'Usage: ($fh, $name) = _gettemp($template, OPTIONS);'
- unless scalar(@_) >= 1;
- # the internal error string - expect it to be overridden
- # Need this in case the caller decides not to supply us a value
- # need an anonymous scalar
- my $tempErrStr;
- # Default options
- my %options = (
- "open" => 0,
- "mkdir" => 0,
- "suffixlen" => 0,
- "unlink_on_close" => 0,
- "use_exlock" => 1,
- "ErrStr" => \$tempErrStr,
- );
- # Read the template
- my $template = shift;
- if (ref($template)) {
- # Use a warning here since we have not yet merged ErrStr
- carp "File::Temp::_gettemp: template must not be a reference";
- return ();
- }
- # Check that the number of entries on stack are even
- if (scalar(@_) % 2 != 0) {
- # Use a warning here since we have not yet merged ErrStr
- carp "File::Temp::_gettemp: Must have even number of options";
- return ();
- }
- # Read the options and merge with defaults
- %options = (%options, @_) if @_;
- # Make sure the error string is set to undef
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = undef;
- # Can not open the file and make a directory in a single call
- if ($options{"open"} && $options{"mkdir"}) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "doopen and domkdir can not both be true\n";
- return ();
- }
- # Find the start of the end of the Xs (position of last X)
- # Substr starts from 0
- my $start = length($template) - 1 - $options{"suffixlen"};
- # Check that we have at least MINX x X (e.g. 'XXXX") at the end of the string
- # (taking suffixlen into account). Any fewer is insecure.
- # Do it using substr - no reason to use a pattern match since
- # we know where we are looking and what we are looking for
- if (substr($template, $start - MINX + 1, MINX) ne 'X' x MINX) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "The template must end with at least ".
- MINX . " 'X' characters\n";
- return ();
- }
- # Replace all the X at the end of the substring with a
- # random character or just all the XX at the end of a full string.
- # Do it as an if, since the suffix adjusts which section to replace
- # and suffixlen=0 returns nothing if used in the substr directly
- # and generate a full path from the template
- my $path = _replace_XX($template, $options{"suffixlen"});
- # Split the path into constituent parts - eventually we need to check
- # whether the directory exists
- # We need to know whether we are making a temp directory
- # or a tempfile
- my ($volume, $directories, $file);
- my $parent; # parent directory
- if ($options{"mkdir"}) {
- # There is no filename at the end
- ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1);
- # The parent is then $directories without the last directory
- # Split the directory and put it back together again
- my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories);
- # If @dirs only has one entry (i.e. the directory template) that means
- # we are in the current directory
- if ($#dirs == 0) {
- $parent = File::Spec->curdir;
- } else {
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # need volume to avoid relative dir spec
- $parent = File::Spec->catdir($volume, @dirs[0..$#dirs-1]);
- $parent = 'sys$disk:[]' if $parent eq '';
- } else {
- # Put it back together without the last one
- $parent = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs[0..$#dirs-1]);
- # ...and attach the volume (no filename)
- $parent = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $parent, '');
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Get rid of the last filename (use File::Basename for this?)
- ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
- # Join up without the file part
- $parent = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directories,'');
- # If $parent is empty replace with curdir
- $parent = File::Spec->curdir
- unless $directories ne '';
- }
- # Check that the parent directories exist
- # Do this even for the case where we are simply returning a name
- # not a file -- no point returning a name that includes a directory
- # that does not exist or is not writable
- unless (-e $parent) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) does not exist";
- return ();
- }
- unless (-d $parent) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not a directory";
- return ();
- }
- # Check the stickiness of the directory and chown giveaway if required
- # If the directory is world writable the sticky bit
- # must be set
- if (File::Temp->safe_level == MEDIUM) {
- my $safeerr;
- unless (_is_safe($parent,\$safeerr)) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not safe ($safeerr)";
- return ();
- }
- } elsif (File::Temp->safe_level == HIGH) {
- my $safeerr;
- unless (_is_verysafe($parent, \$safeerr)) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not safe ($safeerr)";
- return ();
- }
- }
- # Now try MAX_TRIES time to open the file
- for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_TRIES; $i++) {
- # Try to open the file if requested
- if ($options{"open"}) {
- my $fh;
- # If we are running before perl5.6.0 we can not auto-vivify
- if ($] < 5.006) {
- $fh = &Symbol::gensym;
- }
- # Try to make sure this will be marked close-on-exec
- # XXX: Win32 doesn't respect this, nor the proper fcntl,
- # but may have O_NOINHERIT. This may or may not be in Fcntl.
- local $^F = 2;
- # Attempt to open the file
- my $open_success = undef;
- if ( $^O eq 'VMS' and $options{"unlink_on_close"} && !$KEEP_ALL) {
- # make it auto delete on close by setting FAB$V_DLT bit
- $fh = VMS::Stdio::vmssysopen($path, $OPENFLAGS, 0600, 'fop=dlt');
- $open_success = $fh;
- } else {
- my $flags = ( ($options{"unlink_on_close"} && !$KEEP_ALL) ?
- $flags |= $LOCKFLAG if (defined $LOCKFLAG && $options{use_exlock});
- $open_success = sysopen($fh, $path, $flags, 0600);
- }
- if ( $open_success ) {
- # in case of odd umask force rw
- chmod(0600, $path);
- # Opened successfully - return file handle and name
- return ($fh, $path);
- } else {
- # Error opening file - abort with error
- # if the reason was anything but EEXIST
- unless ($!{EEXIST}) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Could not create temp file $path: $!";
- return ();
- }
- # Loop round for another try
- }
- } elsif ($options{"mkdir"}) {
- # Open the temp directory
- if (mkdir( $path, 0700)) {
- # in case of odd umask
- chmod(0700, $path);
- return undef, $path;
- } else {
- # Abort with error if the reason for failure was anything
- # except EEXIST
- unless ($!{EEXIST}) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Could not create directory $path: $!";
- return ();
- }
- # Loop round for another try
- }
- } else {
- # Return true if the file can not be found
- # Directory has been checked previously
- return (undef, $path) unless -e $path;
- # Try again until MAX_TRIES
- }
- # Did not successfully open the tempfile/dir
- # so try again with a different set of random letters
- # No point in trying to increment unless we have only
- # 1 X say and the randomness could come up with the same
- # file MAX_TRIES in a row.
- # Store current attempt - in principal this implies that the
- # 3rd time around the open attempt that the first temp file
- # name could be generated again. Probably should store each
- # attempt and make sure that none are repeated
- my $original = $path;
- my $counter = 0; # Stop infinite loop
- my $MAX_GUESS = 50;
- do {
- # Generate new name from original template
- $path = _replace_XX($template, $options{"suffixlen"});
- $counter++;
- } until ($path ne $original || $counter > $MAX_GUESS);
- # Check for out of control looping
- if ($counter > $MAX_GUESS) {
- ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Tried to get a new temp name different to the previous value $MAX_GUESS times.\nSomething wrong with template?? ($template)";
- return ();
- }
- }
- # If we get here, we have run out of tries
- ${ $options{ErrStr} } = "Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts ("
- . MAX_TRIES . ") to open temp file/dir";
- return ();
-# Internal routine to replace the XXXX... with random characters
-# This has to be done by _gettemp() every time it fails to
-# open a temp file/dir
-# Arguments: $template (the template with XXX),
-# $ignore (number of characters at end to ignore)
-# Returns: modified template
-sub _replace_XX {
- croak 'Usage: _replace_XX($template, $ignore)'
- unless scalar(@_) == 2;
- my ($path, $ignore) = @_;
- # Do it as an if, since the suffix adjusts which section to replace
- # and suffixlen=0 returns nothing if used in the substr directly
- # Alternatively, could simply set $ignore to length($path)-1
- # Don't want to always use substr when not required though.
- my $end = ( $] >= 5.006 ? "\\z" : "\\Z" );
- if ($ignore) {
- substr($path, 0, - $ignore) =~ s/X(?=X*$end)/$CHARS[ int( rand( @CHARS ) ) ]/ge;
- } else {
- $path =~ s/X(?=X*$end)/$CHARS[ int( rand( @CHARS ) ) ]/ge;
- }
- return $path;
-# Internal routine to force a temp file to be writable after
-# it is created so that we can unlink it. Windows seems to occasionally
-# force a file to be readonly when written to certain temp locations
-sub _force_writable {
- my $file = shift;
- chmod 0600, $file;
-# internal routine to check to see if the directory is safe
-# First checks to see if the directory is not owned by the
-# current user or root. Then checks to see if anyone else
-# can write to the directory and if so, checks to see if
-# it has the sticky bit set
-# Will not work on systems that do not support sticky bit
-#Args: directory path to check
-# Optionally: reference to scalar to contain error message
-# Returns true if the path is safe and false otherwise.
-# Returns undef if can not even run stat() on the path
-# This routine based on version written by Tom Christiansen
-# Presumably, by the time we actually attempt to create the
-# file or directory in this directory, it may not be safe
-# anymore... Have to run _is_safe directly after the open.
-sub _is_safe {
- my $path = shift;
- my $err_ref = shift;
- # Stat path
- my @info = stat($path);
- unless (scalar(@info)) {
- $$err_ref = "stat(path) returned no values";
- return 0;
- }
- ;
- return 1 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # owner delete control at file level
- # Check to see whether owner is neither superuser (or a system uid) nor me
- # Use the effective uid from the $> variable
- # UID is in [4]
- if ($info[4] > File::Temp->top_system_uid() && $info[4] != $>) {
- Carp::cluck(sprintf "uid=$info[4] topuid=%s euid=$> path='$path'",
- File::Temp->top_system_uid());
- $$err_ref = "Directory owned neither by root nor the current user"
- if ref($err_ref);
- return 0;
- }
- # check whether group or other can write file
- # use 066 to detect either reading or writing
- # use 022 to check writability
- # Do it with S_IWOTH and S_IWGRP for portability (maybe)
- # mode is in info[2]
- if (($info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWGRP) || # Is group writable?
- ($info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWOTH) ) { # Is world writable?
- # Must be a directory
- unless (-d $path) {
- $$err_ref = "Path ($path) is not a directory"
- if ref($err_ref);
- return 0;
- }
- # Must have sticky bit set
- unless (-k $path) {
- $$err_ref = "Sticky bit not set on $path when dir is group|world writable"
- if ref($err_ref);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-# Internal routine to check whether a directory is safe
-# for temp files. Safer than _is_safe since it checks for
-# the possibility of chown giveaway and if that is a possibility
-# checks each directory in the path to see if it is safe (with _is_safe)
-# If _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is not set, does the full test of each
-# directory anyway.
-# Takes optional second arg as scalar ref to error reason
-sub _is_verysafe {
- # Need POSIX - but only want to bother if really necessary due to overhead
- require POSIX;
- my $path = shift;
- print "_is_verysafe testing $path\n" if $DEBUG;
- return 1 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # owner delete control at file level
- my $err_ref = shift;
- # Should Get the value of _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED if it is defined
- # and If it is not there do the extensive test
- local($@);
- my $chown_restricted;
- $chown_restricted = &POSIX::_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED()
- if eval { &POSIX::_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED(); 1};
- # If chown_resticted is set to some value we should test it
- if (defined $chown_restricted) {
- # Return if the current directory is safe
- return _is_safe($path,$err_ref) if POSIX::sysconf( $chown_restricted );
- }
- # To reach this point either, the _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED symbol
- # was not available or the symbol was there but chown giveaway
- # is allowed. Either way, we now have to test the entire tree for
- # safety.
- # Convert path to an absolute directory if required
- unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path)) {
- $path = File::Spec->rel2abs($path);
- }
- # Split directory into components - assume no file
- my ($volume, $directories, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1);
- # Slightly less efficient than having a function in File::Spec
- # to chop off the end of a directory or even a function that
- # can handle ../ in a directory tree
- # Sometimes splitdir() returns a blank at the end
- # so we will probably check the bottom directory twice in some cases
- my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories);
- # Concatenate one less directory each time around
- foreach my $pos (0.. $#dirs) {
- # Get a directory name
- my $dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume,
- File::Spec->catdir(@dirs[0.. $#dirs - $pos]),
- ''
- );
- print "TESTING DIR $dir\n" if $DEBUG;
- # Check the directory
- return 0 unless _is_safe($dir,$err_ref);
- }
- return 1;
-# internal routine to determine whether unlink works on this
-# platform for files that are currently open.
-# Returns true if we can, false otherwise.
-# Currently WinNT, OS/2 and VMS can not unlink an opened file
-# On VMS this is because the O_EXCL flag is used to open the
-# temporary file. Currently I do not know enough about the issues
-# on VMS to decide whether O_EXCL is a requirement.
-sub _can_unlink_opened_file {
- if (grep { $^O eq $_ } qw/MSWin32 os2 VMS dos MacOS haiku/) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-# internal routine to decide which security levels are allowed
-# see safe_level() for more information on this
-# Controls whether the supplied security level is allowed
-# $cando = _can_do_level( $level )
-sub _can_do_level {
- # Get security level
- my $level = shift;
- # Always have to be able to do STANDARD
- return 1 if $level == STANDARD;
- # Currently, the systems that can do HIGH or MEDIUM are identical
- if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'mpeix') {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-# This routine sets up a deferred unlinking of a specified
-# filename and filehandle. It is used in the following cases:
-# - Called by unlink0 if an opened file can not be unlinked
-# - Called by tempfile() if files are to be removed on shutdown
-# - Called by tempdir() if directories are to be removed on shutdown
-# Arguments:
-# _deferred_unlink( $fh, $fname, $isdir );
-# - filehandle (so that it can be explicitly closed if open
-# - filename (the thing we want to remove)
-# - isdir (flag to indicate that we are being given a directory)
-# [and hence no filehandle]
-# Status is not referred to since all the magic is done with an END block
- # Will set up two lexical variables to contain all the files to be
- # removed. One array for files, another for directories They will
- # only exist in this block.
- # This means we only have to set up a single END block to remove
- # all files.
- # in order to prevent child processes inadvertently deleting the parent
- # temp files we use a hash to store the temp files and directories
- # created by a particular process id.
- # %files_to_unlink contains values that are references to an array of
- # array references containing the filehandle and filename associated with
- # the temp file.
- my (%files_to_unlink, %dirs_to_unlink);
- # Set up an end block to use these arrays
- END {
- local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);
- cleanup(at_exit => 1);
- }
- # Cleanup function. Always triggered on END (with at_exit => 1) but
- # can be invoked manually.
- sub cleanup {
- my %h = @_;
- my $at_exit = delete $h{at_exit};
- $at_exit = 0 if not defined $at_exit;
- { my @k = sort keys %h; die "unrecognized parameters: @k" if @k }
- if (!$KEEP_ALL) {
- # Files
- my @files = (exists $files_to_unlink{$$} ?
- @{ $files_to_unlink{$$} } : () );
- foreach my $file (@files) {
- # close the filehandle without checking its state
- # in order to make real sure that this is closed
- # if its already closed then I don't care about the answer
- # probably a better way to do this
- close($file->[0]); # file handle is [0]
- if (-f $file->[1]) { # file name is [1]
- _force_writable( $file->[1] ); # for windows
- unlink $file->[1] or warn "Error removing ".$file->[1];
- }
- }
- # Dirs
- my @dirs = (exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$} ?
- @{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} } : () );
- my ($cwd, $cwd_to_remove);
- foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
- if (-d $dir) {
- # Some versions of rmtree will abort if you attempt to remove
- # the directory you are sitting in. For automatic cleanup
- # at program exit, we avoid this by chdir()ing out of the way
- # first. If not at program exit, it's best not to mess with the
- # current directory, so just let it fail with a warning.
- if ($at_exit) {
- $cwd = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->curdir) if not defined $cwd;
- my $abs = Cwd::abs_path($dir);
- if ($abs eq $cwd) {
- $cwd_to_remove = $dir;
- next;
- }
- }
- eval { rmtree($dir, $DEBUG, 0); };
- warn $@ if ($@ && $^W);
- }
- }
- if (defined $cwd_to_remove) {
- # We do need to clean up the current directory, and everything
- # else is done, so get out of there and remove it.
- chdir $cwd_to_remove or die "cannot chdir to $cwd_to_remove: $!";
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- chdir $updir or die "cannot chdir to $updir: $!";
- eval { rmtree($cwd_to_remove, $DEBUG, 0); };
- warn $@ if ($@ && $^W);
- }
- # clear the arrays
- @{ $files_to_unlink{$$} } = ()
- if exists $files_to_unlink{$$};
- @{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} } = ()
- if exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$};
- }
- }
- # This is the sub called to register a file for deferred unlinking
- # This could simply store the input parameters and defer everything
- # until the END block. For now we do a bit of checking at this
- # point in order to make sure that (1) we have a file/dir to delete
- # and (2) we have been called with the correct arguments.
- sub _deferred_unlink {
- croak 'Usage: _deferred_unlink($fh, $fname, $isdir)'
- unless scalar(@_) == 3;
- my ($fh, $fname, $isdir) = @_;
- warn "Setting up deferred removal of $fname\n"
- if $DEBUG;
- # make sure we save the absolute path for later cleanup
- # OK to untaint because we only ever use this internally
- # as a file path, never interpolating into the shell
- $fname = Cwd::abs_path($fname);
- ($fname) = $fname =~ /^(.*)$/;
- # If we have a directory, check that it is a directory
- if ($isdir) {
- if (-d $fname) {
- # Directory exists so store it
- # first on VMS turn []foo into [.foo] for rmtree
- $fname = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($fname) if $^O eq 'VMS';
- $dirs_to_unlink{$$} = []
- unless exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$};
- push (@{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} }, $fname);
- } else {
- carp "Request to remove directory $fname could not be completed since it does not exist!\n" if $^W;
- }
- } else {
- if (-f $fname) {
- # file exists so store handle and name for later removal
- $files_to_unlink{$$} = []
- unless exists $files_to_unlink{$$};
- push(@{ $files_to_unlink{$$} }, [$fh, $fname]);
- } else {
- carp "Request to remove file $fname could not be completed since it is not there!\n" if $^W;
- }
- }
- }
-# normalize argument keys to upper case and do consistent handling
-# of leading template vs TEMPLATE
-sub _parse_args {
- my $leading_template = (scalar(@_) % 2 == 1 ? shift(@_) : '' );
- my %args = @_;
- %args = map { uc($_), $args{$_} } keys %args;
- # template (store it in an array so that it will
- # disappear from the arg list of tempfile)
- my @template = (
- exists $args{TEMPLATE} ? $args{TEMPLATE} :
- $leading_template ? $leading_template : ()
- );
- delete $args{TEMPLATE};
- return( \@template, \%args );
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_);
- # see if they are unlinking (defaulting to yes)
- my $unlink = (exists $args->{UNLINK} ? $args->{UNLINK} : 1 );
- delete $args->{UNLINK};
- # Protect OPEN
- delete $args->{OPEN};
- # Open the file and retain file handle and file name
- my ($fh, $path) = tempfile( @$maybe_template, %$args );
- print "Tmp: $fh - $path\n" if $DEBUG;
- # Store the filename in the scalar slot
- ${*$fh} = $path;
- # Cache the filename by pid so that the destructor can decide whether to remove it
- $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$path} = 1;
- # Store unlink information in hash slot (plus other constructor info)
- %{*$fh} = %$args;
- # create the object
- bless $fh, $class;
- # final method-based configuration
- $fh->unlink_on_destroy( $unlink );
- return $fh;
-sub newdir {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_);
- # handle CLEANUP without passing CLEANUP to tempdir
- my $cleanup = (exists $args->{CLEANUP} ? $args->{CLEANUP} : 1 );
- delete $args->{CLEANUP};
- my $tempdir = tempdir( @$maybe_template, %$args);
- # get a safe absolute path for cleanup, just like
- # happens in _deferred_unlink
- my $real_dir = Cwd::abs_path( $tempdir );
- ($real_dir) = $real_dir =~ /^(.*)$/;
- return bless { DIRNAME => $tempdir,
- REALNAME => $real_dir,
- CLEANUP => $cleanup,
- LAUNCHPID => $$,
- }, "File::Temp::Dir";
-sub filename {
- my $self = shift;
- return ${*$self};
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->filename;
-# For reference, can't use '0+'=>\&Scalar::Util::refaddr directly because
-# refaddr() demands one parameter only, whereas overload.pm calls with three
-# even for unary operations like '0+'.
-sub NUMIFY {
- return refaddr($_[0]);
-sub unlink_on_destroy {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- ${*$self}{UNLINK} = shift;
- }
- return ${*$self}{UNLINK};
-sub DESTROY {
- local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);
- my $self = shift;
- # Make sure we always remove the file from the global hash
- # on destruction. This prevents the hash from growing uncontrollably
- # and post-destruction there is no reason to know about the file.
- my $file = $self->filename;
- my $was_created_by_proc;
- if (exists $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$file}) {
- $was_created_by_proc = 1;
- delete $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$file};
- }
- if (${*$self}{UNLINK} && !$KEEP_ALL) {
- print "# ---------> Unlinking $self\n" if $DEBUG;
- # only delete if this process created it
- return unless $was_created_by_proc;
- # The unlink1 may fail if the file has been closed
- # by the caller. This leaves us with the decision
- # of whether to refuse to remove the file or simply
- # do an unlink without test. Seems to be silly
- # to do this when we are trying to be careful
- # about security
- _force_writable( $file ); # for windows
- unlink1( $self, $file )
- or unlink($file);
- }
-sub tempfile {
- if ( @_ && $_[0] eq 'File::Temp' ) {
- croak "'tempfile' can't be called as a method";
- }
- # Can not check for argument count since we can have any
- # number of args
- # Default options
- my %options = (
- "DIR" => undef, # Directory prefix
- "SUFFIX" => '', # Template suffix
- "UNLINK" => 0, # Do not unlink file on exit
- "OPEN" => 1, # Open file
- "TMPDIR" => 0, # Place tempfile in tempdir if template specified
- "EXLOCK" => 1, # Open file with O_EXLOCK
- );
- # Check to see whether we have an odd or even number of arguments
- my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_);
- my $template = @$maybe_template ? $maybe_template->[0] : undef;
- # Read the options and merge with defaults
- %options = (%options, %$args);
- # First decision is whether or not to open the file
- if (! $options{"OPEN"}) {
- warn "tempfile(): temporary filename requested but not opened.\nPossibly unsafe, consider using tempfile() with OPEN set to true\n"
- if $^W;
- }
- if ($options{"DIR"} and $^O eq 'VMS') {
- # on VMS turn []foo into [.foo] for concatenation
- $options{"DIR"} = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($options{"DIR"});
- }
- # Construct the template
- # Have a choice of trying to work around the mkstemp/mktemp/tmpnam etc
- # functions or simply constructing a template and using _gettemp()
- # explicitly. Go for the latter
- # First generate a template if not defined and prefix the directory
- # If no template must prefix the temp directory
- if (defined $template) {
- # End up with current directory if neither DIR not TMPDIR are set
- if ($options{"DIR"}) {
- $template = File::Spec->catfile($options{"DIR"}, $template);
- } elsif ($options{TMPDIR}) {
- $template = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir, $template );
- }
- } else {
- if ($options{"DIR"}) {
- $template = File::Spec->catfile($options{"DIR"}, TEMPXXX);
- } else {
- $template = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir, TEMPXXX);
- }
- }
- # Now add a suffix
- $template .= $options{"SUFFIX"};
- # Determine whether we should tell _gettemp to unlink the file
- # On unix this is irrelevant and can be worked out after the file is
- # opened (simply by unlinking the open filehandle). On Windows or VMS
- # we have to indicate temporary-ness when we open the file. In general
- # we only want a true temporary file if we are returning just the
- # filehandle - if the user wants the filename they probably do not
- # want the file to disappear as soon as they close it (which may be
- # important if they want a child process to use the file)
- # For this reason, tie unlink_on_close to the return context regardless
- # of OS.
- my $unlink_on_close = ( wantarray ? 0 : 1);
- # Create the file
- my ($fh, $path, $errstr);
- croak "Error in tempfile() using template $template: $errstr"
- unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => $options{'OPEN'},
- "mkdir"=> 0 ,
- "unlink_on_close" => $unlink_on_close,
- "suffixlen" => length($options{'SUFFIX'}),
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- "use_exlock" => $options{EXLOCK},
- ) );
- # Set up an exit handler that can do whatever is right for the
- # system. This removes files at exit when requested explicitly or when
- # system is asked to unlink_on_close but is unable to do so because
- # of OS limitations.
- # The latter should be achieved by using a tied filehandle.
- # Do not check return status since this is all done with END blocks.
- _deferred_unlink($fh, $path, 0) if $options{"UNLINK"};
- # Return
- if (wantarray()) {
- if ($options{'OPEN'}) {
- return ($fh, $path);
- } else {
- return (undef, $path);
- }
- } else {
- # Unlink the file. It is up to unlink0 to decide what to do with
- # this (whether to unlink now or to defer until later)
- unlink0($fh, $path) or croak "Error unlinking file $path using unlink0";
- # Return just the filehandle.
- return $fh;
- }
-# '
-sub tempdir {
- if ( @_ && $_[0] eq 'File::Temp' ) {
- croak "'tempdir' can't be called as a method";
- }
- # Can not check for argument count since we can have any
- # number of args
- # Default options
- my %options = (
- "CLEANUP" => 0, # Remove directory on exit
- "DIR" => '', # Root directory
- "TMPDIR" => 0, # Use tempdir with template
- );
- # Check to see whether we have an odd or even number of arguments
- my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_);
- my $template = @$maybe_template ? $maybe_template->[0] : undef;
- # Read the options and merge with defaults
- %options = (%options, %$args);
- # Modify or generate the template
- # Deal with the DIR and TMPDIR options
- if (defined $template) {
- # Need to strip directory path if using DIR or TMPDIR
- if ($options{'TMPDIR'} || $options{'DIR'}) {
- # Strip parent directory from the filename
- #
- # There is no filename at the end
- $template = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($template) if $^O eq 'VMS';
- my ($volume, $directories, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $template, 1);
- # Last directory is then our template
- $template = (File::Spec->splitdir($directories))[-1];
- # Prepend the supplied directory or temp dir
- if ($options{"DIR"}) {
- $template = File::Spec->catdir($options{"DIR"}, $template);
- } elsif ($options{TMPDIR}) {
- # Prepend tmpdir
- $template = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, $template);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($options{"DIR"}) {
- $template = File::Spec->catdir($options{"DIR"}, TEMPXXX);
- } else {
- $template = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, TEMPXXX);
- }
- }
- # Create the directory
- my $tempdir;
- my $suffixlen = 0;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # dir names can end in delimiters
- $template =~ m/([\.\]:>]+)$/;
- $suffixlen = length($1);
- }
- if ( ($^O eq 'MacOS') && (substr($template, -1) eq ':') ) {
- # dir name has a trailing ':'
- ++$suffixlen;
- }
- my $errstr;
- croak "Error in tempdir() using $template: $errstr"
- unless ((undef, $tempdir) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => 0,
- "mkdir"=> 1 ,
- "suffixlen" => $suffixlen,
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- ) );
- # Install exit handler; must be dynamic to get lexical
- if ( $options{'CLEANUP'} && -d $tempdir) {
- _deferred_unlink(undef, $tempdir, 1);
- }
- # Return the dir name
- return $tempdir;
-sub mkstemp {
- croak "Usage: mkstemp(template)"
- if scalar(@_) != 1;
- my $template = shift;
- my ($fh, $path, $errstr);
- croak "Error in mkstemp using $template: $errstr"
- unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => 1,
- "mkdir"=> 0 ,
- "suffixlen" => 0,
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- ) );
- if (wantarray()) {
- return ($fh, $path);
- } else {
- return $fh;
- }
-sub mkstemps {
- croak "Usage: mkstemps(template, suffix)"
- if scalar(@_) != 2;
- my $template = shift;
- my $suffix = shift;
- $template .= $suffix;
- my ($fh, $path, $errstr);
- croak "Error in mkstemps using $template: $errstr"
- unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => 1,
- "mkdir"=> 0 ,
- "suffixlen" => length($suffix),
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- ) );
- if (wantarray()) {
- return ($fh, $path);
- } else {
- return $fh;
- }
-#' # for emacs
-sub mkdtemp {
- croak "Usage: mkdtemp(template)"
- if scalar(@_) != 1;
- my $template = shift;
- my $suffixlen = 0;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # dir names can end in delimiters
- $template =~ m/([\.\]:>]+)$/;
- $suffixlen = length($1);
- }
- if ( ($^O eq 'MacOS') && (substr($template, -1) eq ':') ) {
- # dir name has a trailing ':'
- ++$suffixlen;
- }
- my ($junk, $tmpdir, $errstr);
- croak "Error creating temp directory from template $template\: $errstr"
- unless (($junk, $tmpdir) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => 0,
- "mkdir"=> 1 ,
- "suffixlen" => $suffixlen,
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- ) );
- return $tmpdir;
-sub mktemp {
- croak "Usage: mktemp(template)"
- if scalar(@_) != 1;
- my $template = shift;
- my ($tmpname, $junk, $errstr);
- croak "Error getting name to temp file from template $template: $errstr"
- unless (($junk, $tmpname) = _gettemp($template,
- "open" => 0,
- "mkdir"=> 0 ,
- "suffixlen" => 0,
- "ErrStr" => \$errstr,
- ) );
- return $tmpname;
-sub tmpnam {
- # Retrieve the temporary directory name
- my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir;
- croak "Error temporary directory is not writable"
- if $tmpdir eq '';
- # Use a ten character template and append to tmpdir
- my $template = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, TEMPXXX);
- if (wantarray() ) {
- return mkstemp($template);
- } else {
- return mktemp($template);
- }
-sub tmpfile {
- # Simply call tmpnam() in a list context
- my ($fh, $file) = tmpnam();
- # Make sure file is removed when filehandle is closed
- # This will fail on NFS
- unlink0($fh, $file)
- or return undef;
- return $fh;
-sub tempnam {
- croak 'Usage tempnam($dir, $prefix)' unless scalar(@_) == 2;
- my ($dir, $prefix) = @_;
- # Add a string to the prefix
- $prefix .= 'XXXXXXXX';
- # Concatenate the directory to the file
- my $template = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $prefix);
- return mktemp($template);
-sub unlink0 {
- croak 'Usage: unlink0(filehandle, filename)'
- unless scalar(@_) == 2;
- # Read args
- my ($fh, $path) = @_;
- cmpstat($fh, $path) or return 0;
- # attempt remove the file (does not work on some platforms)
- if (_can_unlink_opened_file()) {
- # return early (Without unlink) if we have been instructed to retain files.
- return 1 if $KEEP_ALL;
- # XXX: do *not* call this on a directory; possible race
- # resulting in recursive removal
- croak "unlink0: $path has become a directory!" if -d $path;
- unlink($path) or return 0;
- # Stat the filehandle
- my @fh = stat $fh;
- print "Link count = $fh[3] \n" if $DEBUG;
- # Make sure that the link count is zero
- # - Cygwin provides deferred unlinking, however,
- # on Win9x the link count remains 1
- # On NFS the link count may still be 1 but we can't know that
- # we are on NFS. Since we can't be sure, we'll defer it
- return 1 if $fh[3] == 0 || $^O eq 'cygwin';
- }
- # fall-through if we can't unlink now
- _deferred_unlink($fh, $path, 0);
- return 1;
-sub cmpstat {
- croak 'Usage: cmpstat(filehandle, filename)'
- unless scalar(@_) == 2;
- # Read args
- my ($fh, $path) = @_;
- warn "Comparing stat\n"
- if $DEBUG;
- # Stat the filehandle - which may be closed if someone has manually
- # closed the file. Can not turn off warnings without using $^W
- # unless we upgrade to 5.006 minimum requirement
- my @fh;
- {
- local ($^W) = 0;
- @fh = stat $fh;
- }
- return unless @fh;
- if ($fh[3] > 1 && $^W) {
- carp "unlink0: fstat found too many links; SB=@fh" if $^W;
- }
- # Stat the path
- my @path = stat $path;
- unless (@path) {
- carp "unlink0: $path is gone already" if $^W;
- return;
- }
- # this is no longer a file, but may be a directory, or worse
- unless (-f $path) {
- confess "panic: $path is no longer a file: SB=@fh";
- }
- # Do comparison of each member of the array
- # On WinNT dev and rdev seem to be different
- # depending on whether it is a file or a handle.
- # Cannot simply compare all members of the stat return
- # Select the ones we can use
- my @okstat = (0..$#fh); # Use all by default
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- @okstat = (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10);
- } elsif ($^O eq 'os2') {
- @okstat = (0, 2..$#fh);
- } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { # device and file ID are sufficient
- @okstat = (0, 1);
- } elsif ($^O eq 'dos') {
- @okstat = (0,2..7,11..$#fh);
- } elsif ($^O eq 'mpeix') {
- @okstat = (0..4,8..10);
- }
- # Now compare each entry explicitly by number
- for (@okstat) {
- print "Comparing: $_ : $fh[$_] and $path[$_]\n" if $DEBUG;
- # Use eq rather than == since rdev, blksize, and blocks (6, 11,
- # and 12) will be '' on platforms that do not support them. This
- # is fine since we are only comparing integers.
- unless ($fh[$_] eq $path[$_]) {
- warn "Did not match $_ element of stat\n" if $DEBUG;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub unlink1 {
- croak 'Usage: unlink1(filehandle, filename)'
- unless scalar(@_) == 2;
- # Read args
- my ($fh, $path) = @_;
- cmpstat($fh, $path) or return 0;
- # Close the file
- close( $fh ) or return 0;
- # Make sure the file is writable (for windows)
- _force_writable( $path );
- # return early (without unlink) if we have been instructed to retain files.
- return 1 if $KEEP_ALL;
- # remove the file
- return unlink($path);
- # protect from using the variable itself
- sub safe_level {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- my $level = shift;
- if (($level != STANDARD) && ($level != MEDIUM) && ($level != HIGH)) {
- carp "safe_level: Specified level ($level) not STANDARD, MEDIUM or HIGH - ignoring\n" if $^W;
- } else {
- # Don't allow this on perl 5.005 or earlier
- if ($] < 5.006 && $level != STANDARD) {
- # Cant do MEDIUM or HIGH checks
- croak "Currently requires perl 5.006 or newer to do the safe checks";
- }
- # Check that we are allowed to change level
- # Silently ignore if we can not.
- $LEVEL = $level if _can_do_level($level);
- }
- }
- return $LEVEL;
- }
- my $TopSystemUID = 10;
- $TopSystemUID = 197108 if $^O eq 'interix'; # "Administrator"
- sub top_system_uid {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- my $newuid = shift;
- croak "top_system_uid: UIDs should be numeric"
- unless $newuid =~ /^\d+$/s;
- $TopSystemUID = $newuid;
- }
- return $TopSystemUID;
- }
-package File::Temp::Dir;
-use File::Path qw/ rmtree /;
-use strict;
-use overload '""' => "STRINGIFY",
- '0+' => \&File::Temp::NUMIFY,
- fallback => 1;
-# private class specifically to support tempdir objects
-# created by File::Temp->newdir
-# ostensibly the same method interface as File::Temp but without
-# inheriting all the IO::Seekable methods and other cruft
-# Read-only - returns the name of the temp directory
-sub dirname {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{DIRNAME};
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->dirname;
-sub unlink_on_destroy {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- $self->{CLEANUP} = shift;
- }
- return $self->{CLEANUP};
-sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);
- if ($self->unlink_on_destroy &&
- $$ == $self->{LAUNCHPID} && !$File::Temp::KEEP_ALL) {
- if (-d $self->{REALNAME}) {
- # Some versions of rmtree will abort if you attempt to remove
- # the directory you are sitting in. We protect that and turn it
- # into a warning. We do this because this occurs during object
- # destruction and so can not be caught by the user.
- eval { rmtree($self->{REALNAME}, $File::Temp::DEBUG, 0); };
- warn $@ if ($@ && $^W);
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/FileHandle.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/FileHandle.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e474032e..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/FileHandle.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-package FileHandle;
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-$VERSION = "2.03";
-require IO::File;
-@ISA = qw(IO::File);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(
- pipe
- autoflush
- output_field_separator
- output_record_separator
- input_record_separator
- input_line_number
- format_page_number
- format_lines_per_page
- format_lines_left
- format_name
- format_top_name
- format_line_break_characters
- format_formfeed
- print
- printf
- getline
- getlines
-# Everything we're willing to export, we must first import.
-IO::Handle->import( grep { !defined(&$_) } @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK );
-# Some people call "FileHandle::function", so all the functions
-# that were in the old FileHandle class must be imported, too.
- no strict 'refs';
- my %import = (
- 'IO::Handle' =>
- [qw(DESTROY new_from_fd fdopen close fileno getc ungetc gets
- eof flush error clearerr setbuf setvbuf _open_mode_string)],
- 'IO::Seekable' =>
- [qw(seek tell getpos setpos)],
- 'IO::File' =>
- [qw(new new_tmpfile open)]
- );
- for my $pkg (keys %import) {
- for my $func (@{$import{$pkg}}) {
- my $c = *{"${pkg}::$func"}{CODE}
- or die "${pkg}::$func missing";
- *$func = $c;
- }
- }
-# Specialized importer for Fcntl magic.
-sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $callpkg = caller;
- require Exporter;
- Exporter::export($pkg, $callpkg, @_);
- #
- # If the Fcntl extension is available,
- # export its constants.
- #
- eval {
- require Fcntl;
- Exporter::export('Fcntl', $callpkg);
- };
-# This is the only exported function we define;
-# the rest come from other classes.
-sub pipe {
- my $r = IO::Handle->new;
- my $w = IO::Handle->new;
- CORE::pipe($r, $w) or return undef;
- ($r, $w);
-# Rebless standard file handles
-bless *STDIN{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDIN{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
-bless *STDOUT{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDOUT{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
-bless *STDERR{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDERR{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Getopt/Long.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Getopt/Long.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8542aafb..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Getopt/Long.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1572 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Getopt::Long.pm -- Universal options parsing
-# Author : Johan Vromans
-# Created On : Tue Sep 11 15:00:12 1990
-# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
-# Last Modified On: Thu Jun 9 14:50:37 2016
-# Update Count : 1699
-# Status : Released
-################ Module Preamble ################
-package Getopt::Long;
-use 5.004;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 2.49;
-# For testing versions only.
-use vars qw($VERSION_STRING);
-$VERSION_STRING = "2.49";
-use Exporter;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-# Exported subroutines.
-sub GetOptions(@); # always
-sub GetOptionsFromArray(@); # on demand
-sub GetOptionsFromString(@); # on demand
-sub Configure(@); # on demand
-sub HelpMessage(@); # on demand
-sub VersionMessage(@); # in demand
- # Init immediately so their contents can be used in the 'use vars' below.
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(&HelpMessage &VersionMessage &Configure
- &GetOptionsFromArray &GetOptionsFromString);
-# User visible variables.
-use vars @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK;
-use vars qw($error $debug $major_version $minor_version);
-# Deprecated visible variables.
-use vars qw($autoabbrev $getopt_compat $ignorecase $bundling $order
- $passthrough);
-# Official invisible variables.
-use vars qw($genprefix $caller $gnu_compat $auto_help $auto_version $longprefix);
-# Really invisible variables.
-my $bundling_values;
-# Public subroutines.
-sub config(@); # deprecated name
-# Private subroutines.
-sub ConfigDefaults();
-sub ParseOptionSpec($$);
-sub OptCtl($);
-sub FindOption($$$$$);
-sub ValidValue ($$$$$);
-################ Local Variables ################
-# $requested_version holds the version that was mentioned in the 'use'
-# or 'require', if any. It can be used to enable or disable specific
-# features.
-my $requested_version = 0;
-################ Resident subroutines ################
-sub ConfigDefaults() {
- # Handle POSIX compliancy.
- if ( defined $ENV{"POSIXLY_CORRECT"} ) {
- $genprefix = "(--|-)";
- $autoabbrev = 0; # no automatic abbrev of options
- $bundling = 0; # no bundling of single letter switches
- $getopt_compat = 0; # disallow '+' to start options
- $order = $REQUIRE_ORDER;
- }
- else {
- $genprefix = "(--|-|\\+)";
- $autoabbrev = 1; # automatic abbrev of options
- $bundling = 0; # bundling off by default
- $getopt_compat = 1; # allow '+' to start options
- $order = $PERMUTE;
- }
- # Other configurable settings.
- $debug = 0; # for debugging
- $error = 0; # error tally
- $ignorecase = 1; # ignore case when matching options
- $passthrough = 0; # leave unrecognized options alone
- $gnu_compat = 0; # require --opt=val if value is optional
- $longprefix = "(--)"; # what does a long prefix look like
- $bundling_values = 0; # no bundling of values
-# Override import.
-sub import {
- my $pkg = shift; # package
- my @syms = (); # symbols to import
- my @config = (); # configuration
- my $dest = \@syms; # symbols first
- for ( @_ ) {
- if ( $_ eq ':config' ) {
- $dest = \@config; # config next
- next;
- }
- push(@$dest, $_); # push
- }
- # Hide one level and call super.
- local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1;
- push(@syms, qw(&GetOptions)) if @syms; # always export GetOptions
- $requested_version = 0;
- $pkg->SUPER::import(@syms);
- # And configure.
- Configure(@config) if @config;
-################ Initialization ################
-# Values for $order. See GNU getopt.c for details.
-# Version major/minor numbers.
-($major_version, $minor_version) = $VERSION =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
-################ OO Interface ################
-package Getopt::Long::Parser;
-# Store a copy of the default configuration. Since ConfigDefaults has
-# just been called, what we get from Configure is the default.
-my $default_config = do {
- Getopt::Long::Configure ()
-sub new {
- my $that = shift;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my %atts = @_;
- # Register the callers package.
- my $self = { caller_pkg => (caller)[0] };
- bless ($self, $class);
- # Process config attributes.
- if ( defined $atts{config} ) {
- my $save = Getopt::Long::Configure ($default_config, @{$atts{config}});
- $self->{settings} = Getopt::Long::Configure ($save);
- delete ($atts{config});
- }
- # Else use default config.
- else {
- $self->{settings} = $default_config;
- }
- if ( %atts ) { # Oops
- die(__PACKAGE__.": unhandled attributes: ".
- join(" ", sort(keys(%atts)))."\n");
- }
- $self;
-sub configure {
- my ($self) = shift;
- # Restore settings, merge new settings in.
- my $save = Getopt::Long::Configure ($self->{settings}, @_);
- # Restore orig config and save the new config.
- $self->{settings} = Getopt::Long::Configure ($save);
-sub getoptions {
- my ($self) = shift;
- return $self->getoptionsfromarray(\@ARGV, @_);
-sub getoptionsfromarray {
- my ($self) = shift;
- # Restore config settings.
- my $save = Getopt::Long::Configure ($self->{settings});
- # Call main routine.
- my $ret = 0;
- $Getopt::Long::caller = $self->{caller_pkg};
- eval {
- # Locally set exception handler to default, otherwise it will
- # be called implicitly here, and again explicitly when we try
- # to deliver the messages.
- local ($SIG{__DIE__}) = 'DEFAULT';
- $ret = Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray (@_);
- };
- # Restore saved settings.
- Getopt::Long::Configure ($save);
- # Handle errors and return value.
- die ($@) if $@;
- return $ret;
-package Getopt::Long;
-################ Back to Normal ################
-# Indices in option control info.
-# Note that ParseOptions uses the fields directly. Search for 'hard-wired'.
-use constant CTL_TYPE => 0;
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_FLAG => '';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_NEG => '!';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_INCR => '+';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_INT => 'i';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_INTINC => 'I';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_XINT => 'o';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_FLOAT => 'f';
-#use constant CTL_TYPE_STRING => 's';
-use constant CTL_CNAME => 1;
-use constant CTL_DEFAULT => 2;
-use constant CTL_DEST => 3;
- use constant CTL_DEST_SCALAR => 0;
- use constant CTL_DEST_ARRAY => 1;
- use constant CTL_DEST_HASH => 2;
- use constant CTL_DEST_CODE => 3;
-use constant CTL_AMIN => 4;
-use constant CTL_AMAX => 5;
-# FFU.
-#use constant CTL_RANGE => ;
-#use constant CTL_REPEAT => ;
-# Rather liberal patterns to match numbers.
-use constant PAT_INT => "[-+]?_*[0-9][0-9_]*";
-use constant PAT_XINT =>
- "(?:".
- "[-+]?_*[1-9][0-9_]*".
- "|".
- "0x_*[0-9a-f][0-9a-f_]*".
- "|".
- "0b_*[01][01_]*".
- "|".
- "0[0-7_]*".
- ")";
-use constant PAT_FLOAT =>
- "[-+]?". # optional sign
- "(?=[0-9.])". # must start with digit or dec.point
- "[0-9_]*". # digits before the dec.point
- "(\.[0-9_]+)?". # optional fraction
- "([eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?"; # optional exponent
-sub GetOptions(@) {
- # Shift in default array.
- unshift(@_, \@ARGV);
- # Try to keep caller() and Carp consistent.
- goto &GetOptionsFromArray;
-sub GetOptionsFromString(@) {
- my ($string) = shift;
- require Text::ParseWords;
- my $args = [ Text::ParseWords::shellwords($string) ];
- $caller ||= (caller)[0]; # current context
- my $ret = GetOptionsFromArray($args, @_);
- return ( $ret, $args ) if wantarray;
- if ( @$args ) {
- $ret = 0;
- warn("GetOptionsFromString: Excess data \"@$args\" in string \"$string\"\n");
- }
- $ret;
-sub GetOptionsFromArray(@) {
- my ($argv, @optionlist) = @_; # local copy of the option descriptions
- my $argend = '--'; # option list terminator
- my %opctl = (); # table of option specs
- my $pkg = $caller || (caller)[0]; # current context
- # Needed if linkage is omitted.
- my @ret = (); # accum for non-options
- my %linkage; # linkage
- my $userlinkage; # user supplied HASH
- my $opt; # current option
- my $prefix = $genprefix; # current prefix
- $error = '';
- if ( $debug ) {
- # Avoid some warnings if debugging.
- local ($^W) = 0;
- print STDERR
- ("Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION ",
- "called from package \"$pkg\".",
- "\n ",
- "argv: ",
- defined($argv)
- ? UNIVERSAL::isa( $argv, 'ARRAY' ) ? "(@$argv)" : $argv
- : "",
- "\n ",
- "autoabbrev=$autoabbrev,".
- "bundling=$bundling,",
- "bundling_values=$bundling_values,",
- "getopt_compat=$getopt_compat,",
- "gnu_compat=$gnu_compat,",
- "order=$order,",
- "\n ",
- "ignorecase=$ignorecase,",
- "requested_version=$requested_version,",
- "passthrough=$passthrough,",
- "genprefix=\"$genprefix\",",
- "longprefix=\"$longprefix\".",
- "\n");
- }
- # Check for ref HASH as first argument.
- # First argument may be an object. It's OK to use this as long
- # as it is really a hash underneath.
- $userlinkage = undef;
- if ( @optionlist && ref($optionlist[0]) and
- UNIVERSAL::isa($optionlist[0],'HASH') ) {
- $userlinkage = shift (@optionlist);
- print STDERR ("=> user linkage: $userlinkage\n") if $debug;
- }
- # See if the first element of the optionlist contains option
- # starter characters.
- # Be careful not to interpret '<>' as option starters.
- if ( @optionlist && $optionlist[0] =~ /^\W+$/
- && !($optionlist[0] eq '<>'
- && @optionlist > 0
- && ref($optionlist[1])) ) {
- $prefix = shift (@optionlist);
- # Turn into regexp. Needs to be parenthesized!
- $prefix =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
- $prefix = "([" . $prefix . "])";
- print STDERR ("=> prefix=\"$prefix\"\n") if $debug;
- }
- # Verify correctness of optionlist.
- %opctl = ();
- while ( @optionlist ) {
- my $opt = shift (@optionlist);
- unless ( defined($opt) ) {
- $error .= "Undefined argument in option spec\n";
- next;
- }
- # Strip leading prefix so people can specify "--foo=i" if they like.
- $opt = $+ if $opt =~ /^$prefix+(.*)$/s;
- if ( $opt eq '<>' ) {
- if ( (defined $userlinkage)
- && !(@optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]))
- && (exists $userlinkage->{$opt})
- && ref($userlinkage->{$opt}) ) {
- unshift (@optionlist, $userlinkage->{$opt});
- }
- unless ( @optionlist > 0
- && ref($optionlist[0]) && ref($optionlist[0]) eq 'CODE' ) {
- $error .= "Option spec <> requires a reference to a subroutine\n";
- # Kill the linkage (to avoid another error).
- shift (@optionlist)
- if @optionlist && ref($optionlist[0]);
- next;
- }
- $linkage{'<>'} = shift (@optionlist);
- next;
- }
- # Parse option spec.
- my ($name, $orig) = ParseOptionSpec ($opt, \%opctl);
- unless ( defined $name ) {
- # Failed. $orig contains the error message. Sorry for the abuse.
- $error .= $orig;
- # Kill the linkage (to avoid another error).
- shift (@optionlist)
- if @optionlist && ref($optionlist[0]);
- next;
- }
- # If no linkage is supplied in the @optionlist, copy it from
- # the userlinkage if available.
- if ( defined $userlinkage ) {
- unless ( @optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]) ) {
- if ( exists $userlinkage->{$orig} &&
- ref($userlinkage->{$orig}) ) {
- print STDERR ("=> found userlinkage for \"$orig\": ",
- "$userlinkage->{$orig}\n")
- if $debug;
- unshift (@optionlist, $userlinkage->{$orig});
- }
- else {
- # Do nothing. Being undefined will be handled later.
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- # Copy the linkage. If omitted, link to global variable.
- if ( @optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]) ) {
- print STDERR ("=> link \"$orig\" to $optionlist[0]\n")
- if $debug;
- my $rl = ref($linkage{$orig} = shift (@optionlist));
- if ( $rl eq "ARRAY" ) {
- $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] = CTL_DEST_ARRAY;
- }
- elsif ( $rl eq "HASH" ) {
- $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] = CTL_DEST_HASH;
- }
- elsif ( $rl eq "SCALAR" || $rl eq "REF" ) {
-# if ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_ARRAY ) {
-# my $t = $linkage{$orig};
-# $$t = $linkage{$orig} = [];
-# }
-# elsif ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ) {
-# }
-# else {
- # Ok.
-# }
- }
- elsif ( $rl eq "CODE" ) {
- # Ok.
- }
- else {
- $error .= "Invalid option linkage for \"$opt\"\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- # Link to global $opt_XXX variable.
- # Make sure a valid perl identifier results.
- my $ov = $orig;
- $ov =~ s/\W/_/g;
- if ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_ARRAY ) {
- print STDERR ("=> link \"$orig\" to \@$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
- if $debug;
- eval ("\$linkage{\$orig} = \\\@".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
- }
- elsif ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ) {
- print STDERR ("=> link \"$orig\" to \%$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
- if $debug;
- eval ("\$linkage{\$orig} = \\\%".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=> link \"$orig\" to \$$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
- if $debug;
- eval ("\$linkage{\$orig} = \\\$".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
- }
- }
- if ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_TYPE] eq 'I'
- && ( $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_ARRAY
- || $opctl{$name}[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH )
- ) {
- $error .= "Invalid option linkage for \"$opt\"\n";
- }
- }
- $error .= "GetOptionsFromArray: 1st parameter is not an array reference\n"
- unless $argv && UNIVERSAL::isa( $argv, 'ARRAY' );
- # Bail out if errors found.
- die ($error) if $error;
- $error = 0;
- # Supply --version and --help support, if needed and allowed.
- if ( defined($auto_version) ? $auto_version : ($requested_version >= 2.3203) ) {
- if ( !defined($opctl{version}) ) {
- $opctl{version} = ['','version',0,CTL_DEST_CODE,undef];
- $linkage{version} = \&VersionMessage;
- }
- $auto_version = 1;
- }
- if ( defined($auto_help) ? $auto_help : ($requested_version >= 2.3203) ) {
- if ( !defined($opctl{help}) && !defined($opctl{'?'}) ) {
- $opctl{help} = $opctl{'?'} = ['','help',0,CTL_DEST_CODE,undef];
- $linkage{help} = \&HelpMessage;
- }
- $auto_help = 1;
- }
- # Show the options tables if debugging.
- if ( $debug ) {
- my ($arrow, $k, $v);
- $arrow = "=> ";
- while ( ($k,$v) = each(%opctl) ) {
- print STDERR ($arrow, "\$opctl{$k} = $v ", OptCtl($v), "\n");
- $arrow = " ";
- }
- }
- # Process argument list
- my $goon = 1;
- while ( $goon && @$argv > 0 ) {
- # Get next argument.
- $opt = shift (@$argv);
- print STDERR ("=> arg \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
- # Double dash is option list terminator.
- if ( defined($opt) && $opt eq $argend ) {
- push (@ret, $argend) if $passthrough;
- last;
- }
- # Look it up.
- my $tryopt = $opt;
- my $found; # success status
- my $key; # key (if hash type)
- my $arg; # option argument
- my $ctl; # the opctl entry
- ($found, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key) =
- FindOption ($argv, $prefix, $argend, $opt, \%opctl);
- if ( $found ) {
- # FindOption undefines $opt in case of errors.
- next unless defined $opt;
- my $argcnt = 0;
- while ( defined $arg ) {
- # Get the canonical name.
- print STDERR ("=> cname for \"$opt\" is ") if $debug;
- $opt = $ctl->[CTL_CNAME];
- print STDERR ("\"$ctl->[CTL_CNAME]\"\n") if $debug;
- if ( defined $linkage{$opt} ) {
- print STDERR ("=> ref(\$L{$opt}) -> ",
- ref($linkage{$opt}), "\n") if $debug;
- if ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'SCALAR'
- || ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'REF' ) {
- if ( $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] eq '+' ) {
- print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt} += \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- if ( defined ${$linkage{$opt}} ) {
- ${$linkage{$opt}} += $arg;
- }
- else {
- ${$linkage{$opt}} = $arg;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_ARRAY ) {
- print STDERR ("=> ref(\$L{$opt}) auto-vivified",
- " to ARRAY\n")
- if $debug;
- my $t = $linkage{$opt};
- $$t = $linkage{$opt} = [];
- print STDERR ("=> push(\@{\$L{$opt}, \"$arg\")\n")
- if $debug;
- push (@{$linkage{$opt}}, $arg);
- }
- elsif ( $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ) {
- print STDERR ("=> ref(\$L{$opt}) auto-vivified",
- " to HASH\n")
- if $debug;
- my $t = $linkage{$opt};
- $$t = $linkage{$opt} = {};
- print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt}->{$key} = \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- $linkage{$opt}->{$key} = $arg;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt} = \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- ${$linkage{$opt}} = $arg;
- }
- }
- elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- print STDERR ("=> push(\@{\$L{$opt}, \"$arg\")\n")
- if $debug;
- push (@{$linkage{$opt}}, $arg);
- }
- elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'HASH' ) {
- print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt}->{$key} = \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- $linkage{$opt}->{$key} = $arg;
- }
- elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'CODE' ) {
- print STDERR ("=> &L{$opt}(\"$opt\"",
- $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ? ", \"$key\"" : "",
- ", \"$arg\")\n")
- if $debug;
- my $eval_error = do {
- local $@;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
- eval {
- &{$linkage{$opt}}
- (Getopt::Long::CallBack->new
- (name => $opt,
- ctl => $ctl,
- opctl => \%opctl,
- linkage => \%linkage,
- prefix => $prefix,
- ),
- $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ? ($key) : (),
- $arg);
- };
- $@;
- };
- print STDERR ("=> die($eval_error)\n")
- if $debug && $eval_error ne '';
- if ( $eval_error =~ /^!/ ) {
- if ( $eval_error =~ /^!FINISH\b/ ) {
- $goon = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $eval_error ne '' ) {
- warn ($eval_error);
- $error++;
- }
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("Invalid REF type \"", ref($linkage{$opt}),
- "\" in linkage\n");
- die("Getopt::Long -- internal error!\n");
- }
- }
- # No entry in linkage means entry in userlinkage.
- elsif ( $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_ARRAY ) {
- if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
- print STDERR ("=> push(\@{\$L{$opt}}, \"$arg\")\n")
- if $debug;
- push (@{$userlinkage->{$opt}}, $arg);
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = [\"$arg\"]\n")
- if $debug;
- $userlinkage->{$opt} = [$arg];
- }
- }
- elsif ( $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ) {
- if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
- print STDERR ("=> \$L{$opt}->{$key} = \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- $userlinkage->{$opt}->{$key} = $arg;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = {$key => \"$arg\"}\n")
- if $debug;
- $userlinkage->{$opt} = {$key => $arg};
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] eq '+' ) {
- print STDERR ("=> \$L{$opt} += \"$arg\"\n")
- if $debug;
- if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
- $userlinkage->{$opt} += $arg;
- }
- else {
- $userlinkage->{$opt} = $arg;
- }
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = \"$arg\"\n") if $debug;
- $userlinkage->{$opt} = $arg;
- }
- }
- $argcnt++;
- last if $argcnt >= $ctl->[CTL_AMAX] && $ctl->[CTL_AMAX] != -1;
- undef($arg);
- # Need more args?
- if ( $argcnt < $ctl->[CTL_AMIN] ) {
- if ( @$argv ) {
- if ( ValidValue($ctl, $argv->[0], 1, $argend, $prefix) ) {
- $arg = shift(@$argv);
- if ( $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] =~ /^[iIo]$/ ) {
- $arg =~ tr/_//d;
- $arg = $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] eq 'o' && $arg =~ /^0/
- ? oct($arg)
- : 0+$arg
- }
- ($key,$arg) = $arg =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)/
- if $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH;
- next;
- }
- warn("Value \"$$argv[0]\" invalid for option $opt\n");
- $error++;
- }
- else {
- warn("Insufficient arguments for option $opt\n");
- $error++;
- }
- }
- # Any more args?
- if ( @$argv && ValidValue($ctl, $argv->[0], 0, $argend, $prefix) ) {
- $arg = shift(@$argv);
- if ( $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] =~ /^[iIo]$/ ) {
- $arg =~ tr/_//d;
- $arg = $ctl->[CTL_TYPE] eq 'o' && $arg =~ /^0/
- ? oct($arg)
- : 0+$arg
- }
- ($key,$arg) = $arg =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)/
- if $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH;
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- # Not an option. Save it if we $PERMUTE and don't have a <>.
- elsif ( $order == $PERMUTE ) {
- # Try non-options call-back.
- my $cb;
- if ( defined ($cb = $linkage{'<>'}) ) {
- print STDERR ("=> &L{$tryopt}(\"$tryopt\")\n")
- if $debug;
- my $eval_error = do {
- local $@;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
- eval {
- # The arg to <> cannot be the CallBack object
- # since it may be passed to other modules that
- # get confused (e.g., Archive::Tar). Well,
- # it's not relevant for this callback anyway.
- &$cb($tryopt);
- };
- $@;
- };
- print STDERR ("=> die($eval_error)\n")
- if $debug && $eval_error ne '';
- if ( $eval_error =~ /^!/ ) {
- if ( $eval_error =~ /^!FINISH\b/ ) {
- $goon = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $eval_error ne '' ) {
- warn ($eval_error);
- $error++;
- }
- }
- else {
- print STDERR ("=> saving \"$tryopt\" ",
- "(not an option, may permute)\n") if $debug;
- push (@ret, $tryopt);
- }
- next;
- }
- # ...otherwise, terminate.
- else {
- # Push this one back and exit.
- unshift (@$argv, $tryopt);
- return ($error == 0);
- }
- }
- # Finish.
- if ( @ret && $order == $PERMUTE ) {
- # Push back accumulated arguments
- print STDERR ("=> restoring \"", join('" "', @ret), "\"\n")
- if $debug;
- unshift (@$argv, @ret);
- }
- return ($error == 0);
-# A readable representation of what's in an optbl.
-sub OptCtl ($) {
- my ($v) = @_;
- my @v = map { defined($_) ? ($_) : ("") } @$v;
- "[".
- join(",",
- "\"$v[CTL_TYPE]\"",
- "\"$v[CTL_CNAME]\"",
- "\"$v[CTL_DEFAULT]\"",
- ("\$","\@","\%","\&")[$v[CTL_DEST] || 0],
- $v[CTL_AMIN] || '',
- $v[CTL_AMAX] || '',
-# $v[CTL_RANGE] || '',
-# $v[CTL_REPEAT] || '',
- ). "]";
-# Parse an option specification and fill the tables.
-sub ParseOptionSpec ($$) {
- my ($opt, $opctl) = @_;
- # Match option spec.
- if ( $opt !~ m;^
- (
- # Option name
- (?: \w+[-\w]* )
- # Alias names, or "?"
- (?: \| (?: \? | \w[-\w]* ) )*
- # Aliases
- (?: \| (?: [^-|!+=:][^|!+=:]* )? )*
- )?
- (
- # Either modifiers ...
- [!+]
- |
- # ... or a value/dest/repeat specification
- [=:] [ionfs] [@%]? (?: \{\d*,?\d*\} )?
- |
- # ... or an optional-with-default spec
- : (?: -?\d+ | \+ ) [@%]?
- )?
- $;x ) {
- return (undef, "Error in option spec: \"$opt\"\n");
- }
- my ($names, $spec) = ($1, $2);
- $spec = '' unless defined $spec;
- # $orig keeps track of the primary name the user specified.
- # This name will be used for the internal or external linkage.
- # In other words, if the user specifies "FoO|BaR", it will
- # match any case combinations of 'foo' and 'bar', but if a global
- # variable needs to be set, it will be $opt_FoO in the exact case
- # as specified.
- my $orig;
- my @names;
- if ( defined $names ) {
- @names = split (/\|/, $names);
- $orig = $names[0];
- }
- else {
- @names = ('');
- $orig = '';
- }
- # Construct the opctl entries.
- my $entry;
- if ( $spec eq '' || $spec eq '+' || $spec eq '!' ) {
- # Fields are hard-wired here.
- $entry = [$spec,$orig,undef,CTL_DEST_SCALAR,0,0];
- }
- elsif ( $spec =~ /^:(-?\d+|\+)([@%])?$/ ) {
- my $def = $1;
- my $dest = $2;
- my $type = $def eq '+' ? 'I' : 'i';
- $dest ||= '$';
- $dest = $dest eq '@' ? CTL_DEST_ARRAY
- : $dest eq '%' ? CTL_DEST_HASH : CTL_DEST_SCALAR;
- # Fields are hard-wired here.
- $entry = [$type,$orig,$def eq '+' ? undef : $def,
- $dest,0,1];
- }
- else {
- my ($mand, $type, $dest) =
- $spec =~ /^([=:])([ionfs])([@%])?(\{(\d+)?(,)?(\d+)?\})?$/;
- return (undef, "Cannot repeat while bundling: \"$opt\"\n")
- if $bundling && defined($4);
- my ($mi, $cm, $ma) = ($5, $6, $7);
- return (undef, "{0} is useless in option spec: \"$opt\"\n")
- if defined($mi) && !$mi && !defined($ma) && !defined($cm);
- $type = 'i' if $type eq 'n';
- $dest ||= '$';
- $dest = $dest eq '@' ? CTL_DEST_ARRAY
- : $dest eq '%' ? CTL_DEST_HASH : CTL_DEST_SCALAR;
- # Default minargs to 1/0 depending on mand status.
- $mi = $mand eq '=' ? 1 : 0 unless defined $mi;
- # Adjust mand status according to minargs.
- $mand = $mi ? '=' : ':';
- # Adjust maxargs.
- $ma = $mi ? $mi : 1 unless defined $ma || defined $cm;
- return (undef, "Max must be greater than zero in option spec: \"$opt\"\n")
- if defined($ma) && !$ma;
- return (undef, "Max less than min in option spec: \"$opt\"\n")
- if defined($ma) && $ma < $mi;
- # Fields are hard-wired here.
- $entry = [$type,$orig,undef,$dest,$mi,$ma||-1];
- }
- # Process all names. First is canonical, the rest are aliases.
- my $dups = '';
- foreach ( @names ) {
- $_ = lc ($_)
- if $ignorecase > (($bundling && length($_) == 1) ? 1 : 0);
- if ( exists $opctl->{$_} ) {
- $dups .= "Duplicate specification \"$opt\" for option \"$_\"\n";
- }
- if ( $spec eq '!' ) {
- $opctl->{"no$_"} = $entry;
- $opctl->{"no-$_"} = $entry;
- $opctl->{$_} = [@$entry];
- $opctl->{$_}->[CTL_TYPE] = '';
- }
- else {
- $opctl->{$_} = $entry;
- }
- }
- if ( $dups && $^W ) {
- foreach ( split(/\n+/, $dups) ) {
- warn($_."\n");
- }
- }
- ($names[0], $orig);
-# Option lookup.
-sub FindOption ($$$$$) {
- # returns (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key) if okay,
- # returns (1, undef) if option in error,
- # returns (0) otherwise.
- my ($argv, $prefix, $argend, $opt, $opctl) = @_;
- print STDERR ("=> find \"$opt\"\n") if $debug;
- return (0) unless defined($opt);
- return (0) unless $opt =~ /^($prefix)(.*)$/s;
- return (0) if $opt eq "-" && !defined $opctl->{''};
- $opt = substr( $opt, length($1) ); # retain taintedness
- my $starter = $1;
- print STDERR ("=> split \"$starter\"+\"$opt\"\n") if $debug;
- my $optarg; # value supplied with --opt=value
- my $rest; # remainder from unbundling
- # If it is a long option, it may include the value.
- # With getopt_compat, only if not bundling.
- if ( ($starter=~/^$longprefix$/
- || ($getopt_compat && ($bundling == 0 || $bundling == 2)))
- && (my $oppos = index($opt, '=', 1)) > 0) {
- my $optorg = $opt;
- $opt = substr($optorg, 0, $oppos);
- $optarg = substr($optorg, $oppos + 1); # retain tainedness
- print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt,
- "\", optarg = \"$optarg\"\n") if $debug;
- }
- #### Look it up ###
- my $tryopt = $opt; # option to try
- if ( ( $bundling || $bundling_values ) && $starter eq '-' ) {
- # To try overrides, obey case ignore.
- $tryopt = $ignorecase ? lc($opt) : $opt;
- # If bundling == 2, long options can override bundles.
- if ( $bundling == 2 && length($tryopt) > 1
- && defined ($opctl->{$tryopt}) ) {
- print STDERR ("=> $starter$tryopt overrides unbundling\n")
- if $debug;
- }
- # If bundling_values, option may be followed by the value.
- elsif ( $bundling_values ) {
- $tryopt = $opt;
- # Unbundle single letter option.
- $rest = length ($tryopt) > 0 ? substr ($tryopt, 1) : '';
- $tryopt = substr ($tryopt, 0, 1);
- $tryopt = lc ($tryopt) if $ignorecase > 1;
- print STDERR ("=> $starter$tryopt unbundled from ",
- "$starter$tryopt$rest\n") if $debug;
- # Whatever remains may not be considered an option.
- $optarg = $rest eq '' ? undef : $rest;
- $rest = undef;
- }
- # Split off a single letter and leave the rest for
- # further processing.
- else {
- $tryopt = $opt;
- # Unbundle single letter option.
- $rest = length ($tryopt) > 0 ? substr ($tryopt, 1) : '';
- $tryopt = substr ($tryopt, 0, 1);
- $tryopt = lc ($tryopt) if $ignorecase > 1;
- print STDERR ("=> $starter$tryopt unbundled from ",
- "$starter$tryopt$rest\n") if $debug;
- $rest = undef unless $rest ne '';
- }
- }
- # Try auto-abbreviation.
- elsif ( $autoabbrev && $opt ne "" ) {
- # Sort the possible long option names.
- my @names = sort(keys (%$opctl));
- # Downcase if allowed.
- $opt = lc ($opt) if $ignorecase;
- $tryopt = $opt;
- # Turn option name into pattern.
- my $pat = quotemeta ($opt);
- # Look up in option names.
- my @hits = grep (/^$pat/, @names);
- print STDERR ("=> ", scalar(@hits), " hits (@hits) with \"$pat\" ",
- "out of ", scalar(@names), "\n") if $debug;
- # Check for ambiguous results.
- unless ( (@hits <= 1) || (grep ($_ eq $opt, @hits) == 1) ) {
- # See if all matches are for the same option.
- my %hit;
- foreach ( @hits ) {
- my $hit = $opctl->{$_}->[CTL_CNAME]
- if defined $opctl->{$_}->[CTL_CNAME];
- $hit = "no" . $hit if $opctl->{$_}->[CTL_TYPE] eq '!';
- $hit{$hit} = 1;
- }
- # Remove auto-supplied options (version, help).
- if ( keys(%hit) == 2 ) {
- if ( $auto_version && exists($hit{version}) ) {
- delete $hit{version};
- }
- elsif ( $auto_help && exists($hit{help}) ) {
- delete $hit{help};
- }
- }
- # Now see if it really is ambiguous.
- unless ( keys(%hit) == 1 ) {
- return (0) if $passthrough;
- warn ("Option ", $opt, " is ambiguous (",
- join(", ", @hits), ")\n");
- $error++;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- @hits = keys(%hit);
- }
- # Complete the option name, if appropriate.
- if ( @hits == 1 && $hits[0] ne $opt ) {
- $tryopt = $hits[0];
- $tryopt = lc ($tryopt) if $ignorecase;
- print STDERR ("=> option \"$opt\" -> \"$tryopt\"\n")
- if $debug;
- }
- }
- # Map to all lowercase if ignoring case.
- elsif ( $ignorecase ) {
- $tryopt = lc ($opt);
- }
- # Check validity by fetching the info.
- my $ctl = $opctl->{$tryopt};
- unless ( defined $ctl ) {
- return (0) if $passthrough;
- # Pretend one char when bundling.
- if ( $bundling == 1 && length($starter) == 1 ) {
- $opt = substr($opt,0,1);
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
- }
- if ( $opt eq "" ) {
- warn ("Missing option after ", $starter, "\n");
- }
- else {
- warn ("Unknown option: ", $opt, "\n");
- }
- $error++;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- # Apparently valid.
- $opt = $tryopt;
- print STDERR ("=> found ", OptCtl($ctl),
- " for \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
- #### Determine argument status ####
- # If it is an option w/o argument, we're almost finished with it.
- my $type = $ctl->[CTL_TYPE];
- my $arg;
- if ( $type eq '' || $type eq '!' || $type eq '+' ) {
- if ( defined $optarg ) {
- return (0) if $passthrough;
- warn ("Option ", $opt, " does not take an argument\n");
- $error++;
- undef $opt;
- undef $optarg if $bundling_values;
- }
- elsif ( $type eq '' || $type eq '+' ) {
- # Supply explicit value.
- $arg = 1;
- }
- else {
- $opt =~ s/^no-?//i; # strip NO prefix
- $arg = 0; # supply explicit value
- }
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg);
- }
- # Get mandatory status and type info.
- my $mand = $ctl->[CTL_AMIN];
- # Check if there is an option argument available.
- if ( $gnu_compat ) {
- my $optargtype = 0; # none, 1 = empty, 2 = nonempty, 3 = aux
- if ( defined($optarg) ) {
- $optargtype = (length($optarg) == 0) ? 1 : 2;
- }
- elsif ( defined $rest || @$argv > 0 ) {
- # GNU getopt_long() does not accept the (optional)
- # argument to be passed to the option without = sign.
- # We do, since not doing so breaks existing scripts.
- $optargtype = 3;
- }
- if(($optargtype == 0) && !$mand) {
- if ( $type eq 'I' ) {
- # Fake incremental type.
- my @c = @$ctl;
- $c[CTL_TYPE] = '+';
- return (1, $opt, \@c, 1);
- }
- my $val
- = defined($ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT]) ? $ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT]
- : $type eq 's' ? ''
- : 0;
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $val);
- }
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $type eq 's' ? '' : 0)
- if $optargtype == 1; # --foo= -> return nothing
- }
- # Check if there is an option argument available.
- if ( defined $optarg
- ? ($optarg eq '')
- : !(defined $rest || @$argv > 0) ) {
- # Complain if this option needs an argument.
-# if ( $mand && !($type eq 's' ? defined($optarg) : 0) ) {
- if ( $mand ) {
- return (0) if $passthrough;
- warn ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
- $error++;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- if ( $type eq 'I' ) {
- # Fake incremental type.
- my @c = @$ctl;
- $c[CTL_TYPE] = '+';
- return (1, $opt, \@c, 1);
- }
- return (1, $opt, $ctl,
- defined($ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT]) ? $ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT] :
- $type eq 's' ? '' : 0);
- }
- # Get (possibly optional) argument.
- $arg = (defined $rest ? $rest
- : (defined $optarg ? $optarg : shift (@$argv)));
- # Get key if this is a "name=value" pair for a hash option.
- my $key;
- if ($ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH && defined $arg) {
- ($key, $arg) = ($arg =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/s) ? ($1, $2)
- : ($arg, defined($ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT]) ? $ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT] :
- ($mand ? undef : ($type eq 's' ? "" : 1)));
- if (! defined $arg) {
- warn ("Option $opt, key \"$key\", requires a value\n");
- $error++;
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- }
- #### Check if the argument is valid for this option ####
- my $key_valid = $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ? "[^=]+=" : "";
- if ( $type eq 's' ) { # string
- # A mandatory string takes anything.
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key) if $mand;
- # Same for optional string as a hash value
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key)
- if $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH;
- # An optional string takes almost anything.
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key)
- if defined $optarg || defined $rest;
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key) if $arg eq "-"; # ??
- # Check for option or option list terminator.
- if ($arg eq $argend ||
- $arg =~ /^$prefix.+/) {
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, $arg);
- # Supply empty value.
- $arg = '';
- }
- }
- elsif ( $type eq 'i' # numeric/integer
- || $type eq 'I' # numeric/integer w/ incr default
- || $type eq 'o' ) { # dec/oct/hex/bin value
- my $o_valid = $type eq 'o' ? PAT_XINT : PAT_INT;
- if ( $bundling && defined $rest
- && $rest =~ /^($key_valid)($o_valid)(.*)$/si ) {
- ($key, $arg, $rest) = ($1, $2, $+);
- chop($key) if $key;
- $arg = ($type eq 'o' && $arg =~ /^0/) ? oct($arg) : 0+$arg;
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest && $rest ne '';
- }
- elsif ( $arg =~ /^$o_valid$/si ) {
- $arg =~ tr/_//d;
- $arg = ($type eq 'o' && $arg =~ /^0/) ? oct($arg) : 0+$arg;
- }
- else {
- if ( defined $optarg || $mand ) {
- if ( $passthrough ) {
- unshift (@$argv, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg)
- unless defined $optarg;
- return (0);
- }
- warn ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
- $opt, " (",
- $type eq 'o' ? "extended " : '',
- "number expected)\n");
- $error++;
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- else {
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg);
- if ( $type eq 'I' ) {
- # Fake incremental type.
- my @c = @$ctl;
- $c[CTL_TYPE] = '+';
- return (1, $opt, \@c, 1);
- }
- # Supply default value.
- $arg = defined($ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT]) ? $ctl->[CTL_DEFAULT] : 0;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ( $type eq 'f' ) { # real number, int is also ok
- my $o_valid = PAT_FLOAT;
- if ( $bundling && defined $rest &&
- $rest =~ /^($key_valid)($o_valid)(.*)$/s ) {
- $arg =~ tr/_//d;
- ($key, $arg, $rest) = ($1, $2, $+);
- chop($key) if $key;
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest && $rest ne '';
- }
- elsif ( $arg =~ /^$o_valid$/ ) {
- $arg =~ tr/_//d;
- }
- else {
- if ( defined $optarg || $mand ) {
- if ( $passthrough ) {
- unshift (@$argv, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg)
- unless defined $optarg;
- return (0);
- }
- warn ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
- $opt, " (real number expected)\n");
- $error++;
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
- return (1, undef);
- }
- else {
- # Push back.
- unshift (@$argv, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg);
- # Supply default value.
- $arg = 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- die("Getopt::Long internal error (Can't happen)\n");
- }
- return (1, $opt, $ctl, $arg, $key);
-sub ValidValue ($$$$$) {
- my ($ctl, $arg, $mand, $argend, $prefix) = @_;
- if ( $ctl->[CTL_DEST] == CTL_DEST_HASH ) {
- return 0 unless $arg =~ /[^=]+=(.*)/;
- $arg = $1;
- }
- my $type = $ctl->[CTL_TYPE];
- if ( $type eq 's' ) { # string
- # A mandatory string takes anything.
- return (1) if $mand;
- return (1) if $arg eq "-";
- # Check for option or option list terminator.
- return 0 if $arg eq $argend || $arg =~ /^$prefix.+/;
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $type eq 'i' # numeric/integer
- || $type eq 'I' # numeric/integer w/ incr default
- || $type eq 'o' ) { # dec/oct/hex/bin value
- my $o_valid = $type eq 'o' ? PAT_XINT : PAT_INT;
- return $arg =~ /^$o_valid$/si;
- }
- elsif ( $type eq 'f' ) { # real number, int is also ok
- my $o_valid = PAT_FLOAT;
- return $arg =~ /^$o_valid$/;
- }
- die("ValidValue: Cannot happen\n");
-# Getopt::Long Configuration.
-sub Configure (@) {
- my (@options) = @_;
- my $prevconfig =
- [ $error, $debug, $major_version, $minor_version, $caller,
- $autoabbrev, $getopt_compat, $ignorecase, $bundling, $order,
- $gnu_compat, $passthrough, $genprefix, $auto_version, $auto_help,
- $longprefix, $bundling_values ];
- if ( ref($options[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- ( $error, $debug, $major_version, $minor_version, $caller,
- $autoabbrev, $getopt_compat, $ignorecase, $bundling, $order,
- $gnu_compat, $passthrough, $genprefix, $auto_version, $auto_help,
- $longprefix, $bundling_values ) = @{shift(@options)};
- }
- my $opt;
- foreach $opt ( @options ) {
- my $try = lc ($opt);
- my $action = 1;
- if ( $try =~ /^no_?(.*)$/s ) {
- $action = 0;
- $try = $+;
- }
- if ( ($try eq 'default' or $try eq 'defaults') && $action ) {
- ConfigDefaults ();
- }
- elsif ( ($try eq 'posix_default' or $try eq 'posix_defaults') ) {
- $ENV{POSIXLY_CORRECT} = 1 if $action;
- ConfigDefaults ();
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'auto_abbrev' or $try eq 'autoabbrev' ) {
- $autoabbrev = $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'getopt_compat' ) {
- $getopt_compat = $action;
- $genprefix = $action ? "(--|-|\\+)" : "(--|-)";
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'gnu_getopt' ) {
- if ( $action ) {
- $gnu_compat = 1;
- $bundling = 1;
- $getopt_compat = 0;
- $genprefix = "(--|-)";
- $order = $PERMUTE;
- $bundling_values = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'gnu_compat' ) {
- $gnu_compat = $action;
- $bundling = 0;
- $bundling_values = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $try =~ /^(auto_?)?version$/ ) {
- $auto_version = $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try =~ /^(auto_?)?help$/ ) {
- $auto_help = $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'ignorecase' or $try eq 'ignore_case' ) {
- $ignorecase = $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'ignorecase_always' or $try eq 'ignore_case_always' ) {
- $ignorecase = $action ? 2 : 0;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'bundling' ) {
- $bundling = $action;
- $bundling_values = 0 if $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'bundling_override' ) {
- $bundling = $action ? 2 : 0;
- $bundling_values = 0 if $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'bundling_values' ) {
- $bundling_values = $action;
- $bundling = 0 if $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'require_order' ) {
- $order = $action ? $REQUIRE_ORDER : $PERMUTE;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'permute' ) {
- $order = $action ? $PERMUTE : $REQUIRE_ORDER;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'pass_through' or $try eq 'passthrough' ) {
- $passthrough = $action;
- }
- elsif ( $try =~ /^prefix=(.+)$/ && $action ) {
- $genprefix = $1;
- # Turn into regexp. Needs to be parenthesized!
- $genprefix = "(" . quotemeta($genprefix) . ")";
- eval { '' =~ /$genprefix/; };
- die("Getopt::Long: invalid pattern \"$genprefix\"\n") if $@;
- }
- elsif ( $try =~ /^prefix_pattern=(.+)$/ && $action ) {
- $genprefix = $1;
- # Parenthesize if needed.
- $genprefix = "(" . $genprefix . ")"
- unless $genprefix =~ /^\(.*\)$/;
- eval { '' =~ m"$genprefix"; };
- die("Getopt::Long: invalid pattern \"$genprefix\"\n") if $@;
- }
- elsif ( $try =~ /^long_prefix_pattern=(.+)$/ && $action ) {
- $longprefix = $1;
- # Parenthesize if needed.
- $longprefix = "(" . $longprefix . ")"
- unless $longprefix =~ /^\(.*\)$/;
- eval { '' =~ m"$longprefix"; };
- die("Getopt::Long: invalid long prefix pattern \"$longprefix\"\n") if $@;
- }
- elsif ( $try eq 'debug' ) {
- $debug = $action;
- }
- else {
- die("Getopt::Long: unknown or erroneous config parameter \"$opt\"\n")
- }
- }
- $prevconfig;
-# Deprecated name.
-sub config (@) {
- Configure (@_);
-# Issue a standard message for --version.
-# The arguments are mostly the same as for Pod::Usage::pod2usage:
-# - a number (exit value)
-# - a string (lead in message)
-# - a hash with options. See Pod::Usage for details.
-sub VersionMessage(@) {
- # Massage args.
- my $pa = setup_pa_args("version", @_);
- my $v = $main::VERSION;
- my $fh = $pa->{-output} ||
- ( ($pa->{-exitval} eq "NOEXIT" || $pa->{-exitval} < 2) ? \*STDOUT : \*STDERR );
- print $fh (defined($pa->{-message}) ? $pa->{-message} : (),
- $0, defined $v ? " version $v" : (),
- "\n",
- "(", __PACKAGE__, "::", "GetOptions",
- " version ",
- defined($Getopt::Long::VERSION_STRING)
- ? $Getopt::Long::VERSION_STRING : $VERSION, ";",
- " Perl version ",
- $] >= 5.006 ? sprintf("%vd", $^V) : $],
- ")\n");
- exit($pa->{-exitval}) unless $pa->{-exitval} eq "NOEXIT";
-# Issue a standard message for --help.
-# The arguments are the same as for Pod::Usage::pod2usage:
-# - a number (exit value)
-# - a string (lead in message)
-# - a hash with options. See Pod::Usage for details.
-sub HelpMessage(@) {
- eval {
- require Pod::Usage;
- import Pod::Usage;
- 1;
- } || die("Cannot provide help: cannot load Pod::Usage\n");
- # Note that pod2usage will issue a warning if -exitval => NOEXIT.
- pod2usage(setup_pa_args("help", @_));
-# Helper routine to set up a normalized hash ref to be used as
-# argument to pod2usage.
-sub setup_pa_args($@) {
- my $tag = shift; # who's calling
- # If called by direct binding to an option, it will get the option
- # name and value as arguments. Remove these, if so.
- @_ = () if @_ == 2 && $_[0] eq $tag;
- my $pa;
- if ( @_ > 1 ) {
- $pa = { @_ };
- }
- else {
- $pa = shift || {};
- }
- # At this point, $pa can be a number (exit value), string
- # (message) or hash with options.
- if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($pa, 'HASH') ) {
- # Get rid of -msg vs. -message ambiguity.
- $pa->{-message} = $pa->{-msg};
- delete($pa->{-msg});
- }
- elsif ( $pa =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) {
- $pa = { -exitval => $pa };
- }
- else {
- $pa = { -message => $pa };
- }
- # These are _our_ defaults.
- $pa->{-verbose} = 0 unless exists($pa->{-verbose});
- $pa->{-exitval} = 0 unless exists($pa->{-exitval});
- $pa;
-# Sneak way to know what version the user requested.
-sub VERSION {
- $requested_version = $_[1];
- shift->SUPER::VERSION(@_);
-package Getopt::Long::CallBack;
-sub new {
- my ($pkg, %atts) = @_;
- bless { %atts }, $pkg;
-sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- ''.$self->{name};
-use overload
- # Treat this object as an ordinary string for legacy API.
- '""' => \&name,
- fallback => 1;
-################ Documentation ################
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Hash/Util.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Hash/Util.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 38eee5a9..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/Hash/Util.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-package Hash::Util;
-require 5.007003;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use warnings;
-no warnings 'uninitialized';
-use warnings::register;
-use Scalar::Util qw(reftype);
-require Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- fieldhash fieldhashes
- all_keys
- lock_keys unlock_keys
- lock_value unlock_value
- lock_hash unlock_hash
- lock_keys_plus
- hash_locked hash_unlocked
- hashref_locked hashref_unlocked
- hidden_keys legal_keys
- lock_ref_keys unlock_ref_keys
- lock_ref_value unlock_ref_value
- lock_hashref unlock_hashref
- lock_ref_keys_plus
- hidden_ref_keys legal_ref_keys
- hash_seed hash_value hv_store
- bucket_stats bucket_stats_formatted bucket_info bucket_array
- lock_hash_recurse unlock_hash_recurse
- lock_hashref_recurse unlock_hashref_recurse
- hash_traversal_mask
- bucket_ratio
- used_buckets
- num_buckets
- );
- # make sure all our XS routines are available early so their prototypes
- # are correctly applied in the following code.
- our $VERSION = '0.22';
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load();
-sub import {
- my $class = shift;
- if ( grep /fieldhash/, @_ ) {
- require Hash::Util::FieldHash;
- Hash::Util::FieldHash->import(':all'); # for re-export
- }
- unshift @_, $class;
- goto &Exporter::import;
-sub lock_ref_keys {
- my($hash, @keys) = @_;
- _clear_placeholders(%$hash);
- if( @keys ) {
- my %keys = map { ($_ => 1) } @keys;
- my %original_keys = map { ($_ => 1) } keys %$hash;
- foreach my $k (keys %original_keys) {
- croak "Hash has key '$k' which is not in the new key set"
- unless $keys{$k};
- }
- foreach my $k (@keys) {
- $hash->{$k} = undef unless exists $hash->{$k};
- }
- Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 1;
- foreach my $k (@keys) {
- delete $hash->{$k} unless $original_keys{$k};
- }
- }
- else {
- Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 1;
- }
- return $hash;
-sub unlock_ref_keys {
- my $hash = shift;
- Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 0;
- return $hash;
-sub lock_keys (\%;@) { lock_ref_keys(@_) }
-sub unlock_keys (\%) { unlock_ref_keys(@_) }
-#=item B<_clear_placeholders>
-# This function removes any placeholder keys from a hash. See Perl_hv_clear_placeholders()
-# in hv.c for what it does exactly. It is currently exposed as XS by universal.c and
-# injected into the Hash::Util namespace.
-# It is not intended for use outside of this module, and may be changed
-# or removed without notice or deprecation cycle.
-# sub _clear_placeholders {} # just in case someone searches...
-sub lock_ref_keys_plus {
- my ($hash,@keys) = @_;
- my @delete;
- _clear_placeholders(%$hash);
- foreach my $key (@keys) {
- unless (exists($hash->{$key})) {
- $hash->{$key}=undef;
- push @delete,$key;
- }
- }
- Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash,1);
- delete @{$hash}{@delete};
- return $hash
-sub lock_keys_plus(\%;@) { lock_ref_keys_plus(@_) }
-sub lock_ref_value {
- my($hash, $key) = @_;
- # I'm doubtful about this warning, as it seems not to be true.
- # Marking a value in the hash as RO is useful, regardless
- # of the status of the hash itself.
- carp "Cannot usefully lock values in an unlocked hash"
- if !Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash) && warnings::enabled;
- Internals::SvREADONLY $hash->{$key}, 1;
- return $hash
-sub unlock_ref_value {
- my($hash, $key) = @_;
- Internals::SvREADONLY $hash->{$key}, 0;
- return $hash
-sub lock_value (\%$) { lock_ref_value(@_) }
-sub unlock_value (\%$) { unlock_ref_value(@_) }
-sub lock_hashref {
- my $hash = shift;
- lock_ref_keys($hash);
- foreach my $value (values %$hash) {
- Internals::SvREADONLY($value,1);
- }
- return $hash;
-sub unlock_hashref {
- my $hash = shift;
- foreach my $value (values %$hash) {
- Internals::SvREADONLY($value, 0);
- }
- unlock_ref_keys($hash);
- return $hash;
-sub lock_hash (\%) { lock_hashref(@_) }
-sub unlock_hash (\%) { unlock_hashref(@_) }
-sub lock_hashref_recurse {
- my $hash = shift;
- lock_ref_keys($hash);
- foreach my $value (values %$hash) {
- my $type = reftype($value);
- if (defined($type) and $type eq 'HASH') {
- lock_hashref_recurse($value);
- }
- Internals::SvREADONLY($value,1);
- }
- return $hash
-sub unlock_hashref_recurse {
- my $hash = shift;
- foreach my $value (values %$hash) {
- my $type = reftype($value);
- if (defined($type) and $type eq 'HASH') {
- unlock_hashref_recurse($value);
- }
- Internals::SvREADONLY($value,0);
- }
- unlock_ref_keys($hash);
- return $hash;
-sub lock_hash_recurse (\%) { lock_hashref_recurse(@_) }
-sub unlock_hash_recurse (\%) { unlock_hashref_recurse(@_) }
-sub hashref_locked {
- my $hash=shift;
- Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash);
-sub hash_locked(\%) { hashref_locked(@_) }
-sub hashref_unlocked {
- my $hash=shift;
- !Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash);
-sub hash_unlocked(\%) { hashref_unlocked(@_) }
-sub legal_keys(\%) { legal_ref_keys(@_) }
-sub hidden_keys(\%){ hidden_ref_keys(@_) }
-sub bucket_stats {
- my ($hash) = @_;
- my ($keys, $buckets, $used, @length_counts) = bucket_info($hash);
- my $sum;
- my $score;
- for (1 .. $#length_counts) {
- $sum += ($length_counts[$_] * $_);
- $score += $length_counts[$_] * ( $_ * ($_ + 1 ) / 2 );
- }
- $score = $score /
- (( $keys / (2 * $buckets )) * ( $keys + ( 2 * $buckets ) - 1 ))
- if $keys;
- my ($mean, $stddev)= (0, 0);
- if ($used) {
- $mean= $sum / $used;
- $sum= 0;
- $sum += ($length_counts[$_] * (($_-$mean)**2)) for 1 .. $#length_counts;
- $stddev= sqrt($sum/$used);
- }
- return $keys, $buckets, $used, $keys ? ($score, $used/$buckets, ($keys-$used)/$keys, $mean, $stddev, @length_counts) : ();
-sub _bucket_stats_formatted_bars {
- my ($total, $ary, $start_idx, $title, $row_title)= @_;
- my $return = "";
- my $max_width= $total > 64 ? 64 : $total;
- my $bar_width= $max_width / $total;
- my $str= "";
- if ( @$ary < 10) {
- for my $idx ($start_idx .. $#$ary) {
- $str .= $idx x sprintf("%.0f", ($ary->[$idx] * $bar_width));
- }
- } else {
- $str= "-" x $max_width;
- }
- $return .= sprintf "%-7s %6d [%s]\n",$title, $total, $str;
- foreach my $idx ($start_idx .. $#$ary) {
- $return .= sprintf "%-.3s %3d %6.2f%% %6d [%s]\n",
- $row_title,
- $idx,
- $ary->[$idx] / $total * 100,
- $ary->[$idx],
- "#" x sprintf("%.0f", ($ary->[$idx] * $bar_width)),
- ;
- }
- return $return;
-sub bucket_stats_formatted {
- my ($hashref)= @_;
- my ($keys, $buckets, $used, $score, $utilization_ratio, $collision_pct,
- $mean, $stddev, @length_counts) = bucket_stats($hashref);
- my $return= sprintf "Keys: %d Buckets: %d/%d Quality-Score: %.2f (%s)\n"
- . "Utilized Buckets: %.2f%% Optimal: %.2f%% Keys In Collision: %.2f%%\n"
- . "Chain Length - mean: %.2f stddev: %.2f\n",
- $keys, $used, $buckets, $score, $score <= 1.05 ? "Good" : $score < 1.2 ? "Poor" : "Bad",
- $utilization_ratio * 100,
- $keys/$buckets * 100,
- $collision_pct * 100,
- $mean, $stddev;
- my @key_depth;
- $key_depth[$_]= $length_counts[$_] + ( $key_depth[$_+1] || 0 )
- for reverse 1 .. $#length_counts;
- if ($keys) {
- $return .= _bucket_stats_formatted_bars($buckets, \@length_counts, 0, "Buckets", "Len");
- $return .= _bucket_stats_formatted_bars($keys, \@key_depth, 1, "Keys", "Pos");
- }
- return $return
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f5972b..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package IO;
-use XSLoader ();
-use Carp;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1.38";
-XSLoader::load 'IO', $VERSION;
-sub import {
- shift;
- warnings::warnif('deprecated', qq{Parameterless "use IO" deprecated})
- if @_ == 0 ;
- my @l = @_ ? @_ : qw(Handle Seekable File Pipe Socket Dir);
- local @INC = @INC;
- pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
- eval join("", map { "require IO::" . (/(\w+)/)[0] . ";\n" } @l)
- or croak $@;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/File.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/File.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index ceee5c55..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/File.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package IO::File;
-use 5.006_001;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Symbol;
-use SelectSaver;
-use IO::Seekable;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(IO::Handle IO::Seekable Exporter);
-$VERSION = "1.16";
-@EXPORT = @IO::Seekable::EXPORT;
-eval {
- # Make all Fcntl O_XXX constants available for importing
- require Fcntl;
- my @O = grep /^O_/, @Fcntl::EXPORT;
- Fcntl->import(@O); # first we import what we want to export
- push(@EXPORT, @O);
-## Constructor
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $class = ref($type) || $type || "IO::File";
- @_ >= 0 && @_ <= 3
- or croak "usage: $class->new([FILENAME [,MODE [,PERMS]]])";
- my $fh = $class->SUPER::new();
- if (@_) {
- $fh->open(@_)
- or return undef;
- }
- $fh;
-## Open
-sub open {
- @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $fh->open(FILENAME [,MODE [,PERMS]])';
- my ($fh, $file) = @_;
- if (@_ > 2) {
- my ($mode, $perms) = @_[2, 3];
- if ($mode =~ /^\d+$/) {
- defined $perms or $perms = 0666;
- return sysopen($fh, $file, $mode, $perms);
- } elsif ($mode =~ /:/) {
- return open($fh, $mode, $file) if @_ == 3;
- croak 'usage: $fh->open(FILENAME, IOLAYERS)';
- } else {
- return open($fh, IO::Handle::_open_mode_string($mode), $file);
- }
- }
- open($fh, $file);
-## Binmode
-sub binmode {
- ( @_ == 1 or @_ == 2 ) or croak 'usage $fh->binmode([LAYER])';
- my($fh, $layer) = @_;
- return binmode $$fh unless $layer;
- return binmode $$fh, $layer;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Handle.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Handle.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index eb6012b5..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Handle.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-package IO::Handle;
-use 5.006_001;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Symbol;
-use SelectSaver;
-use IO (); # Load the XS module
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-$VERSION = "1.36";
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(
- autoflush
- output_field_separator
- output_record_separator
- input_record_separator
- input_line_number
- format_page_number
- format_lines_per_page
- format_lines_left
- format_name
- format_top_name
- format_line_break_characters
- format_formfeed
- format_write
- print
- printf
- say
- getline
- getlines
- printflush
- flush
-## Constructors, destructors.
-sub new {
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0] || "IO::Handle";
- if (@_ != 1) {
- # Since perl will automatically require IO::File if needed, but
- # also initialises IO::File's @ISA as part of the core we must
- # ensure IO::File is loaded if IO::Handle is. This avoids effect-
- # ively "half-loading" IO::File.
- if ($] > 5.013 && $class eq 'IO::File' && !$INC{"IO/File.pm"}) {
- require IO::File;
- shift;
- return IO::File::->new(@_);
- }
- croak "usage: $class->new()";
- }
- my $io = gensym;
- bless $io, $class;
-sub new_from_fd {
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0] || "IO::Handle";
- @_ == 3 or croak "usage: $class->new_from_fd(FD, MODE)";
- my $io = gensym;
- shift;
- IO::Handle::fdopen($io, @_)
- or return undef;
- bless $io, $class;
-# There is no need for DESTROY to do anything, because when the
-# last reference to an IO object is gone, Perl automatically
-# closes its associated files (if any). However, to avoid any
-# attempts to autoload DESTROY, we here define it to do nothing.
-sub DESTROY {}
-## Open and close.
-sub _open_mode_string {
- my ($mode) = @_;
- $mode =~ /^\+?(<|>>?)$/
- or $mode =~ s/^r(\+?)$/$1
- or $mode =~ s/^w(\+?)$/$1>/
- or $mode =~ s/^a(\+?)$/$1>>/
- or croak "IO::Handle: bad open mode: $mode";
- $mode;
-sub fdopen {
- @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $io->fdopen(FD, MODE)';
- my ($io, $fd, $mode) = @_;
- local(*GLOB);
- if (ref($fd) && "".$fd =~ /GLOB\(/o) {
- # It's a glob reference; Alias it as we cannot get name of anon GLOBs
- my $n = qualify(*GLOB);
- *GLOB = *{*$fd};
- $fd = $n;
- } elsif ($fd =~ m#^\d+$#) {
- # It's an FD number; prefix with "=".
- $fd = "=$fd";
- }
- open($io, _open_mode_string($mode) . '&' . $fd)
- ? $io : undef;
-sub close {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->close()';
- my($io) = @_;
- close($io);
-## Normal I/O functions.
-# flock
-# select
-sub opened {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->opened()';
- defined fileno($_[0]);
-sub fileno {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->fileno()';
- fileno($_[0]);
-sub getc {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getc()';
- getc($_[0]);
-sub eof {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->eof()';
- eof($_[0]);
-sub print {
- @_ or croak 'usage: $io->print(ARGS)';
- my $this = shift;
- print $this @_;
-sub printf {
- @_ >= 2 or croak 'usage: $io->printf(FMT,[ARGS])';
- my $this = shift;
- printf $this @_;
-sub say {
- @_ or croak 'usage: $io->say(ARGS)';
- my $this = shift;
- local $\ = "\n";
- print $this @_;
-# Special XS wrapper to make them inherit lexical hints from the caller.
-_create_getline_subs( <<'END' ) or die $@;
-sub getline {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getline()';
- my $this = shift;
- return scalar <$this>;
-sub getlines {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->getlines()';
- wantarray or
- croak 'Can\'t call $io->getlines in a scalar context, use $io->getline';
- my $this = shift;
- return <$this>;
-1; # return true for error checking
-*gets = \&getline; # deprecated
-sub truncate {
- @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $io->truncate(LEN)';
- truncate($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub read {
- @_ == 3 || @_ == 4 or croak 'usage: $io->read(BUF, LEN [, OFFSET])';
- read($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0);
-sub sysread {
- @_ == 3 || @_ == 4 or croak 'usage: $io->sysread(BUF, LEN [, OFFSET])';
- sysread($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0);
-sub write {
- @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $io->write(BUF [, LEN [, OFFSET]])';
- local($\) = "";
- $_[2] = length($_[1]) unless defined $_[2];
- print { $_[0] } substr($_[1], $_[3] || 0, $_[2]);
-sub syswrite {
- @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $io->syswrite(BUF [, LEN [, OFFSET]])';
- if (defined($_[2])) {
- syswrite($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] || 0);
- } else {
- syswrite($_[0], $_[1]);
- }
-sub stat {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $io->stat()';
- stat($_[0]);
-## State modification functions.
-sub autoflush {
- my $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller);
- my $prev = $|;
- $| = @_ > 1 ? $_[1] : 1;
- $prev;
-sub output_field_separator {
- carp "output_field_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis"
- if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $,;
- $, = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub output_record_separator {
- carp "output_record_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis"
- if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $\;
- $\ = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub input_record_separator {
- carp "input_record_separator is not supported on a per-handle basis"
- if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $/;
- $/ = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub input_line_number {
- local $.;
- () = tell qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $.;
- $. = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_page_number {
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $%;
- $% = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_lines_per_page {
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $=;
- $= = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_lines_left {
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $-;
- $- = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_name {
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $~;
- $~ = qualify($_[1], caller) if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_top_name {
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($_[0], caller) if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $^;
- $^ = qualify($_[1], caller) if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_line_break_characters {
- carp "format_line_break_characters is not supported on a per-handle basis"
- if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $:;
- $: = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub format_formfeed {
- carp "format_formfeed is not supported on a per-handle basis"
- if ref($_[0]);
- my $prev = $^L;
- $^L = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $prev;
-sub formline {
- my $io = shift;
- my $picture = shift;
- local($^A) = $^A;
- local($\) = "";
- formline($picture, @_);
- print $io $^A;
-sub format_write {
- @_ < 3 || croak 'usage: $io->write( [FORMAT_NAME] )';
- if (@_ == 2) {
- my ($io, $fmt) = @_;
- my $oldfmt = $io->format_name(qualify($fmt,caller));
- CORE::write($io);
- $io->format_name($oldfmt);
- } else {
- CORE::write($_[0]);
- }
-sub fcntl {
- @_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->fcntl( OP, VALUE );';
- my ($io, $op) = @_;
- return fcntl($io, $op, $_[2]);
-sub ioctl {
- @_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->ioctl( OP, VALUE );';
- my ($io, $op) = @_;
- return ioctl($io, $op, $_[2]);
-# this sub is for compatibility with older releases of IO that used
-# a sub called constant to determine if a constant existed -- GMB
-# The SEEK_* and _IO?BF constants were the only constants at that time
-# any new code should just check defined(&CONSTANT_NAME)
-sub constant {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $name = shift;
- (($name =~ /^(SEEK_(SET|CUR|END)|_IO[FLN]BF)$/) && defined &{$name})
- ? &{$name}() : undef;
-# so that flush.pl can be deprecated
-sub printflush {
- my $io = shift;
- my $old;
- $old = new SelectSaver qualify($io, caller) if ref($io);
- local $| = 1;
- if(ref($io)) {
- print $io @_;
- }
- else {
- print @_;
- }
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Pipe.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Pipe.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 010da72d..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Pipe.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# IO::Pipe.pm
-# Copyright (c) 1996-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-package IO::Pipe;
-use 5.006_001;
-use IO::Handle;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Symbol;
-$VERSION = "1.15";
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $class = ref($type) || $type || "IO::Pipe";
- @_ == 0 || @_ == 2 or croak "usage: $class->([READFH, WRITEFH])";
- my $me = bless gensym(), $class;
- my($readfh,$writefh) = @_ ? @_ : $me->handles;
- pipe($readfh, $writefh)
- or return undef;
- @{*$me} = ($readfh, $writefh);
- $me;
-sub handles {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->handles()';
- (IO::Pipe::End->new(), IO::Pipe::End->new());
-my $do_spawn = $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-sub _doit {
- my $me = shift;
- my $rw = shift;
- my $pid = $do_spawn ? 0 : fork();
- if($pid) { # Parent
- return $pid;
- }
- elsif(defined $pid) { # Child or spawn
- my $fh;
- my $io = $rw ? \*STDIN : \*STDOUT;
- my ($mode, $save) = $rw ? "r" : "w";
- if ($do_spawn) {
- require Fcntl;
- $save = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($io, $mode);
- my $handle = shift;
- # Close in child:
- unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- fcntl($handle, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), 1) or croak "fcntl: $!";
- }
- $fh = $rw ? ${*$me}[0] : ${*$me}[1];
- } else {
- shift;
- $fh = $rw ? $me->reader() : $me->writer(); # close the other end
- }
- bless $io, "IO::Handle";
- $io->fdopen($fh, $mode);
- $fh->close;
- if ($do_spawn) {
- $pid = eval { system 1, @_ }; # 1 == P_NOWAIT
- my $err = $!;
- $io->fdopen($save, $mode);
- $save->close or croak "Cannot close $!";
- croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot spawn-NOWAIT: $err" if not $pid or $pid < 0;
- return $pid;
- } else {
- exec @_ or
- croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot exec: $!";
- }
- }
- else {
- croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot fork: $!";
- }
- # NOT Reached
-sub reader {
- @_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->reader( [SUB_COMMAND_ARGS] )';
- my $me = shift;
- return undef
- unless(ref($me) || ref($me = $me->new));
- my $fh = ${*$me}[0];
- my $pid;
- $pid = $me->_doit(0, $fh, @_)
- if(@_);
- close ${*$me}[1];
- bless $me, ref($fh);
- *$me = *$fh; # Alias self to handle
- $me->fdopen($fh->fileno,"r")
- unless defined($me->fileno);
- bless $fh; # Really wan't un-bless here
- ${*$me}{'io_pipe_pid'} = $pid
- if defined $pid;
- $me;
-sub writer {
- @_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->writer( [SUB_COMMAND_ARGS] )';
- my $me = shift;
- return undef
- unless(ref($me) || ref($me = $me->new));
- my $fh = ${*$me}[1];
- my $pid;
- $pid = $me->_doit(1, $fh, @_)
- if(@_);
- close ${*$me}[0];
- bless $me, ref($fh);
- *$me = *$fh; # Alias self to handle
- $me->fdopen($fh->fileno,"w")
- unless defined($me->fileno);
- bless $fh; # Really wan't un-bless here
- ${*$me}{'io_pipe_pid'} = $pid
- if defined $pid;
- $me;
-package IO::Pipe::End;
-@ISA = qw(IO::Handle);
-sub close {
- my $fh = shift;
- my $r = $fh->SUPER::close(@_);
- waitpid(${*$fh}{'io_pipe_pid'},0)
- if(defined ${*$fh}{'io_pipe_pid'});
- $r;
diff --git a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Seekable.pm b/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Seekable.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 025b89fa..00000000
--- a/vendor/LeOS/tools-leos/common/perl-base/IO/Seekable.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package IO::Seekable;
-use 5.006_001;
-use Carp;
-use strict;
-use IO::Handle ();
-# XXX we can't get these from IO::Handle or we'll get prototype
-# mismatch warnings on C